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a111: Logged on 2019-04-17 22:26 asciilifeform: i.e. why would they want to turn
golden toilet into sub-cent margin 'commoditized m3 screw'
ben_vulpes: it's so pleasing to watch all of these
golden toilet tekmologies fall to basic 'wasp'tech.
ben_vulpes: "138kloc of cpp written by grad students? that i can't have? that only runs on
golden toilet supercomputer? mmmok"
pete_dushenski: not for plebs like us, sorry.
golden toilet budget only.
mircea_popescu: and which is why the "
golden toilet" device is so important in trying to sell modernism to traditionalist societies - the point is to show optionality in the desired public enemy.
golden toilet aside, the major expense is geting the clump of plutonium
mircea_popescu: and we'll deduct from this the usual alf "
golden toilet" premium yes ?
pete_dushenski: '
golden toilet' is only a thing because state can't even make basic
toilet. it doesn't ~want~
toilet made of precious metals, it just can't find its way to a more efficient solution.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-10 21:31 davout: the point is that wtf do i need
golden toilet for, i shit just as fine on a regular one!
davout: the point is that wtf do i need
golden toilet for, i shit just as fine on a regular one!
☟︎ davout: probably just as many people that are willing to pay $maxint to be able to shit in
golden toilet ascii_field: so what, saudi
golden toilet is leaden somehow ?
punkman: but I know plenty of
toilet in that area
decimation: it looks like it was built to
golden toilet standards, it'll be interesting to see how profitable it is
decimation: it would be interesting to see what
golden toilet prices buys in terms of os
BingoBoingo: Likely issue is with $maxint money it becomes easy to forget what reasonable prices are, end up with human
golden toilet jurov: access to
golden toilet vs. anal probing clearance
decimation: yeah but generally if it is itar controlled, nobody makes except maybe for
golden toilet price
decimation: yeah I suspect that most nuclear facilities have
golden toilet budgets for fancier stuff
decimation: asciilifeform: I was looking for a non-
toilet laptop with ecc today
ascii_field: (can we safely assume that
golden toilet in this restaurant charges per-kg ?)
ascii_field: and where is the attached
golden toilet bill for crapping it out once eaten ?
ascii_field: he oughta do something more stimulating with the money. like have a
golden toilet cast.
decimation: yeah but both piston & turboprops/jets need
golden toilet metallurgy and production
jurov: i've had epson stylus in early 00's and it was spawn of evil, with
golden toilet refills
decimation: but to get actual tempest shield request spending
golden toilet money
ascii_field: mats: and is that a flir camera head in the left hand side? another
golden toilet BingoBoingo: Mtier =
Golden toilet company that sells exportable installs of desktop systems for oil rigs et al makes Gnome a centerpiece of their OpenBSD desktop solution.
BingoBoingo: From what I understand commercial shop Mtier which does a lot of their ports does "OpenBSD with Gnome and support contracts" as
golden toilet product.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> if that's not the 3rd millenium united states i have no idea what is. << Well also the part where the only chance most USians have to gape in awe at a
golden toilet is at the doctor's (or increasingly almost doctor's)