mircea_popescu: i mean in the "wtf did the differ do" human evaluation
mircea_popescu: i'm not fucking learning an aminoacid matrix to be able to use diff i tell you that,
☟︎ ben_vulpes: not immediately, but i will load it up
ben_vulpes: is there any sort of spec for "what difftron entails"?
adlai wishes he could do this homework instead of that other stuff (integration by parts^H^H^Hhands)
adlai: ah. that typo-collided collided with my other homework, which i am doing.
adlai: asciilifeform: incidentally, you may find that /m/-w is a flail in the general direction of "less snoreworthy ATC"
adlai: "a privacy and fungibility focused cryptocoin transaction structure proposal"
adlai: thus, 'flail' instead of 'step'.
pete_dushenski thgouth of mega italian architecture conference / awards programme when saw ben_vulpes' 'biennale'
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes slowly moving towards literate code. here's a thought... why not put the comments straight into the patch ?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: aye, 'twas a step in that direction
ben_vulpes: i did not realize that the patch could contain comments that do not affect its output, is that so?
mircea_popescu: you put them in the new file. they show up in the patch
ben_vulpes: i could use proper docstrings at that even
ben_vulpes: there is some value in it but as mentioned before i have a c++ itch what needs scratching
mircea_popescu: i do not wish to need to know how many octets is the blank lead of a new line
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 00:04 mircea_popescu: i'm not fucking learning an aminoacid matrix to be able to use diff i tell you that,
mircea_popescu: perhaps the correct solution is for code to conform to the paradigm.
mircea_popescu: i'll give it a look ; but sounds to me a lot like "rather than learn vim i'll try and make emacs adnotate"
mircea_popescu: if i go from "\\4hurrdurr" to "\\4urr" you'll say what, \\4\4 ?
mircea_popescu: "we don't use in band but we have not well formed diffs which you can't tell"
mircea_popescu: ah the thing where you tried to put A BINARY BLOB through a PLAINTEXT!!!111 format and ended up having to base64 it ?
mircea_popescu: i don't want fucking "codepoints" in my life. take your /x855 and shove it, bejaysus.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-11 18:53 asciilifeform: so i had two base64's png files in there,
mircea_popescu: "valid ascii" != not-blob. base64 is also valid ascii. blob.
mircea_popescu: look, the in-band problem i can sympatize with, but the "let's thus turn text into blobs" i do not.
mircea_popescu: not when it comes to clearsign, not when it comes to vpatches, never. text dude.
mircea_popescu: because "here's your binary blob" is not an acceptable answer.
mircea_popescu: it is, yes. the moment it needs a fucking 85 state machine to interpret its meaning it is.
mircea_popescu: your diff must be so painful you ALSO negrate the author.
mircea_popescu: i do not wish to live in a world where people can make patches consisting of 512kb lines of a
☟︎ mircea_popescu: i didn't bring up the fucking apocalypse to fix some tabs.
mircea_popescu: and how am i going to apply patches ? there's no such thing as signature-equivalence.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 00:43 asciilifeform: incidentally you will blow up on the +++ mine if you try and diff a vdiff.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i had a complaint about this a while back, reindenting for multiple-value-bind and destructuring-bind and friends
mircea_popescu: i could see a convention where genesis specifies diff style.
mircea_popescu: but for eg trb work, +++ style is quite at home. it is c after all
mircea_popescu: if we make the trb-i correct it should work like vtrons, multiple language implementations
adlai: is that a version 'number'?
mircea_popescu: hm i could have sworn it was used before, "ideal bitcoin" ie the tmsr offering in the summer of forks. bitcoin v2.0, whatever
adlai: calling it Bitcoin 2.0 is excellent blanding, prb are permastuck in 0.landia
☟︎ adlai: but it's correct as a version number, because consensus systems fail correctly together, and "history is written by the victors"
adlai: students can build multiple impls as hw, but anybody using a forkable client is taking a risk
adlai: sure, you can write the whole thing in forth (or lambda calc, or categories, or...), but as the agent said to the provocateur - 'good luck'
adlai: asciilifeform: in other wtf, isn't ., isomorphic to ,@!?
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: did you see my diff-wut screenshot from last night?
a111: Logged on 2017-01-04 08:25 ben_vulpes:
http://imgur.com/a/KuPJv << some kind of voodoo magic in there knows i moved that format string around
☟︎ adlai: asciilifeform: i refuse to get into "clhs doesn't actually say you're not allowed to give it an atom" territory
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: no, it's not phf's, it's magit and i think ediff
adlai is willing to enter "why are you giving functions atomic bodies" territory, but we probably both have better stuff to do
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'm not even asleep. just, by now, barely reading adlai, the stubborn anal childhood is not nearly as interesting as the subject imagines.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 01:18 asciilifeform: d00d must be back on the sauce
adlai has been 'clean' of sauces other than mphash etc for longer than he usually keeps
adlai: seeing as it's a tool, not a "manned missile" (spot the sauce!), scalpl's on vacation during the semester
adlai: meh, btcfiat is such a saturated market anyways. there's probably free energy to minimize these days, but i couldn't have known that a month ago
adlai: much better to have coins on local iron than 'riding ye olde gox'
adlai was speaking metaphorically. scalpl has been asleep for several months already.
adlai: yeah, on other people's "oe"
ben_vulpes: i didn't realize malt liquor was that fungible
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo "Still, tomorrow any or all of these fiat emphasized fiat/Bitcoin interfaces could tomorrow offer" << are the tomorrows some stylistical thing i dun get ?
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> i didn't realize malt liquor was that fungible << It is!
ben_vulpes: i still have no idea what adlai meant by "oe"
adlai: with apologies to John Cleese - "this, sir, is an ex-asset!"
adlai: globally optimal results come at a cost?
adlai: premature optimization corrupts absolutely?
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 01:16 a111: Logged on 2017-01-04 08:25 ben_vulpes:
http://imgur.com/a/KuPJv << some kind of voodoo magic in there knows i moved that format string around
adlai: not qntraworthy, but some altlike-thingy-developer got his face leaded in last week for owning a crossbow, or something along those lines:
http://archive.is/lIVyW adlai: asciilifeform: out of curiosity, why not paredit-istic?
mircea_popescu: hey, until the sheep start shooting the cops, the "forced entry" will continue.
adlai: old: (foo bar baz) new: (foo (bar) baz) diff: \5\(foo \(3\bar\5\ baz)
☟︎ adlai: dude was dangerous, he'd already been visited by cops in the past! (for, uh... growing too much grass, and i don't mean the happy kind)
adlai can imagine the scene: dude is holding xbox^Hw with one hand, pnoJ3 in the other; hears lawyer, raises hand, unwittingly SBCs
mircea_popescu: so your argument just crumbled in a pile of its own dust ?
BingoBoingo: "However, the plan would render the mortgage break useless for millions of families by roughly doubling the standard deduction available to all taxpayers, from $12,600 to $24,000 for a married couple." << And In law compliant WAPO land this is somehow "bad"! Oh noes, poor people not incentivized to play landholding!
mircea_popescu: doubtful. there's a runaway exponential there, the sheeple state can only be maintained if sheeple.
mircea_popescu: the fact that leningrad was willing to split in two and one half hold at knifepoint the other WHILE THE OTHER OPPOSED NO RESISTENCE is the sine qua non condition of stalinism.
mircea_popescu: without that - no stalinism. it's not as if stalin is given, and if leningrad DID oppose resistence then stalin'd have landed the ufos. stalin had no ufos. in fact, had barely rifle.
mircea_popescu: so no. marginal increase in governance cost results in government dissolution.
mircea_popescu: the moment the workers got ~even a little~ more unruly, prussian kingdom said its goodbyes to history.
mircea_popescu: but that is WHY they failed. in order for intransigent minority to ruin majority rule, it must be diffused.
mircea_popescu: in any case - the fact that the us police state still exists has nothing to do with 80% of the citizenry being happy to take it up the ass at airport ; or 90%, or 95%.
mircea_popescu: it has EVERYTHING to do with the absence of a 2-3% minority which returns fire.
mircea_popescu: i dunno what you ended up believing about black doods because that lisa kudrow imbecile told you, but they're exactly like gypsies in ru : cowardly, and inept.
mircea_popescu: lafond broadly has it, you can cut up and boil for soup a whole "gang" of black kids flashing miniguns (with crazy shit stuck on all sides of coars). with a shovel.
mircea_popescu: famous russian gun commentator guy explains this cannonicaly, imo. "thief - wants to get loot. not to die with you there."
☟︎ mircea_popescu: this has little to do with thief and much to do with the social strategy.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 03:12 adlai: old: (foo bar baz) new: (foo (bar) baz) diff: \5\(foo \(3\bar\5\ baz)
mircea_popescu: i could read eight lines in the time it takes me to go 3 chars/second with this shit
adlai: ah but your 'teco' is pistaccio icecream
adlai: the algo, yeah. it's o(more)
adlai: asciilifeform: the point of paredit vs teco is so that, specifically when diffing lisp source, reindentation can be elided, and unexpected indentation can be specified relative to standard
mircea_popescu: besides - i thought lisp convention was "oh, our parens are just \n and indentation so nm, just take them out"
adlai: 'standard' obviously doesn't cover many cases, which is why it exists as a standard which can be referenced against.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, it doesn't choose. it HAPPENS upon a variant.
mircea_popescu: no, it is not. for one thing - it's how you're here in the first place.
adlai: and your father smelled of elderberries!
mircea_popescu: also the reason noobs can't write literature is because they imagine description needs to be exhaustive. so their prose turns tedious and then unreadable.
adlai goes back to manual mining of "proof-of-understanding" aka handwriting
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that you don't know is exactly the point, now isn't it. not so dumb after all.
mircea_popescu: i was thinking more of events that happened 10k+ years ago tbh.
BingoBoingo: That genetic experment used to cost a nickle at the drive in
adlai: asciilifeform: pls elaborate, what genetic experiment? are we living in 'Gattaca' already?
adlai: i skim scrollbacks over a couple hundred lines, i may have missed something. did you deed pet's pedigree?
adlai: superstition ain't the way (tm) s (r)
mircea_popescu: lmao. the effort this guy puts into trying to look like he belongs here.
adlai: at least give me something to search.
adlai: or a range, so that when i have slaves, i can figure out how much time it'll take them to find the needle
adlai: flailing about hopelessly trying not to do my home-makework. it's not easy!
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo dude this elliot. SO.LONG. why the fuck are all the retards so fucking longwinded.
adlai thinks mircea_popescu wants him to shut up! so if i don't !!up myself again -- good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
trinque: the way this guy pleads about being desperate reminds me of the elliot (named eli, even) in There Will Be Blood.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo dude this elliot. SO.LONG. why the fuck are all the retards so fucking longwinded. << Well this one's in England, and Tall, and not yet known to be An Hero
BingoBoingo: "and you could eat caviar and manatee steak" << Now manatee demands plane ticket
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 01:05 adlai: calling it Bitcoin 2.0 is excellent blanding, prb are permastuck in 0.landia
mircea_popescu: davout the notion that those fucktards thought at any point they're employing 150 people...
mircea_popescu: "helped make medium what it is today" ? what the everloving fuck IS it, an upstart hoping to one day be a #trilema log ? whoa!
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 05:05 asciilifeform: new one.
mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes did you end up with a masamune thingee ?
☟︎ Framedragger: medium: "However, in building out this model, we realized we didn’t yet have the right solution to the big question of driving payment for quality content." ahahahahaa another startup realizes that this exotic nuance of balance sheet called REVENUE cannot be simply california-sun-wished-away
gabriel_laddel_p: mircea_popescu: I had previously sent you all the required information via PM. Perhaps my connection was (silently) dropped prior.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-04 23:16 pete_dushenski: straight from lithuania! (is Framedragger familiar with this brand?)
Framedragger: that handwritten card looks rather lovely i must say
mircea_popescu: "James Mickens is a researcher in the Distributed Systems group at Microsoft’s Redmond lab. His current research focuses on web applications, with an emphasis on the design of JavaScript frameworks that allow developers to diagnose and fix bugs in widely deployed web applications." << i hope someone seduced his spouse
mircea_popescu: preferably, someone called antron / big lurch. thrice. and i hope he's stuck raising the offspring, like that bill de blasio idiot.
mircea_popescu: at least they won't be helping anyone with javascript.
davout: such freefall, very volatility, much seatbelts, wow
davout: !~ticker --market all --currency eur
jhvh1: davout: Bitstamp BTCEUR last: 950.080998, vol: 29021.94177383 | BTC-E BTCEUR last: 961.34851, vol: 422.36114 | BTCChina BTCEUR last: 954.960618, vol: 4927124.52710000 | Kraken BTCEUR last: 959.999, vol: 26589.3191255 | Volume-weighted last average: 954.959624473
mod6: yeah, i did get a chance to skim the PHP, but not much else yet.
ben_vulpes: glyf.org dns servers not working for anyone else?
ben_vulpes: hey could i beg a translation of the forum?
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 11:11 mircea_popescu: incidentally ben_vulpes did you end up with a masamune thingee ?
ben_vulpes: i'm going to it's just going to take an eternity.
deedbot: fromloper voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: unrelatedly, masamune vid was impressive, ftr
ben_vulpes: damn spiffy, that's why i wanted to host it!
trinque: I reiterate that I would love to have a guy I can holler at and throw money at to improve CLIM
trinque: asciilifeform: has to be a lib?
trinque tends to have one proggie fart log via stdout into svlogd
trinque: rather than having it manage own logs
trinque: dunno if this is applicable at all to what you're building
diana_coman: asciilifeform, iirc there was a clog thing that was just one header - quite basic though and I have no idea in what state it is currently (i.e. whether of any use really)
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 19:34 mircea_popescu: yo phf
phf: but i've no idea what to switch to, as per recent threads
phf: it's safe to save for glyf.org, it's been the same ip for the past 10 years or so. in fact, assuming this is not some weird overflow issue, today is a birthday on glyf.org machine. 2048 days uptime
☟︎ pete_dushenski: from: "> IP Address: > Location: Ukraine"
pete_dushenski: dunno what his google pwd was, but apparently 'Runner4567' unlocked podesta's apple acct
pete_dushenski: podesta et al. might even have what it ~took~ to run the world of their formative years, but meanwhile time marched on and they've now wandered far, far from home. similarly, god help the lot of us in 30-40 years. don't forget just how old these team clitler fogies are either.
ben_vulpes: looking a bit more like "oop, flawed experimental design"
ben_vulpes: although why not "hey check it out, indoor led manufacturers routinely ship uv-emitters"
ben_vulpes: i suppose because if a thing cannot be claimed about the research lab's pet topics, it is not worth publishing?
ben_vulpes: in that it is designed to show that "blue light == bad"?
ben_vulpes: ye olde edifice of scientistic governance
ben_vulpes: and is the failure in the leds or electronix?
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 19:51 ben_vulpes: d'you want me to get you one as well?
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 11:58 gabriel_laddel_p: In any case, the answer is no.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-05 20:48 asciilifeform: (why jam 1 user at a time, wtf)
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> the other thing about these lamps is that (at least i find) they are addictive -- after stuffing 2 100w-imitators into a fixture that cannot physically hold 2 100w edison bulbs without catching fire, it is painful to go back << Just get new porcelain fixture. 150 to 300 Watt edisons are still available
mircea_popescu: anyway, i fgind the converse to be true, proper lights quite addictive.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: 200watt fixture is typically a flat disk of porcelain with socket. What mega dissipation?
mircea_popescu: all mine are ceramic. also my ceilings went from the standard 2.3 to the rarer 2.85 sometime long ago. turns out - also quite addictive.