416 entries in 0.932s

mircea_popescu: diana_coman, not that she shouldn'
t be in there or anything ; but there's #hanbot, might as well make two of these seeing how yours seems to work
mp_en_viaje: and that's the expectation, whoever;s resident answers questions. "i need a car" here you go. "seems this deal's going south" "i know this lawyer", "we want to X" "you'll have to p q and r, ima send guy over to talk to you about p, no problem, q you do thus and following, r is iffy, becayse s and
t considerations, ima see what can be done".
mp_en_viaje: pedro pococitos of cerito has to buy from someone who brought shit to cerito, he dun go
t oberlin.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-03 16:08:48 asciilifeform: so, to complete the picture, this algo is guaranteed to work correctly if a) one of the peers actually contains the complete log segment for time
T .. present b) no one speaks in the interval while it operates c) the timestamp
T correctly represents the cutoff
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-10-03#1939815 << how's this for a proposedly "better" algo : 1. syncer is given target
T ; 2 sincer loads tip of
T (as the whole day page, DP), compares to its own record ; 3. if comparison results in any difference, syncer produces list L in the format of #count, own line,
T line and moves to 4. which consists of repeating algo for DP-1.
mp_en_viaje: U+0236 ȶ 566 Latin Small Letter
T with curl
mp_en_viaje: U+0236 ȶ 566 Latin Small Letter
T with curl
diana_coman: that's the thing: that after logging in, they need access
t wp-admin which is iffy to give because again, same trouble; and yes, ofc wp has roles and I wanted to use them but that's not enough
mp_en_viaje: consider it from the other pov : if tomorrow the aliens land, do yo uthen say "the aliens are... well... three guys" ? just because three guys are all the aliens can be bothered
t oshow you does not mean "that's all there is"
mp_en_viaje: spyked, i don'
t think i've ever seen php that generates html that is interpreted as php that spits out html.
mp_en_viaje: the idea is of course to foster communities, rather than try and find communities
t o exploit.
mp_en_viaje: that way you get both "from each according to ability" -> 0 as well as "to each according
t oneed" -> inf.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, i don'
t begrudge supermaerket brands their discretion. but if you're trying for the upscale colonials, you'd gotta be an idiot to put up this visibly intern-made list. only impression it produces is "the author has no fucking idea what he's talking about".
mp_en_viaje: obv works on yokels, but ultimately extracting ~all tx of which any node ever talked
t o another node is trivial.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: couldja plox add the billing calendar (with the hash-pseudonymised subscriber names from earlier) to the public www ? so folx dun have to ask why they're being billed at time
t and for what << We have customer accounts here on the public www
http://pizarroisp.net/pizarro-records/ listed just below the price points. I have been updating it as part of compiling the statements. I don't recall if I pass out
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo re ". Even when I manage a piece of evangelical Republican writing well received by the targeted community as measured by 'likes'... the reception warm reception is fuctionally empty." << the problem with this is the single-flower-spring issue. if you wish
t go this route your measurements are in the dozens of accounts, spitting forth 100s of daily posts supporting each other across the whole "niche".
trinque: "capacity will temporarily be X while BingoBoingo Ys, this gives
T time left to P. customers will meanwhile accumulate S shares per billing cycle of diminished capacity" as a rough model of what I'm talking about.
mircea_popescu: tw works just fine. say when you got the mtp thing, i suspect we'll have some
t for you to do.
mircea_popescu: e to be able to not have to plot "< awk -F, '/Bitterbean/ {print $3,$5}' testall.csv" using 1:2
t "Better Bitterbean" w p pt 1, \"
mircea_popescu: aging in the republic, contrarywise, is the process whereby the cardinal of L and the length of some Ts shrinks, so as to remove as many Ts and
T elements as possible.
esthlos: as in (progn (#_mkdtemp (ccl:with-cstrs ((x "/tmp/fooXXXXXX")) (#_mkdtemp x))) (format
t "~a" (ccl::%GET-ERRNO)))
mircea_popescu: consequently, some at least cursory argument could be had that the price signals are substantially enough different to not be comparable (and god only knows how many man-hours the inept "intel" services of the firm of r,
t & f spent trying to discern if official ruble is .5 or 4 to 1 dollars TRULY.)
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 23:52 mircea_popescu:
t the polar opposite of dealing with kids, you are terrifyingly bad.
lobbes: re wot: I mean, the serenity of leveraging the wot, imho, is that it is a purely individual-to-individual thing by design. In this case, you have Pizarro (P) who has customer relationships with MP and D. D has been negrated by
T on the basis of Tx. MP can either decide 1) Tx means enough to request P get rid of D, in which case P now determines if it values MP or D moar, or 2) MP decides Tx does not mean enough to request P get rid of D.
mircea_popescu: as in any case the E' will have to be resolved by recourse to the forum, and as b) is not all that insignificant, the dT investment is a poor usage of your limited
T resource.
mircea_popescu: got all the time in the world, consequently the capital cost of wasted time is 0, consequently it is "worth it" to defend any nonsense beyond any possible limit. "eventually" (ie at t->inf) they will be proven wrong, and consequently the value of their eventual (at
t -> inf) castle will be that much greater.
mp_en_viaje: phf, i suspect this nver happens, "evolve into one another". seems
t ome it'salways 100% new biostock
mircea_popescu: ti si mioptrna
t for the fucking idiocy to not exist in the first place
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this is likely true ; certainly the latter sophist episode in greekworld gives much support to theory. greek advantage over original gypsies is just being small and so
T manageable.
mircea_popescu: "cultural management" discussed above is in this model the curation of permissible M overload on given Sn and the construction of G such that
T is maintained.
toohigh: T I
mircea_popescu: i hope it's in the shape of a
T overimposed over a W. because obviously.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform anyway I respond it'll boil down to "gut instinct". And that's fine, because we've all got different
T levels, peni lengths, brain structures, heights and this determines what you're up for / can do.
The20YearIRCloud: I'll let em know. For some reason I have
t his awful feeling they'll be more apt for that then to take the freebie offered years ago
phf: (read-from-string "#.(format
t \"hello, world~%\")")
mircea_popescu: the other as a single-pass state machine, "if he says X then he's in state 1 you say Y, if he says Q you say Z, ... , if he says
T you say G and that's the whole list of interaction".
mircea_popescu: now, forcing a point : if complex numbers are notated as a + bi, then it is a correct approach to describe a sum as x (= a + a') + y (=b + b') i rather than x' (= q + p i + r +
t i) + y' (=q' + p' i + r' + t' i). the former notation would be a normatively correctly stated theorem (elements are orthogonal) whereas the latter would, while still equivalent, nevertheless be normatively incorrect (it mixes up the lemmas!).
mircea_popescu: we shall here call the ideology at time
t "inca" and at t' "tmsr".
mircea_popescu: at time
t (=9th grade) all girls in "community" found themselves in agreement sucking cock is gross. at time t' (=12 grade) all girls in "community" found themselves in agreement only peasant girls don't suck the cock.
mircea_popescu: but outside of this, "has
T told X about Y's otp" is very much a "you wouldn't download a car" type of problem.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-06 05:36 mircea_popescu: trinque re last para, what's wrong with you know,
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-03#1693444 ? basically replace "The user decrypts the ciphertext and returns the cleartext OTP to D, which relays it to T, meanwhile revealing it to L.
T replies to D with either "OK" or "FAIL", and a transaction is complete." with "T sends hash(C) to L, encrypted(C) to D. The user decrypts the ciphertext and returns the cleartext OTP to D, which
a111: Logged on 2017-08-06 05:36 mircea_popescu: trinque re last para, what's wrong with you know,
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-03#1693444 ? basically replace "The user decrypts the ciphertext and returns the cleartext OTP to D, which relays it to T, meanwhile revealing it to L.
T replies to D with either "OK" or "FAIL", and a transaction is complete." with "T sends hash(C) to L, encrypted(C) to D. The user decrypts the ciphertext and returns the cleartext OTP to D, which
mircea_popescu: this way L only knows C after
T made a decision ; D only knows a C-candiate once user made a reply ;
T never knows C-candidate.
mircea_popescu: relays hash(it) to
T and L.
T replies to D with either "OK" or "FAIL", and reveals (C) to L. L calculates hash(OTP) and compares it with what D sent."
mircea_popescu: trinque re last para, what's wrong with you know,
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-03#1693444 ? basically replace "The user decrypts the ciphertext and returns the cleartext OTP to D, which relays it to T, meanwhile revealing it to L.
T replies to D with either "OK" or "FAIL", and a transaction is complete." with "T sends hash(C) to L, encrypted(C) to D. The user decrypts the ciphertext and returns the cleartext OTP to D, which
☝︎☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: well, at time
t they each purport to run a software. at time t1, they observably both run the same software. some patching went on. who ?
mircea_popescu: again, no argument.
T needs to be measured, factorial is a fine case to measure it in, we don't resort to the lab when we wish to prove theory wrong but in all cases and at all times because we like the lab.
mircea_popescu: as in, balance it according to a calculation, rather than according
t oa feeling.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-27 01:50 asciilifeform: arbitrary 'don't report the answer for
T units of time' doesn't work, because you have no hard assurance of no spill.
mod6: !%e v 5
T "Publish V-Genesis" "Publish V-Genesis post 99994 release."
mod6: !%e v 4
T "Update V" "Implement ability for V to pull separate projects from the mirror based on hash (or possible alias)."
mod6: %!e v 4
T "Update V" "Implement ability for V to pull separate projects from the mirror based on hash (or possible alias)."
hanbot: s'about a 50% chance a googling a given unknown word in a #t article yields...just moar
t articles.
mircea_popescu: suppose S = "insert if not exists where a = b" prototype. suppose S takes time
T composed of ti for the insert and tw for the where clause. Suppose thjere's 5 concurrent S presented to db, S1..S5. are you saying that IN NO CASE will Sn wait for a Twi where i != n ?
phf: but it's not advertised anywhere. bulk of random strangers is going
t come here
ben_vulpes: "illegal smuggling and trafficking of humans" is all over that thing. would otherwise be a huge victory for the nonprofits pushing that line, except for how it's donny
t doing it
mircea_popescu: (the "strongest magnet in teh werld" title goes to something in the 20-30
T range ; it cost millions to build, it takes six oxen to drag around so on)
a111: Logged on 2015-01-10 01:30 asciilifeform: PeterL: at the time, various folks (including mr. t) were experimenting with electron tubes of various descriptions.
t claimed to have one 'open to the air' on one end (!)
ben_vulpes: davout: i think the highlighting is trying to tell me that it thinks that `format
t "~{~A~}"' persisted from the previous commit to this one
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski that's the problem, right there. yes, maybe. why would someone want to talk
t oyou when all you have to say are maybes.
phf: oh i guess you're checking process-exit-code again, even though you already caught an error for it. i think handler-bind is just confusing here. (handler-case (... t) (error (error) nil)) would've been much more obvious. "succeed and return
t or fail and nil"