331 entries in 0.762s
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160919/#655 << she was spot-on, actually. i don't think anyone who wasn't here can even grok what sort of copumpkin-esque imbeciles counted for miners back then. it's cleared immensely.
phf: oh, then i don't grok your question. "yes, it's exactly like any other hand-rolled variable length integer in c land"
phf: well, gabriel_laddel doesn't have the patience to grok the system he's hosting on from the user perspective, how's he going to upkeep it from the dev perspective?
phf: but yes, cmucl in this channel started because i was thinking of porting it to hardware. it's obviously what every lisper wants/tries to at some point. in order to achieve it though, i kind of have to read and grok and read again the code the cmucl code, which is what i've been doing..
Framedragger: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160913/#16 << very cool stuff re lighthoused, been following comments, will try to properly grok once i get some time and energy (~tomorrow). very neat work indeed
mircea_popescu: yeah, but this leaves a pretty serious hole for the rest of us, who you know, have pleasant relations with women and don't quite grok this "not person" immensity.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-17 17:13 phf: Framedragger: i was young and a bum, i recognized all these people because my entertainment machine would reinforce their presence for me. "oh jwz is talking. oh now it's ptacek. oh it's paul graham! squee". but they were always in a different category from say norvig or knuth or naggum. once i started doing and learning (i.e. painfully read knuth, rather than just have him on my shelf) i finally was able to grok the difference.
phf: Framedragger: i was young and a bum, i recognized all these people because my entertainment machine would reinforce their presence for me. "oh jwz is talking. oh now it's ptacek. oh it's paul graham! squee". but they were always in a different category from say norvig or knuth or naggum. once i started doing and learning (i.e. painfully read knuth, rather than just have him on my shelf) i finally was able to grok the difference. ☟︎☟︎
phf: mircea_popescu: that point is consistently being driven home. in fact i got to talk lisp to a bunch of random people and had a very visceral experience of the gap. hathayogapradipika says to keep your yoga secret, i.e. don't be a incomprehensible myst. but sometimes i still get carried away. ~some~ people grok me though, even when i start speaking internal experiences.
a111: Logged on 2016-08-11 15:11 phf: i never grok why some of these javascript libraries don't just provide a demo console. "everything you need is loaded on this page, feel free to run your browser's dev console"
phf: i never grok why some of these javascript libraries don't just provide a demo console. "everything you need is loaded on this page, feel free to run your browser's dev console" ☟︎
phf: grok things like "oh, it was armor pick up in this corridor, and let me see there's two exits, but the guy would be going for quad next, so he'll take exit 2, so naturally you want to intercept blah blah blah"
phf: i don't grok the business strategy of "here's the project i'm working on, it lost x btc so far". cardano had a deliverable, that could be sold, everything else seems to be "tmsr marketing"
a111: Logged on 2016-07-29 01:19 mircea_popescu: want it or not, some level of denied externality is baked into life, not just human life bu life altogether. most people grok this point when contemplating lord kelivn's universal death idea.
mircea_popescu: want it or not, some level of denied externality is baked into life, not just human life bu life altogether. most people grok this point when contemplating lord kelivn's universal death idea. ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu simply doesn't grok the depth of asciilifeform's misanthropy.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-13 16:04 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502490 << actually im sure linus would fucking love it, and ~the only reason he's not forcing it is that he doesn't grok it exists.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-13#1502490 << actually im sure linus would fucking love it, and ~the only reason he's not forcing it is that he doesn't grok it exists. ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: there isn't a purpose, how hard is this to grok ?
phf: in fact it took me a while to grok what's going on
phf: well, conference scene's been taken over particularly hard by the usual suspects. it was mildly useful back in 2005, because you could get a face to face, or a beer session, with useful people. for example at pycon i got to spend time with the entire twisted team, which was at a rear end of me trying to grok their stack, so i had a lot of very productive learning sessions
asciilifeform: i deeply fail to grok this
mircea_popescu: some people grok the concept on seeing a dead cat.
phf: Needless to say it's nowhere near there. Be prepared to grok both datomic and the underlying store.
mircea_popescu: it's a matter of audience. the people who think gavin is a person don't grok all this ; the rest would be counter-affected.
mircea_popescu: people in the empire are dumb enough to buy, TO BUY, for MONEY, "copy protection" that i can take out with a magic marker. you grok this ?
phf: sure, i don't myself grok the cause. i'm more saying that 80s general purpose computer is a time and place kind of phenomenon
phf: for example i don't quite grok why can't press low density vlsi at home. seems like all or nothing kind of proposition.
diana_coman: I think what is difficult to grok at all there is what exactly (even in broad terms) is the offering - what is this millenium of code challenge at core
mircea_popescu: seems a serious loss, as the convo is very tense in the original, and i doubt anyone but they involved even has the priors to grok wtf is being said.
phf: i'm just failing to grok how that article warrants an "A-ha!" moment, when there's basically an endless stream of ineffectual aha-s for 90 some years (as far back as i read about this stuff)
mircea_popescu: there is no such thing as contiguity or ranges that machines can grok.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dja grok what i'm talking about ?
phf: asciilifeform: recall that i spent probably most time here on tinyscheme going as far as writing swank integration and unreleased bignums, i'm saying that you go through phases of "this is how we solve bitcoin". i grok the value of ada, and i grok the value of scheme, but neither are alternative-less. in fact with the amount of skill available, simply hacking on btc consistently we would've been further along
phf: it's not really a secret why java, every time someone like alf starts talking about cogs in the machine the inevitable answer is "duh", that was the whole point, josling says as much in his early interviews, including the famous "at least we got them to grok gc"
phf: oh, i grok the "go pound pavement" reason now
mircea_popescu: you have immense leverage - you're the only one that can make sense of the entire sea of symbols they don't grok.
phf: having grown up with a dacha, i grok country house/city apartments, but that's not even under consideration for most people here, unless they are boomers, who bought ocean property in the 60s for peanuts
phf: i don't grok, explain
phf: but i'm saying i grok what ascii is talking about, because there's strong sorority culture in dc
phf: well, perhaps then transferability has some range values attached to it, "how much effort do i need to go through in order to grok"
mircea_popescu: gavin has nfi idea ; but generally - this stuff is hard, and the people who grok it damned few if extant at all.
phf: as manifest in every "my first crypto", this is so convoluted i can't grok it, surely nobody else can
phf: apropos, one thing that i couldn't quite grok moving to u.s., how the children of odessa expats (read isaac babel for example about jewish gangsters of odessa) turned into sniveling woody allen clones
nubbins`: if cannot grok numbers, try grokking universe
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> and whats with the derps walking hunched in front of the camera << It's a common reflex among people who don't grok how cameras work in relation to their body.
mircea_popescu: why's this so hard to grok, somehow ?
phf: ben_vulpes: http://www.winestockwebdesign.com/Essays/Lisp_Curse.html << i am surprised that this has not yet been linked here << it's a whole genre, with roots in usenet days. "~i~ of course grok lisp, but the masses won't, so i use perl, which is as good, so ya'll should stop whatever you're doing". has the standard reaction of "where the fuck are you idiots coming from". naggum gained his notoriety mostly by arguing with these people,
phf: you don't seem to grok how "mediated" works in this case, you or your tour is assigned a dedicated kgb handler and a politruk. if you're not part of tour, then you are assigned those. personally. sop for any sort of interaction with outsiders. politruk is ~personally responsible~ for you not doing anything dodgy. your level of artificial integration depends on how important you are and how experienced your handlers are at running this
pete_dushenski: on mailing list ? but ya, i'm stretching mod6's position, one i don't totally grok myself
adlai: re:CL, i suggest at some point taking http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382968 seriously and going over the spec cover to cover, not to grok its content, but rather - the structure ☝︎
BingoBoingo: From people who don't grok the whole network latency deal.
mod6: in the case of v, if she had created a patch, and she was the only one who signed it and her key expired tomorrow, well, someone better grok it and sign it who's in the current lordship
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> ben_vulpes mod6 if teh esteemed foundation'd give an opinion on http://trilema.com/2016/the-necessary-prerequisite-for-any-change-to-the-bitcoin-protocol/ kthx. << I'm reading through the post, must grok.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> so in this sense mod6 it has my imprimatur that bothering to grok it isn't a waste of your finite time. << yeah, agreed, Sir.
mircea_popescu: so in this sense mod6 it has my imprimatur that bothering to grok it isn't a waste of your finite time.
mircea_popescu: phf this is worthy goal and a pretty effectual approach even if it doesn't get used for anything post-grok
phf: (all this v talk past few days, i decided to sit down and grok, so Writin My Own V (tm)(c) at the moment)
phf: ascii_butugychag: i am speaking of vpatches, i'm starting to grok that mp is speaking at a different level of abstraction
phf: asciilifeform: i think numerics is a truly dodgy tradeoff. it took me until quite recently to grok that "character code == ascii" or "character code == unicode codepoint" are not the only two possible interpretations.
assbot: Logged on 11-01-2016 18:45:40; phf: i've spent most of my college years learning math by sometimes translating problem into sexp and running it inside lisp, to get a hang of the numeric or combinatoric behavior of the problem. there were parts of the problem that were easier to grok in sexp and then there were parts that i eventually wrote an approximation of latex formula reader for. i don't really have a clear idea of where the boundry is thoug
phf: i've spent most of my college years learning math by sometimes translating problem into sexp and running it inside lisp, to get a hang of the numeric or combinatoric behavior of the problem. there were parts of the problem that were easier to grok in sexp and then there were parts that i eventually wrote an approximation of latex formula reader for. i don't really have a clear idea of where the boundry is though ☟︎
phf: i recently talked to a 15 year old, who told me that 2015 was more culturally significant then all the years since 1970 combined, he then proceeded to name things that happened in 2015 that i've never heard of. i said "excuse me" and walked away, but i still can't grok it.
phf: although guy reminds me of some of the programmers who immigrated to germany in the 90s. same байдарка гитара combined with микрософт это голова, даа! mentality. i still don't quite grok how these self-proclaimed non-conformists turned into such dull bourgeois post-collapse
mircea_popescu: you don;t properly grok how the ustardian mind works. you see, it's gotta be meta to be real.
pete_dushenski: this, trumpists/trumpets deeply grok.
phf: the internals are more similar then not, and to fully grok sbcl you have to know cmucl anyway.
phf: asciilifeform: right, i'm not arguing your original statement, just trying to understand this part of thread. if i wanted to grok electrodynamics, can get scan, or easier to just walk to friend and get landau of the shelf. doesn't matter that he has millions of other books, or that there's an archive of book scans somewhere. mp's point seems to be that the activity should be treated as tomb raiding either way, rather then "i have a
mircea_popescu: and to grok the true sign of luxury : i have an auction in eulora in 20 minutes. which i woke naturally for.
phf: (the program is at the end and worth the study to grok the meaning of the word "hack" before perl corrupted it)
mircea_popescu: its not that i suspect the holy grail is spirited there. i just don't grok what it does is all.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu i believe i grok the first list - straightforward enough really, compile those on 'social media' on 'our side' and focus their energies accordingly - it's the second list i'm less clear about.
mircea_popescu: (and yes is what i mean by savage/monkey, and no it's not an easy point to grok, and yes i did have this as a term paper in my naked girly school once and so sure, imagine myself with the whiprifle looking down on your efforts if it helps)
thestringpuller: i guess I don't fully grok ascii_field
mircea_popescu: somehow this point is very hard to grok for the DKs.
phf: re heaviside i don't grok how he could work in a hot room
asciilifeform: so let's see if i grok this, somebody is to indict, e.g., warren buffet, or clitler, over spam sent by some anonymous schmuck ?
phf: which wouldn't be a problem in a traditional c code, but in case of gnupg half of the code seems to have hidden, side channel concerns, that i just don't have yet enough experience in practical crypto to grok
mod6: well, the 2 i just mentioned come last. is there any reason on the sort order of the last 2? or i just need to grok toposort more?
gabriel_laddel: nah, more along the lines of "I'm a programmer" "orly, do you grok lisp? What the primary advantages that haskell's type system provides? Ada's test suite: comments?"
assbot: Logged on 29-08-2015 02:47:55; mircea_popescu: i think the latter kids don't really grok this "don't reboot machine " thing
mircea_popescu: i think the latter kids don't really grok this "don't reboot machine " thing ☟︎
asciilifeform: is my 'meta' stack not deep enough to grok this, or what
assbot: Logged on 01-08-2015 14:20:38; mircea_popescu: i guess alf's observation re kalash bullets, copper and izhevsk is so difficult to grok and utterly advanced people just can't wrap their heads around the fact that copper's not really the only superiority metal.
mircea_popescu: i guess alf's observation re kalash bullets, copper and izhevsk is so difficult to grok and utterly advanced people just can't wrap their heads around the fact that copper's not really the only superiority metal. ☟︎
phf: well, it was a recent mp thread, that i'm going to butcher, since i don't grok it fully yet, but it was something about how presence of the word already indicates the failure of described concept
mircea_popescu: lol somebody doesn't grok this entire regex thing
assbot: Logged on 03-07-2015 19:51:29; phf: mod6: sorry, i wasn't really prepared to explain what i mean, i thought you would just grok the request as an obvious one. we probably just have very different workflows
midnightmagic: I grok.
mod6: [jurov run's the mailman stuff, so he'd be probably more apt to grok whatever your asking for ]
phf: mod6: sorry, i wasn't really prepared to explain what i mean, i thought you would just grok the request as an obvious one. we probably just have very different workflows ☟︎
trinque: asciilifeform: yes I have, and grok the gist, I think
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nonstandard stuff is nonstandard, disruption is disruption. the bitcoin (tmsr~) management model is simply difficult to grok
assbot: Logged on 21-06-2015 01:43:37; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: you now have homework. it being, to read & actually grok the sequence of 4 'dns thermonuke' patches.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes, mod6, mircea_popescu, et al: you now have homework. it being, to read & actually grok the sequence of 4 'dns thermonuke' patches. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: trinque the jew part i really can't explain. but a forced meme is what cancerous fags do when they try to create a meme. which is EXACTLY like what idiot kids do when they "create exchange", but exactly. ignorance so ignorant it doesn't grok why it's being ignorant but thinks itself clever.
ben_vulpes: i don't think you really grok how much rhetoric you drop
lobbes: Now to change the init to something other than systemd (for reasons I don't fully grok yet, other than it is being pushed pretty aggressively, from what I gather)
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-04-2015#1116715 << you probably grok entirely the advantage of that "tiny little keyboard" over touchscreens ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i would definitely read the essay discussing the merits of either side. i just realised i actually don't grok this shit.