376 entries in 0.418s
mod6: I'll make a proper post on my blog, indeed. Just want to get this out for folks; now that there is a wedger tool out there, and it's been a number of days of reorccuring wedges.
lobbes: mircea_popescu: how would you like to testrun? If you just want to play with the demo connected to my testblog, I can simply bring the bot into #t sometime tonight
diana_coman: take all the space you need, sure; I just want to see it or whether there will be any of it.
mp_en_viaje: the "artist" idiocy is prolly the most annyoing part of it all, all these people just want to make ONE commission and run off, zero interest in anything besides masturbation, "art" is just pretense. fundamentally they're still http://trilema.com/2018/and-in-todays-lulz-the-obnoxious-cocksucker/ ust in a different line of wank.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 06:48:16 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, not burning hot, i just want to help him disentangle as much as possible as fast as possible. when can you give an ok here ?
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, not burning hot, i just want to help him disentangle as much as possible as fast as possible. when can you give an ok here ?
mp_en_viaje: fucking hell, go fucking discovering america. raise rabbits. what the fuck, "what we always did doesnt work" "do something else" "no, we just want to do what we always did" "but it doesn't work" "it must!"
snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-06 22:34:28 trinque: I'd just want to know who we're selling to. ourselves isn't enough
trinque: I'd just want to know who we're selling to. ourselves isn't enough
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-28#1925158 << Just to update: I've spent yesterday and the first half of today re-digging into the #eulora logotron coad, and I have come to the conclusion that I just want to burn it all and start over. (i.e. *I* don't even want to use it anymore) ☝︎
mp_en_viaje: the whole "i just want to" item is just an artefact of this same problem ; examtaking is just a manifestation of the same behaviour. the principal-agent problem is the same damned thing. the brokenness of domestic arrangements in the us flow from the very simple "it
mircea_popescu: aka "we don't want to BE europe, we just want to JOIN europe". that's what any retarded kid not belonging in school asks misfortunate teacher : how to cast fireballs irl, aka how to be rich while staying poor, aka how to appear without being and so forth.
BingoBoingo: Maybe they don't understand what the fuck fucking is, and "just want to" really love mom?
asciilifeform: Mocky: imho all of javaism was a massive exercise in 'just want to'ism
Mocky: i mean, entire jvm is c/c++ and filled with c/c++isms so not exactly in the direction of http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-20#1898128 , more in the direction of 'just want to' cross platform ☝︎
trinque: and by the way, note how easily "I did not read this thing; I just want to use" bloats the holy tree of meaning is illustrated here
mircea_popescu: if they abdicate from this, and "just want to", they belong rowing galley.
lobbes: possibly the bar to lordship will raise above me while I rebuild, but regardless I'ma keep rebuilding as it seems the only sane move for me. Ultimately, I just want to continue to be +ev for the republic and no way to do that without paying my technological debts
mircea_popescu: even though, of course, alf will just want to bake own db.
BingoBoingo: Official Blue vests sold their souls for more rules, Orange and yellow vests just want to get high and delay their own mortality
a111: Logged on 2017-06-06 15:24 mircea_popescu: and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!"
Mocky: re inspection: i think they just want to see the place is real, has proper signage and has some necessary plackard posted on interior
mod6: Lords and Ladies of TMSR~, the ML is back up and running. I just want to formally post the State of Bitcoin Address for August: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-September/000309.html
mircea_popescu: aaand brecht can go hang out with the tulpas and just want to there in peace. win-win.
mircea_popescu: right, they just want to.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-18 19:19 hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-17#1826240 << are you for fucking real? what you're actually saying: "i just got back" = "fuck all y'all." "what was the" = "i can't be bothered to read, so how about you read for me and lay a ribbon-tied summary at my feet like i could be you and you could be my slavegirls and work for me!" "exact reason i was negrated" = "and don't bother me with the details, i dun gas, i just want to know how to exam take this th
hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-17#1826240 << are you for fucking real? what you're actually saying: "i just got back" = "fuck all y'all." "what was the" = "i can't be bothered to read, so how about you read for me and lay a ribbon-tied summary at my feet like i could be you and you could be my slavegirls and work for me!" "exact reason i was negrated" = "and don't bother me with the details, i dun gas, i just want to know how to exam take this th ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: then sometime in the 90s there was a split : the bulk of these intelligents decided "we just want to", ie, "not interested in politics", proceeded to discuss colors, in the vein of
mircea_popescu: i dunno how aware you are of all this, but here : the previous set of "holy shit, the inca's a pile of idiocy" folk deserted the leadership under the flag of "we just want to". you know ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo, holy shit, these morons. "oh we just want to get along". WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE.
douchebag: Well, I've spoken to management about this and they basically told me that they aren't willing to do anything to actually help the customers and just want to sell our service
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 23:09 douchebag: I just want to have a job that I can enjoy doing. The reason I don't enjoy my current job is because it doesn't require any critical thinking, and in fact is discourages it. I would have a great time hacking companies and telling them how to fix their security.
douchebag: I just want to have a job that I can enjoy doing. The reason I don't enjoy my current job is because it doesn't require any critical thinking, and in fact is discourages it. I would have a great time hacking companies and telling them how to fix their security. ☟︎
lobbes: it really is. most depressing quote I overheard the other day in the cubicle fields: "I just want to climb the corporate ladder". It is like the legends of "band continuing to play while Titanic sank"
lobbes: Tickerbot will also live there, once it is built. But it is great. I was up and running in no time! I dare anyone to find individualized customer on the level of Pizarro. Try it yourself and you will see immediately what I mean. They offer month-to-month if you just want to try, with discounts for quarterly payments once you feel comfortable << see? sales pitch
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-19#1803066 << This is how YOU get fucked. Girls just want to feel, aite? What they feel isn't important. That they feel is. ☝︎
douchebag: I just want to get her all set before I get going to bed
douchebag: I just want to have a dedicated box to review these on, and as mircea_popescu mentioned I'll be sent a server
ckang: i just want to see this happen, think it would be good for his stuff from a codebase perspective to have other smart eyes looking over the implementation
trinque: just want to cogitate on which implementation will least obstruct future sanity
mp_en_viaje: the problem with imbeciles is exactly the problem of bogota, buenos aires, whatever : they don't actually want to do any specific thing. they just want to look a certain way.
mod6: yeah, i know. :] just want to test it first.
mircea_popescu: e criteria. so they pick price when shopping just as they pick cliffnotes and "is the A easy ??" classes when "educating" and "i just want to" when acting and so on ad infinitum.
phf: but that's in the "i just want to" territory, so tough.
shinohai: u just want to look @ similar ones?
BingoBoingo: Hey, people just want to be shitty
trinque: (totally could change links, just want to hear why)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i suspect that this switch followed inevitably from ' i just want to get rich because comforts ' switch
Raven_Zero: Thanks for voicing me..though I just want to find out why I need to be here..by looking at your conversations..
a111: Logged on 2017-06-06 15:24 mircea_popescu: and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> is the "i just wanted to" right opposed at the "i just wanted to left" removal as being too radical ? after all, they DO "just want to" undisturbed ? or what ? << It seems like there is a mass of confusion in them.
mircea_popescu: is the "i just wanted to" right opposed at the "i just wanted to left" removal as being too radical ? after all, they DO "just want to" undisturbed ? or what ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-02#1692585 << what the fuck ELSE could ghave been the point of all the paywall gardens. but no "i just want to use github". lazy fucktards. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Nah, lots of English spoken by hobbyists who "just want to" and maintenance folk.
trinque: put usually around here as "I just want to"
trinque: "not everything is political" and "I just want to"
mircea_popescu: and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!" ☟︎☟︎
erlehmann: so i can show it to people who just want to know what to do
mircea_popescu: "i don't want to die, i just want to go into a bottle."
moli_: hi thanks for voicing, i just want to let you guys know bamb0u has been smearing your name on bitcoin core slack
mircea_popescu: why should they know. they just want to wifechildrenhome amirite.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: hey, some men just want to see the catalytic converter burn
mircea_popescu: point fucking remains : people who "just want to" "creative" and be relieved from the need to math are fundamentally stupid people who will never do anything but make trouble for their betters, and who essentially aim to burn your house down to make marshmellows in the blaze.
trinque: "no, I just want to kill everyone I see"
mod6: i'm up for a full re-eatblock. just want to make sure I'm not missing anything this time :]
Framedragger: this time was like "she wants sex i just want to listen to her mind maaaan"
ben_vulpes: trinque: w-what?! i just want to make life better for historically disadvantaged groups!
mircea_popescu: nope. ideally i just want to... copy... teh table :D
Framedragger: asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: for completeness, i should state that it may be "workable" (in the sense of slightly less horrible) to just keep a flat dir tree structure, one or two levels deep - if you don't ask fs to list files in dir and just want to access filenames you already know, it's ~okay-ish. but i think i agree that the whole fs idea needs to be dumped, in general
trinque: or did someone "just want to python"
asciilifeform: dunno, the asian 'we JUST WANT TO' folx, will whine, stand in the way however they can
mircea_popescu: and "i just want to" is the mantra humming along, all of it.
trinque: nah, it's much closer to "I just want to" and govt is responsible for preventing it
davout: trinque: no, i just want to read the thing, not necessarily in the context of needing info about some particular bit
asciilifeform: but really you just want to rip out sim-score that's in there and put in one that's a straight =)
trinque: but I cannot see *why* they should other than "I just want to"
mircea_popescu: "i just want to" i get it, i get it. it's stupid and disastrous.
davout: if you just want to hold the stick at cruise, and do some turning and going up and down, you can just go with any private pilot
mircea_popescu: (conversely : search is a political tool, nothing else. "i just want to" jwz doesn't exist in practice)
mircea_popescu: i did say any~thing~. they're ecologists, they just want to imagology.
mircea_popescu: because that's a key ingredient of "i just want to" - deciding various arbitrary bits (especially ones the jwz doesn't well understand) are "small matter". which decision then drives poor resource allocation and is the deep reason for the festering morass of unsolved problems that should have been ; while tons of herbivores run around "revolutionizing" things that needn't on the shaky in reality but strong in perception found
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: tastes great with "i just want to be a mermaid"
trinque: this is emphatically "I just want to" use it the way it is
mircea_popescu: "Keep in mind we do all this, because we can and because we like the thrilling excitement of winning over the other competing groups. We absolutely don't do all these releases, to please the general user that rather want to spend their cash on updating to the latest hardware, and see's the scene releases as a source to play all these games for free." << all the way down to despising the consumer / i just want to jwz.
mircea_popescu: they just want to smell blood.
vvande: OK. I just want to make sure I don't cause trouble later.
mircea_popescu: "i just want to"
asciilifeform: trinque: Just Want To (tm) ?
thestringpuller: maybe people just want to choose between a turd sandwich and giant douche.
mircea_popescu: nobody gives a shit ; they just want to maybe make a buck. here's his card, he sells insurance. thanks for coming to the funeral.
mod6: more than anything, i just want to be able to contribue a bit better to these gossipd discussions - which will be a vital part of the infrastructure.
mircea_popescu: ie, "you just want to and someone else gotta do the work now"
mircea_popescu: THEY JUST WANT TO!
a111: Logged on 2016-09-03 16:45 mircea_popescu: together, they just want to nobody could have predicted!
mircea_popescu: together, they just want to nobody could have predicted! ☟︎
mircea_popescu made the mistake of encouraging girl to sushi. girl is now insanely good, to the degree all the previous great sushi places in town are meh, and i just want to have sushi at home.
asciilifeform: so today there's what, 10,001 derps per minute who 'just want to' but cannot, and aren't worth even a bullet.
asciilifeform: when i move into a house, demanding 'yes this place WILL have a toilet or no deal' != 'i just want to!'
phf: asciilifeform: nobody's asking you, this is for people who want a fixer-upper. you don't want to use cmucl either, because it's half baked. it does feel just a tad "i just want to", but i can't necessarily fault you for it
thestringpuller: in a lab scenario when the DEA is busting in they just want to fuck you as much as they can because "FREE MONEY"