786 entries in 0.8s
B007: remember to post a to the moon thread on 4chan
asciilifeform: if it existed, it would gravitationally move the planet's spammers and 'seo' scum the way the moon moves the ocean.
dexX7: am to teh moon!
MisterE: Moon over My Hammy?
bitcoinpete: benkay: ya, they definitely made a fuss and not much else. glyph's whole implementation lacks appeal. "Drop me a line at horse-moon-cloverleaf" doesn't reach catch people
midnightmagic: asciilifeform: local meshnet, POTS, satellite, moon, and ham frequencies.
dub: to da moon like doge?
benkay: ipo it to the moon
thestringpuller: then they prove the moon landing was fake?
midnightmagic has trouble getting "to the moon, alice" out of his head
Apocalyptic: altcoin is going to da moon too I heard
ThickAsThieves: winklesvii to the moon! http://winklevosscapital.com/posts/78649481042
kakobrekla: doges know about the moon timezone.
BingoBoingo: I guess Maybe the Moon is UTC as well, but there's no people there to ask.
jurov: and what about moon timezone?
ThickAsThieves: the moon isn't high enough for such a div
gribble: so i'm looking up to see if a lot of things that...: <http://adventuresofcomicbookgirl.tumblr.com/post/64092309282/so-im-looking-up-to-see-if-a-lot-of-things-that>; What's the Big Deal About Sailor Moon? « The Hooded Utilitarian: <http://www.hoodedutilitarian.com/2011/11/bigdealaboutsailormoon/>; Stan Sakai drew a comic in 1991 explaining how to make ... - Robot 6: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: (this was back in the ra ra ra days of to the moon when btc first broke 100)
BingoBoingo: MagicalTux has gone to the Moon where he hides in exile with the Doge creators, Trendon Shavers, and Usagi
BingoBoingo: Moom being like the Moon except actually made out of cheese.
greenspan_fan: TO THE MOON!
ThickAsThieves: moon the moon!
mircea_popescu: to the moon!
mod6: "WE'RE ALL GOIN TO THE MOON!" such amaze
ThickAsThieves: "we're all going to the moon on generosity"
mircea_popescu: to the moon moon moon
mike_c: gox back over 100! to the moon!
mircea_popescu: i never draft. i publish then i have editors edit my shit. maybe once in a blue moon i decide midway that what i'm writing is stupid and drop it altogether.
cads: cocoa in Belize and books in Georgia. NASA still can't put a man on the moon. Russia has re–elected the communist
BingoBoingo: K, everybody. Altcoin is ready for the Moon. Imma get some sleep.
BingoBoingo: Of course. I mean it wouldn't be worth it to copy the Doge profiteers and whore myself out in the name of Moon.
BingoBoingo: Doge just had its first halving, Altcoin need to work on its Moon.
BingoBoingo: herbijudlestoids: You are marketmaking ATC nao? How long until moon?
BingoBoingo: shame, such a think line between altcoin and moon
BingoBoingo: Looks like there aren't too many Altcoins on https://openex.pw/index.php?page=trade&market=111 standing between ATC and the moon.
ThickAsThieves: "The journey is over for China's moon rover. China's state news agency is reporting today that the country's space agency has not been able to restore function to the Jade Rabbit rover"
KRS-One: the further away the more shaky and inaccurate they get..you can barely hit the moon if at all for instance.
davout: to the moon
davout: nubbins`: TO. THE. MOON.
Apocalyptic: to da moon
BingoBoingo: Maybe drop, Maybe Moon? What does "is" mean anyways.
BingoBoingo: Altcoin is going to the moon it seems... https://openex.pw/index.php?page=trade&market=111
the20year: USD yield, BTC yield will be unpredictable depending on whether BTC goes to the moon or collapses
asciilifeform: what's the plan? dump when moon is full?
BingoBoingo: All this alpha shit is my garage is gonna go to the moon!
lippoper: (4:09:14 PM) lippoper: dub: Rub-a-dub-dub, dogecoins to da moon!
dub: points if you wore the dark side of teh moon boxer shorts
benkay: mp wants the moon, unsurprisingly.
ozbot: Black Moon Rising, "Don't fuck with the Government." - YouTube
asciilifeform: ham radio 'moon bounce' method is a good way to indestructibly store bits. for a few min. anyway.
jborkl: Oh to the moon is the motto of the altcoin of the week
jborkl: Moon coin
punkman: "DOGE Colored Coins. Such Power! Wow. make new coins. p2p exchange. smart contracts. to the moon."
lippoper: this shit is to da moon
mircea_popescu: mod6 honestly, sounds more like reverend moon's next mass wedding.
mod6: to the moon!
mod6: s.moon: mp's forth-coming lunar cold storage warehouse
mircea_popescu: the way internet analysticing works is like this : the sun rises. up until noon, hail of posts explaining how it's the moon, the aliens, the weather baloons
lippoper: to tha moon
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FwL_huvYjQ 5 days off oyur moon cunt
Vexual: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dL3b9_PO0Pw full moon?
Vexual: woth thoth won five days of light from the moon, what at player
Vexual: to da moon
mircea_popescu: they're putting a guy on the moon.
monolithik: doge to da moon
benkay: master coin to the moon!
benkay: it always to the moon
truff1es: "An earlier version of this article misstated the surname of India’s national security adviser. He is Shivshankar Menon, not Moon." hehe
fiat500: very moon
asciilifeform: in other news, http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/china-successfully-completes-first-soft-landing-on-moon-in-37-years/2013/12/14/fad6ffb4-64c6-11e3-af0d-4bb80d704888_story.html?tid=pm_world_pop
fiat500: if there weren't two sides to the market we'd either be at zero or the moon now
mircea_popescu: ltc on the moon!
pankkake: ltc on moon?
dexX7: to teh moon
nubbins`: flight origin: "MOON"
ozbot: Back from the Moon, Apollo Astronauts Had to Go Through Customs | Space.com
nubbins`: http://www.space.com/7044-moon-apollo-astronauts-customs.html
thestringpuller: we'll need to check you for moon meth
thestringpuller: yo did you bring back any moon drugs?
nubbins`: wow, apollo 11 crew had to pass thru US customs & immigration upon returning from the moon
thestringpuller: the moon landing was faked
thestringpuller: the reptilian moon people
benkay: mpoe to the moon
dub: moon in 3-2-
KRS|Gotyawallet: im gonna get one for my ridge once my hifi gets shipped and installed..gonna do a mounted 8 or 10" display if I can- gonna do the OS myself so it comes up with the weather, news, navigation, music playlist, etc. even gonna have a sun and sky for daylight and moon and stars for night. its where i'm going to play audio for when i'm driving and what not
pankkake: let's go te the moon together
gribble: MtGox lag is 2.596908 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00520417455557 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Jupiter to its largest moon, Ganymede (0.007155 AU).
pankkake: who cares if they are aliens from the moon
kakobrekla: i liked the .io a lot cause of the jupiters moon
gribble: MtGox lag is 2.777023 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0055651229989 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Jupiter to its largest moon, Ganymede (0.007155 AU).
diametric: but I hear TEST has gone to FW after the moon redistribution or whatever.. I haven't played for over a year now.
kakobrekla: just scan the moon with a qr gun until you get a small boy with a penis
kakobrekla: BAN THE MOON!
mircea_popescu: ltc to the moon!
lil_data: on the way to the moon
gribble: MtGox lag is 1.446068 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.00289790408102 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Jupiter to its third largest moon, Io (0.002819 AU).
benkay: price not rocket to moon fast enough
gribble: MtGox lag is 5.871318 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0117660555334 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin from Jupiter to its second largest moon, Callisto (0.012567 AU).
gribble: MtGox lag is 15.335524 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0307322183909 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin ten times between Earth and Moon (0.0257 AU).
gribble: MtGox lag is 7.746001 seconds. During this time, light travels 0.0155228992755 AU. You could have sent a bitcoin one full loop along the orbit of the Moon around Earth (0.016 AU).