▁▁▁⏐︎▁ 4579
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2017/yes-man/ << Trilema - Yes Man
mircea_popescu: !!up toki
deedbot: toki voiced for 30 minutes.
toki: Scenario : nanomechanical warfare evolved to a point where artificial pathogens become indistinguishable from superbugs or bioterrorism. Solution?
mircea_popescu: !!key Hero
deedbot: http://wot.deedbot.org/5D8FC3B2C1C3179A966CB74983E2E91F4AC17FC4.asc
BingoBoingo: !!up
deedbot: Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/sIA9y/?raw=true
BingoBoingo: !!up toki
deedbot: toki voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: toki: Solution is ???, Profit. Now for the important question: Who is your daddy and what does he do?
oglafbot: http://oglaf.com/guest-strip/
BingoBoingo: http://www.jameslafond.com/article.php?id=6578
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2CDAFA01E2E11B8BF049CA4B4C4B68B1FFF22C63AB036EC760BEF401C81DDB89 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1480...9347 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown UA)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/2CDAFA01E2E11B8BF049CA4B4C4B68B1FFF22C63AB036EC760BEF401C81DDB89 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1688...4909 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (Unknown UA)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B66E57722558E2F0ED64F2AB2BDE34E493A3C309FE2CD38C1CF595C88BDA33AB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1601...4317 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (modemcable158.43-70-69.static.videotron.ca. CA QC)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/B66E57722558E2F0ED64F2AB2BDE34E493A3C309FE2CD38C1CF595C88BDA33AB << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1609...5423 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (modemcable158.43-70-69.static.videotron.ca. CA QC)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AC17420673A4A209ADF729718C338E26CF3E0E4E4434B0563687CF8BE80F2591 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1660...6923 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' ( PL)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/AC17420673A4A209ADF729718C338E26CF3E0E4E4434B0563687CF8BE80F2591 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1775...0299 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' ( PL)
ben_vulpes: make california great again: http://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article132358789.html
ben_vulpes: pretty serious risk of losing the emergency spillway apparently
ben_vulpes: dams are my favorite human folly
mircea_popescu: also cheapest power there is.
ben_vulpes: that's what makes it so tempting!
ben_vulpes: stand back everyone i'm just going to deform the crust to perform a bit of geoatmospheric arbitrage
mircea_popescu: works where it works. not hydro power's fault all sorts of idiots wanna "make do with what they got"
mircea_popescu: the great "march of progress" narrative is fed off discrete bits. for instance -- the nile created a flood plain. for tens of thousands of years. not anymore.
mircea_popescu: every dick and jane's expectation that "we did it reddit" is the faint echo of, man walked on the moon and generally speaking drove a wedge forcing a reevaluation of the celestial peerage. "as eternal as the nile flood" is no longer equal to "as eternal as the tide".
mircea_popescu: tide -- not dammed yet.
ben_vulpes: progress!
mircea_popescu: quite
Reuel: mircea_popescu your site seems to be down?
mircea_popescu: Reuel nah it's there. i suppose we've moved on to the 2017 testing of the infrastructure.
mircea_popescu: consider that this is done on the very last limb of a huge apparatus of idle losers, maintained at very great expense by a tooth and claw fight to prevent trump appointments! the spy ustate rebells! etcetera! ☟︎
Reuel: I like how you immediately take the mountaintop view there lol
Reuel: But it is some kind ddos then?
mircea_popescu: well, trilema has been online for a long time, eventually you get over the immediacy of it all.
mircea_popescu: pretty much every year some bright young derp comes up with this.
mircea_popescu: Reuel meanwhile confirmed, bout 20gpbs classic syn flood ; gear will be up and running in ~hour, come back then.
Reuel: Cool, will do
shinohai: !~weather
jhvh1: stormy with a chance of packeting
shinohai: still not chnaged
mircea_popescu: lel
mircea_popescu: props to Reuel though, i think he noticed the same second it happened or some shit.
Reuel: Pure coincidence
Reuel: I was looking for an article but forgot the name, in it you were talking about Eulora and most games being spreadsheets for people used to work spreadsheets or something like that
mircea_popescu: ah yeah. sparked by eve lel
mircea_popescu: and in other hippy dippy weatherman, it's raining here with a purely tropical intensity. the city's going to be flooded again.
mircea_popescu: these idiots, they get entirely disrupted by admittedly heavy rains twice a year, they flail about helplessly on tv about it THAT DAY and that's that, that's it, go right back to their regularly scheduled dickholding and netflix.
diana_coman: they get...disrupted? from what? by the sound of it, they just get one day of tv out of it; only twice a year, too, how unfair
mircea_popescu: diana_coman can't get from point a to point b, what it usually means.
mircea_popescu: admittedly, hard to actually disrupt 1-neuron hydra.
diana_coman: but that supposes one actually has some businesses going from a to b, some aim as in going exactly to b etc
mircea_popescu: well, perversely, it either presupposes THAT or else as the more commonly the case in socialist states (really argentina is what the us was aspiring to be with ronald mcclinton) that they have 0 business to do anyway. in which case not being able to do particular subset x of the pile of things you weren't going to do anyway somehow stands out.
mircea_popescu: it's only the people in the middle who have alternative, as it were.
mircea_popescu: if you do something now and again, flood can be welcome respite. if you do things all the time OR NEVER, floods are threatening, existentially.
diana_coman: hm, in total stillness any change is potentially threatening on an existential level, I can see that, yes
diana_coman: ftr each and every time I witnessed this sort of flailing it meant without exception that NOTHING was going to be done about it - people needed to let go of steam/put on a show/whatever but basically to avoid doing something about it
mircea_popescu: ayep.
trinque: isn't there some bureau for this? call the ministry of inconvenient weather. it's not like we're some poor country without one.
trinque recalls the epic video of portlanders sliding down an icy hill one by one
mircea_popescu: right-o.
mircea_popescu: !~later tell peterl since you're both in the field and unlazy, here's a thought - i would like to see a quantitative history of life in terms of biopumps. i dunno that this was ever done, and it's a crying shame. ☟︎
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: what i mean specifically is that if we turned all biomass to ash today, life wouldn't be able to just start right back up with people in the way computers would. if i break all the computers nobody's making the pentium 1 all over again.
mircea_popescu: but if i physically extinguish life, it will have to go through its whole ontogenesis, not strictly because of gnosis problem (ie, WHO is doing the jumps ? life's extinguished, there's n oreserve medium) but because of a purely physical problem.
mircea_popescu: to have mammals, you need the citric pump. this may not exist, physically, until enough precursors have been built up. they can only be built up by specific metabolic processes.
mircea_popescu: which is why that ancient trilema article about my encounter with the aliens and the discussions re the nth roman empire and the perennial nature of the english language as well as more recently http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-10#1612893 and the coal in soil discussion. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-10 06:04 mircea_popescu: (guru meditation : whence does a tree's mass come from ?)
mircea_popescu: turns out that yes, there IS an endothermic reaction available for coal, but nevertheless that notwithstanding, there IS NO microorganism that takes soil coal and turns it into c02 and its own livelihood.
mircea_popescu: coal must be taken in the form of live tree, or live leaf, or recently dead tree, or leaf, or bug, or somesuch. not as charcoal. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: now some of these pumps i know, but some, especially at the very early bacteria/algae/protist early history we probably do not know.
mircea_popescu: so therefore, a history of life in terms of "first, you gotta get natrium pump going, as seen in thiomargarita. then, when enough X is piled up, (no less than q) you can start xantophyl pump. when enough etc etc"
mircea_popescu: does this make any sesne ?
shinohai: someone has to keep the fires of auschwitz burning
mircea_popescu: heh
mircea_popescu: shinohai the auschwitz reference is oddly on point, because it was the first large scale encounter with a problem very much in this vein : if body goes long enough without sufficient intake, it eventually digests the proteins thatmake up the intake manifold for its protein digestion cycle, resulting in a situation where the body is alive but not for long, even if you feed it it can't digest anymore.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the advantage of the above approach, at least from a "teach smart kids biology, physics and systems design" pov, is that it scales extremely well. discussion can be made as short or as infinitely complex as the bright young mind has patience for.
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: The truly amazing part is that Los Angeles is just going to drink that puddle dry again
BingoBoingo enjoys reports saying "dam is fine, undamaged" While substantial parts of the dam (i.e. spillways) are damaged.
trinque: danielpbarron: http://danielpbarron.com/2017/fuckgoats-for-sale/ << I was perhaps interested, but your old blog posts are all gone ?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo the part that matters is undamaged! celestial empire in the sky, untouched by the corruption of matter!
trinque: http://archive.is/T36Uj << nevermind, looks like they're more expensive from dpb
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Until the water does it's thing, topping and crushing dam with the weight of... mebbe 3 or 4 celestial hamplanets
BingoBoingo: Anyway, what's the problem. California was dry, now has water. Problem solved!
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613468 << if mr.t on the throne for 8 yrs and at the end of the 7th same exact thing still happens -- still work of 'hangers on' ? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-13 13:06 mircea_popescu: consider that this is done on the very last limb of a huge apparatus of idle losers, maintained at very great expense by a tooth and claw fight to prevent trump appointments! the spy ustate rebells! etcetera!
asciilifeform: now i dun have an intel agency, or even dirigible, but i did read mr.t's campaign brochure and 'surrender to bitcoin' wasn't in there.
BingoBoingo: But loudly do nothing at all was!
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'loudly doing nothing at all' is a privilege of the brass. to grunts it remains to 'loudly feign activity'
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in monkeystan, https://archive.is/372OG >> 'Francis Rawls, a former Philadelphia police sergeant, has been in the Philadelphia Federal Detention Center for more than 16 months. His crime: the fired police officer has been found in contempt of court for refusing a judge's order to unlock two hard drives the authorities believe contain child pornography. Theoretically, Rawls can remain jailed indefinitely until he complies.'
asciilifeform: ^ iirc there are at least half a dozen of these nao, and these are just the ~known~ cases
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613506 << in none of the experimentation and blather through which i dug did anyone posit 'coal' as a carbon source. my limited understanding is that its role is threefold: surface area for bacterial colonization; surface area to ameliorate fertilizer runoff and leaching into the ground; and to improve porosity. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-13 14:29 mircea_popescu: coal must be taken in the form of live tree, or live leaf, or recently dead tree, or leaf, or bug, or somesuch. not as charcoal.
asciilifeform: in quite other noose, https://archive.is/l7LmL >> e. voorhees apparently had been a loud, unabashed gavinist for ages ☟︎
mod6: mornin'
asciilifeform: hey mod6
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9AC7FA97D5B4F4D807DDC44904CF658CA415EC45E2E0D092A08B071540704CB1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1380...5359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (sparc.phys.tsinghua.edu.cn. CN)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9AC7FA97D5B4F4D807DDC44904CF658CA415EC45E2E0D092A08B071540704CB1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1501...2429 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (sparc.phys.tsinghua.edu.cn. CN) ☟︎
asciilifeform: in other possible BingoBoingo/qntra fodder, https://archive.is/jMxrw >> 'TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — A state trooper was justified when he shot a 76-year-old man last summer inside a home mistakenly linked to a 911 call, an investigation by New Jersey's attorney general has concluded.'
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613534 >> 'We are a group of condensed matter theory. Our specific study targets are materials which possess novel quantum properties such as topological insulators, low dimension materials with strong quantum confinement, and new materials with excellent quantum transport properties. We focus on material electronic and phonon properties and their optical, electromagnetic, thermal responses. Our res ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-13 16:33 deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/9AC7FA97D5B4F4D807DDC44904CF658CA415EC45E2E0D092A08B071540704CB1 << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1501...2429 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (sparc.phys.tsinghua.edu.cn. CN)
asciilifeform: earch has a close relationship with industrial applications in its guidance on designing electronic devices.'
asciilifeform: didjaknow. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well obviously not.
mircea_popescu: 7th year of nigger != 8th year of nigger. same as with prikoke, the lifespan of domestic animals is a very peculiar nonliniarity.
mircea_popescu: each day ~member of the family until the day it's member of the family meal.
asciilifeform: well, member of latrine basement contingent until member of meal
mircea_popescu: hey, a family by definition has different ranking members.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the pseudoscientific gunk you reviewed does not form part of this discussion though, they're as irrelevant to anything to do with people as the chirping of the birds.
mircea_popescu: what, i'm going to engage it as if it were for reals, now ? they "posited" whatever random bullshit, might as well be on wikireddit for all the difference it can make irl.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613530 << the experience with the sec formed him, i guess. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-13 16:10 asciilifeform: in quite other noose, https://archive.is/l7LmL >> e. voorhees apparently had been a loud, unabashed gavinist for ages
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613539 << hey, cvasitheoretical physicists will always exist. and they'll always say ~the same things. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-13 16:45 asciilifeform: didjaknow.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and, apparently, run botched debian.
mircea_popescu: doh.
mircea_popescu: and in today's wtf, home directory size 3022328952, full backup package 12619700949.
mircea_popescu: guess what fails silently on "unexpected!!1" "too large!!" and your first choice is backup scripts.
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4E308FEA20D21A62A5165DB316B50DBD6BD755919F6AB0B6A45C0D6BD90F6FAF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1689...2349 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (175.98.bartanet.cz. CZ KR 525)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/4E308FEA20D21A62A5165DB316B50DBD6BD755919F6AB0B6A45C0D6BD90F6FAF << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1791...2169 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (175.98.bartanet.cz. CZ KR 525)
mircea_popescu: apparently i'm the first lightbulb to have come up with the theory that IF (and this is a very doubtful if in the first place) your backup process should fail according to the size backed up, then it is logical for it to faill for it being TOO SMALL, not for it being too big.
asciilifeform: 'unix philosophy'!! includes 'it will break and you won't know why until the smell of cooked flesh'
mircea_popescu: pretty much exactly.
asciilifeform: at one time i wrote a proggy that generated a few million files every time it ran, for perfectly legitimate reason. it ended up breaking every script i've been habitually using for years, in exactly mircea_popescu's way
mircea_popescu: this sort of thjing happens to me about every other project.
mircea_popescu: "oh, things work" "do x" "uh...."
mircea_popescu: now, SOMETIMES, it's like in the case of the lisp ai, where i was lazy and didn't actually provision properly.
mircea_popescu: but this is relatively rare. generally, it happens because... uh...
mircea_popescu: "we never thought of using a plane like a rocket"
mircea_popescu: bitch. what the fuck DID you think of using it as, a dildo ?
asciilifeform: 'didn't somebody tell you which three chairs are sittable on, from the 500 ?' etc
mircea_popescu: myeah
asciilifeform: in other lulz, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2KZaD7hFSM << 2 ru d00dz call u.s. congressmonkey, role play ukr, and convince her of 'war of the worlds'-style lulz
mircea_popescu: heh
mircea_popescu: fortunately it doesn't count.
mircea_popescu: !!up pete_dushenski
deedbot: pete_dushenski voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: !!up PeterL
deedbot: PeterL voiced for 30 minutes.
PeterL: ty
PeterL: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613498 << interesting line of thought, ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-13 14:25 mircea_popescu: !~later tell peterl since you're both in the field and unlazy, here's a thought - i would like to see a quantitative history of life in terms of biopumps. i dunno that this was ever done, and it's a crying shame.
mircea_popescu: aha!
PeterL: when I google for "biopump", I just get a bunch of pictures of sexy womens' shoes
PeterL: but I get the gist of what you are saying
mircea_popescu: heh. but you understand what i mean yes ? biological processes are chiefly defined through turning one class of substance into a narrower other class
mircea_popescu: it's what "forensics" and "pathology" and everything relies on, pumpage differentials.
mircea_popescu: prolly high time all this patchwork was systematized.
PeterL: The early earth astmosphere has been speculated to have been non-oxygen, before we could have aerobic metabolism first we needed a bunch of anaerobes shitting out oxygen, E.G.
mircea_popescu: hence why my example started with thio*
mircea_popescu: early respiration was doubtless N
PeterL: more biochemistry than what I usually think about, but still interesting.
mircea_popescu: or me, for that matter.
PeterL: I'll put it on the list of stuff to think about.
PeterL: Gotta run, will be reading the log.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2014-12-10#949583 << did we ever find this ? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2014-12-10 00:51 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu had an article (or perhaps a thread here? but can't seem to find it...) about an archetypical u.s. expat. fellow keeps a pub somewhere in thailand, or cambodia, etc. the locals - drink for free. he fancies that if he begins to run out of dough, he can always start charging. but somehow in the back of his head he knows what will happen to his sorry arse if he were to do so.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: not afaik. and not from lack of try
asciilifeform: (i end up digging for it every month or so)
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2017/little-miss-sunshine/ << Trilema - Little Miss Sunshine
mircea_popescu: darn.
mircea_popescu: was like late 2013 - early 2014 too
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-01-09#970930 in other old lulz. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2015-01-09 07:49 mircea_popescu: "That's quite publicity for MP for a mere 5 BTC (he owns half bitbet), maybe less. (It's obvious that bitcoin will go up faster, so not many will bet no)"
mircea_popescu is trying to dredge it up
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo http://btcbase.org/log/2013-03-28#-49508 if you need for qntra :D ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2013-03-28 13:15 mircea_popescu: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/28/hundreds-of-armed-vigilantes-seize-mexican-town-arrest-local-police/
mircea_popescu: could be played straight, title, description of the event, last line is "by the way this happened in 2013."
mircea_popescu: o shit it gets better.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2014-09-08#822992 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2014-09-08 22:35 mircea_popescu: "Thank you for this clarification Mr. Nakamoto. It has been an honor to be labeled by my friends as "Satoshi's Drunk Uncle" and it's a moniker I'll wear proudly until the day I retire from Crypto. The Goldcoin (GLD) developers truly admire your work and strive to continue improving upon its design as a tribute to your unparallelled genius. Your admirer and relative in spirit, MicroGuy."
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2014-02-19#515574 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2014-02-19 06:21 mircea_popescu: an old american moves to a thai village.
pete_dushenski: just searched 'thai'
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski is a winner. asciilifeform must have spent 6+ hrs total to date digging, and never once found.
mircea_popescu: no fucking way
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski well done eh!
pete_dushenski: happy to help. took all of ten seconds
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i was here for the past half hour, ended up witha pile of other articles. for instance http://trilema.com/2010/a-fi-fraier/ whiuch i think ima atranslate comments and all.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski first solid example of the tru power of crowd sourcing. except it's not exactly a crowd.
pete_dushenski: 10 man crowd == small sports team
pete_dushenski: teamsourcing has a ring to it actually
pete_dushenski: in other teamwork, looks like j. trudeau didn't completely faceplant when meeting with agent orange today http://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2017/02/13/joint-statement-president-donald-j-trump-and-prime-minister-justin-trudeau
mircea_popescu: ahahaha is trump's secret agent codename "agent orange" ?
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: from your earlier rag : http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/02/13/rapper-busta-rhymes-slams-trump-as-president-agent-orange-during-fiery-grammys-performance/
pete_dushenski: kinda lulzy
mircea_popescu: pretty great.
mircea_popescu: !~later tell diana_coman http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/HN4Jw/?raw=true
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: The operation succeeded.
ben_vulpes: you guys
ben_vulpes: ruby has an eigenclass
ben_vulpes: what the FUCK
ben_vulpes: "hi i have a rudimentary understanding that some words related to mathematics exist and have spent too much time glomming strings together. please kill me!"
mircea_popescu: reminds me of those weirdo transforms in that weirdo wanna-be language we discussed recently.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-27#1591144 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-12-27 17:44 mircea_popescu: holy shit "Quaternion.Euler" is a full blown core function. and wait, there's more : http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/765683/when-to-use-quaternion-vs-euler-angles.html
ben_vulpes: heh yeah
ben_vulpes: hey i had a blast with quaternions once upon a time
mircea_popescu: these however are spuriounions.
ben_vulpes: "fuck, buddy. it's just a coordinate transform, you can handle those right?"
BingoBoingo: tyvm
ben_vulpes: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/yCTHc/?raw=true << ho ho ho god the pathologies on display
ben_vulpes: "a line was crossed" nobody can use active voice anymore, saying your enemy's name doesn't give him power over you witchcraft isn't a thing
ben_vulpes: "when core democratic ideals feel under attack" << core democratic ideals! feel! a+ "assuming the sale" right there
ben_vulpes: "feel" hyu still cracks me up
BingoBoingo: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/02/13/singer-joy-villa-wears-trump-dress-to-grammys.html
ben_vulpes: "on behalf of democracy, equality, human rights, social justice and sustainability" << sustainability!
ben_vulpes: in with these other words whose meanings have drained from them at the hands of leftists bloodletters
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Do you know what provides surface area and that bacteria <3 more than charcoal? Peat moss
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: do i hafta buy it from a factory?
ben_vulpes: or does it come from some bog somewhere, extracted at rates far greater than the bog can replenish
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: More you buy it from a mine of sorts, usually in Canada, and the fact of its extraction is why you must buy it while it still is cheap
ben_vulpes: stockpile peat moss. k.
ben_vulpes: thanks BingoBoingo
BingoBoingo: Well not necessary pile, just load it up into the soil. Then mebbe pile some up.
ben_vulpes: "are open to anyone who want to create a bright future that's rich with opportunity and freedom for all" << what if my bright future doesn't include towelheads, but it's still bright for everyone else, am i still welcome?
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: i will keep that in mind for that oft-dreamt-of-day when i'm unlikely to relocate in five years
ben_vulpes: not particularly interested in large scale soil amendment projects largely benefitting others
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: Then make some raised beds and take it with you. Or buy bogmine in pete_dushenski fashion.
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: funny you should mention raised beds, $girl finished the second yesterday.
ben_vulpes: of course to effectively transport the dirt i'm going to need to buy a trailer
ben_vulpes: oh no
BingoBoingo: It's the way to do it. Concentrate the good dirt.
ben_vulpes: more icefrastructure
BingoBoingo: Anyways pete may know someone with a bogmine to sell
asciilifeform: !!up gabriel_laddel_p
deedbot: gabriel_laddel_p voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes rando eyeballs webshit trying to pr on top of the newsfeed. been going on since forever, not specifically more related ot the topic than the coca cola xmas edition
gabriel_laddel_p: are there any links in the logs that need special treatment for archival? Current list: download youtube videos & pdfs.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: there are not so many youtube clips worth saving, and probably best handled on case by case basis, manually
mircea_popescu: turning pdfs into proper (small, well formatted) html would be useful, cut adobe out of the document loop. videos meh.
mircea_popescu: i never watch them.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is demonstrably impossible in the general case (unless you count html turd with img tags and pages as bitmaps as 'well-formatted')
mircea_popescu: what can i tell you. pdf gets displayed somehow. html is a notation for display. convert.
asciilifeform: http://www.loper-os.org/pub/hl/hl.html << example.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes so are we building the republican farms in costa rica ?
gabriel_laddel_p: example of present html archive output: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bznn0f9Mk3KAY1JoVE1ybmx4UGc/view?usp=sharing
asciilifeform: why is there js in there ?
gabriel_laddel_p: is this an issue?
asciilifeform: what do you think, gabriel_laddel_p ? i mentioned it because i needed to break in a new keyboard, or wut
asciilifeform: noshit.jpg it's an issue
gabriel_laddel_p: what I think: if someone has js turned on in their browser, it's because they want js. If turned off, they don't want it. I, at least, want an-accurate-as-possible archive of whatever shows up in the logs, including arbitrary files, videos etc.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: the current favourite, archive.is, is able to display the ~text~ of pretty much every linked turd (no matter how encrusted) without ~forcing~ viewer to enable js. can yours do this ?
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: 'we' are mitigating against the star topology in all sorts of stupid and entertaining ways