mod6: pretty terse SoBA this month...
mod6: will have it out in just a moment.
shinohai: For a less terse SoBA, participate and build your own. The voices in thy head will fill in the blanks
phf: “Wonder Woman’s lack of armpit hair sparks feminist debate (”
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 2355.07, vol: 17403.88195784 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 2266.53, vol: 5836.33493 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 2239.8, vol: 19350.1679223 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 2474.307864, vol: 20638.22870000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 2347.809, vol: 9361.47482754 | Volume-weighted last average: 2350.18836504
mircea_popescu: i see they're sticking to the whole "silk road did something" lulz.
BingoBoingo: In other news, appear to have successfully quit smoking. Last nicotine was Saturday at 1:15 PM. Turns out it works better if you wait until afterwards to announce to the world
trinque: BingoBoingo: wd, did same a couple months ago.
trinque: switched to a vape briefly, decided I didn't want a hot battery in my mouth.
BingoBoingo: Almost all vape setups use lithium ion firehazard
BingoBoingo disqualified vape thing in planning latest run because still preserves active nicotine addiction
mod6: alright, how 'bout you?
a111: Logged on 2017-05-30 17:07 asciilifeform: the preponderance of 0xff 0xfd etc is screaming hint
mod6: I'll run your py script here...
jhvh1: asciilifeform: 1095455232 / 65536 = 16715.3203125
mod6: i went back to my linux output entropy files to see about the 'ff fd' thing; I'm really jammed up on openbsd. and that's a different side-quest we can discuss later. but now i'm wondering about the flow-control/output from collections done on linux
jhvh1: asciilifeform: 1372938752 / 65536 = 20949.3828125
jhvh1: asciilifeform: 1190905856 / 65536 = 18171.78125
mod6: makes sense, i think it was worth covering this though -- wanted to be sure that I have one solid test-bed.
mod6: so back to the bsd-side-quest.... i built `coreutils 8.21' on my openbsd box. now have `gdd` on there. which has a 'fullblock' iflag.
mod6: ok. am trying. will report.
mod6: (running ./ against my FG#1 output files...)
mod6: im running the ./ on a linux environment amd64
mod6: check my previous paste
mod6: root@trb-dev:/home/mod6/fg1# stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 raw -echo -echoe -echok
mod6: root@trb-dev:/home/mod6/fg1# dd iflag=fullblock if=/dev/ttyUSB0 of=fg1.fg1.bin
mod6: yeah, they were collected on linux as such ^
mod6: running next one sec.
mod6: and yah, this setup is without usbhub.
mod6: it's USB-TTL direct plugged into machine, wired with the 5v, out, & gnd
mod6: instead of the battery pack, can I just use my Dr. Meter DC PS?
mod6: isn't that what the Dr. Meter does? you set it to 5v and it's g2g. i've verified with multimeter (Fluke) that it does spit out what it says it spits out.
mod6: but the battery cell is somehow better for this test?
mod6: gotcha, i'll look at getting one of those.
mod6: cat is still running...
mod6: looks like it got 20561 bytes
mod6: shit, no python on here.
mod6: yup, just was gonna do those three. wont litter the logs any more with those.
mod6: will look at ldattach.8, thanks!
mod6: i think from this little exercise that I can conclude that my tests, on linux, did exactly what they should have done.
jurov: iirc rs232 does support optional clock signal?
pete_dushenski: you joke but laptop-style 'mousepads' are the next 'big thing' in automotive interior design. they're generally placed aft of the gear shifter in the horizontal area of the centre console.
pete_dushenski: seats already have built-in massage (shiatsu!) so no reason not to used relaxed butt muscle for quantum thinking
pete_dushenski: worx great because plebs don't use keyboards anyways. too ON THE GOGOGO. because mobility-oriented donchaknow.
trinque: I will never buy a car that has enough computer in it to use such a thing.
☟︎ pete_dushenski: this is actualy the legacy of the whole gay right movement innit : everyone and their dog is *-oriented. such human social progress this advent.
trinque: apparently I'm going to have to stockpile <=2010 tundras next to my g5 macs
trinque: incorrect. 2000s toyota tundras are beastly, reliable machines
trinque: these I don't know why anyone would buy, unless he has the money to buy the manufacturer when he wants something.
pete_dushenski: anyways, parts are plentiful, just at a more macro level (ie whole gauge cluster) because microparts fizzle (like my gpu this week actually)
trinque: but it's a fair point; you'll otherwise have to buy the coke machine on wheels
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: but you did shift the goalposts a fair but there : 'inspected & licensed' quickly became 'only toyota'. problem ?
trinque: look in 2040, if bitcoin doesn't sling enough dick that there are sane parts to be had, better seppuku
trinque: really meant $republic there.
pete_dushenski: could be $ethereum! which has HALF the market cap of bitcoin donchaknow
☟︎ trinque: oh christ, no, I didn't mean that
pete_dushenski: wtf kind a braindeads are pumping eth to these levels anyways. do govs really have that much fiat left to wash trade with ?
☟︎ trinque: fiat-demonimated "market cap" can be whatever fiat says, eh?
mod6: yah, usgprintolade => eth
pete_dushenski wonders what was etymology of 'printolade'. it's a great term!1
pete_dushenski: lol that then begs the questions where 'crapolade' came from
trinque figured it came straight from asciilifeform's nightmares
a111: Logged on 2017-06-01 16:12 asciilifeform: incidentally it is imho maddening that pc never standardized a SYNCHRONOUS serial interface
Framedragger: "As for the ultimate fate of the site, I'll have more to say about that soon. Delicious has over a billion bookmarks and is a fascinating piece of web history. Even Yahoo, for whom mismanagement is usually effortless, had to work hard to keep Delicious down. I bought it in part so it wouldn’t disappear from the web."
☟︎ trinque: archiving it would've been cheaper.
Framedragger: i think he had some sentiments for delicious users, + perhaps expects some of them to migrate to his paid service. who knows
Framedragger: loads fine here... root cert is "USERTrust RSA" CA, then gandi
Framedragger: (hm, "archived by scriba" should say "no", will investigate)
Framedragger: asciilifeform: oh, or did you mean yeah seems offline
Framedragger: not sure if was acquired (maybe only anyway, sorry for spam
deedbot: pauloio voiced for 30 minutes.
jurov: but not using rubber stamp
jhvh1: asciilifeform: 350*200 / 8 = 8750
jhvh1: asciilifeform: 8750*2 * 0.75 = 13125
deedbot: pauloio voiced for 30 minutes.
shinohai has old cmos camera around here somewhere ....
a111: Logged on 2017-06-01 16:14 asciilifeform: it is how , e.g., ps/2 kbd/mouse port worked. ( however it was never turned into a general-purpose item )
a111: Logged on 2017-06-01 16:37 trinque: I will never buy a car that has enough computer in it to use such a thing.
mircea_popescu still buys ps2 kbd/mouse to this day, but they;ve apparently become rare
a111: Logged on 2017-06-01 16:46 pete_dushenski: could be $ethereum! which has HALF the market cap of bitcoin donchaknow
mircea_popescu: << it's very easy to get a bunch of "consensus"-oriented, state-compliant dork with no money to agree to anything, no matter how nonsensical it is. it's not expensive, either, that's why said dorks are the wet dream of any socialism.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-06-01 16:48 pete_dushenski: wtf kind a braindeads are pumping eth to these levels anyways. do govs really have that much fiat left to wash trade with ?
mircea_popescu: and that's why stabbing them in the neck "for no reason" and "that was totally uncalled for" while they're riding the state car is the ~best way to serve the republic.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-01 17:41 asciilifeform: ^ surprisingly nonidiotic response to a popular schneierism going around at the time
a111: Logged on 2017-06-01 17:43 Framedragger: "As for the ultimate fate of the site, I'll have more to say about that soon. Delicious has over a billion bookmarks and is a fascinating piece of web history. Even Yahoo, for whom mismanagement is usually effortless, had to work hard to keep Delicious down. I bought it in part so it wouldn’t disappear from the web."
mircea_popescu: it is a false notion. there is no value in the herds other than of usage. unless you're using the sheep, the libertards, to spin some wheel, they are 0, not epsilon.
Framedragger: i think there was an altruistic / sentimental component, so the case cannot be reduced the above, which (on its own) of course stands (i.e. agree fully)
mircea_popescu: sure. by the time republican's lived his lifetime in exile without the republic, what's he to do ? pile it up and burn it all ?
mircea_popescu: "oh, can't take it with you" "wanna bet ? fucking imbecile lazy schoolboy, oh what's the teacher gonna do, flunk all of us. you'd better fucking believe it, what!"
Framedragger: solitary and/or solipsistic (where person assumes there is no republic)