376 entries in 0.48s
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-19#1524957 << there is a notion, pernicious to the small-time and novice operators, that virtualization providers save time in infrastructure management. it's very much a "i just want to" write the software attitude. ☝︎
asciilifeform: very, to be fair, easy trap to fall in. 'i just want to y while never letting go of z.'
trinque: I just want to know who beat Harry's ass a while back.
mircea_popescu: "How does the bitter black fungus keep out the tasty lactic bacteria ? Certainly not directly ; it's a terraforming process you see. Which is why you can't "just want to" : either you permit it or you don't permit it. There's no third option available."
mircea_popescu: the only problem with this approach is that it's utterly unsustainable. by the time "they just want to" that, the sword's all out of the sheath, and i'm way the fuck more likely to buy obama's daughters by the pound than they're to "win the war on x" or w/e the fuck.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516321 << talmudism. they 'just want to' arbitrarily do whatever, to whomever, like orcs, and the window dressing of 'rule of law' is annoying, more importantly - too expensive to afford nowadays ☝︎
asciilifeform: and who 'just want to' (tm) (r) etc.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-20 22:28 ben_vulpes: looks like you 'just want to' server stats from here.
ben_vulpes: looks like you 'just want to' server stats from here. ☟︎
asciilifeform: but yes, it is a result of 'we Just Want To move cargo'
asciilifeform: it is very easy to make church with no godz, no doctrine, no history, etc. so long as you just want to wear a pope hat and hang certificate on wall
mircea_popescu: the antifa bs is more in the early stage, 10 to 20 confused kiddies who just want to crack a skull to one "manipulator" derp.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-26#1490800 << they Just Want To!11 (tm) (r) ☝︎
BingoBoingo: WHen you start kicking errors because "just want to" makes soemthing overflow
BingoBoingo: alf failed to pars the "just want to" and made a point of the statement not parsing. It's not made for parsing though because jwz just wants to. Nothing wrong with tossing around the "just wants to" as a string like any other though.
BingoBoingo: alf tried to parse the jwz "just want to" as an instruction whereas you treated it as a antifact of the broken jwz
BingoBoingo: Like how alf fails to parse the jwz "just want to"
Framedragger: depends on matter of scale. if you zoom out and look at gpg as a whole then you just want to burn everything to the ground, sure. and if you zoom out further you want to rewrite more and more things. but sometimes it is worthwhile to consider relative differences of worth, too, so to speak.
mircea_popescu: and so "they just want to" nothing in particular.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform not these castrated fucks. they don't want to anything, they "just want to".
mircea_popescu: at least that's how i saw it ; "i ~~~just want to~~~ work on these technical problems, and will ignore/hallucinate/otherwise cope with the political implications"
Framedragger: sometimes i just want to dedicate my life to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Xanadu ; there are those moments.
mircea_popescu: and this is exactly how it goes with "we just want to ask you a few questions", which is why you don't talk to the police, and everything else.
felipelalli: actually they are not personally "so rich" like they could be. They are sick, they just want to impose their communist agenda
crayon: just want to say thank you for nosuchlabs.com tool
ben_vulpes: "just want to do maf!"
phf: jurov: that's obviously a bug and should be fixed :) i just want to have our priors straight
asciilifeform: precisely the opposite of 'i just want to x, leave me be.'
trinque: that amounts to "I just want to" and saying the world is somebody else's problem
mircea_popescu: mod6 << i think so too. but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. << there is no possible division between "punishment" no matter how defined and trust in any reasonable sense. either what you say matters, in which case the world rapidly evolves towards "too hard for peoeple, who just want to..." or what you say doesn't matter, in which case the world rapidly evolves towards welfare state. it is what in math
mircea_popescu: i'm not pushing it either this way or that, just want to get all the things on table if possibru.
adlai: i just want to understand what ascii_butugychag suggested there, instead of each block header including the previous header's hash. i probably got thrown off by the word "nonce" leaking in there
mod6: If not, tomorrow is fine too. Just want to ensure that we take a look at what might be going on there.
hanbot: <mod6> just want to make sure you're not stuck. << looks to be puttering along nicely for me, ftr.
mod6: just want to make sure you're not stuck.
thestringpuller: y u do dis apple. I just want to use a mouse
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: Mobile Device Management. (A dying field that boomed like social networks!!!!11). I just want to work for a useful uranium mine.
thestringpuller: if they rip out OpenSSL for libsecp256k1 won't this cause undeterministic behavior in signature checking? Or does the "comooniteee" just want to not check signatures anymore?
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Actually if you just want to interview and so a qntra piece that would be swell
BingoBoingo: I just want to mention it exists.
mircea_popescu: the people who run "whatever i just want to" and the people who "fuck you, drop dead" are the only remaining division, and in this context the two staying unmerged is nonsensical.
liquidassets: most people just want to be comfortable and not have to worry so much...most people isn't the group you want to be in
liquidassets: most people just want to be comfortable and not have to worry so much
mircea_popescu: they just want to.
mircea_popescu: and by now "they just want to"
mircea_popescu: no, dumbass, "writers aren't writers". i don't give a shit "you just want to".
jurov: mircea_popescu: anyone. i just want to inllustrate your poor analogies
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: most of the time folks asking after 'electronics' 'just want to know' how to arrange the mosfets
assbot: Logged on 16-10-2015 09:55:50; cazalla: here, not reddit, not an attack, just saying having read daily for what, a year now, gets a bit much, spring is in full swing and summer on the way, have a toddler to play with, need to find a full job again, something gotta give i guess, the whole bitcoin thing is something i just want to pack up in a box and look at again in a year
cazalla: here, not reddit, not an attack, just saying having read daily for what, a year now, gets a bit much, spring is in full swing and summer on the way, have a toddler to play with, need to find a full job again, something gotta give i guess, the whole bitcoin thing is something i just want to pack up in a box and look at again in a year ☟︎
ag3nt_zer0: mircea_popescu I am employed as a substitute in 2 other local districts so for the time being I will continue to do that - I guess keeping my mouth shut a bit more - just trying to save some money get out of this fallen intellectual hellhole for a bit... I know it's everywhere, but not nearly as bad as here I don't think - I just want to travel 2 yrs and record music and play music, read poetry and literature and engage i
BingoBoingo: http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=3008 << "The cops do not want you to die—as that brings major heat. They just want to shoot you so that they can feel better about not winning any fights back in high school. Dude, your hoodrat carcass is a pain in the ass to everyone, except for your mamma, who just won the "hatched a got-shot hoodrat" lottery, and will be cashing in on your dumbass."
mircea_popescu: people who've decided "they just want to X".
lobbes: ;;later tell trinque is deedbot- handling phuctor now too? No worries either way; I just want to make sure our gears are turning in-sync
asciilifeform: (if you are specifically interested in cn matters, mandarin. if you just want to unplug from the idiot anglo cultural matrix, ru.)
trinque: williamdunne: actually you probably just want to past stdout to print-object as the stream
pete_dushenski: let this be a lesson to 'i just want to make a service' kids
decimation: unless you just want to give into ntp
mircea_popescu: so no, jwh "i just want to contribute" doth not work irl.
asciilifeform: 'face like Mark Zuckerberg that you just want to punch for no reason' << we call this 'морда просит кирпича' (mug that begs for a brick)
shinohai: @ mircea_popescu truth and honesty have a far greater value than anything else. Besides,he has a face like Mark Zuckerberg that you just want to punch for no reason.
asciilifeform: they just want to collect the bezzle
BingoBoingo: If you just want to count seconds on a C machine http://www.openntpd.org/ is pretty much the gold standard nao
TheNewDeal: Not indicating yours are low quality, just want to find my own niche
assbot: Logged on 09-06-2015 12:59:40; mircea_popescu: amusing how transparent the usg efforts of turning bitcoin into gold are, by the way. "oh, we don't want to kill bitcoin, honest, we just want to make it so we're the only ones that can safely hold it. you know... like gold..."
mircea_popescu: amusing how transparent the usg efforts of turning bitcoin into gold are, by the way. "oh, we don't want to kill bitcoin, honest, we just want to make it so we're the only ones that can safely hold it. you know... like gold..." ☟︎
shinohai: I just want to smack him one time. Just once.
liquidassets: thestringpuller I don't want to care about it anymore, I just want to document
copypaste: it doesn't need to be secure if i just want to spam
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-05-2015#1141750 << him and six other folks. others just want to play 'solitaire' apparently. ☝︎
AdrianoOliveira: these just want to buy something that is skyrocketing to sell in a couple days for a profit
williamdunne: I'm not aiming for the greatness, I just want to see two people beat the crap out of each other. Its a bloodsport really I suppose. Turnover is entertaining.
cazalla: i wouldn't have a clue nor do i care, i just want to garden ok
ben_vulpes: i just want to make sure my protocol's sound
trinque: they just want to be given an allowance by dad after everything's handled
assbot: Logged on 28-04-2015 20:04:04; Adlai: so, it's less convenient for signing a patch relative to an upstream repo; but is exactly what you want if you just want to have a single head to put on a stake when heardbleed 2.0 gets uncovered
Adlai: so, it's less convenient for signing a patch relative to an upstream repo; but is exactly what you want if you just want to have a single head to put on a stake when heardbleed 2.0 gets uncovered ☟︎
Naphex: but if you wanna learn on aws go for it. if you just want to set up chroot and start bootstrapping
mircea_popescu: i suspect they just want to see if the... buoys actually float.
decimation: they are perfectly fine if you really just want to store gobs of unstructured shit
whaack: adlai: Haha I guess I should say I've mentally told myself I'm going to do the task - no work has been put in yet. But I just want to build my own bitcoin tool. I probably won't wind up using it but I want to prove to myself that I'm able to do it.
assbot: Logged on 06-03-2015 20:41:27; asciilifeform: trinque: as i understand, this isn't ru circa 1917, the hypothetical rebels don't 'just want to be left alone' - not one in ten thousand is able to grow anything edible without regular deliveries of petrol, pesticides, etc.
asciilifeform: trinque: as i understand, this isn't ru circa 1917, the hypothetical rebels don't 'just want to be left alone' - not one in ten thousand is able to grow anything edible without regular deliveries of petrol, pesticides, etc. ☟︎
felipelalli: jurov: the point is that I don't want to "trade online", I don't have time for that. I just want to buy MPEx or QNTRA for example and let there, sleeping.
nubbins`: “I just want to do some time for my country, give it some service,” Cooper, 17, told CBC News.
bitcoinquestions: I would do anything to be able to drive the price down because I'm collecting coins, but I was wondering whether or not there's a point where you are happy with your assets in terms of BTC and then just want to increase the value of the coins
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: as for now, I just want to have a clear idea of what the interface is, what the problems are etc.
trinque: I-I just want to swim in a lake not filled with shit!
ben_vulpes: i just want to use it, i don't want to rewrite it
jurov: just want to clarify
Apocalyptic: asciilifeform, nothing in particular, just want to play with a board having a powerful CPU
nOgAnOo: I just want to make it fun.. people like rewards
TheNewDeal: just curious - I'm capable of formatting my own opinions, just want to see how they measure up to others
mircea_popescu: then flush it down the drain for all it matters, you just want to meet the people involved.
decimation: chicoms for some reason just want to reproduce shitty bezzletronics
undata: I just want to write code and grow food
mircea_popescu: "Let’s take a moment and chat. No secrets or techniques this time, I just want to take a post and discuss my own personal strategies for consistently dominating almost every niche I enter. Instead of creating an objective and methodologies I’m just going to casually write and talk some details, because of course my strategies require quite a bit of work and aren’t for everyone."
undata: I just want to build things.
asciilifeform: just want to remove a dir with binaries, and have the resulting diff file reflect this fact