700+ entries in 0.824s
mircea_popescu: phf a) can has 100 rather than 20 finds for search ? b) http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=moon&page=16 is last page notwithstanding that 16 * 20 !> 500 ☟︎
shinohai: But MAH MOON LANDING!!!
mircea_popescu: moon proof!
asciilifeform: and meanwhile let it 'go to moon' ?!
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 16:33:32; phf: i think this question is receiving far less attention then the alleged miner collusion. i would've liked to see it approached through a judge (perhaps moon is a harsh mistress style "would you be our judge?"), a carefully constructed paper, an investigation, rather than bickering in logs. i think the question is also separate from receivership and is about ensuring that the rest of tmsr maintain a shared vision
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 16:33:32; phf: i think this question is receiving far less attention then the alleged miner collusion. i would've liked to see it approached through a judge (perhaps moon is a harsh mistress style "would you be our judge?"), a carefully constructed paper, an investigation, rather than bickering in logs. i think the question is also separate from receivership and is about ensuring that the rest of tmsr maintain a shared vision
assbot: Logged on 14-03-2016 16:33:32; phf: i think this question is receiving far less attention then the alleged miner collusion. i would've liked to see it approached through a judge (perhaps moon is a harsh mistress style "would you be our judge?"), a carefully constructed paper, an investigation, rather than bickering in logs. i think the question is also separate from receivership and is about ensuring that the rest of tmsr maintain a shared vision
phf: i think this question is receiving far less attention then the alleged miner collusion. i would've liked to see it approached through a judge (perhaps moon is a harsh mistress style "would you be our judge?"), a carefully constructed paper, an investigation, rather than bickering in logs. i think the question is also separate from receivership and is about ensuring that the rest of tmsr maintain a shared vision of what has transpired, ☟︎☟︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 07-03-2016 16:24:11; mircea_popescu: but in any case, there is a substantial difference between "i think X on the basis of my personal experience" and "mp said x on the basis of bitbet experience as documented on qntra". exactly of the sort and caliber as the difference between "i think there exist alien" and "here's pictures of man walking on the moon", in fact.
mircea_popescu: but in any case, there is a substantial difference between "i think X on the basis of my personal experience" and "mp said x on the basis of bitbet experience as documented on qntra". exactly of the sort and caliber as the difference between "i think there exist alien" and "here's pictures of man walking on the moon", in fact. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: no argument that it ~could~ be a so and so node. all sorts of things could be all sorts of other things. like the moon landing photos could be fake, and so on.
asciilifeform: punkman: understand, i will gamble once in a blue moon. but asking me to pay a MONTHLY subscription for access to a lottery machine, is lunacy.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-02-2016#1408301 << brush off one ddos and 'to the moon' ? did i miss a meta-qntra memo here or what ☝︎
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: phun phakt: the su 'manned moon' prototype rockets exploded - all 4 of'em - for no particularly good reason.
pete_dushenski: http://www.contravex.com/2014/04/20/the-brokenness-of-maidsafe/#comment-40462 << the maidsafe pumpers are out in force this weekend. what is it a vaporware fool moon ?
mircea_popescu: During all of this, I picked up a lot of trivia about the MACLISP language, which was not very well-documented. David Moon had written a manual a few years earlier, but it was out of date and featured primarily the Honeywell Multics implementation of MACLISP, not the PDP10 implementation. Also, as it happened, Don Knuth had just come out with TEX typesetting language and I was looking for possible uses for it, so I att
mircea_popescu: what's this game of everythingsies, i wanna be tanned but also untanned and sit in the sun and the moon at the same time bla bla.
thestringpuller: ascii_butugychag: yes, saturn V blueprints are on net. lets go to moon shall we? i have 3 days off coming up.
phf: heard similar stories about sending monkeys to moon from nasa people, a lot "research" is a large multi-cultural team trying to reverse engineer 1970s suite glove, etc.
thestringpuller: yes. but eventually knowledge to build nuke will vanish. just like sending monkeys to moon.
pete_dushenski: if i got up and moved everytime idiots were idiots, i'd live on the moon already.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-01-2016#1382106 "and the moon changes ever as his mind!" ☝︎
pete_dushenski: soviet moon is best moon
pete_dushenski: must be a blue moon
mircea_popescu: consider this scenario : bitcoin in 2020. mod6 has meanwhile gone hunting seals on the artic circle. you live in a remote mining colony up on the fucking moon.
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 01:04:05; mircea_popescu: what, all through 1995 - 2005 everyone "in lisp" sat around on their ass passing back and forth stories of how cool moon was in the 70s and how great gabriel's hairdo looks ?
mircea_popescu: what, all through 1995 - 2005 everyone "in lisp" sat around on their ass passing back and forth stories of how cool moon was in the 70s and how great gabriel's hairdo looks ? ☟︎
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: that reminds me of professor who said to class, "Why the fuck does Word need 1GB of memory and we got to the moon on 12kb of RAM?"
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-12-2015#1349134 << i like taleb's www and find it hard to disagree with his conclusions, but i simply cannot stomach his books. tried many times. reading his b00kz feels quite like having a titanic atomic cock shoved in your mouth; of such gargantuan proportions that it blots out the sun, moon, stars. ☝︎
asciilifeform: by the next new moon, the remaining you will be a mircea_popescu . ~~~
ascii_field: david moon was ok because he said nothing at all
deedbot-: [Ossasepia] Yo Moon, Got Phases Nao? - http://www.dianacoman.com/2015/09/29/yo-moon-got-phases-nao/
ascii_field: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-11-2015#1333508 << this borders on the genius of the proverbial 'polish space program' - 'we will fly to the sun, not the moon! -- but sun is hot! -- we will fly at night' ☝︎
assbot: Blue Moon Roleplaying Forums - Blue Moon Academy ... ( http://bit.ly/1SULFiH )
assbot: Logged on 15-11-2015 01:33:44; pete_dushenski: ;;later tell BingoBoingo like http://www.hubcapmike.com/images/imp-8-baby-moon-hubcap-on-23-hotrod-wheel.jpg ? big fan. especially on fiat 500/vw bug. also a fan of plain steely look for winters.
pete_dushenski: ;;later tell BingoBoingo like http://www.hubcapmike.com/images/imp-8-baby-moon-hubcap-on-23-hotrod-wheel.jpg ? big fan. especially on fiat 500/vw bug. also a fan of plain steely look for winters. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell pete_dushenski What is you opinion on the "mini moon" style hubcaps as applied to sedans. I'm thinking about removing the cheap plastic wheel covers and classing up my steelies.
kakobrekla: around the moon, naturally
punkman: to the moon
mircea_popescu: in other news, "There are, in fact, fairy tales about women with agency, and your article would have been even stronger if you knew them (but it's understandable that you don't). "The Girl Without Hands" for one, and a fairy tale retelling of the Psyche and Eros legend, "East of the Sun and West of the Moon". (The retelling is better than the Greek legend, where Psyche is deus ex machina'd at the end. She does at least
mircea_popescu: ascii_field live it looks like nothing in "practical, engineering terms" of people who do not, for that very reason. what does a mechanism that will allow you to step on the moon look in practical terms, of chairs and stacking strategies ?
pete_dushenski: or man on the moon. or negro in the white house.
assbot: Cryptsy seeking legal action against Mike Johnson | To The Moon ... ( http://bit.ly/1NrW2Lk )
assbot: If you actually want to go to the moon... - Imgur ... ( http://bit.ly/1FIuizB )
mircea_popescu: vicious circle to the moon.
btcdrak: the blood moon has come true for so many assets today
assbot: Logged on 21-09-2015 16:54:58; ascii_field: 'galaxy, star, planet, moon, comet' << glorious. they retired the naval org chart (before that, prior to mr mold selling out to usg, it was feudal titles of nobility - as in my former 'dukedom')
ascii_field: 'galaxy, star, planet, moon, comet' << glorious. they retired the naval org chart (before that, prior to mr mold selling out to usg, it was feudal titles of nobility - as in my former 'dukedom') ☟︎
asciilifeform: any more than on the moon.
asciilifeform: once in a blue moon.
asciilifeform: everyone wants the moon and the sun, but no one wants to pay for the,.
pete_dushenski: i'm just doing web, text, odd bit of video, once-in-a-blue-moon editing
asciilifeform: trinque: aha, get to the moon by stacking chairs. i'll watch.
BingoBoingo: Old shares go to the moon
phf: there's greenblatt, tom knight, david moon, daniel weinreb, guy steele, peter norvig, abelson&sussman, jack holloway. stallman and minsky. not to mention cracauer, eller, fahlman, maclachlan, rme, ron garret of the later people that i know of, tons of people i'm forgetting.
trinque: lol, somebody bought me "moon shoes" when I was a kid
assbot: Logged on 21-08-2015 22:04:36; jurov: sailor moon
jurov: sailor moon ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "With each passing week more and more of us become ready to concede that economic growth is no longer possible. Economic de­velopment, on the old model, which UN Sec­retary Ban Ki-moon recently characterized as a “global suicide pact,” is becoming con­strained by the limits of natural resources of the finite planet, energy, arable land and fresh water foremost among them, and stressed further by extreme weather
ascii_field: hell, moon bounce.
punkman: to the moon!
shinohai: Because without hundreds of features, how you gonna moon?
shinohai: lol ... "Your ticket to the moon"
asciilifeform: n6: means you get same result regardless of phase of the moon
ascii_field: phf: when you lose your keys, you may not know exactly where they are, but you can be very certain that they are not on the moon.
mircea_popescu: im just saying you don't own the moon, is all.
scoopbot_revived: http://qntra.net/2015/05/us-poultry-and-egg-prices-headed-to-the-moon/
mircea_popescu: i suppose you can count the moon thing, if you wish.
asciilifeform: normally those happen once in a blue moon, largely for entirely harmless reasons, but,
decimation: there are three important periodic behaviours. the orbit of the earth about the sun, (lesser - moon about the earth), the rotation of the earth about its axis, and the vibration of cesium atoms. leap seconds syncronise earth's rotation with cesium. calendar synchronizes earth's rotation with its orbit
asciilifeform: it cannot see the moon, or the stars
BingoBoingo: decimation: Astronomical time is probelematic in that we do not know if LizardHitler mothership can subtly tow sun a few miles or give the moon a push
asciilifeform: (yes, decimation will teach you to tell epoch time within +/1 1000 by using the stars and moon. that does not change the essence of the fact that global epoch synchronized by machines is a fiat - specifically usg - creature)
decimation: there is a description on how to derive time by measuring the moon's motion relative to other objects in the sky
decimation: even hitler can't move the moon's path
decimation: of the moon and other bodies http://www.lunar-occultations.com/iota/iotandx.htm
pete_dushenski: this 'ssdi party village' sounds like a soviet full moon party
mircea_popescu: the minds are scarcely the problem. which is part of why i credit so little the entire "iq" verbiage. if iq were the determining factor in anything we'd be living on the moon already.
assbot: The Boswell Sisters - Stop the sun, stop the moon (1932).wmv - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1SuR14a )
decimation: yeah I agree with mircea, it sounds to me that the chinese have bid australia to the moon
mircea_popescu: lol you're in the position of someone who made a moon exploration vessel, discovered life on the moon and is now kicking himself for not having included a condom factory in the ship.
mats: fun fact: some large radio telescopes were built for earth to moon to earth surveillance of su radars
mircea_popescu: you'll never be able to go to the moon with just the two pairs you got!
ascii_field: 'perhaps it fell from the moon'
decimation: now it's stable, and they want it to go to the moon
mircea_popescu: "we didn't just butcher a bunch of marginal retards in a parking lot. it was because of the moon. the guy that made the roof 15 years ago is to blame. it';s because texas has straight borders"
justJanne: Also, you often don't need laws or regulations, as they are often ignored, if you use society or physics, it works better. Example: the streets in my city. If you have no parking lots anywhere in the city, people will have to use public transport. And private investors are happy too, because they can build parking lots and charge moon prices. 8$/h
kakobrekla: prolly ddosed to moon
davout: if(matters) { downvote } else { moon_moon_moon }
kakobrekla: hold till moon, err i mean zero.
scoopbot_revived: US Poultry and Egg Prices Headed To The Moon http://qntra.net/2015/05/us-poultry-and-egg-prices-headed-to-the-moon/
asciilifeform: usg claims ownership of the sun, moon, stars. orders the sea whipped. news at eleven.
mircea_popescu: be it conquer the south or the moon, but a mission, see. something interesting to do.
decimation: yeah with nutzos like that in their corner, python 3 is going to the moon!
mircea_popescu: and that couple shoot the moon
mircea_popescu: it's a very simple thing : whores are, in point of fact, for the fact of having been whores, superior to "mere women", ie, the usual vanilla nitwit. this is a fact, incontrovertible as the fact that the sun is glowier than the moon.
ascii_field: 'fly to the moon by stacking chairs'
asciilifeform: decimation: if they were serious about the 10,000 - they would have parked it on the moon
Chillum: The only mechanical watch to be on the moon
cazalla: the jew moon or something! (we'll have a good view of it here tonight)