punkman: mircea_popescu: btw what happens to dividends if I don't take delivery of bbet shares?
assbot: Nude Beach Blow Job Jet Ski Fight Leads to Wifes Death
nubbins`: it's like they just rolled a bunch of word dice.
kakobrekla: well what is at stake here, a few bit cents?
assbot: [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0 / 0 / 0 (0 shares, 0 BTC), 7D: / / ( shares, BTC), 30D: 0.00036 / 0.00036 / 0.00036 (1 shares, 0.00 BTC)
kakobrekla: so it does not require much if any attention really
gribble: Nick 'punkman', with hostmask 'punkman!~punkman@unaffiliated/punkman', is identified as user 'punkman', with GPG key id 33588BE08B232B13, key fingerprint F28E0095843B91CB22E7D65533588BE08B232B13, and bitcoin address None
assbot: Quest for vision is a great blessing.
nubbins`: IPO documents: bringing faces to irc nicks since 2011
BingoBoingo: Oh, you didn't see my slave name was lready on Trilema?
nubbins`: wait, you left a death threat on someone's voicemail?!
BingoBoingo: Also allegedly the other party is not a conservative, but the avatar of socialism incarnate.
cazalla: figured some people would begin digging, good luck, i'm behind 7 proxies
kakobrekla: punkman make a new user for the thing clearly
[]bot: Bet placed: 4 BTC for No on "20% difficulty increase before 2015"
http://bitbet.us/bet/1036/ Odds: 38(Y):62(N) by coin, 41(Y):59(N) by weight. Total bet: 24.65541987 BTC. Current weight: 52,100.
gribble: Current Blocks: 325354 | Current Difficulty: 3.500248202613323E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 326591 | Next Difficulty In: 1237 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 7 hours, 13 minutes, and 4 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 35959402986.1 | Estimated Percent Change: 2.73387
assbot: /moolah_io Contact me.
BingoBoingo: Yeah, now the new hosting is strong on plow
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [HASH] 950 @ 0.0011 = 1.045 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: More tampered P.E.I. potatoes found in N.S. and Newfoundland - - CBC News
assbot: /hashtag/tittytuesday?src=hash What do you guys think of me as a blonde? ;) /hashtag/NSFW?src=hash /hashtag/boobies?src=hash
http://t.co/tnGAlGl1Ja BingoBoingo: devthedev: Maybe write about how Mullenwang sucks a big bag of dicks?
BingoBoingo: devthedev: He's the benevolent dick of WordPress
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10077 @ 0.00073858 = 7.4427 BTC [+]
cazalla: devthedev, i was going to write up the moolah story but you can do that one if you like, i have another one to work on
devthedev: Okay, I actually worked with Moolah personally in the past.
cazalla: you might have to forward your article to BingoBoingo devthedev, i'm unable to access the dashboard yet
devthedev: DNS hasn't propagated over there yet?
BingoBoingo: Yeah, cazalla is testing how we handle submitters
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.11898181 = 1.3088 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: WordPress Defaults Preserve Avenue For Denial of Service Attacks - Slashdot
mircea_popescu: <punkman> mircea_popescu: btw what happens to dividends if I don't take delivery of bbet shares? << you don';t get em
devthedev: Well it looks like Moolah investors are at a loss.
mircea_popescu: <BingoBoingo> devthedev: Maybe write about how Mullenwang sucks a big bag of dicks? <<< btw, you want data to write a qntra ddos piece or not really ?
assbot: WordPress Defaults Preserve Avenue For Denial of Service Attacks - Slashdot
devthedev: I always have this in the back of my mind, Lol <kakobrekla> you have a death wish?
BingoBoingo: At least Dreamhost admits fault when their shitbox plan sucks dick
mircea_popescu: you get a condom, put the phone inside, then shove it in either the girl's vagina or asshole
mircea_popescu: then fuck the other hole while calling the inserted phone
mircea_popescu: bonus points if she manages to pick up and you can hear yourself sloshing
devthedev: You would think that they would at least keep the Moolah site online as the community's gathering info for our negative articles.
BingoBoingo: devthedev: Well, what is their interest in that
devthedev: Maybe someone discovered the server IP and DoS'ed it?
BingoBoingo: devthedev: Server IP should be obvious, cloudflare bullshit is for mammilian potatoes
Apocalyptic: devthedev, some mad "investor" ? poor consolation
devthedev: BingoBoingo: Yeah, there's a ton of cloudflare resolvers that are pretty accurate. (Tried finding my server IP behind it)
kakobrekla: BingoBoingo perhaps ddoser is reading the lawgs
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Maybe, but atm they are just making my dick harder
BingoBoingo: I don't surrender to motherfuckers who could arrest me, why would I surrender to people who merely DOS me?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i wouldn't be too worried about it, pop back up by tomorrow or w/e
BingoBoingo: I dunno how much hate I have left to give, and I'm full of hate at the moment.
BingoBoingo: I kind of thought having the slave name on the listing would make people less inclined to feed me hate.
BingoBoingo: Or does google lack updated pictures of my beard
assbot: Anyone else see the humor in /moolah_io advertising zero fee trading to entice people into depositing before they shut down?
assbot: Living Room of Satoshi Packs It In
assbot: Qntra.net - The #1 Bitcoin Site For News, Views & Commentary
mircea_popescu: cazalla BingoBoingo should be interesting to see what quantcast makes of this lmao
BingoBoingo: Then again the way quantcast discounted all of Yesterday
assbot: Qntra.net Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast
BingoBoingo: mpmcsweeney: You aren't getting Dos too are you?
devthedev: Does anyone know if there's a way to determine how long a site's been offline?
BingoBoingo: Yeah, Everyone is Dos'ing people by weaponizing mommy blogs
assbot: Is It Down Right Now? Website Down or Not?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25047 @ 0.00073565 = 18.4258 BTC [-]
cazalla: when can that static page be removed from qntra?
cazalla: yeah i can see that, not login yet, gonna jump on windows and see what it is like there
cazalla: ya can't use commas? swear i have done that before, probably ran into same problem
mircea_popescu: ppls are "wtf is he talking about. can't be." then later "oh."
mircea_popescu: well anyway, consider these past few hours your baptism of fire ?
mircea_popescu: not that many week old sites get quarter gb apache logfiles after all.
mircea_popescu: in fact, that may well exceed the total logfile of all bitcoin newsites to date.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> not that many week old sites get quarter gb apache logfiles after all. << Actually this is the ass end of week 2
BingoBoingo: For Srs, also first, best time thedrinkingrecord was Dos
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The domain qntra.net qntra has reached its bandwidth limit (22195.78/20000.00 Megs).
mircea_popescu: may be only now scripts are catching up with all the funs.
cazalla: oh great, login becomes available, site goes down again
BingoBoingo: This is my 12th consecutive hour just straight up mainlining hate.
nubbins`: what in the world are you into
Apocalyptic: mircea, can't you just nullroute the offending IPs or is the range too broad ?
BingoBoingo: Just trying to earn super legit living DowntimeBsns
cazalla: DowntimeBsns, you know we punch on for less than this down under
DowntimeBsns: instead of derping over shit service providers
BingoBoingo: DowntimeBsns: WHy Y bully me and not Dogescam? Or Obola Scam?
BingoBoingo: DowntimeBsns: Why U instead pick on people trying to adapt to economy nuevo
mircea_popescu: but oh no, matt derpyweed knows better and has made "technical tradebacks" or w/e they're called.
assbot: PinkPosixPXE +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
assbot: PinkPosixPXE +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
PinkPosixPXE: So to get level 2, I have to accomplish a few trades that go well and get in the ranking system, correct?
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: Not necessarlily trades, but situations definitely
PinkPosixPXE: I read the documentation, but I think I'm missing something
mircea_popescu: PinkPosixPXE as long as someone o nthe lordship list trusts you you're in.
PinkPosixPXE: I just didn't want to jump into trading right away, but if that was the requirement for level 2/+v, wanted to check
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: Requirement for L2 is impress somebody. How can you impress?
PinkPosixPXE: I work with nix variations, server maintenance
PinkPosixPXE: I really prefer rhel/centos, but ubuntu is ok too, we use a variety of flavors in our environment, but those are the main ones.
BingoBoingo: RH is on the naughty list for pushing SystemDeviant out
PinkPosixPXE: I don't choose the OS's, I just build them, configure, and maintain them when they break while management snaps the whip
PinkPosixPXE: You know how it goes, but I have to work with a lot of different things, so it broadens my skillset
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: Any recommendations for scalable server on Motorola 68K?
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: You try writing prose at all?
PinkPosixPXE: BingoBoingo: A Motorola 6800, hrm fairly old, you want to scale out and replace it, or change the setup how, precisely?
PinkPosixPXE: BingoBoingo: I have written prose, unfortunately to a fault at times... I'm not very succinct
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: I want a 6830, but with a GHz class clock. Or... daydreams
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: resource limit reached again
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 321004.15 in 185 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -82.91
BingoBoingo: thedrinkingrecord.com still abides nao that cacheing is reenavled
PinkPosixPXE: BingoBoingo: Do you enjoy playing with older hardware and different arch types? IT can be fun, just frustrating as well at times.
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: It is the only way to play. C is supposed to be portable. If your kernel can't take SPARC or 68K I dunno if it is correct enough to live
Adlai: that's a fantastically ungoogleable tla
Apocalyptic: hopefully in a week we'll be at the new diff
PinkPosixPXE: or if anyone needs help with a linux issue, I can try to assist there
assbot: The Real Altcoin (ATC) – Never Mine Another Altcoin Again
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: Know any way to seed an entropy pool in NEtBSD on MacSE/30?
nanotube: mircea_popescu: it used to sort by rating value... i figured sorting by rating total is a more informative first display... though ideally it would sort by 'total trust from nanotube' or something like that, but that would require writing some code to run those calculations in batch mode and caching them, cuz running every rater live would be expensive...
assbot: PinkPosixPXE +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
PinkPosixPXE: BingoBoingo: I'd need more details, but essentially you can use rng-tools/rng to increase the entropy on a server. How it would be implemented for your exact use, would require more discussion.
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: Yeah, talking about specific hardware I cooked before trying to gen GPG keys using the NetBSD PGP implementation
BingoBoingo: because apparently real Macs don't generate entropy
PinkPosixPXE: did it time out on generating a gpg key due to lack of entropy?
assbot: Parallel Port SID6581 Interface
BingoBoingo: There were motherboard component that looked like they could fill the role
BingoBoingo: PinkPosixPXE: Overheated to the extent that magic smoke
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Out of class mac case SE/30 lives in
PinkPosixPXE: I mean, there's plenty of hardware abounds, it depends what you want, want to use it for, and your budget/access to hardware
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform> pop it, and post photo if it's been so long that your nose will not lead you to the culprit. << Maor concerned with shaming WP matt
PinkPosixPXE: ok, I'm not the only one struggling in that department ;P ... No offense intended of course
PinkPosixPXE: hehe, well now the theory has changed to the "cold death" of the universe, as it's expanding at an ever increasing rate, and galaxies/etc. are moving further away
assbot: Helping The Random Number Generator To Gain Enough Entropy With rng-tools (Debian Lenny) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials
BingoBoingo: At the moment universe is headed to a hate death, because Wordpress's Matt Mullenwang dunno priorities
mircea_popescu: mkay, so with the 3rd attack the list of goat's botnet ips went from 1k to 3k items
PinkPosixPXE: ignore the debian portion, rng-tools is something most OS's should have available
PinkPosixPXE: So we have to increase entropy somehow. This can be done with rng-tools, a package to use a hardware true number generator (TRNG). Don't worry, you don't need any extra hardware, we will use /dev/urandom as our true number generator.
PinkPosixPXE: Fixed my issue earlier today, entropy isn't solely hardware dependant,
cazalla: mircea_popescu, i cannot log in, again, 403
cazalla: in fact, entire site is 403 for me now except static page
PinkPosixPXE: it uses /dev/urandom, it's not hardware driven, it just pulls entropy through rng-tools software, rather than 'mouse input' or 'disk activity' etc.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11129 @ 0.00073514 = 8.1814 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: Mycelium Successfully Funds USB Bitcoin Wallet Device, Entropy, With Indiegogo - CryptoCoinsNews
PinkPosixPXE: When the Mycelium Entropy is inserted into the USB drive, hardware-based entropy is harnessed to create a large, truly random, number. The random number is generated using a static RAM chip, which Holcomb, D.E.; Burleson, W.P.; and Fu. K. have proven is capable of generating “128-bit true random numbers.” This number is then used as the seed to generate a private key and corresponding Bitcoin
cazalla: anyone else getting "You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server." on qntra.net?
PinkPosixPXE: asciilifeform: For serious security, perhaps yes, but everything runs on hardware, it's just the software layer that interacts with how entropy is derived from teh hardware wether it's something you plug in or something you run on a server
mircea_popescu: cazalla BingoBoingo anyway, we're on to actual ddos, no more of that wordpress mickey mouse bs
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Wordpress was their last weapon.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the first ~2mn lines all carry the tell tale GET / HTTP/1.0" 508 7287 "-" "WordPress/4.0;
http://autobg.eu; verifying pingback from headers.
BingoBoingo: Does rifle make sense as company expense at 500k IP botnet?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Because at 500k zombies, rifle is expected
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3091 @ 0.00073858 = 2.283 BTC [+]
mike_c: how are you mitigating the attack? big ip ban lists?
BingoBoingo: mike_c: Mitigating with heft of ballsack atm
mircea_popescu: mike_c 90% of the attack was mitigated simply by using a html file for root, instead of the php. guy did like 3 blasts before figuring it out. then it did a blast in which instead of / he called /index.php?[randnumber]
mircea_popescu: that resulted in a ban for any node calling the fucking obviously nonstandard url
mircea_popescu: at which point he moved to actual ddos as opposed to wordpress reflect crud, which is being mediated in the normal manner.
Needhelp: Thanks, are there any admins for bitbet here?
Needhelp: Potential problem in the site with a finished bet. I think someone is trying to claim my bet is invalid in comments, but I think it is.
Needhelp: Was hoping someone could take a look and see if I'm an idiot and missing something, or if I'm right.
BingoBoingo: Also where is pankkake when you need a troll
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 400.14, Best ask: 401.4, Bid-ask spread: 1.26000, Last trade: 401.4, 24 hour volume: 25775.54639046, 24 hour low: 394.46, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 405.207115291
Needhelp: If you read the comments, you should get both sides of the story. My bet is the last one in, someone is claiming it was after bet was determined, but the time stamps should show it was 38 minutes before the deciding trade.
assbot: Savage Axis Bolt Action Rifle .30-06 Springfield 22" Barrel 4 Rounds Matte Black Synthetic Stock Matte Black Barrel
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: For some tools, the only vendors don't care where money is headed because they have inventory
BingoBoingo: Well for price comparison though you need internet vendor
cazalla: good a time as any for a few beers i guess
Apocalyptic: BingoBoingo, doesn't look like it, I got a 403 now
cazalla: it did say suspended before, 403 now
assbot: Manual Pick and Place Machine: Manual SMT Placement Equipment: Low Cost Pick and Place
cazalla: front page works, posts won't though mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: cazalla you know how it is, give it a minute try again
cazalla: it has to be andreas, he's had enough
mircea_popescu: it's just about derpy enough to be any random redditard.
assbot: Excel Arms MP-22 Semi Auto Handgun .22 Magnum 8.5" Barrel 9 Rounds Stainless Steel Black Adjustable Sights EA22301
decimation: what kind of rail should I buy for my ak?
gribble: Error: "isdown" is not a valid command.
Adlai finally implements kraken's rate limit algorithm
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12959 @ 0.00073887 = 9.575 BTC [+]
Adlai: we folks are a strict superset of the qntra team
mpmcsweeney: crypto is the best story in technology yet
Adlai is still thinking of ideas for that
BingoBoingo: Adlai: A wordpress alternative that runs in Emacs?
Adlai would want to contribute an original article, not just paraphrase/edit shitty pieces from other sites
Adlai: not that i'm saying anybody has done that
Adlai: but i'm currently unable to produce "news" other than that
cazalla: i watched parts of that lawsky video
Adlai didn't, although he may go to an upcoming conference
Adlai: is market analysis welcome on qntra?
Adlai: at some point i want to make indicators based on the philosophy that my bot uses, since none of the existing ones exactly mirror this
Adlai: this process could make for some interesting posts as it happens "live", although i'm busy on other aspects atm
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 398.42, Best ask: 399.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.58000, Last trade: 398.8, 24 hour volume: 24837.71430735, 24 hour low: 394.46, 24 hour high: 417.99, 24 hour vwap: 405.142065291
Apocalyptic: so about this Mintpal critical bug, there was a guy in -otc some days ago claiming he found a bug
Apocalyptic: and was looking for a programmer to help him
assbot: 0bin - encrypted pastebin
cazalla: Monthly Bandwidth Transfer 21.68 GB / 48.83 GB, first day on new host, "we're gonna need a bigger boat"
cazalla: mebe we can run a kickstarter BingoBoingo, what do you think
mpmcsweeney: some asshole was on Bloomberg TV talking about native advertising, its a real shame what has become of the written word
Adlai: how about monthly ppv token auctions through colored coins?
Adlai: (or some other asset issuance thingy if you don't like colored coins)
assbot: Stiletto TICLW12 ClawBar Titanium Nail Puller - Stilletto Nail Puller - Amazon.com
Adlai: the advantage of using colored coins is that it should be fairly straightforward to adapt trilema's readership credit code to deal with them
cazalla: Adlai, why not just bitcoin instead?
Adlai: less risky for the blog administrators
Adlai: you can calculate exactly how much you need to raise to cover costs, and price readership tokens accordingly
Adlai: rather than hoping that revenue exceeds expenses
Adlai: another way of looking at it: you auction off tokens to guage readership interest, then reserve hosting capacities accordingly
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Manul pick and place... once the immune system is worked out
Adlai: cazalla: tl;dr: a decentralized readership token offloads some risk from the administrators to the asset bagholders
mpmcsweeney: so full disclosure: I work for CoinDesk :)
mpmcsweeney: happy to exit if y'all wish, but this seem slike a cool crypto forum and Id like to hang if possible
Adlai: mpmcsweeney: anything you care to say publicly (this channel is logged) about their sponsored content practices?
Adlai: didn't that one twit/redditor get an email back agreeing to publish a sponsored feature?
mpmcsweeney: my name is Stan Higgins - Im heavily involvd in our newsroom and I can safely say we accept no payment of any kind from companies
mpmcsweeney: our only revenue generator currently are the recent ads we kicked off
BingoBoingo: mpmcsweeney: You can hang here, just be aware that... Coindesk kind of does the sponsored content thing... The just do the plausible deniability thing too...
mpmcsweeney: hrm whenabouts was that? admittedly I have only been working here for 6 months
BingoBoingo: Well more concerning than sponsored content are the funder's other investments
mpmcsweeney: but to my knowledge (I used to be in the marketing content biz and I have asked) we've never gone down that road
assbot: The Great Robocoin Rip-off
mpmcsweeney: haha I mean outside of BitPay I dont know too much about Khan's investments
BingoBoingo: mpmcsweeney: There's just things people who came here before coindesk was worry about
mpmcsweeney: I guess my point is that there's honestly no influence to our reporting, at least as far as I as a reporter and editor can tell -- and Im intimately involved in the process
mpmcsweeney: and never once has any pressure about anthing come down from my superiors
mpmcsweeney: I dunno, I do this for story telling, its a good industry
mpmcsweeney: and its good to meet others who share that enthusiasm :D
cazalla: how much do coindesk pay for articles mpmcschultz
mpmcsweeney: when I was a freelancer it was more or less $10 every 100 words
decimation: asciilifeform: yeah I think your solution is definitely better than the $5k machine I linked. I doubt anyone makes something like it, and if they did it wouldn't be cheap
Adlai: coinbase don't pay in shares? :P
Apocalyptic: thickasthieves, I guess you can remove "- Vote for ATC to be listed at MintPal.com!" from therealaltcoin.org
cazalla: and qntra is suspended again
Adlai: holy shit, intersection right outside my door is flooded up to the windshields of private cars
Adlai: guess who isn't going to work today?
thickasthieves: <+Apocalyptic> thickasthieves, I guess you can remove "- Vote for ATC to be listed at MintPal.com!" from therealaltcoin.org /// done. removed the hitbtc one too
assbot: Stan Higgins - Reporter, CoinDesk
mircea_popescu: <cazalla> Monthly Bandwidth Transfer 21.68 GB / 48.83 GB, first day on new host, "we're gonna need a bigger boat" << that was at some point the counter ran
assbot: Why I nixed p2p, colored coins and all that jazz pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
thickasthieves: i like stuff coinprism is doing, in style mostly, but, like always, no one actually gives a shit about colored coins
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25317 @ 0.00073411 = 18.5855 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: mpmcsweeney: my name is Stan Higgins - Im heavily involvd in our newsroom and I can safely say we accept no payment of any kind from companies << that's bs, you know it, i know it, why even bother with it ?
Adlai is a recently liberated corporate slaveboi! =_=
mircea_popescu: nobody particularly cares if you stay or go, but people wil get pretty aggravated by this sort of pr/party line approach. the reason this is a cool forum is exactly not allowing that sorta crap.
Adlai: mircea_popescu: your article mainly addresses problems with decentralized security systems as a replacement for high-frequency exchanges. i think it's still possible to issue tokens such as readership credits (or movie tickets, etc) in this fashion, since their market is a lot less dependant upon dedicated market makers
Adlai: (the companies issuing and accepting the tokens are forced to act as market makers)
assbot: PlayScape | A New Kind of Publisher
assbot: Autodesk Israel R&D Center
mircea_popescu: too lazy to dig, but how diod they end ? acquihire ? simple burnout ?
Adlai: playscape has been burning VC money for years and downsized 33%, autodesk terminated my employment due to "being unable to accomodate working from home or at odd hours"
Adlai refuses to work even-numbered hours
mircea_popescu: so research what, derping on google analytics and whatever other clickbezzlor node.js websites ?
Adlai: custom stack handrolled from google bigquery and excel glued together with mutant python scripst
Adlai: impressions, purchases, which players downloaded which additional games after finishing which levels, etc
Adlai: i dealt mostly with making data accessible for my boss, so he could perform the actual analysis
Adlai: don't have too much interesting to say about it, i'd rather discuss decentralized assets
Adlai: i'm far from convinced they're good for anything, but the only way to really know is by watching them break under stress/attacks
Adlai: you could also auction qntra credits through a centralized system, that aspect of my suggestion isn't dependent upon decentralized issuance
Adlai: not really, i'm only familiar with qntra et al for what, three days?
Adlai: so if i mention stuff that's already done, please just point it out
mircea_popescu: wasn't i reading a bevy of suggestions from you above tho ?
Adlai: you probably were. i can shut up if that's what you're asking me to do.
mircea_popescu: i'm not. i'm instead kloinking you over the head for the add-water-and-stir suggestion dust you got.
mircea_popescu: are they supposed to work just like that, in principle, don't even need to know what you're suggesting about or anything ?
Adlai: are what supposed to work just like how?
mircea_popescu: guy in the hospital. adlai talks to doctor : this dude should get casts. casts are cool. doctor to adlai : did you see his xrays ? adlai umm... no. but casts are cool.
Adlai would probably not get invited into the operating theatre just for walking around outside the hospital with an anatomy coloring book
mircea_popescu: a discussion of casts is entirely spurious. the problem's the approach.
Adlai: +mircea_popescu | so research what, << oh, if you were asking what i did at autodesk, it was much more interesting
Adlai: essentially, got paid to learn C++ and C#. not things i'd like to use in new projects, but still good tools to have
mircea_popescu: you're not old enough to be talking of that "limits to growth" retardation
Adlai: no, dynamo is a scripting engine for vasari/revit (BIM tools aka CAD for architects/engineers), shapeshifter is a generative modeling library for making things like [photo incoming...]
Adlai: what "limits to growth" retardation?
Adlai: will gribble kick me for an imgur link here?
mircea_popescu: there was this first pass of algoreism, "golf club" patternism and all the rest of the retardation
mircea_popescu: it was written in either algol or cobol i forget, and was supposed to be a big deal for rich hippies in the 70s
Adlai: "when all you've got is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail" type thinking?
Adlai: no relation to that.
Vexual: excuse the interjection, but for the love of god>>> xinxi:cazalla university of melbourne and ANU, which one is better?>>> ANU
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5450 @ 0.00073386 = 3.9995 BTC [-]
assbot: IMG_20140715_125217.jpg - Google Drive
assbot: IMG_20140727_130602.jpg - Google Drive
assbot: IMG_20140727_162158.jpg - Google Drive
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17950 @ 0.00073377 = 13.1712 BTC [-] {2}
Vexual: autodesk must have some interesting proprietry libraries
Adlai: it's a shame that i couldn't stay there a bit longer, it was a great job and still left me time free to work on scalpl
Vexual: whats that a more refined version of storung your 3d nudes in the cloud?
Adlai: automated extraction of 3d movements from professional porn and cloud-based rendering of your nudes in their place?
Vexual: no im joking about that 123render thing
Vexual: you cure cancer in your spare time?
Adlai: !s scalpl from:adlai
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21400 @ 0.00073549 = 15.7395 BTC [+] {2}
punkman: can't even connect to qntra.net here
Vexual: hopefully it's fixed before my morning shit
assbot: The Great Robocoin Rip-off
thickasthieves: i read that, i actually started talks with robocoin last year
Vexual: they're paying rent with no kiosk? way to business
punkman: noobs don't know about logistics
cazalla: well who would hold a venue for them months on end with no income to show for it Vexual
punkman: "Unfortunately, Robocoin is built on Windows XP and a complete nightmare to configure. First, the ID scanner doesn’t work. Then the webcam keeps going black. Then the palm scanner refuses to work"
Vexual: robocoin waiting on a palm scanner driver for xp
Vexual: you this 80mm cd just has a generic usb driver
bounce: ``In London Fields by Martin Amis, while smelling a wad of used fifties, foil Guy Clinch observes that, "Pecunia non olet was dead wrong. Pecunia olet."'' (wikipedia) -- thus we see the folly of paper money.
punkman: I think for $25k they could have hired a dude to sit there with a laptop.
bounce: sit there themselves and badger the vendors whenever it's quiet.
Vexual: and you know it'll fuck up often enough you'll need mr laptop anyways
thickasthieves: <+punkman> I think for $25k they could have hired a dude to sit there with a laptop. - yknow this is a great point
punkman: or you could do it through a gloryhole
Vexual: the first one on oz required a laptop dude coz people are retared irc
punkman: "There's a working Robocoin ATM at Hacker Dojo in Mountain View, CA. Nobody uses it. Nor should they. 15% bid/ask spread, 5% fee."
Vexual: but i think real atms had that too
Vexual: those hackerspace coincollecting thermal printing $100 things would be much better in a pub
Vexual: wake up and all your change is privatekeys
assbot: Robocoinjordan comments on The Great Robocoin Rip-off: How we lost $25,000 buying a Robocoin ATM
assbot: The Fall of Moolah.io | Qntra.net
`jurov`: also, i got dns refresh first and only after third reload the site has shown
`jurov`: i see it works for assbot, too
`jurov`: i'd check what caching
http headers qntra sends
cazalla: it's been under dos attack all day, changed hosts etc etc
Adlai: is there a site up yet for automated testing of immunity to the sslv3 vulnerability?
`jurov`: on second try, moolah article works too
`jurov`: weird. clicked on comment, again 404
`jurov`: Proudly powered by LiteSpeed Web Server
punkman: cazalla, maybe a couple edits in moolah article: "CryptoCurrency", "and withdraws are active"
`jurov`: Please be advised that LiteSpeed Technologies Inc. is not a web hosting company and, as such, has no control over content found on this site.
assbot: Free POODLE SSL Security Vulnerability Check | Tinfoil Security
fluffypony: cazalla: why not shove CloudFlare up in front of it? for a blog it's a cheap and effective way of making that stuff SEP (Somebody Else's Problem)
cazalla: punkman, i can't access it at all atm
`jurov`: cloudflare has its probs, too
`jurov`: and trilema's hosting is built to withstand, ddos
`jurov`: it prolly got broken moving in haste
cazalla: nah, move went fine but then dos came again
Vexual: xinxi, what is your wife studing?
xinxi: are you also in au?
Vexual: im not too sure about that, but I'd still recommend ANU
xinxi: I know ANU is good at research.
xinxi: I also want to apply for a research fellow job there.
Vexual: the benefits of the capitol territory are far reaching
Vexual: it's also very peaceful there
xinxi: yah, students can easily concentrate.
Vexual: np, either would be good
xinxi: oh, I am from china.
Vexual: you know if it wer'nt for the nick, I wouldn'y know, you must do business or languages
xinxi: i just finished my phd.
Vexual: whats the theis called?
xinxi: it’s a bitcoin iptions exchange.
xinxi: thesis is about recommendation systems.
Vexual: you were already tending towards ANU I suppose?
xinxi: yeah, I am interested in artificial intelligence.
xinxi: there seems a good group there.
Vexual: have you been to Australia before?
xinxi: i visited AU in this May.
xinxi: it’s a beautiful country with nice people.
Vexual: have you been to canberra?
xinxi: no, i did not have enough time. so i visited Sydney and Melbourne only.
Vexual: it's much quieter, and everywhere you drive is trees, you'd ahrdly know theres a city there
xinxi: it’s quite different from most asian cities.
xinxi: oh, that sounds great. because I think that Sydney and Melbourne are already quite quiet compared with Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, or even Tokyo.
xinxi: i really like the peacefulness on people’s faces.
Vexual: syd is only 3 hours on one of the best freeways you ever drove
xinxi: yah, the position of canberra is good.
Vexual: or up and down in a plane 30 mins, but the time at the airport
xinxi: the video is good.
Vexual: id love to see a chinese version
xinxi: i don’t know whether there is a chinese version. but i guess the 30/70 percent thing in the video is just a joke.
xinxi: really, why didn’t i feel any?
Vexual: anyway chinese dudes have been here since forever
xinxi: i know the first bunch went there mainly for gold.
Vexual: they were getting pearls before captain cook
xinxi: oh, the first recorded chinese migrant was in 1818.
xinxi: that’s so long ago.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33050 @ 0.00073344 = 24.2402 BTC [-] {2}
cazalla: tell him he's dreamin' xinxi
xinxi: i will be scared :-)
cazalla: xinxi, didja get munted while in melb?
xinxi: thanks, i just checked urbandictionary :-)
xinxi: no, my wife was with me.
xinxi: although I wanted to enjoy that.
[]bot: Bet placed: 3 BTC for No on "Dolar Blue over 20 Argentine Pesos on or before Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec 8th)"
http://bitbet.us/bet/1044/ Odds: 42(Y):58(N) by coin, 47(Y):53(N) by weight. Total bet: 17.54237601 BTC. Current weight: 46,677.
Vexual: you'll be sweet xinxi, as long as you've got your head screwed on
Vexual: dude he models brains like yours for breakfast
Vexual: i think in melbourne munted means a specipic chemical no?
cazalla: dunno, these cunts down here are fucked
xinxi: i did see the craziness of the bars.
cazalla: that is not what i refer to
Vexual: thats when that how to talk australians is helpful in the back of your mind
Vexual: watch all 8 and belive nothing, it's all jokes
cazalla: this is more what melbourne is now /
assbot: Human verification - 4plebs archive
Vexual: there are 8 episodes, it's a comedy
cazalla: i lived with 2 indian cunts when i first came here, they were more australian than some unaustralian cunts who were born here
Vexual: if you laugh once, you get australia
Vexual: have you seen this show cazalla?
cazalla: one of the dudes use to make the best hainanese chicken
Vexual: it's only a few months old
cazalla: nah, i've seen something like this years ago
Vexual: thats ages when you started a newspaper yesterday i guess
cazalla: indians been pretending to be australians for donkeys years
Adlai wishes he could monetize dog poop, his puppy marks his territory with the wrong type excrement
cazalla: Vexual, pretty sure full frontal or fast forward did something similar years back
Vexual: stress levels up cazalla? drinkin?
cazalla: i quit but today is an exception
Vexual: you know, when i hear "monetize dog poo" i feeel challenged
cazalla: i only drink every other day now
Adlai: poop was not meant to be bagged and burned, it's supposed to return to nature. srsly.
cazalla: call who, i'm not listed anywhere
Adlai would train the pup to poop under bushes and such, but they're too far away from his flat
Adlai: about as expensive, relative to median wage
assbot: Cost of Living Comparison Between Tel Aviv-yafo, Israel And Sydney, Australia
cazalla: fuck that, who wants to be surrounded by muslims
Adlai isn't surrounded, they're only to the south and they make amazing humus
Vexual: the sydney telaviv similarities continue
cazalla: i don't mind some lebanese chicken but still
Adlai may relocate soon, destination tbd. suggestions welcome.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5538 @ 0.00073702 = 4.0816 BTC [+] {2}
Vexual: what do you do in south africa, barbeque and network?
Vexual: you guise iz all business huh?
Adlai: i have an irl friend in australia, went for work, stayed for a lady
cazalla: yeah, plenty of slags here
Adlai may visit someday, if business brings him anywhere nearby, or better yet - yields purchasing power for such a vacation
Vexual: it's a serious question fluffypony, how does shit work over there?
Adlai: oh durban. another friend got deported from there... this appears to be the national pastime for my age group
Adlai: selling shit nobody needs in malls and airports
Vexual: you get a medal for that here
cazalla: Vexual, and rightfully so, use the navy to sink the boat
Vexual: yeah th erents higher than stoolspace for a robocoin tho
Vexual: you called australia a welfare state
Vexual: it's just a police state where the have-nots check in every week
Adlai: welfare needs some amount of policing or it gets too easily scammed
cazalla: when my grand parents arrived here in the 50s, ya rocked up at BHP for a job, these days, ya rock up at centrelink for a handout
Vexual: for $150 bucks a week, petty criminals are off the streets
cazalla: and there is an interpreter to boot in case ya cbf to learn english
Vexual: yeah, and if you can find a job long enough you get to work there so that anyone competant doesnt wanna go near the place
cazalla: i can handle police state more than welfare although both piss me off
Vexual: yeah but either way you can't do shit
cazalla: look, i just want cunts to keep their hand out of my pocket, they can stick their police and roads and ambulances (which don't come anyway, personal experience) and society security and super etc etc up their ass
Vexual: have you ever seen the star force roll out? makes a swat tem look like they got their xanax dose wrong by x
cazalla: nah what's star force, starfox?
gribble: ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
Vexual: they all train at the same facility with sas and top cops
cazalla: In 2004 the Howard government re-armed ASIS. <<< they can have guns but we can't, fkn cunts
cazalla: nayway ttyl Vexual, zzz, bit of water before bed eh, feel better tmw
assbot: Ebola Goes Viral « The Internet Chronicle
Vexual: is that a joke? solar powered 3d printers?
Vexual: hammers might go alright tho
danielpbarron: but it reads like the way libertarians expect the world to work
danielpbarron: 3d print everything, fund it with endless altcoins
Vexual: what the fuck even is a libretarian?
danielpbarron: a bunch of angsty 20-somethings that think they know how the world should work
dub: gave you seen the movie deliverance?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8033 @ 0.00073727 = 5.9225 BTC [+] {2}
dub: its a movie about libertarians
Vexual: i like the banjo music
Vexual: which ones are the libretarians?
dub: they gone see how good you pray
dub: you look might fine in dem blue jeans boa
assbot: The Great Robocoin Rip-off
Vexual: lol nubins can you explain america to me?
Vexual: i guess ill just light this hugemungous bifter then
nubbins`: you don't have libertarians in oz?
dub: have you seen the movie wolf creek?
Vexual: ive never really used the term
Vexual: whick ones the liberachi?
Vexual: theyve all got tight pants, this makes less sense than chess
nubbins`: fluffypony: "moolah.io" sounds fairly similar to the korean "molla-yo", which means "i don't know"
Vexual: can you do it with spongebob and ariel
punkman: 5JcFbz4UahixwJfEMLU2Mj4T3wuGEr2vV48TbYuaySfcf5bqtQG 5J9SnEwZb9JiZv6HJCp299tXC4ZDGuo6N16pRANrtkqzGvvVq3J
Vexual: punkman, can you explain libretarian to me?
punkman: couple of bundles cause I nuked the db
punkman: but hey it worked for a sec
punkman: RagnarDanneskjol: those are called WIF keys
gribble: Time since last block: 16 minutes and 24 seconds
Vexual: ill bet bingoboingo can define it. succinct
nubbins`: "you don't get to tell me what to do!"
nubbins`: beats me, do you say that ^ often?
Vexual: i dn't like labels eithe, is that a thing?
ben_vulpes: <xinxi> hey, I need a market maker for my site. << jurov, thickasthieves, although marketmaking options is playing with hot hot fire
nubbins`: i think that's just called being normal
ben_vulpes: i should change my name to gben vulpes
nubbins`: some names are more common than others
nubbins`: actually many mircea popescus, but i suppose that's not too surprising
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7650 @ 0.00073637 = 5.6332 BTC [-]
ben_vulpes: the more i think about it, the less visible i want to be
ben_vulpes: once upon a time i wanted to leave a hole upon disappearing
gribble: Current Blocks: 325428 | Current Difficulty: 3.500248202613323E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 326591 | Next Difficulty In: 1163 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 19 hours, 19 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36114579164.6 | Estimated Percent Change: 3.1772
ben_vulpes: lol Vexual you're asking for a divide by zero
Vexual: bwahaha thats my bro right there
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> hickasthieves << lol there's your new mobile handle, thickasthieves
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15643 @ 0.00073379 = 11.4787 BTC [-]
ben_vulpes: jurov, mircea_popescu, bounce: the state-machine generator Ragel's p. useful for reason-about-able parsing
nubbins`: ben_vulpes you're already more visible than most 8)
nubbins`: too bad btc is considered property here in canada :(
ben_vulpes: i'm too poor for that shit. have you seen the books?
nubbins`: so namibia has figured out how to stop people from killing rhinos for their horns
ben_vulpes: <thickasthieves> bubbles come in all sizes << notrly, only 187.5, 375, 750 1.5 and those fuck off big custom ones
Vexual: i thought diamonds were the biz there now?
Vexual: perhaps thats another case of who you know
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 396.64, Best ask: 398.61, Bid-ask spread: 1.97000, Last trade: 396.61, 24 hour volume: 22780.62197345, 24 hour low: 386.68, 24 hour high: 415.0, 24 hour vwap: 400.380297893
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: 'insta-zap' this reminds me of the poor, self-deluding fuckers who work at a defense contractor client of mine. "it's different somehow if there's a *camera* on the flying robot", never mind that the algo's to point a gun are a quadratic estimation away from the algos to lock a camera
ben_vulpes: "it's different somehow if we write 'pure' code to do flight path planning", never mind that the flight paths are for killing
ben_vulpes: just pick up a gun and be done with it, ye hypocritical nerds
mircea_popescu: CME Site use GMT-5. CME Charts use GMT-4. << lmao the shit bitbet admin has to put up with
ben_vulpes: this is the "curse of the cool problem" that these over-educated CS people must endure. cannot simply work in salt mines, 'cause inadequately intellectually fulfilling. instead, sell soul to devil, lie about it to self for the duration of life.
ben_vulpes: tellingly, none of them will touch btc.
mircea_popescu: the entire "shit in your mouth and think about how you're not" thing definitely manages to keep a bunch of intelligently stupid folk busy.
mircea_popescu: the best makework the devil ever invented. beats the shit out of painting rocks white then turning them over
ben_vulpes: poor children, unable to comprehend the world for themselves without someone there instructing them on what to parse from the atoms a-knocking.
ben_vulpes: "we need safe-by-construction computers in this application. here's 10M."
ben_vulpes: ('safe-by-construction', 'correct-by-construction' - as asciilifeform points out time and time again, these are impossibilities).
ben_vulpes: they do enjoy themselves, and the USG keeps otherwise brilliant and hardworking people from being useful at large.
nubbins`: he's brilliant, except for the fucking idiot part
mircea_popescu: because a bunch of asswipes are pushing out insecure code, and because a bunch of imbeciles heart those assholes,
ben_vulpes: bright folks are easily deluded outside their areas of competence
mircea_popescu: and you know, everyone's hope is that they will live for long enough in a pile of goop made out of copies of themselves big enough that they won't ever have to go face to face with those "evil sociopaths" and "trolls"
mircea_popescu: yet something tells me the recent beheadings aren't excesses, but merely the early drops of a coming avalanche.
Vexual: ive decided the pray away the gay tapes are working sine i learned you have a sister
nubbins`: ben_vulpes: that's pretty much btc space in a nutshell
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves what is it that they were calling it, "a war something or the other"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9707 @ 0.00073379 = 7.1229 BTC [-]
Vexual: i get caffinated before i wake
nubbins`: somebody lives on the west coast
ben_vulpes: he maths! he timezones! he prints shirts!
nubbins`: Vexual i used to, but the IV kept ripping out of my arm while i slept
bounce: thought that coast was deserted except for the hippies
ben_vulpes: nah, it's where the programmers with a care for cost and quality of living reside
nubbins`: ben_vulpes: the peerless, the incomparable...
nubbins`: ;;google it's not a war on drugs, it's a war on personal freedom
ben_vulpes: <thickasthieves> not sure what u refer to
nubbins`: suppose i should roll down the hill to pick up that pantone swatchbook
ben_vulpes: <danielpbarron> wah.. i searched for it in the logs and everything :< << good example of the persistent connection's utility.
ben_vulpes: one can search, copy, paste, etc without relying on other's mystery meat.
ben_vulpes: (or leaving the comfort of emacs, if one's so inclined...)
Vexual: thats right, you do it in bars
ben_vulpes: i do it wherever i pleases! it, *and* emacs.
assbot: JAY-Z - Big Pimpin' ft. UGK - YouTube
ben_vulpes: <punkman> a terrarium for its snakes << DOCKER, YOU FOOLS
ben_vulpes: you're going to put python on an actual system?
kakobrekla: shit abstractions all the way down to the metal.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes just so you know, i'm writing an article because of you.
Vexual: this drowns out the sound of town cars that obviosly aren't mercs
ben_vulpes: on a more serious note, i've gotten really great mileage from using docker to santize insane client django stacks
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26350 @ 0.00073725 = 19.4265 BTC [+] {2}
ben_vulpes looks through requirements.txt, sees PIL, GEOS, reaches for docker
kakobrekla: the thing you need to ditch first from above is the 'client' part
ben_vulpes: didn't get in early enough on btctrain
ben_vulpes: hey, it's the one thing we're actually taught in usschool
ben_vulpes: how to dodge responsiblity for our own poor decisions
ben_vulpes: oh hey subject of personal responsibility, i saw a direct report's eyes glaze over with adoration and loyalty last night
ben_vulpes: "no no, this is my fault because x, y, z" {x,y,z} being things outside her control and knowledge that she expected to be held responsible for
ben_vulpes: tempered with a brief glare signifying "don't do this to me again."
ben_vulpes: went to grow store, was sorely disappointed by potheads unable to comprehend the utility of grow lights in a warehouse cum office situation and unable to make purchasing recommendations that fell within a reasonable price/quality zone
ben_vulpes: went to home depot (BEZZLE CENTRAL, APPARENTLY)
ben_vulpes: CFL in housing that doesn't look like a CFL
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00073815 = 10.7032 BTC [+] {2}
ben_vulpes: CFL in packaging that FAILS TO DISCLOSE CFL INTERNALS
ben_vulpes: and ofc halogen and metal halide bulbs but NO GODDAMN BALLASTS
punkman: "hello I want a 60watt bulb" "here take this 7 watt stealth CFL, same thing"
ben_vulpes: "surely you mean you want the equivalent amount of light from this tiny little zone in the spectrum"
ben_vulpes: "no asshole i want a black body emitter"
Vexual: photosythetic active radiation
assbot: Heatbulbs - The lightbulbs for heating & lightbulbs for decoration
bounce: just out of idle curiosity, why the preference for tungsten?
Vexual: ya want a philips plasma thing
kakobrekla: about half of my bulbs at home are led
Vexual: i bought all leds a while back nd they're all harsh blue
bounce: the ones in use most here are halogen-variety tungsten
Vexual: they make em in any colour now
mircea_popescu: <ben_vulpes> the one, the only, the inimitable! << now reimplement it in gaskell.
mircea_popescu: <punkman> "hello I want a 60watt bulb" "here take this 7 watt stealth CFL, same thing" << lol yup. commerce now meas bait and switch apparently.
kakobrekla: i think i found a bug in DO billing script
Vexual: oldest trcik in the book
mircea_popescu: <bounce> just out of idle curiosity, why the preference for tungsten? <<< goes with the preference for emacs. old thing proven to work well.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla the wonderful world of computing is becoming dangerous for people able to think on their own.
bounce: that wasn't why I was asking
kakobrekla: mircea_popescu one day ill cut the cable never to return.
bounce: sometimes there's specific reasons why alternatives just won't do. "old and proven" doesn't mean the alternative won't work.
Vexual: my phatographer says tungsten and halogen are diddimilar
mircea_popescu: did you mean to ask "why do you think the alternative won't work" ?
bounce: no, I wanted to know which, if any, specific reason would apply for him.
mircea_popescu: "how about that, people are winning a war and they're fucked up"
punkman: incandescents not that great in the summer
punkman: and who has time to switch them
bounce: secondary ligthing circuits with a master switch in the basement. suddenly, all the light switches control a different set of lamps
mircea_popescu: i don't think i've ever lived in a room small enough that the lighting fixtures made a noticeable difference.
mircea_popescu: and for the record, i routinely use 200W incandescents etc.
mircea_popescu: prolly has a can the size of dry protein economy packs.
Vexual: amy winehouse only died coz she slowed up
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20125 @ 0.00073367 = 14.7651 BTC [-] {2}
pete_dushenski: now that qntra has brought wp and hosting to top of mind, and after i changed hosting platforms, i noticed something odd on my stats page...
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: the days are getting waaay shorter. no more 11pm sunsets ;(
mircea_popescu: Adlai: automated extraction of 3d movements from professional porn and cloud-based rendering of your nudes in their place? << o.O
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski not really odd on a new and rapidly growing site.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: surely enough. yellow leaves are clinging on for dear life.
mircea_popescu: Vexual: big first week huh? << huge, but apparently it's a 2nd week.
gribble: You have not yet rated user Vexual
pete_dushenski: also, awstats is so blatantly superior to any wp plugin i've ever seen. amazing i'm just finding it now!
mircea_popescu: ;;rate Vexual he don't do time, for ain't no one here got time for that.
gribble: Error: 'he' is not a valid integer.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski myeah. also, wp plugins are generally trouble
Vexual: a month off yyoure dead
mircea_popescu: ;;rate Vexual 1 he don't do time, for ain't no one here got time for that.
gribble: Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
mircea_popescu: assbot: The Great Robocoin Rip-off <<< eagerly awaiting the qntra write-up because docs.google is too js-y for me.
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves: just do money exchange desks << this is exactly what i'm doing.
Vexual: what does pierre rochard do?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: assbot: The Great Robocoin Rip-off <<< eagerly awaiting the qntra write-up because docs.google is too js-y for me. << i know two guys who bought these. one of them actually pgps. maybe an interview can be arranged by cazalla or bingoboingo?
mircea_popescu: i guess so, even though... how's the interview of a bagholder supposed to go ?
gribble: You have not yet rated user Pierre_Rochard
danielpbarron: ben_vulpes, yeah; i shoulda checked my own version of the logs, or better yet, scroll up one page.. :/
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user Pierre_Rochard has been recorded.
Vexual: qntra comments: leah:source? cazalla:snarky sunt!
gribble: You have not yet rated user kako
gribble: You rated user kakobrekla on Fri Jun 27 18:12:54 2014, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: greaser of #bitcoin-assets wheels. hasn't run off with bitbets.
pete_dushenski: ;;rate kakobrekla 3 runs bitbet like a champ. #bitcoin-assets bots too.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating for user kakobrekla has changed from 2 to 3.
Vexual: ive never spilled by breakfast whisky reading coindesk
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: interview goes "i would never do this again because las vegas derp is a so-and-so"
pete_dushenski: anyways, i'm still confused by this /robots/txt thing. don't know how it got there, if it's bad mkay, or why it would attract hits/downloads.
mircea_popescu: `jurov`: weird. clicked on comment, again 404 << sounds like some weird yet elusive dns issue.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski robots.txt is by convention a file which describes the site owner's view on robots
mircea_popescu: ie, who, what and how much is acceptable to download. well behaved robots honor it. google does.
assbot: Proof That Mycelium Knows How To Make A Better RNG For Its Entropy Dongle. And Isn't. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
assbot: Assessing Macro Risks For The 4 Most Important Berkshire/Buffett Stocks | Seeking Alpha
mircea_popescu: what is he even holding, i forget. chewing gum, hfcs water and what ?
assbot: Ebola Spurs Lakelands Stock Rally, Adding $118 Million - Yahoo Finance
mircea_popescu: wfc is purely symbolic, just an ombillicum to daddy govt
Vexual: if i might descibe some symolism
thickasthieves: wfc does at least seems to be one of the banks moving along better than most
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
mircea_popescu: from what i gather it's mostly a real estate play by now. sort of catholic church
mircea_popescu: jesus this seeking alpha bs... let's make a derpy article 14 pages long so everyone reding an article does 14+ clicks
bounce: sell software and consulting "services"
Vexual: ;;google the significance of the pickle
bounce: get in on the ground floor! invest nao!
mircea_popescu: a olook at that. seekingalpha sends me a popup with no close button
Vexual: well i could tell you the significance of the mickey mouse
bounce: even the mainframe business exists mostly to charge 35k+/month for the licences, or something to that tune
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 396.97, Best ask: 398.43, Bid-ask spread: 1.46000, Last trade: 398.43, 24 hour volume: 22403.83407178, 24 hour low: 386.68, 24 hour high: 415.0, 24 hour vwap: 400.117740165
Adlai: Vexual: now that's a song i haven't heard in a looooong time
bounce: maybe should check some spam archive or other to see if there's secret pennystock buy recommendations pumping eurusd
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla so how much did you save your investors by closing the thing by now ? 5% ?
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> ok this bill hicks thing works lol << guy was a sage
mircea_popescu: cazalla can you explain that 4plebs img thing ? i dun have the context.
kakobrekla: mircea_popescu with that last adjustments that were made about flat, without them prolly worse than -5% but i havent checked really
kakobrekla: thickasthieves from the chart id say i got them
thickasthieves: is there a list of winchellese phrases and words anywhere?
nubbins`: ;;google playin my music on the submarines and the boats
mircea_popescu: Adlai: oh durban. another friend got deported from there... this appears to be the national pastime for my age group << how da fuck do you get deported FROM durban
Vexual: indeed, durban seems like a final destination
nubbins`: durban poison sounds fucking great
Vexual: say that on the flipside
Vexual: ergot final destination
assbot: BitBet - Dolar Blue over 20 Argentine Pesos on or before Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec 8th) :: 7.4 B (42%) on Yes, 10.14 B (58%) on No | closing in 3 weeks 4 days | weight: 46`339 (100`000 to 1)
assbot: Ergot and its effect on your wheat grade
nubbins`: more like ergot and its effect on your chemistry lab, amirite?
nubbins`: looks like something i'd smoke
Vexual: yeah but going to za for durban is like going to tokyo for hamburgers
Vexual: you'll try it and ou know it'll be good, but it's not why you're there
nubbins`: decided to try adding pigment to silver base today
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
mike_c: has the responsible party taken credit for the qntra harrassment?
mike_c: those guys must be really bored. get mp kicked off twitter! ddos qntra!
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla i doubt the nsa is actually strong enough. their entire shtick is security through obscurantism
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla no, the "reddit police" was the earlier, muchly belulzed trilema ddos.
assbot: Logged on 15-10-2014 02:39:56; DowntimeBsns: i'm goat
assbot: Logged on 15-10-2014 02:37:22; BingoBoingo: DowntimeBsns: Are you the reddit police?
assbot: Logged on 15-10-2014 02:37:27; DowntimeBsns: yes
mike_c: uh, qntra.net is resolving to localhost?
kakobrekla: i havent heard this guy 'sueing' anyone - so not goat.
mircea_popescu: mebbe. on the other hand, the absolutely only person who would care enough about goat to name goat would be goat himself.
mike_c: i got srsly weirded out there. went to qntra.net/feed/ and the btcalpha rss feed came up.
chetty: ooo marketwatch is down, but I got an email dow is bleeding bad
kakobrekla: goat the chaang doesnt have ddos capabilities
Vexual: he doesnt have a post to tie himself to
mircea_popescu: this is all derpy anyway, a kid with a wp list and a lousy 3.5kish botnet.
kakobrekla: well he can but sucking a cock is not a crime.
Vexual: might be fuckin news ltd
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9375 @ 0.00073347 = 6.8763 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: if anyone wants on the whitelist you can just pm me an ip.
mats_cd03: it seems nobody has noticed all of the bugs patched today haven't been properly fixed
`jurov`: punkman: what if coinbr issues you redeemable signed receipt in exchange for your shares,
mats_cd03: they could be used for remote exploitation, e.g. non-browser, non-document things
☟︎ `jurov`: that entitles you (or anyone who has it) for delivery of these assets to their coinbr acct within 14 days of redemption, plus any dividends in meantime?
chetty: eh -198, that not so bad
mats_cd03: if u r a 0day hunter... get on it and make some monaaaay
mats_cd03: well, they weren't patched. thats mostly why.
mircea_popescu: jurov that leading quote is the substance of annoying. anyway, "anyone who has it" can backfire massively.
`jurov`: um... it's up to him to keep it secret, no?
`jurov`: or he can give it to someone else
`jurov`: he has to trust me i won't leak it anyway, not sure if that can be solved
mircea_popescu: not to mention it motivates him to finish the deeds thing already :D
`jurov`: i'm trying to figure out a way for poor qntra writers to have their shares, too, while avoiding freeloading
mircea_popescu: i know. but i mean, issue it in his name/gpg key, and require that in order for a third party to benefit, there must be a deeds registered, signed assignation
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2175 @ 0.00073457 = 1.5977 BTC [+]
`jurov`: yes, but i'd have to track it then.. better just add a button "loan the shares to coinbr"
`jurov`: and then empty accounts don't pay monthly fee
Vexual: this is like when my car bacfired out the front of the meachanics shop and they thought i had a gun
punkman: `jurov`: I had pretty much the same idea, was gonna ask
punkman: maybe I fund and account at coinbr with 0.1 and you mark it as frozen?
Vexual: nah man, im here to give you money
gribble: smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 18 weeks, 1 day, 10 hours, 26 minutes, and 7 seconds ago: <smickles> easily a few more bil in things like BPOs and BPCs
`jurov`: punkman thing is, it isn't coded yet. so far we can just make a deed about the loan with above conditions (14 day redemption)
mircea_popescu: <`jurov`> yes, but i'd have to track it then.. better just add a button "loan the shares to coinbr" <<< this may be a better idea, run your own fund i guess
`jurov`: and you'll need an acct only on redemption
gribble: Nick '`jurov`', with hostmask '`jurov`!~jurov@mx.coinbr.com', is not identified.
gribble: Error: "iden" is not a valid command.
gribble: Nick 'jurov', with hostmask 'jurov!~jurov@mx.coinbr.com', is not identified.
jurov: ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:e3039a807de091554a4ed03c10aadf7def402a5268d9e4cbe87e4bab
gribble: You are now authenticated for user jurov with key 677ABD62D0AEE7D7
mike_c: so this is it, SSL is dead now. crazy.
punkman: mircea_popescu: my shares to be sent to jurov whenever the board pleases
mike_c: possibly unintentionally. i just mean that it is now going to be widely discarded instead of narrowly discarded.
nubbins`: i wonder is goat actually in thailand?
assbot: Google Online Security Blog: This POODLE bites: exploiting the SSL 3.0 fallback
nubbins`: last address i had for him placed him in the usa
jurov: mike_c: in favor of what? i don't see any scramblingo to implement,. say gpg signatures support in browsers
ben_vulpes: <`jurov`> yes, but i'd have to track it then.. better just add a button "loan the shares to coinbr" << not at all, just import all the keys and verify all the sigs at transfer.
assbot: OpenPGP.js | OpenPGP JavaScript Implementation
bounce: somebody did, then the thing broke
mike_c: in favor of TLS. don't worry, that one is secure!
assbot: PGP Encryption Tool - iGolder
bounce: there was "firegpg" for a bit. aparently there's "webpg"
Vexual: nubbins`: if you can hang onto your wallet it's not bad
jurov: but i mean on same level as tls is now
mircea_popescu: "Since August 1st, 2013 iGolder is no longer accepting new accounts and balances can only be redeemed. During the past years, we have been recommending Bitcoin more than our own payment system. We believe in physical gold ownership, and developed iGolder as a mechanism for people to acquire physical gold by trading with one another."
jurov: ben_vulpes: that doesn't preclude circulation of duplicates
assbot: PGP Encryption Tool - iGolder
mircea_popescu: so send your plaintext over
https to a server, which then gives yo ua safe token for your correspondant
jurov: ben_vulpes race conditions who will redeem it first and such mess
jurov: not to mention if someone succeeds to sell and circulate them further, coinbr will be blamed
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38150 @ 0.00073334 = 27.9769 BTC [-]
ben_vulpes: well race condition only happens if someone sells and signs on to two seperate parties
jurov: yes, that's what i mean
ben_vulpes: eg, cazalla counterparties trusting him to not resell
jurov: could be fun, i agree
jurov: ikr. but some setups have bigger mess potential, other ones less
jurov: and the benefit isn't so big
Vexual: quit your crying you havent fucked up yet
jurov: lol.. should I? to learn faster?
Vexual: hell n, do what your doind, no discounts
Vexual: whaddayyou fuckin high nubbins, whadda you care?
nubbins`: Vexual actually sober, caffeine aside
Vexual: i wouldnannah said it otherwise
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
nubbins`: woah, he actually has a kid hey?
nubbins`: ah heh, this one was his avatar on the forums for a while
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
Vexual: everything is so proud
Vexual: hes got like 12 million domarions and a shotgun too
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: i should change my name to gben vulpes <<< maybe gben vulpes-fuckin
Vexual: k is the ninth letter bit i call him ben10
Vexual: vuples the mexican is good too
xinxi: Vexual - it’s must be quite late in au now.
Vexual: yes my dentis appointment
nubbins`: does your dentist also sleep upside-down?
Vexual: must be quite late in bejing also
nubbins`: where can i buy gallons of speedball silver acrylic?
TomServo: "I talked with the Guardian editors about publishing the manual. In the end, we decided not to, because the information in it wasn't useful to understanding the story."
bounce: because the only thing that matters is the story?
xinxi: It’s 11:45pm in Singapore.
Vexual: longitudes a funny thing in this world
bounce: because youse blest and the rest of the world's pinko commie furriners nohow
Vexual: i suppose your adressing nubbins`
Vexual: nice to meet you xinxi, goodevening all
xinxi: nice to meet you too.
assbot: Waterman & Milley - For Ted When He Dies - YouTube
nubbins`: BingoBoingo, what an opportunity
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.16106012 BTC to 16`164 shares, 7183 satoshi per share
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [RENT] [PAID] 5.30186800 BTC to 171`028 shares, 3100 satoshi per share
Apocalyptic: BingoBoingo, did you redirect him to coindesk ?
nubbins`: october, the OFFICIAL breast cancer awareness month
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 5.81893928 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 506 satoshi per share
nubbins`: coindesk: we swear it's a news site
xinxi: I am very happy to see that there is some liquidity in my site now. If you need a fair market to trade bitcoin options, you can come.
https://coinut.com Apocalyptic: xinxi, is there a way to view the orderbook without being logged in ?
xinxi: sorry, currently no. there are many expiry dates and a few assets. it’s going to be a lot data.
Apocalyptic: I don't see the relevance regarding who do you display this to
xinxi: Oh, as some people trade options here, and since MPOE is down. I guess some of you may need it.
kakobrekla: xinxi in the faq, the first question is 'who are you' which is encouraging, but the answer is written for 'what is this'
jurov: ;;rate xinxi 1 b-a voice, coinut.com - we'll see how it goes
gribble: Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
jurov: xinxi you aren't registered?
jurov: ;;rate wangxinxi 1 b-a voice, coinut.com - we'll see how it goes
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user wangxinxi has been recorded.
xinxi: sorry, where is the FAQ? I cannot find from the bitcoin-assets.com
jurov: !up mechtronic2001
xinxi: Thanks for pointing out. I thought that people are more interested in what we do.
xinxi: yeah, I coded every line.
Apocalyptic: what do you use "<input name="wtd" id="wtd" type="hidden" value="FO99eyNNpUDpIlgY">" for ?
xinxi: it’s for session tracking.
xinxi: if the user does not support cookie, the site will still work.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11703 @ 0.00073435 = 8.5941 BTC [+] {2}
xinxi: ben_vulpes - you mean I should put my gpg key on my about page?
xinxi: kakobrekla - csrf is impossible.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21169 @ 0.00073787 = 15.62 BTC [+] {2}
xinxi: the session id cannot be used to login.
assbot: PinkPosixPXE +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
assbot: Vietnam: Prosecutors Reject Charging Bitcoin Traders | Qntra.net
nubbins`: anyone able to link good articles about GPG contracts? (aside from the one on trilema)
xinxi: ubuntu stil has no update.
danielpbarron: nubbins`, everyone's too busy reinventing the wheel to take the time to describe the one already in use
Apocalyptic: danielpbarron, it's not only that, they are trying to reinvent a better wheel, because they know better
danielpbarron: a smart-wheel that spins itself based on distributed consensus
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: You considered producing any text for qntra yet?
danielpbarron: BingoBoingo, i would like to in the future, but i don't have time for it in autumn
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Ah, just remember it is an option if you find a bit a spare time and a thing not covered
danielpbarron: i have free time for most of the year, just not for these few months
danielpbarron: and of cousre autumn is when all the interesting things in bitcoin happen :/
nubbins`: i might do a practical writeup on gpg contracts
nubbins`: background theory + nuts and bolts + examples
assbot: Bitcoin Address 16cTyJLWbXQz3UZ3sYjy6A6VGX4sAqiEo1
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8340 @ 0.00073545 = 6.1337 BTC [-]
ben_vulpes: lady: "maybe you should take a nap before our dinner party"
assbot: Vietnam: Prosecutors Reject Charging Bitcoin Traders | Qntra.net
ben_vulpes: me: "yeah, taking care of myself would be a good idea. i'll let you know if i get around to it!"
bounce: gotta rite rite, rite?
BingoBoingo: Well find something and then make it news'd
ben_vulpes: middleman is getting squozed out of existince in this qntry
thickasthieves: i guess i could order one direct without trying it... seems foolish
assbot: PC World: Apple G5 Gets Trounced By Athlon 64 - Slashdot
thickasthieves: fwiw, the first words on the dealer website: "Welcome to Workscapes. Workscapes is a woman owned business."
nubbins`: do not buy a chair without sitting in it
nubbins`: hit up one of the local office furnishing places, fuck staples
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 323749.02 in 152 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -82.76
ben_vulpes: clearly those people don't understand business
BingoBoingo: I'm probably going to have to replace the fan it the laptop again. This time I'll probably buy 5 or so
mircea_popescu: <TomServo> "I talked with the Guardian editors about publishing the manual. In the end, we decided not to, because the information in it wasn't useful to understanding the story." << lel
assbot: Screw you guys. : Bitcoin
gribble: Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: vexual using tor. imagine << it's easy, he just went over to the tor ip and proceeded to push keys until he was let in.
thickasthieves: other than robocoin's shitty numbers, i dont think this while consumer ripoff report is all that convincing anyway
BingoBoingo: I'm trying to hunt for new and "expensive thing was expensive" keeps introducing noise today.
mircea_popescu: nubbins`: october, the OFFICIAL breast cancer awareness month << i think in some us states it's illegal to get breast cancer out of wedlock, or on any other month.
nubbins`: thickasthieves TBF the robocoin replies were brutal
thickasthieves: yeha i'm not defending them so much as leaving the door open to both parties being asses
nubbins`: "I want to first acknowledge that as with all bitcoin companies, we are working extremely hard, drinking from a fire hose and solving problems, stabilizing the platform AND continuing to improve every day."
thickasthieves: i know what it's like to have a vindictive customer turn a small problem into a worse one
mircea_popescu: 1.0.1 server implementations for both SSL/TLS and DTLS regardless of
nubbins`: "i want to acknowledge that as with all bitcoin companies, we're a bunch of fuckups who took on more than we could handle and now we need pitchforks to shovel all our excuses"
mircea_popescu: "This issue was reported to OpenSSL on 26th September 2014, based on an original issue and patch developed by the LibreSSL project. Further analysis of the issue was performed by the OpenSSL team. The fix was developed by the OpenSSL team." << gotta love the seething anger.
mpmcsweeney: the part where he pretty much implies that they cant refund the customer until they sell the unit, thats no good
mircea_popescu: nubbins` no, saying that would be truthful and "unprofessional"
xinxi: nubbins`: - what do you do ?
mircea_popescu: it'd allow them to grow the fuck up, which is verboten in openssl bruceworld.
nubbins`: xinxi in here, i mostly just modify the S/N ratio. in meatspace, i print things
thickasthieves: mpmcsweeney - customer did agree to a no refund policy
xinxi: i mean your company.
nubbins`: thickasthieves in the guy's defence, he waited six months before his emails even started to turn snippy
mircea_popescu: OpenSSL 0.9.8 users should upgrade to 0.9.8zc. << best fucking part. what do they do when run out of minor versions ? use a letter. and when you run out of the 27 motherfucking letters ?
mpmcsweeney: for sure - just pointing that element out, its a sticky situation nonetheless
nubbins`: xinxi: the text i quoted earlier was from Robocoin
mircea_popescu: soon it'll be "users are advised to upgrade to openssl 0.9.8obamakilledthejews"
assbot: imgur: the simple image sharer
xinxi: Oh, robocoin luanched in Singapore.
nubbins`: thickasthieves you ever read something goat wrote?
mircea_popescu: nubbins` : in castellan, your sides are called matambres
xinxi: god, I should have known it a few months ealier.
nubbins`: srsly, they call it castellano in .ar?
mircea_popescu: jesus who;'s that vocational school reject in the pic ?
nubbins`: colombians i think are an exception
thickasthieves: basically goat only knows how to say "i am awesome, i make lotsa coins, think of me as a financial beast plz!", but in 5000 different ways
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: nubbins`, everyone's too busy reinventing the wheel to take the time to describe the one already in use << this guy is veering into prophetic.
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves kinda what makes me think of him as a whore.
nubbins`: your writeup is great for the theory side, i'd like to marry it with something technical
mircea_popescu: pretty much the only group where giving the impression is actually the substance of the profession.
nubbins`: man shaves sides of heat, decides to wear a suit and tie anyway
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6357 @ 0.00073545 = 4.6753 BTC [-]
bounce: or pole dancers or any old performers
nubbins`: i have vague memories of both as well
gribble: Error: "down" is not a valid command.
nubbins`: you owe me like 5 satoshi for this
devthedev: I still can't access Qntra from over here for some reason.
nubbins`: gpg keys in safety deposit box (obfuscated or not): pros/cons?
mircea_popescu: you get all the advantages of marking it as valuable with none of the downside of accessibility or deniability.
bounce: sounds like win-win all around
assbot: Logged on 30-08-2014 16:11:44; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: re: 'coinbase insurance' post - little story. recently i had occasion to rent a box at a bank (storage of various paperwork for firm.) the contract was a hilarious read. bank only insures a box for up to 25k usd. and specifically excludes damage from robbery, fire, water... virtually anything.
☟︎ nubbins`: actually a couple visits ago, they lost the sign-in sheet for my box
nubbins`: "i guess we'll just start a new one"
nubbins`: "actually, i guess i'll have a seat while you find the fucking sheet"
bounce: and on top of that, they'll let any old law enforcement take a look-see but should you die, may or may not let your executor in
nubbins`: so, TLDR, great for a backup copy of your homeowner's insurance policy but not much else
assbot: History of Computers and Computing, Automata, The Automata of Villard de Honnecourt
devthedev: I'm slightly worried about the Qntra shares. If the amount of S.QNTR shares double monthly wouldn't the revenue have to double as well to keep up with the inflation?
mircea_popescu: devthedev in theory, a newsite's ability to earn should be a function of the content it holds.
nubbins`: i'm picturing a repurposed bank vault with gpg access control
nubbins`: i guess i'm actually imagining it, because the nebulous thing in my head right now isn't really a picture
mircea_popescu: bounce> and on top of that, they'll let any old law enforcement take a look-see but should you die, may or may not let your executor in << if they do you can sue, and they will settle.
mircea_popescu: just make sure to name the branch manager and the clerk in the suit.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform heres' the funny thing : yes, they can lose the content
mircea_popescu: that's why you name the people in question. see if they're willing to lie for the bank or not.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform umm well you need a better contract then
mircea_popescu: "gotta have 'magistrate' judges and 'arbiters' and anything and everyting as long as it';s not a judge"
bounce: that should end up a contract with lots of sections elided
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: lady: "maybe you should take a nap before our dinner party" << translation "fuck me!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i don't recall ever signing a contract iwth arbitration clauses.
mircea_popescu: and in a dispute with the romanian immigration service five years ago or so, they brought this objeciton in court, specifically, that i can't sue them before i do arbitration
mircea_popescu: and i said that either they drop it or i sue them and overturn THAT idiocy too
mircea_popescu: so in the end i only overturned the dumbass "regulation" they had invented in the first place.
mircea_popescu: only thing i ever heard an excited mathematician say was
nubbins`: interesting problems with elegant solutions
nubbins`: i had a prof get overcome once when a student presented a surprisingly succinct proof in ring theory
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 38 @ 0.09873684 = 3.752 BTC [-] {9}
nubbins`: we talking in-hand or total life's possessions?
bounce: in-hand can be higher while total worth is considerably less.
mircea_popescu: well sure, plenty of people in their 30s are underwater
nubbins`: anyone with a mortgage, essentially
mircea_popescu: no, because 100mn europeans and 80mn usians are a tiny sliver of a 600mn population in their 30s
nubbins`: sierra leone, you only got 5 years left at 30
mircea_popescu: nubbins` as i was explaining to gabriel_laddel coupla days ago, averages are slippery. in sierra leone it's 35 because a bunch of retarded infants die young.
mircea_popescu: if this happened in the us, too, it'd be a much better place to be.,
nubbins`: oh, hm. infant mortality. that's a valid point
nubbins`: retrospectively obvious, as well D;
mircea_popescu: averages are really only to be used by qualified people.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform statistics is perhaps the hardest thing for the monkey brain to grok
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.00073658 = 15.0999 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: harder than crypto, tho the fonts of difficulty be well related
nubbins`: wow, actually 56.55 years at birth, sez here
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> asciilifeform statistics is perhaps the hardest thing for the monkey brain to grok << +1
mircea_popescu: incidentally, one of the major pillars of the fallacious theory of "progress" is exactly this. back in 1700, a bunch of retarded kids that should never have lived died before being 21.
jurov: asciilifeform was there a "damage from incorrect date calculation", like in my household insurance?
mircea_popescu: the current day progressive averages all that out and comes up with o wow, "life expectancy has doubled"!!!1
mircea_popescu: in fact, expectancy of quality of life has more than halved
mircea_popescu: whereas actual life duration expectancy hasn't much changed. except if you're a retard.
mircea_popescu: otherwise, seneca lived 94 years just as well as buffett or w/e
mircea_popescu: because all the seo experts of his time were dogfood by age 6
mircea_popescu: easy enough fix, just bring back the mp education system. examine the kids aged 7, 11, 15 and 19. kill a tenth each time.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20421 @ 0.000739 = 15.0911 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22102 @ 0.00073944 = 16.3431 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: it's a business owned woman << i think stating that is a top taboo in teh us.
mircea_popescu: like saying you enjoy the feel of 17yo pussy giving way or something
mircea_popescu: "Of note is the 3.2GHz Pentium 4, coming in competitive with the G5, but significantly behind the Opteron and Athlon 64 systems."" << i wonder if these two share tech.
assbot: The Register: Man Hunts Insufficiently Random Nonces, Blockchain.info Wallets Vulnerable | Qntra.net
assbot: [Wed Oct 15 13:45:20 2014] [error] [client] client denied by serv - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they're both dogs of the same sled so to speak
assbot: [Wed Oct 15 13:45:20 2014] [error] [client] client denied by serv - Pastebin.com
assbot: Market indexes dive, erasing 2014's gains
bounce: it's a ploy to get people to buy more cryptome dvds, I'm telling you
assbot: Apple KILLS SUPER MARIO. And Zelda. And Sonic The Register
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22150 @ 0.00073658 = 16.3152 BTC [-]
TomServo: of course, not when you can 're-imagine' and resell the same POS.
mircea_popescu: the one thing any entertainer in the world would pay for, would be a memory zap device.
bounce: "who is the zombie now, mister moviegoing fan?"
mircea_popescu: that way he could APPEAR to get better and better to his audience
mats_cd03: Market indexes dive, erasing 2014's gains << good thing i only have to worry about BTC taking a dive
mircea_popescu: all about how bitcoin's going down and your crock of shit will survive in blank rhyme
mircea_popescu: annnnnnd next time, before thinking about fucking with the bull, think about the horns.
TomServo: Oh, you thought you were milking the cow? We don't have a cow.
mircea_popescu: i think ima submit my first qntra article. this should be fun.
assbot: Kingpin--cow milk - YouTube
TomServo: Credit where credit is due. Carry on.
assbot: Title: After defeating it in the Bitcoin market, La Serenissima bleeds the USG a - Pastebin.com
thickasthieves: mp, qntra being a news site, shouldnt you include some sources for your USG accusations?
assbot: History of Computers and Computing, Automata, Joseph Faber
mircea_popescu: i dunno thickasthieves, let the editor figure it out neh ?
mircea_popescu: it's definitely not going to be a sort of citation-needed retardopedia, for that end of things
mike_c: seems stylistically like a piece for the opinion page.
mircea_popescu: news, dood. doesn't ask you anything. it just puts the burden upon you to make room for it in your gestaalt as it were
mircea_popescu: that's what's so attractive about the newsman job. you get to rape a bunch of people's heads.
thickasthieves: that's why news is dangerous, and why people with that attitude in news are even more so
mircea_popescu: nope. im putting some pressure on your quaint but broken notions of truth, factuality and so on
mircea_popescu: but things that actually happened that you personaly can't verify are what ?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: "fuck me" it is that time of the month, yes
TomServo: I'd like to see qntra stick to the (published!) facts, personally.
mircea_popescu: the reason accuracy is a concept at all is that news can't ever be correct. which is why estimates are accurate and calculations are correct.
ben_vulpes: relatedly: why do guys derp on about PMS and not about the ovulation?
thickasthieves: this is the same as the wot concepts, the including footnotes and source links concepts, etc
ben_vulpes: that's like a third "private messages" a third "project manager" and a third bitchy babes
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves looky. factually the btc bottom happened. factually the dow movement happened.
mircea_popescu: well yes. so there yo uhave it : any way you go about things you're going to be selecting something.
thickasthieves: well like we've both said recently, cazalla's problem i guess
mike_c: you don't have to like every article.
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> womenz can not be owned!!1 << the line is that humans cannot be owned, and it's only spouted by those who've not realized they're owned
ben_vulpes: <mircea_popescu> no, they constantly dilute except for active writers. << clever
mike_c: they don't constantly dilute
mike_c: they dilute in a geometrically decreasing fashion
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves he means that by the time there's 10bn, a few more added won't make a difference
mircea_popescu: ideally people do their job because of their job, not because of their carrot
thickasthieves: you put out a carrot and then say, oh dont worry about that
bounce: colour me conservative, but I expect news-writing on a news-site
mircea_popescu: bounce so they can't report on derpy stuff like moolah or w/e ?
mike_c: bounce: in the lifestyles section? or the opinion page? or the comics page?
thickasthieves: there's also an ironic conflict of interest for 3 owners in writing
mircea_popescu: yes thickasthieves. the issue is as follows : no matter how much fun you'll have, there's more people making more people having more fun than you out there.
bounce: does qntra have those?
mike_c: they have categories. same difference.
bounce: hmhm so it's a blog after all
mircea_popescu: the blog is the superset of the written word. tom sawyer is a badly implemented blog.
bounce: then there's no point in trying to be different, is there?
thickasthieves: well the trying t be different, i thought, was to eschew now-common problems in news
bounce: well, why do you submit something to qntra that would do peachy fine on trilema?
mircea_popescu: bounce think about it, if i never submitted anything to qntra wouldn't ppl want to know why i don't ?
thickasthieves: this sounds a bit like the colored coins conversation ;)
bounce: you're rooting for the tin foil hats that speculate you'll get paid to not write for qntra?
jurov: this is an editorial not an article
mircea_popescu: bounce lol i think im good either way, not about to starve if they reject my contribution :D
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i can see your angle. if you feel like doing one sometime...
BingoBoingo: qntra prolly ought to grow to include editorial eventually. cazalla's decision as to when
thickasthieves: it's just new, we are indeed trying to judge a toddler like an adult
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves wel no, this is the sort of shit that happens. one day cazalla was minding his own fucking business. suddenly, it's "make a news site!" then the next week it's ddosed to hel, and then the next week it's "here's an artikcle from mp, everyone in chan wants to make a call, it's on your head. make a decision"
atcbot: [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 324029.05 in 148 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -82.75
bounce: putting stuff in suggestive light
mike_c: the lawsky title was a bit silly for my taste, but the content was useful to me. i'm glad i read what happenned.
thickasthieves: you can tell when qntra is trying to be cold, and when it's catering to b-a readers
mircea_popescu: that was baked in the design. "take their subjects, write them better"
bounce: headline writing is a fine art though. news shops have people that specialise in exactly that.
mike_c: if you just want occassional useful articles, read blogs.b-a.
mike_c: if you want to know all the stupid shit that is hapenning, not told to you by idiots, read qntra.
thickasthieves: when i worked at newspaper, headline writing was mostly editors job
thickasthieves: writers (and even layout people) would write placeholer headlines
mircea_popescu: i think mike substantially has it, tbh. that's pretty much the mission.
Apocalyptic: <mike_c> if you want to know all the stupid shit that is hapenning, not told to you by idiots, read qntra. // that's probably the best definition of what it does
mircea_popescu: i mean sure in time it can branch out and grow and w/e, but as an anchor, that's how it was born
bounce: there's more or less three candidates, given the wordcount rule
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform idea being, everything needs to be done. cables are needed too.
TheBroker: ;;gpg eregister TheBroker 2AB7FCD6D06C6433
thickasthieves: my main gripe with news is when it's propaganda or meant to manipulate
bounce: first it's got to steal your attention, then it's got to keep it, then it's gotta fill the article, then it's got to pad the wordcount
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves news will have a pov. want it to or not.
mircea_popescu: bounce my idea was to make it contrary forces. so the wordcount should result like the stuff in colorado, a splendor.
assbot: Re: "Well, I want to switch over to replace EMACS LISP with Guile." - Naggum cll archive
thickasthieves: lol every article should say how many shares it made at the bottom
cazalla: well see, qntra is titled news, views and commentary so thickasthieves, you are quite welcome to submit an article in response to mircea_popescu's
cazalla: and gee i had a few too many last night
thickasthieves: maybe i'll submit an article about the problem with qntra share dist model
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.00073879 = 21.2772 BTC [+] {2}
cazalla: mircea_popescu, yes but a little reminiscent of when the stooge is told to give a check to the tangiers lol he does as he is told
BingoBoingo: <thickasthieves> maybe i'll submit an article about the problem with qntra share dist model << Qntra shares embody MP view of wealth as % of math rather than number ot tokens
cazalla: qntra authors are compromised because yesterday mircea_popescu organises hosting, today he wants to be an authour!
bounce: "free software a mediocre idea" oh well
cazalla: yes, we can earn from the pool as well
thickasthieves: so while qntra has the least income, and needs the most from few (as in it's founders will work for equity only at start) it's founders and groundfloor employees get the most equity
thickasthieves: which by then shares are very diluted for everyone but 3 founders
thickasthieves: i just cant sort why owning shares and holding them will ever be good
mike_c: thickasthieves: you see peterl's article on it?
assbot: Infinitely inflating stock S.QNTR | BTC Scoop Blog
cazalla: i think coindesk got to thickasthieves
thickasthieves: peterl's conclusion seems to be that only buyers of shares would logically be donors
mike_c: cazalla: suggestion: pick a reasonable set of categories (8-10?) and apply to all articles. this would allow for sections and filtering.
mike_c: additional tags of course don't hurt anything
cazalla: mike_c, we've been adding categories as we go so they will expand over time, not that fussed on tags though tbh
thickasthieves: possibly, the only ways for qntra shares to go up in value would be divs becoming great, or somehow closing the loop by having a way to 'spend' shares.. but at that point all you did was make an altcoin
mike_c: but if you have a core set of tags it is easy to have finance page, legal page, editorial page, etc. (this is what I would want, perhaps not widely desired).
mircea_popescu: <bounce> "free software a mediocre idea" oh well <<< who ?
mike_c: or perhaps tat wants to ignore certain categories (like commentary)
TheBroker: ;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:8d4e51bfd52590faed6033f2b80be4cb717cade996f447774214d48b
gribble: Registration successful. You are now authenticated for user TheBroker with key 2AB7FCD6D06C6433
mike_c: neither is the editorial section of the paper.
thickasthieves: if i wrote an article saying that mp wrote the article, thats news :)
thickasthieves: Romanian Blogger Makes Startling Accusations About US Bitcoin Manipulation
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves bad title tho. i got better titles than blogger, and the big thing there is the dow manipulation
mike_c: another section of the paper that isn't news: classifieds! put the otc order book out of bizness and makes shareholders happy.
mircea_popescu: Romanian Billionaire And Unrepentant Murderer of Anton Derpopoplus Claims Foreign Interest Manipulate Dow
thickasthieves: mp just write all your articles for qntra about your articles on trilema and i'll be happy lol
bounce: Unrepentant Romanian Claims Foreign Interests Manipulate Dow
mircea_popescu: Breaking : A Trilema Article I wrote about a Song I wrote about some Music I wrote.
peterl: hi, I think you misunderstood the conclusion of my article
gribble: Nick 'TheBroker', with hostmask 'TheBroker!bec3cce4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user 'TheBroker', with GPG key id 2AB7FCD6D06C6433, key fingerprint A8B4D8D11C5F71DA8D3059E02AB7FCD6D06C6433, and bitcoin address None
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user TheBroker has been recorded.
peterl: at first, the people buying shares of S.QNTR will be donating to authors
peterl: but eventually the paper might make money
peterl: so people will be buying shares to get a part of the income
thickasthieves: wouldnt it require a drastic amount of money though, the more time passes and shares are created?
peterl: how to make money? sell ads or subscriptions or classifieds or whatever
peterl: but if they make some money, then it will be shared among the shares
mircea_popescu: thickasthieves the newspaper business isn't really for poor people ya know.
peterl: so the price might be really low, but it will still be some positive number
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 391.2, Best ask: 391.59, Bid-ask spread: 0.39000, Last trade: 391.6, 24 hour volume: 21327.08255323, 24 hour low: 385.92, 24 hour high: 413.0, 24 hour vwap: 397.092249358
peterl: but anybody can see the inflation coming, so the whole market will discount the share price as appriate to compensate between "profit now" and "profit later"
mats_cd03: it sounds like mp has implicitly agreed to be the hearst/murdoch of qntra
peterl: already there are some bids up for S.QNTR, some people are being generous to the authors, some not so much
thickasthieves: well think of this conversation as informing to potential investors that this isnt really an investment to expect gains from, other than knowing your favorite news source will continue to exist
mircea_popescu: well, i suspect there's a lot of unresolved questions in there.
peterl: thickasthieves: hopefully investors are smart enough to read the listing and understand what is going on
thickasthieves: and yknow, i'm not saying i wouldnt buy shares just to support it
mircea_popescu: for one thing, every news outlet to date, pando, gawker, you name it, was started with a nest egg and no perspective to make money.
devthedev: I hope it turns out okay for authors too, we'll have to wait and see.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, whatsapp has yet to make any money. etc.
mircea_popescu: so yeah, s.qntr is only slightly better than the blue chip fiat company.
peterl: people are buying with the hope they might make some profit in the future
mircea_popescu: but whatever you care about, that's what alternatives investors have.
cazalla: mircea_popescu: cazalla can you explain that 4plebs img thing ? i dun have the context. <<< ANZACs go off to fight for the country, ya know, cis gendered men who promote the patriarchy, meanwhile all the leftys move in to Melbourne, meh wtf do i know anyway
mircea_popescu: so it's one of those "while you're away at boot camp your wife is sucking snails out of the lesbian couple next door" ?
thickasthieves: would qntra be interested in some logo mockups? i wont be offended if you dont use any, i just think it makes a create letterform
cazalla: mircea_popescu, pretty much
cazalla: thickasthieves, not at this time but thanks
cazalla: thickasthieves, because then the discussion will turn to how the logo can be improved and i'll end up focusing on that instead of content
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform to follow that model. qntra isn't a seller of 0-dioxin, 1814-equivalent tomatoes, but a greengrocer where they don't hire retards and don't mix shit in the fruit sala.d
☟︎ cazalla planted his tomatos last weekend
cazalla: tomatoes even, grosse and cherry, put some romas in next month
BingoBoingo: The tomatoes in the garden here are still fucking producing. It nearly frosted 3 weeks ago, but they won't stop this year.
assbot: FCC Commissioner: Butt-Dialing is Taxing 911 - Businessweek
bounce: leaving aside "acts of nature", news is created by the doings of people. there're a lot more of those around than there were in 1700. if you assume only the top N most important bits are important, then that number stays constant. if you assume the top N% is important, then the absolute number of newsworthy things would likely adjust with the headcount
cazalla: BingoBoingo, i didn't get any last year, we had hail proceeded by a 5 day heat wave, that was the end of them
bounce: debatabel. we have a lot more opportunity, if perhaps and arguable less incentive, for not-yet-people to become people.
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Two years ago the bumper crop was brussel sprouts, produced into January
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00073954 = 21.8164 BTC [+] {2}
cazalla: BingoBoingo, nice, yet to grow them although i've considered it
cazalla: mircea_popescu, i'll have your article up later this morning
cazalla: thickasthieves, deal with it --0-0--- or write an article in response to our commentary :P
mircea_popescu: this bounce-asciilifeform debate will probably live in the annals.
BingoBoingo wonders why the focus on news exclusively as announcement of what happens now and not as the record historians dig through.
mircea_popescu: because historians are generally regarded like the rats in the sewer
mircea_popescu: they shoulkd be happy to get whatever it is that reaches them ?
bounce: the essential part seems to be how many shaved apes can become people, ie can become truly important. and this may or may not be limited within a sphere of influence, but there too we've managed to specialise, and multiple spheres are now more feasible.
mircea_popescu: bounce but hear the contrarian view. in 1814, there were about 1k actual scientists in the world, ie, people making their own moral judgements, as independent agents
mircea_popescu: and a few millions lawyers, doctors, journalists and other liberal professions,
bounce: what this does to relative and absolute importance depends on your viewpoint as much as plenty other factors
mircea_popescu: if not idem then at least somewhat approximting the same
mats_cd03: thickasthieves: wut was that site that downloaded torrents for you?
mircea_popescu: today, someone who has the unmitigated audacity to misrepresent herself as "senior" SEC counsel
mircea_popescu: lacks the authority to make a deal in her purported field of expertise
mircea_popescu: forget being an independent agent. she cant' even deal. she's not even a representative.
mircea_popescu: what are we talking about then ? the five or so people that mp ?
mats_cd03: thickasthieves: ya but what was it. i'd like to reproduce it.
assbot: New Ebola Infection at Dallas Hospital Puts Focus on Health Workers - Businessweek
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10800 @ 0.00073765 = 7.9666 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: which is why and how the entire "don't sneeze on people" thing was introduced.
bounce: apparently "senior counsel" doesn't mean "chief dealmaker". so she's in a position that sounds important but is essentially toothless when it's not about bullying random other parties into filling in a bunch of forms. this phenomenon isn't exactly new.
bounce: the sec is more or less a puppet anyway; look into the commentary around the flash crash, esp. the nanex guys
mircea_popescu: if the sec is a puppet, if senior counsel for the sec ~= housewife
bounce: around the sec? quite possibly nobody.
mircea_popescu: then who ? who are those numerous people that make news ?
bounce: sound and fury, signifying nothing.
mircea_popescu: see, the distance between bounce's theory and asciilifeform's practice is that in theory there's a lot of things that aren't actually fouind in practice ?
bounce: could well be an emergent property of our social limits, mind. like how the human social intelect can deal with ~150 "friends"
mircea_popescu: bounce that's a dubious theory. i don't credit it so much.
bounce: that puts a bit of a damper of how many people you can remember to be important
mircea_popescu: bounce in the same spirit (of statistics) : the average bacterium makes no penicillin
bounce: it's not impossible, even if hard to see being as it is that same emergent property. so the point is not to discount it too easily.
mircea_popescu: suppose qntra buys mtv, and obama is shown back to back doing that, 18`994 times over two weeks.
mircea_popescu: to quote the teflon don speaking to sam giancanna, "all they got is a tape. let 'em play it 'till they're sick of it"
mircea_popescu: so in short : there's not going to be external solutions to internal problems
mircea_popescu: no matter how you bang on it, the shit chip won't suddenly start dropping magic packets.
bounce: currently I think the effect is a bit midway. much larger bulk of apes, lower relative yield of persons despite much better all around education(!), still a net absolute plus, but in a sense a disappointing one
mircea_popescu: a child is conceived. he is healthy. inside his cranial cavity, among water, thin strings of protein run every which way.
mircea_popescu: another child, not healthy. inside his cranial cavity, slightly more water.
bounce: bit of a... paradox perhaps, that improved life circumstances yield a better baseline but a lower top yield
mircea_popescu: and yet... that 2nd brain will never function. all it takes is a little more doping and suddenly you *don't * have a semiconductor
mircea_popescu: you'll have to argue for that better baseline. what's better about it ?
bounce: emergence of a middle class was a bit of a giveaway. increased life expectancy, better literacy all-around, lots of little stuff. life got a lot shinier for a great many people, to the point of bringing a great many more people in the world.
mircea_popescu: this never happened, seriously. you seen that early 1900s test for ohio if memory serves highschoolers ?
assbot: Many Eyes : Percentage of Literacy in the 1600's-1700's
bounce: meaning that fully half the people couldn't read in the 1700s, where it's now closer to just about all of them who can read.
mircea_popescu: you don't get to measure literacy as counted by j h newman with "literacy" as counted by some fuckardacy.
assbot: A very unfair perspective. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
mircea_popescu: they can convincingly pretend like they can read. but in point of fact, they can not and do not.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2489 @ 0.00073765 = 1.836 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: reddit is the temple of this bizarre sect, the large collection of people who can use letters but don't understand sentences.
jurov: i propose using s.qntra shares as payment for trilema credits, upon which they are irreversibly destroyed
bounce: I think you're a bit spoiled here; try and compare reddit derpage and tardery with the complete inability to even follow the simplest instructions when they're paid to do exactly that in places with real modern day rampant illiteracy
mircea_popescu: comparing modern day idiocy in africa with the white areas of 1800 ios nonsense
jurov: however, then the owners share will increase indefinitely
mircea_popescu: romania was in the shitter in 1984, and has more gold per capita than most states today. all it too k was getting rid of the soviets.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, africa had no soviets, it was and will remain in the shitter.
jurov: even bitcoins can be irreversibly destroyed
jurov: but s.qntr shares would outlive the stars or such
jurov: just my brainfarts
jurov: what can be infinitely created, should be destroyable
BingoBoingo: But at least it is only countably infinite!
jurov: asciilifeform it was ability to follow written instructions,no?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform one has to have a whole lotta things. literacy is a good start, of course. the actual kind.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i have an experimentally verified method.
mircea_popescu: it is exhausting but not particularly difficult or complex.
mircea_popescu: works just fine. you start with women in their 20s, self selected. you beat and humiliate them into shape. five to ten years later, people emerge of this.
mircea_popescu: the most we have to go on is that while the recent aberrations produced neither of those,
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20500 @ 0.0007389 = 15.1475 BTC [+] {3}
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform fun fact : rabies doesn't kill per se. current therapy consists of essentially freezing the brain while the virus is flushed out by the immune system
mircea_popescu: not that widely, it's recent and still experimental therapy afaik
mircea_popescu: except the most common form of congenital malformation is fixed with ties.
jurov: devthedev refresh till it works
jurov: but mp's submission was via pastebin
mircea_popescu: bounce incidentally, since you quoth macbeth. "She should have died hereafter; there would have been a time for such a word. To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
mircea_popescu: creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! "
mircea_popescu: this was read, over screams and bellows, in a crummy theatre, and people fucking understood it ?!
mircea_popescu: this ? you kidding me ? and people bitch at trilema being too complex to read ?
mircea_popescu: i should do a shakespeare once just to mess with people.
jurov: i doubt most people actually understood it. went to the theatre like it went to church (when everything was in latin)
mike_c: you've done worse. i swear you posted a couple articles of gobbedly gook that had secret messages.
mircea_popescu: this wasn't a time when theatre was ancient and respected.
mircea_popescu: no, they went to the theatre like you come here. because it's new and cool and it speaks to you and you can afford to.
jurov: and executions weren't every day, too
mircea_popescu: mike_c that wasn't worse, those you could identify as such
mike_c: i still haven't identified the secret message.
mircea_popescu: they had more then than you have now for crying out loud. for one thing, the street was fun
mircea_popescu: people. harlots and scamps and duchesses and everything.
mircea_popescu: you could entertain yourself indefinitely just following the yakking.
jurov: well, theatre was extension of the street. and maybe they explained it to each other
mircea_popescu: but the fact that they did already speaks, does it not.
jurov: yes. still very different from understanding the text as is
HelpPlease: just popped in because one of my refunded bets didn't pay out
mircea_popescu: She should have died hereafter; << She should have died LATER.
mircea_popescu: there would have been a time for such a word. << It's not like this was the only opportunity for her to die and she had to take it.
mircea_popescu: To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time, << roughly equivalent to "life is what happens while we were waiting for other things"
mircea_popescu: and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. << "there but for blind luck goes I", just because you're here today doesn't mean another just like you didn't die yesterday, or the day before.
HelpPlease: Not sure, the bet was resolved sometime between now and yesterday.
HelpPlease: it's marked as refunded but it hasn't been
mircea_popescu: HelpPlease prolly hasn't propagated yet, give it a little.
xanthyos: sorry the sentence fragment "*was* resolved between now and..." caused a temporal causality grammar glitch
jurov: how better? they must learn to remember everything till the verb comes?
mircea_popescu: modern english (ie, shakespeare's writ) is readable to
cazalla: mircea_popescu, ddos back? i see static page on qntra again
jurov: were there any threats?
jurov: i mean, some word from perps. or it's "just because".
BingoBoingo: Wait, to my knowledge goat doesn't hate me!
mircea_popescu: and i bet you 90% of those are actually correct uses of the term, as opposed to the common derpage.
ThickAsThieves: bitpay's bitcoin bowl is exclusively available to buy tix with btc first
jurov: !s social cohesion
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 25 @ 0.11958355 = 2.9896 BTC [+] {8}
assbot: HBO is finally going to let you watch its shows without cable | The Verge
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 85 @ 0.13693914 = 11.6398 BTC [+] {8}
mats_cd03: on the subject of reproducing this bitfetch thing
☟︎ mats_cd03: where should i host the front- and back-end so i dont get vanned
mats_cd03: currently residing in the US so thats a concern for me
fluffypony: if there are any -asseters that are in Los Angeleeez, Las Vegas, or near-ish Utah, the wife and I will be in LA from Oct 28th to Nov 2nd, and then Utah/Las Vegas from Nov 2nd to Nov 17th
assbot: Logged on 15-10-2014 21:29:19; mats_cd03: on the subject of reproducing this bitfetch thing
jurov: mats_cd03: i can ask around
assbot: Bob and Alice Discover a Mac OPSEC Issue - F-Secure Weblog : News from the Lab
mats_cd03: i am now counting down til 'poodle' gets leveraged into active remote exploitation
assbot: How much is a share of S.QNTR worth? - Btc Alpha
assbot: Logged on 15-10-2014 14:34:08; mats_cd03: they could be used for remote exploitation, e.g. non-browser, non-document things
mats_cd03: you making fun of me cause i'm from hk?
ThickAsThieves: lol mike_c I appreciate the work, but i'm not sure it covers my concern
cazalla: damn it, have a post ready to go :\
cazalla: if i could do that, i probably wouldn't be doing qntra
BingoBoingo: ThickAsThieves: Who's to say there won't at some point be a "numbers station" that broadcasts Qntra?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I was just imagining RSS done right over the radio.
jurov: <ThickAsThieves> like when mpex is down, we can still trade << this was actually my intention with the receipts. but it isn't worth it
cazalla: asciilifeform, who knows, i'm just saying if i could write a bot, i'd be doing other things, i cannot so i write news, nothing wrong with that
ThickAsThieves: bots that were meant to be have a way of appearing over time
assbot: Logged on 23-06-2014 05:29:19; cazalla: little to contribute, much to learn - how does that sit with others who have come to that realisation here?
BingoBoingo: cazalla: Amazing how learning creates opportunities
jurov: /fireban ThickAsThieves
assbot: Hollow Nickels & Roach Motels | Box VoxBox Vox
assbot: The Egg | If you care about it, then Egg it! by Eggcyte — Kickstarter
BingoBoingo: But seriously is there any justification for the current design of the US nickle other than as a thing to hollow?
BingoBoingo: Very, but few offer the depth a nickle does.
BingoBoingo: I mean sure you can hollow peace or eisenhower dollars, but those are going to get examined anyways
punkman: proper way is to place the cut on the inside of raised edge, can do with most coins
TheBroker: ;;gpg everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:ae4145a7ad211207477f1ecfa321f6e2b0f42eb8f763f6fa29b4904d
gribble: You are now authenticated for user TheBroker with key 2AB7FCD6D06C6433
mircea_popescu: roughtly reads to me like a disertation on surgery written by waiters next to the hospital on the basis of what they overheard during their jobs would read if i were a surgeon
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00074038 = 5.5529 BTC [+]
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: hollow coins in real life fool no one if examined individually - given the way they are made, the ruse is quite obvious when seen from the edge. << Takes visual inspection though.
BingoBoingo: Maybe have a few "hollow" nickles, pack with proper density grease, soon you demand hours of inspector's time as they pour over pounds of nickles looking for an interestign one.
BingoBoingo: Maybe there's 8 hollow nickles. 5 have just grease, 3 have porn
BingoBoingo: Well, not mint inspectors, but local county mounties sure
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform> the point of a gambit such as drilled coin is to avoid being noticed. << Nah, you drill some coins to force a search for more of the same
BingoBoingo: Freen0deAdmin: Destroying contemporary Western ethos
BingoBoingo: Freen0deAdmin: I suspect you are no kind of admin...
bounce: look up "colour temperature" some time
BingoBoingo: Freen0deAdmin: Are you also reddit police?
assbot: Logged on 15-10-2014 22:52:26; Freen0deAdmin: god caused ebola
BingoBoingo: * TheClitCommander (~Thomas196@c-24-34-9-201.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #bitcoin-assets
BingoBoingo: * Freen0deAdmin (~Thomas196@c-24-34-9-201.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #bitcoin-assets
assbot: Toleration and other essays/Poem on the Lisbon Disaster - Wikisource, the free online library
BingoBoingo: Oh * JerryFish (~HDMIVGA@c-24-34-9-201.hsd1.ma.comcast.net) has joined #bitcoin-assets << has interest in this channe
assbot: Did Obama Just Raise The Ebola Threat Level? | Zero Hedge
BingoBoingo: Lorde must be happy. She named that song after George Brett
assbot: Second Ebola-Infected Nurse Identified, Was Symptomatic With 99.5 Degree Fever While Flying | Zero Hedge
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: By this time next month Amtrack business will be booming. US air travel is on its way out.
BingoBoingo: I mean we are nearly upon Flu season when everyone will have fevers
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: as if trains will not fall under same bureaucracy if the fuhrer wishes it. << No, being under the same bureaucracy is why the trains will run.
mpmcsweeney: theyve already begun panic-removing people from planes
mpmcsweeney: wait til the sick season hits public schools
BingoBoingo: ThickAsThieves: You see what happened in Bonds today?
ThickAsThieves: "Everyone's animal spirit is dead. This is a pretty dramatic move when everyone was expecting higher rates"
assbot: Bonds rally, stocks fall as global economy fears mount| Reuters
devthedev: Bitcointalk: "Due to a recently-discovered flaw in the TLS and SSL protocols, you may want to change your password, especially if you accessed the forum using Tor."
assbot: Lockheed says makes breakthrough on fusion energy project| Reuters
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> or pedal? << Pedal, as in the pedal tones on a brass instrument
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Maybe printed, I'm thinking where the noise is though
BingoBoingo: devthedev: You are covering the moolah.io beat, correct?
devthedev: BingoBoingo: The guy on the bottom of that liveleak screenshot's Landon Merrill
mike_c: ThickAsThieves:being that you had to make up numbers AND timelines << hm, how else do you make investment decisions?
BingoBoingo: mike_c: You know tat always consults the tes leaves
mike_c: well it does show you a methodology. if you don't like the assumptions, change 'em.
ThickAsThieves: i do appreciate the effort, but i'ma just watch and see
mike_c: like all of my articles, they are mostly for me anyway. but i think that one stands up. i didn't cheat either, i was surprised how close my guesstimate came to that bid on mpex.
mike_c: hehe. you think the bid was random?
BingoBoingo: Well, the way I see it people bidding for s.qntra shares are going to be bidding for a percent of future revenue
ThickAsThieves: maaaybe you could estimate a value based on other mpex offerings
mike_c: asciilifeform: one example, as given, is advertising revenue.
mike_c: or selling direct ala bitbet
mike_c: as mentioned, bitcointalk is now making 40 btc a week on ads.
cazalla: mpmcsweeney, i saw coindesk pumping gawminer advertisements yesterday, what's up with that?
BingoBoingo: <mike_c> or selling direct ala bitbet << From an ethics standpoint a Van-ads sort of arrangement is probably cleaner
mike_c: ethics schmethics. newspapers have been funded by ads from forever
mike_c: mining equipment companies pay for it
mike_c: nobody despises the NYT because they run ads.
mike_c: um, then investing in qntra is not a good fit for you anyway
mike_c: somebody who believes a better source of bitcoin news is a good idea?
nubbins`: mike_c: why, that describes me!
mike_c: then you don't believe that "mass media" is the problem, just the way it has been executed.
mike_c: like, owned by companies who must have ever increasing profits
nubbins`: as opposed to qntra, where investors will expect diminishing returns
mike_c: yes, they will expect diminishing returns. i don't understand why this is a problem.
assbot: Logged on 15-10-2014 19:26:50; mircea_popescu: this is not news stan. this is science publications.
ThickAsThieves: qntra provides content of a certain portion of the spectrum
mike_c: AOL dialup business has been producing diminishing returns for a decade and has been extremely valuable.
ThickAsThieves: and yes advertisers who exposure to the kind of person interested in that spectrum would advertise
mike_c: asciilifeform: major newspapers send reporters to syria to get captured. but not on day 1.
mike_c: why would we fly? we're readers, not reporters.
jurov: asciilifeform: is donbass part of your exit strategy?
mike_c: yes. there are stages. stage 1: provide better news than others. stage 2: build enough audience and capital to send people to ukraine. stage 3: profit.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12800 @ 0.00073893 = 9.4583 BTC [-]
jurov: FTFY: build enough audience and capital to buy ukraine
mike_c: WSJ makes a billion or two a year.
mike_c: the old crown. imagine how valuable an organ of the new crown will be.
ThickAsThieves: make people buy shares to read, then burn the shares when they do
jurov: ThickAsThieves: how to burn shares on mpex? push to nonextant address?
mike_c: "infinite" != 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ...
nubbins`: i know i'd certainly buy shares in a website in order to read one of its articles
mike_c: geezus. There are no infinite shares.
jurov: ThickAsThieves: only if you buy such push recipts ;)
nubbins`: no infinite shares, just a share per word
nubbins` prepares an article about the grocers
nubbins`: i'm going to write an amazing article and pad the fuck out of it
nubbins`: like, quadruple the word count
mike_c: you all act like it's a free for all. like cazalla will accept any 5,000 word piece of shit
mike_c: 1) you need to be decently wot'd to contribute. 2) if you submit shit, you won't get in.
mike_c: just drink the fucking kool-aid already
jurov: soon it will be the ultimate turing test
nubbins`: will the articles be edited, or posted as submitted?
jurov: no, only profanity will be randomly sprinkled
nubbins`: i can't speak for the others...
jurov: vex gave me some smoking
nubbins`: the no revenue stream paradigm
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> is everybody here but me on lsd? << Maybe?
ThickAsThieves: if i were on lsd all the time, how would i know i was on lsd?
jurov: kakobrekla: what about S.BASH? one share per bashed word
assbot: ### For the numerically curious : hits count, ip. ### Today 100 - Pastebin.com
mircea_popescu: (this, of course, excludes the wordpress stuff, which is about 90% or so of the entire thing, but also easy to filter)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: but the fact of ddos still being a thing at all, reveals catastrophically broken design at large. << not really, it just reflects a major problem of the world at large (the quare-linear problem, specifically)
mircea_popescu: nah, consider gravity. your potential energy increases with your height, but your speed of ultimate impact with the square of the height.
mircea_popescu: same thing here : the more people you add, the exponentially more potential connections in the graph.
mircea_popescu: ddos is an intrinsic property of the world, like bitcoin, like falling to your death, like the nuclear bomb