700+ entries in 0.669s
a111: Logged on 2017-08-21 03:11 phf: and on and on and on. march of progress
phf: and on and on and on. march of progress ☟︎
mike_c: like in all progress, I wish faster.
mike_c: progress!
PeterL: http://trilema.com/2017/mps-fabulous-hash-function-and-its-family/#comment-122671 ( http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/PqCfM/?raw=true ) I think I am making progress on the reverse hash function
mircea_popescu: mike_c http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/iKxpS/?raw=true << did it ever progress past this "c nout found" bs ?
mircea_popescu: valica_ i suppose this is a fine approach for orc unis, pay some local a few benjies to sit around with the chitlins while they read wikipedia. it took 20 years to progress from calling it an internet cafe to calling it a "lab"
mircea_popescu: it's your racist victim that stood in the way of black code matters and progress and spice and everything nice.
mircea_popescu: (this point, in either "intern can progress" or "sit in forum and access meaning" presentation, is the fundamental mechanism of both "rounders" and that "poolhall junkies" cheapo rehack of it : that the dude playing can decide the girl's future, a degree of magnitude above her own capacity. take that away -- it's not worth doing. and you sure as fuck ain't meeting the head of ny law firm socially, and play $X with him so he g ☟︎
mircea_popescu: mats yes, but intern can then progress to independent contractor / work for self and cut the costs to 0. this is what say 5 years' experience buys you. 5 years' experience in the casino buys you jack.
mircea_popescu: it is perfectly conceivable that by following eg your delay in response to pings on a network-routable box while a decryption is in progress, at least part of the key material can be derived.
mircea_popescu: hey, ustards perceive "they got names", and gotta burn 'em to cash in. it's the way of progress!
phf: but without having necessary craftsmen immediately available, it's hard to make fast progress.
BingoBoingo: Progress (actual sort!) not perfection, works while you work it
mircea_popescu: revisiting the above "progress" great lie of socialism : just as eg wikipedia parasithizes (see alf/naggum re how this works) the encyclopedia space, turning whatever it can steal into "wearenotbegging for donations", just like github tries to accrete "wild" work into something they can sell down the road to the bezzlevestor, just so school in the socialist state (as designed by trotsky, stealing from bismarck) works also on
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, very fundamentally libertard this "framing" approach, quintessentially what "progress" is all about. here's what happened, now let me hallucinate a string of pseudocauses and outcomes which you can believe in!
sina: the future is not all bad. I order pizza and can see its current progress in the store and GPS tells me its location en route
a111: Logged on 2017-06-14 15:27 mircea_popescu: and the whole story of "oh, 1800 style squalor and poverty and five points erradicated!!! great ourdemocracy progress!!!" is really just very caked on masking upon the base fact that "we redirected all resources away from fun, so that now there's nothing to do but wait to die a la http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670156
mircea_popescu: and the whole story of "oh, 1800 style squalor and poverty and five points erradicated!!! great ourdemocracy progress!!!" is really just very caked on masking upon the base fact that "we redirected all resources away from fun, so that now there's nothing to do but wait to die a la http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1670156 ☝︎☟︎
phf: highest overhead when working with v is making snapshotting cheaper (which also ties into keeping multiple incomplete work in progress vpatches in the same build, and being able to put the updates into respective vpatches). that's something that local versioning system might help with (though asciilifeform for example considers that sort of automation anathema)
BingoBoingo: Here in Illinois they inestigate to prosecute as murder by dealer, much progress
pete_dushenski: this is actualy the legacy of the whole gay right movement innit : everyone and their dog is *-oriented. such human social progress this advent.
mod6: So my progress was pretty solid. But I'm not all the way there yet.
ben_vulpes: you know, the church of progress where you pray, self-flagellate, to eudaly and hardesty et al for wisdom and guidance
ben_vulpes: it's progress you see, they weren't going far enough before
Framedragger: (scan report: progress is slow, but still on track to get the re-scan and comparison (cf. last year) done in june)
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-15#1656491 << well, they are made of ye newe nose-cutty plastique. this is, however, the least annoying of its 'features'. cracking and breaking due to temperature fluctuations and extremes is markedly more of a nuissance. 'moar durable! progress!' is anything but. nooz at 11. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: thanks god for progress, see, we can now re-do all the boccaccio which we pretend to not exist, because the old redos are no longer cogent of the new set of hyeroglyphs.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Treatment of Macular Degeneration Using Embryonic ... - NCBI - NIH: <https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4437471/>; Phase 1 Safety Assessment of CPCB-RPE1, hESC -derived RPE ...: <https://www.cirm.ca.gov/our-progress/awards/phase-1-safety-assessment-cpcb-rpe1-hesc-derived-rpe-cell-coated-parylene>; hESC and iPSC-based products in clinical trials : Current status of ...: (1 more message)
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Stories of Hope: Spinal Cord Injury | California's Stem Cell Agency: <https://www.cirm.ca.gov/our-progress/stories-hope-spinal-cord-injury>; World's 1st Human Embryonic Stem Cell Trial for Spinal Cord Injury ...: <https://www.cirm.ca.gov/our-progress/video/worlds-1st-human-embryonic-stem-cell-trial-spinal-cord-injury-katie-sharify>; Meet Katie Sharify : A Participant in the World's First Human ...: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: "Progress"
BingoBoingo: Progress in medical technolotit and all that
a111: Logged on 2017-04-27 22:46 phf: it is not in fact phf who posted this nonsense but an adversary, a sybil attack is in progress!
phf: it is not in fact phf who posted this nonsense but an adversary, a sybil attack is in progress! ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the agitolalia re "progress" is especially funny in a place that's literally still playing the same plays.
phf: i decided to check out one of those communal work coffee shops, and you get every single stereotype here: startup bros, tinder date in progress, political feminists discussing next protest, but what takes the cake is a guy with a typewriter.
mircea_popescu: "i did 9k wikipedia spelling corrections this year" "you mean the year gaping as a hole in your employment history ?" "oh, that's not important. progress! revolution! everything is connected! ubi!"
mircea_popescu: same model repeating itself over and over and over again. oh, the ancient world where slave talked to woman talked to husband talked to headsman talked to senator was humiliating and inequalitarian ? let's flatten it into a system where 1% talk to the senator (1000% increase over the 0.1% of yore!!11) and the rest talk into an empty takeout box. PROGRESS!!!1
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i currently find the notion persuasive. jane and jennifer are both interchangeable as 3 yos, but as they progress to age 23 it becomes apparent jeniffer jsut never had the tits in her.
CompanionCube: when using status=progress
CompanionCube: also, modern dd also has progress reporting
asciilifeform: it is similar to dd but will show progress, and retry bad reads/writes (showing you if your drive is hosed)
saifedean: and I'm happy to send you the work in progress first draft, but don't want to publish online yet
pete_dushenski: in other "not there yet"s, one for ben_vulpes and his dreams of automolandia : https://www.recode.net/2017/3/16/14938116/uber-travis-kalanick-self-driving-internal-metrics-slow-progress (summary, human intervention required more than once per mile on average. hurr!) ford nucleon has better chances of mass production. or maybe ben wants to bet again ?
mircea_popescu: why do 30yos go around on the software adequate for the needs of a 14yo in 1817 is anyone's guess, but i suppose its proper name is progress.
mircea_popescu: shinohai progress! revolutionary new economy!
a111: Logged on 2017-02-19 22:41 mod6: i haven't heard on davout's progress recently.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, british national and ex-guantanamo detainee abu zakariya al britani blew up a car in mosul. which you know, "is being progress made upon", still, six months later. except for the part where isis killed kadim al saeedi, ie one of the few actually competent sand monkeys on the imperial side.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-21 23:55 asciilifeform: but meanwhile in the monkey cages, https://archive.is/iUfOp >> '“Climate change is not a controversy,” read one sign at yesterday’s “Rally to Stand Up for Science,” which drew hundreds to the historic downtown plaza. ... "We're really trying to send a message today to Mr. Trump that America runs on science, science is the backbone of our prosperity and progress," said Geoffrey Supran, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Univer
asciilifeform: but meanwhile in the monkey cages, https://archive.is/iUfOp >> '“Climate change is not a controversy,” read one sign at yesterday’s “Rally to Stand Up for Science,” which drew hundreds to the historic downtown plaza. ... "We're really trying to send a message today to Mr. Trump that America runs on science, science is the backbone of our prosperity and progress," said Geoffrey Supran, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Univer ☟︎
mod6: i haven't heard on davout's progress recently. ☟︎
trinque: progress!
ben_vulpes: progress!
mircea_popescu: the great "march of progress" narrative is fed off discrete bits. for instance -- the nile created a flood plain. for tens of thousands of years. not anymore.
ben_vulpes: progress? updates? tests?
pete_dushenski: ben_vulpes: any progress updates on the 0.8.2 / 0.8.6 tests ? curious to see what hacks are needed, if any.
Reuel: yeah the introduction can be ignored, this was a work in progress which should become the manual
mircea_popescu: yes, but as they progress so does the bitcoin fragment.
mircea_popescu: "While the last two decades have seen unambiguous experimental progress developing the science of Quantum Computation, there has never been a feasible, physical architecture developed upon which to scale-up the actual Computer itself. Not until today. Further, the success of specifically a ~silicon~ chip architecture now ensures that existing manufacturing facilities and processes can be more-easily upgraded" (emphasis his).
mircea_popescu: "October 2015, scientists at the University of New South Wales announced the successful design of a single-atom qubit 3D silicon chip architecture, making significant progress toward building a full-scale, operational Quantum Computer."
mod6: i'm making some good progress on my V changes this week. hopefully won't be too long be for I can help you out with any wallet related things you might be doing on trb.
mircea_popescu: hey, i'd rather the web went back to what it can do, and forgot all this "logins, because state over stateless, because PROGRESS MAKES IDIOCY POSSIBLE!!1"
phf: i want to believe that there's a dusty attic somewhere on upenn campus, grandfathered in of course, with a library and a secret liquor store, where boys wearing ascots meet to discuss their progress at becoming men
mod6: Anyway, wanted to spend a few minutes elaborating on my latest battles; I'm making progress, but still need some time to get it straightend out.
deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2017/01/10/dont-you-hate-it-when-progress-saves-your-bacon/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - Don’t you hate it when progress saves your bacon?
pete_dushenski: it's goddam inexcusable. i think 'progress' is the going claim for open diff v rear locking diff
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there apparently exist beds now where the bed is barely larger than an ordinary couch. progress, dood.
mircea_popescu: course ytou can't get the nice w200s faces anymore i don't think. because fucking "progress"
pete_dushenski: thanks! putting these kindergarten compsci classes and node set-up skills to use. slowly making progress!
mircea_popescu: lol in other news, "a night's progress" : http://68.media.tumblr.com/79eb8dcbb8a6ec6befdf0d116fbc56ed/tumblr_o0w2oyJIGI1ugf63bo1_1280.jpg
a111: Logged on 2016-12-22 01:49 phf: well, last time i brought it up with mod6 he said something along the lines of "i'm not ready to sign, because it's still work in progress"
phf: well, last time i brought it up with mod6 he said something along the lines of "i'm not ready to sign, because it's still work in progress" ☟︎
mod6 is still working on a public/private project-a-tron, making decent progress.
BingoBoingo: Lesson of latest initial sync in progress, things that were milestone last time this year are but one further year of blocks away from completion
mod6: An update on progress towards the privkey tools feature added [ import private key with scanning from a specified beginHeight ]: I have proven out the edge case previously mentioned, twice, as expected. It can be resolved by doing a -rescan at any time. So far at least.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform sure, because https & assorted crapola of "progress" made it safe to move the box on their pc. and it is cheaper this way.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: it was a time of 'progress'. old traditions had to be downgraded. ex nihilo 'traditions' upgraded.
mircea_popescu: so in random sadness : back when i was a kid, resolution of everything was 1024x768. today as i am no longer a kid, thanks to progress etc, resolution of things is 1366x768, which is OMG SO MUCH BIGGER.
mats: progress.
mircea_popescu: ie, science, technology, scientific and technological progress etc aren't driven by the naive, idealist "curiosity" of "bright folks"
mircea_popescu: as you can see, there's deep reasons why the socialist state (ie, the social machinery of lies) to depend and pretend from the "scientific progress" ie the theoretical machine of lies.. the whole arrangement is predicated on "we eat and science guy will come by later and settle the bill" for this very reason.
mircea_popescu: this "modernisation and progress is the destruction of items by people who didn't like them in the first place" nonsense is pretty far out there.
Framedragger: ah, well it seems he did make progress with short ID bruteforcing, that's gotta count for something.
mircea_popescu: i suppose that's progress right there.
mircea_popescu: is this good for progress ?
mircea_popescu: progress.
shinohai: progress.
mircea_popescu: what sort of progress is this ;/
mircea_popescu: possibly use something dump like "Progress Coallition" or whatever brandy nonsense
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/lshvu << from same rag. 'preventive mop-up' of 'oathkeeper' types in progress.
BingoBoingo: Anyways I think this is progress because the buck seems as though it will inevitably be passed unfairly back to mircea_popescu
pete_dushenski: http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000565038 << in other 'progress', taleb predicting that 'trump won't do anything apocalyptic'. maybe compared to the never-ending lebanese civil wars...
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-21#1557978 << any significant progress in the last two weeks ? still running ? ☝︎
trinque: such progress
mircea_popescu: but yeah, turns out this entire "progress" bullshit is not even limited to software.
trinque: but look at the consolidation! such progress
trinque: made great progress last weekend, got the rest of the various services of deedbot broken off into tidy separate projects.
mircea_popescu: there's an obvious incentive for someone to fuck his coworkers : they're there ; i have nfi what "verbal abuse" is, but in principle putting people in their place through means other than hitting them in the head is cheaper, so there's evidently a market ; chauvinism is like revolution or progress, anything to anyone and therefore uninteresting.
mod6: mircea_popescu: in the context of an ideological history, I have nothing further to add. I'll denote that the recent progress of freezing trb's 3rd party deps, starting in the end of July, is signifigant, however covered by item #10 imho.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: ANy progress with your mulch guys and their landscaping business? Or did it fodl after you gave them their first job.