BingoBoingo figures La Sernissima is economy oriented by might not want to go zip tie cheap, though "Master"Lock is cheaper than handcuffs
nubbins`: you can get some tough zip ties
nubbins`: but, fwiw, you also raise eyebrows buying biopsy punches as a private citizen
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Nah, just other things with them to lower the eyebrows back down.
nubbins`: wtf else am i gonna buy at a medical supply store
nubbins`: a poop stool isn't gonna make the biopsy pu... oh, hm
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: Well, if you want to seem normal... specimin slides, gauze, various dyes, and yes enema kits
nubbins`: "you a doctor?" "nope" " or credit?"
BingoBoingo: Go into the store with a list. You boss sent you. "Busy Afternoon"
nubbins`: in the guy's defense he didn't press further
mircea_popescu: speaking of skin cancer : did you know that mohs for melanoma works or doesn't work entirely depending on whoever does it ?
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: But seriously if they ask about your Boss "Dad, he's at the farm with the Vet" "It's looking like we'll have to put them all down"
nubbins`: duod this was like 15 years ago ;/
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: The pretext for picking up a few hundred biopsy punches. You never know what the future holds
nubbins`: BingoBoingo whatever it holds, i've no further need for biopsy punches
nubbins`: although i've occasionally wished i had one while holding a particularly plump tangelo
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: What if research determines wetware could benefit from integral faraday cage?
nubbins`: BingoBoingo then i guess i'd have to fill all these fistulas up again
BingoBoingo: But yes, there's also the non-meat culinary, gardening, and engineering uses for the things
mircea_popescu: btw re anarchist cookbook thing, it seems there's a bit of americana in there.
mircea_popescu: it seems : that the original author pulled a deepthroat, that the original publisher owned the rights to it
nubbins`: asciilifeform 4gb ram but only 1 cpu core
mircea_popescu: and that this arrangement came to a halt recently, when some arkansas derps bought it, and are republishing a widely bowdlerized version.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.00027601 = 2.0149 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: (btw, i'd have figured you bought a hardcopy of tbofh)
BingoBoingo: Urban legend in library world is that "Anarchist's Cookbook" and "Steal this Book" are titles that would outrage censors who find them in library catalogs long after library patron's had liberated them from the shelves.
nubbins`: <+asciilifeform> who the fuck -buys- 'anarchist's cookbook' <<<
nubbins`: BingoBoingo all the fun books were missing from my uni's library
mircea_popescu gets flashbacks of alf dissatisfied with heroin on market, starting work on own poppies.
nubbins`: phun phact, many flower shops sell opium poppy pods, dried
nubbins`: i made tea from seeds once but chickened out
mats: nubbins`: SWIM bought seeds, like you, and made a paste that we smoked. it was a lot of effort and very mild.
mats: i think he boiled the stuff and then just let the water evaporate.
trinque: SWIM ... "we smoked" << lol
mats: i'm new to this subterfuge thing.
trinque: man I remember discovering erowid back when
mircea_popescu: afaik the paste (very finely ground seeds with butter) is widely used as a filling
mircea_popescu: at least, it was in a bunch of traditional romanian pastries i never cared for.
nubbins`: same seeds on, say, poppyseed bagels
mats: seinfeld reference.
mircea_popescu: they put it in cozonac instead of proper black wallnut paste, it's appalling.
BingoBoingo: <nubbins`> same seeds on, say, poppyseed bagels << Yes "legit" opioids come from the waste straw from food cultivation of the seeds
danielpbarron: nubbins`> i made tea from seeds once but chickened out << i've had poppy tea; it was very pleasurable
mircea_popescu: they want the latex, which means that pod won't produce.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> they want the latex, which means that pod won't produce. << Depends on whose definition of "legit" production. Pharma usually takes straw for processing.
BingoBoingo: less total alkaloids, but useful to them is less of a mix of alkaloids survive that far into the plant's life
BingoBoingo: Also keeps less people from being involved in the harvest compared to labor intensive latex harvesting
mircea_popescu: mats someone who is not you could have bought a shitton of seeds, ground them finely, poured straight vinegar on the whole mess, let it sit for a while, then wash it all out and enjoy.
mats: making the stuff and smoking it wasn't my idea
mats: but i thought, hey, you know, i'll try this stuff that white folk used to enslave a generation of my ancestors
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 67700 @ 0.00027608 = 18.6906 BTC [+] {2}
junseth: You guys are great. Don't read it everyday, but I enjoy stumbling on the Bitcoin-assets stuff from time to time.
junseth: Haha. Glad I stumbled on the trilema post too. Your content is always really spot on +mircea_popescu
danielpbarron: wow not often I encounter someone who has not only heard of b-a or trilema but also actually likes them
junseth: Haha. Well, I wouldn't say I have heard of Bitcoin assets so much as stumbled on ya'lls stuff from time to time.
danielpbarron: like where? where is it that is allowing b-a content to the surface ?
junseth: Man, it's always weird shit
junseth: I can tell you how I got here today
junseth: I wanted to see where the space ghost image had gotten to
junseth: so I went to and threw the URL in there.
junseth: And voilla, I end up at both trilema and the bitcoin-assets log
danielpbarron: most things that are worth googling will lead to those results
junseth: You guys are like Florida. No one comes here on purpose. They end up here.
Bagels7: I'm just here for the random violent porn
junseth: I actually don't, believe it or not. I've been doing bitcoin since like 2008 ;P and I have never bothered to give a hoot about making sure I have a provable identity.
junseth: Hahaha. Just kidding about the date.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you will notice the "eh why" point never actually came up ? somewhat to my surprise honestly.
junseth: I am a marketer. I own a DIY home security company.
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 00:20:38; nubbins`: i made tea from seeds once but chickened out
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the lseek error seems perhaps reminiscent of the fat problems ?
junseth: At the moment. We're putting some 2gig up. GE eventually.
junseth: But yeah, I optimize one thing at a time
mircea_popescu: "Tasmanian poppies are highly toxic if ingested. They are uniquely different to standard poppies and have been developed to produce chemicals suitable for industrial processing only." << check out the proper use of ge huh.
junseth: so we own the Honeywell search terms
junseth: Now onto the next products.
junseth: Haha, but as you can see, at nights, ont he weekends, I do Bitcoin
mircea_popescu: junseth " The US has kept inflation down to around 3-4% for the most part since the beginning of central banking in the US." << you know that is atrociously untrue.
mircea_popescu: look into volcker, the problem he addressed, how he addressed it etc.
junseth: Haha, I like to play with this argument. If you want we can have it. I'll bite. What do you believe inflation to be?
mircea_popescu: us had inflation over 10% a year (not counting moimentary flareups of 1000% APY for a day or w/e) almost each decade.
mircea_popescu: depends on your definition of inflation. by my definition of inflation, the us experiences about 15% a year, on average, since 2000. that's exacerbating over time, so 2015 may well see 30%+
junseth: Ok. So let's work with those numbers. At 10% per year for over a decade, what you're claiming is that the basket of goods you would be purchasing would have increased abotu 3x in the last decade.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> junseth " The US has kept inflation down to around 3-4% for the most part since the beginning of central banking in the US." << you know that is atrociously untrue. << But for the lizards who got to see their cocaine prices drop nearly six fold over 3 decades...
mircea_popescu: take three houses in the top 10% land value areas of the country, take college funds for twelve children.
mircea_popescu: divide the sum of this basked in 1965 with the sum of this basket today
junseth: I mean, if what you usually purchase is 3x more expensive now than it was a decade ago, I am baffled.
mircea_popescu: (hey, if the usg is pretending like increases in quality wash inflation away, same argument can be used the other way too)
mircea_popescu: so : five to ten as bad college today as compared to 1965, which costs 100k instead of 10k. this is about 50x to 100x factor.
junseth: I mean, this purported decay in quality involves the development of computers in your hand, cheaper foods a la GMOs (Norman Borlaug), and other nonesuch.
mircea_popescu: much shittier houses today than in 1965, about a margin of 2 to 3, that cost... 30x more, just about.
junseth: RE: college, it's not a fair metric. College inflation is largely a lie. The college I went to cost $45k/year. I paid $3k per year because the number they make you pay and the sticker price are completely different.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: if i go to the tailor and i tell him i want pants that are nine feet long, he doesn't get to tell me pant length is not a fair metric.
mircea_popescu: fact remains you ARE stuck paying for college. and you are stuck paying for "owning" a "house".
mircea_popescu: compared to this, i couldn't care less what ipads cost.
junseth: Hahaha. Well, fair enough. Give me a few minutes. I have to leave my office. I'll come back and do more of this.
mats: 21:41:40 <+junseth> RE: college, it's not a fair metric. College inflation is largely a lie. << you're wrong.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform what boggles most about those gymnastics is the fact that somehow the same people don't link the dots between "unaffordable health care" and "inflation". isn't this strange ?
junseth: I will say this though, I am a very strong believer in the Chicago school of economics which says that deep markets are efficient. So, inflation, for me, tends to be uninetresting, because you can very very easily hedge against it.
junseth: It might be. I invite you to explain why it's naive. If you can tell me your inputs, I can tell you why I agree or disagree.
mircea_popescu: ballet is not "an efficient market", for instance. even if it exists, phenomenologically.
mircea_popescu: not everything that happens to be perceptible is automatically a free market by virtue of that.
mircea_popescu: a play about the free market, for instance, is not itself a free market.
decimation: junseth: if the bond market is 'efficient' (for example), why does it seem to oscillate between 'rally' and 'sell-off' seemingly dependent on how the fed might act?
decimation: pretty good podcast >" But that manipulation will not be apparent to people unless they have seen this technical result. Which means that you sort of--you can have shamans, people who know the rules, be in charge in ways that are tantamount to dictatorship. So, we should be very skeptical about claims that 'this is what the people want.' I think ontologically, that is, in
decimation: terms of existence, the idea of the will of the people is a genie or will o' the wisp, that we shouldn't really believe in. But for technical reasons, that notion of outcomes being the will of the people, we should be very skeptical about."
decimation: asciilifeform: re: official platform > I agree, it would be useful if a single build platform
danielpbarron: if you register a gpg key with assbot, i'm sure someone here will give you a +1 which would let you voice yourself, and that lasts longer than 30 minutes
junseth: One second, let me catch up
decimation: i486 has a fairly simple instruction set, and it has the advantage of being still 'executable' on modern cpus
junseth: That's a very good idea. I'll do taht probably a little later tonight.
junseth: I really should have done it a long time ago
decimation: well, i386 is dumb because it lacks floating point
decimation: failing that I was thinking mips with some variant of solaris
junseth: RE: the discussion about markets, I generally disagree with the notion that markets don't work. I know it's a common mantra. But markets, even decently regulated ones, work pretty well. Regulated markets price in the cost of regulation.
danielpbarron: i don't think the argument posed was that they don't work, but that the U.S. hasn't had one for the last century
decimation: junseth: how does the market 'work' when it's being systematically manipulated in ways that the participants cannot readily observe?
decimation: I'm referring to the now defunct 'open solaris'
decimation: it has the advantage that it is dead, which limits the urge to 'upgrade'
assbot: Logged on 06-12-2014 04:36:48; asciilifeform: solaris was a perfectly-legit unix
decimation: in that case, a simple instruction set is a boon
junseth: decimation: What do you define as "manipulation?"
BingoBoingo: <decimation> it has the advantage that it is dead, which limits the urge to 'upgrade' << Thing is also huge, bloated
decimation: BingoBoingo: ah but it has functional 'dtrace'
BingoBoingo: decimation: Do you want to make sense of ZFS turd?
decimation: junseth: well, in the simple case, the quantity of dollars that are 'allowed' to exist
decimation: asciilifeform: well, what would you suggest? buildroot?
danielpbarron: junseth, see also the arbitrary banning of various goods
BingoBoingo: Solaris in all likelyhood far too heavy and greasy to adapt to embedable minimalism
trinque: decimation: junseth: and the subsidy of various "goods"
junseth: Haha, well the question is what was the alternative. The alternative before the Fed was not necessarily better. I'm not a fan of central banks. But I think it's disingenuous to say that the central bank hasn't done a decent job of "running" the currency. The solution is to solve the problems caused by central banking. I think that's why we're all Bitcoiners.
trinque: junseth: I'm a "bitcoiner" to see central banking go extinct
nubbins`: "a finite amount of log should be good enough for anybody"
junseth: trinque: I don't know many Bitcoiners who would disagree. I'm just less vehement about that happening. I think Bitcoin is better money.
danielpbarron: ah yes, good habit to cat .bitcoin/debug.log >> debug.log between each restart
decimation: junseth: " But anyway, if you look at that case, if you look at other cases, I think the pattern is pretty clear that the least restricted systems are the ones that performed best from the point of view of the average user of money. And those were systems that were on gold or silver standards. And there doesn't seem to have been any great dissatisfaction with that. There were proposals by some economists to try to have a system that
decimation: was even more stable in purchasing power. But in retrospect, the variations in the purchasing power of the dollar under the classical gold standard were trivial compared to what it's been under the post-gold-standard period, the fiat dollar standard. "
danielpbarron: junseth, bitcoin is better money because of its decentralized nature
mats: oh thank god there's a transcript
decimation: mats: yeah it's a good episode, I recommend it
junseth: Do you think that Bitocin would be better if it were backed by gold or silver?
mats: what would that even entail?
decimation: ^ the above is lifted out of a section where dr. white was talking about how the scotish banking system was crushed by bank of england fiat banking
mats: market maker offers exchange for metallics?
junseth: danielbparron, Well, I would say that electronic, non-government controlled money is better money. Bitcoin's decentralization lets us take advantage of those better features. Previous attempts at using what we all agreed would have been better were shutdown because they were centralized.
danielpbarron: junseth, bitcoin is inherently valuable; it needs nothing else to back it
danielpbarron: i like gold; i'd hapily accept gold coins in some sort of local economy
junseth: I agree backing bitcoin with metal doesn't make sense. But there are so many scams that are showing up these days that are taking advantage of the sentiment that a gold/silver backed crypto would be better.
junseth: RE: Bitcoin's inherent value, I agree.
danielpbarron: but i'd keep my savings in bitcoin, using it to replentish my gold coins on a monthly basis or something
nubbins`: sort of like how a car with a built-in stove would be better
decimation: junseth: the kinds of folks who would 'fall' for those scams are generally not the kind who are going to matter in bitcoin over the long term
decimation: bitcoin is a fiat currency, but is also radically decentralized
decimation: but its foundation of trust lies fully in its protocol and specification
decimation: which is why the work of the foundation is so important
junseth: :) Haha. I agree with all of that.
junseth: I would be willing to bet a lot of money that we agree on almost everything Bitcoin ,an dprobably disagree a lot about how markets work.
junseth: Hmm... well, I would say that ther eis probably no such thing as a unregulated market. But any place that exists wher epeople transact is a market.
trinque: nothing in *life* is unregulated but this is distinct from saying *all* regulations come from *one* place
junseth: haha, a market of two people is a market.
junseth: a market of two things is a market
junseth: Haha, I would probably apply the supreme court porn test to whether somethign is a market or not
trinque: junseth: are two male chimps in a cage a viable ecosystem?
junseth: Haha, well a market is a place where individuals come and transact. That's what it means. What does it look like? I mean, it can look like a lot of things. But a marketplace doesn't have to look like any one thing.
junseth: Hahaha. Are they intelligent enough to make trades and transact?
trinque: junseth: I am drawing a parallel between functioning natural ecosystems and functioning markets
decimation: asciilifeform: ok let's say you employ buildroot. which kernel? which gcc/glib?
decimation: I would suggest a redhat-patched gcc actually
decimation: well, they follow exactly the method you advocate
decimation: if you look at the contents of a src.rpm it's a collection of patches with the original tarball
decimation: certainly I'm not saying that they should be taken on redhat's name alone
decimation: well, many of them are probably not useful in the context of buildroot
decimation: but some of them are probably fixes for obscure bugs that might be useful to know about
decimation: i admit that many of them are probably useful bugfixes that are backported
decimation: perhaps not 'avionics grade', but there is quite a bit of 'fix this shit'
decimation: asciilifeform: well, self-reconstructing is one thing, but certainly the very 'base' install isn't much bigger than a buildroot
junseth: "junseth: I am drawing a parallel between functioning natural ecosystems and functioning markets" I'm not sure what you mean. Can you
decimation: I suppose my overall point is that if the build target is 'frozen', someone is gonna have to maintain the infrastructure
decimation: so one can take advantage of that which exists already commercially, or 'do it self'
nubbins`: enouhg monkey-football for one weekend
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49000 @ 0.00027538 = 13.4936 BTC [+] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24500 @ 0.00027 = 6.615 BTC [-]
decimation: re: discussion about paper keys < I wonder if a set of symbols in combination with a very simple 'ocr' algorithm might work
assbot: Logged on 31-03-2015 20:23:48; ascii_field: Chillum: barcode reader is simple enough conceptually that it doesn't need a cpu.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50721 @ 0.00027763 = 14.0817 BTC [+] {3}
decimation: but I would also like to pack enough bits on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper to convey a 4096 bit rsa privkey
decimation: well, there is some precedent for embedded devices reading optical codes - the checkout counter
decimation remembers 'light wand' attached to a serial terminal he once used as a clerk
danielpbarron: I have no doubt that these same people, had you enthusiastically said to them, "Your 64MB flash drive will hold a 64GB in a few years and cost less!" would have scoffed at the idea. The same thing is happening with Bitcoin. Men who know nothing about software are scoffing at the idea that Bitcoin can change and improve. Its an a-historical perspective, to use parliamentary language. On IRC, they simply say, "DERP!".
danielpbarron: ^ from the guy who came into b-a to register in the gribble WoT post-fork
Chillum: I am still waiting for my hovercar
danielpbarron: It is only now that Edward Snowden has confirmed that GPG is beyone the reach of the NSA, that their ignorant anti GPG nonsense is forever dispelled as garbage.
danielpbarron: They are very short and terse in the text (just as the Bitcoin White Paper is) and you are invited to run the software yourself. The install process is simple, and then the software either does what it developers claim it does, or it does not. Its all simple and straightforward.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.00027132 = 1.9806 BTC [-]
danielpbarron: To do this, you issue everyone with write access to the database, a GPG Keypair that they use to sign entries and changes. Each signer will have a GPG Keypair, and a separate machine will automatically sign all entries with its own keypair, for time stamping and authenticating entries. << this guy writes like he reads the log but misses the point
mircea_popescu: << dude, it's not a discussion that "markets don't work". it's a discussion that before markets can work, you gotta have them. similarly, if you don't have running water, you have a hygiene problem. this isn't because "bathrooms don't work", it's because
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 02:04:31; junseth: RE: the discussion about markets, I generally disagree with the notion that markets don't work. I know it's a common mantra. But markets, even decently regulated ones, work pretty well. Regulated markets price in the cost of regulation.
mircea_popescu: yes the market would be a great solution, were it applied. sadly, "the political costs". ie, exactly the same tired old record that drove the soviet union into the wall.
mircea_popescu: people have to accept their feelings don't matter. they always end up doing this, it's just some have to get raped with a spiked club first.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00027776 = 5.5274 BTC [+]
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 02:21:29; junseth: Haha, well the question is what was the alternative. The alternative before the Fed was not necessarily better. I'm not a fan of central banks. But I think it's disingenuous to say that the central bank hasn't done a decent job of "running" the currency. The solution is to solve the problems caused by central banking. I think that's why we're all Bitcoiners.
mircea_popescu: the problem is "consumers have come to expect" and "representative democracy", not the central bank.
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 02:23:08; asciilifeform: ^ what kind of retard made debug.log roll over?
cazalla: so in pillars of eternity, you come across this priest dude and he somewhat looks like danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: btw cazalla and all folks who actually play games : once eulora 0.1 comes out, ima hold an event where there's gonna be magic money bags, yielding coin each day. i want y'all to show up an' get one.
cazalla: who has the time for mmos?!
cazalla: i heard it was a game for casuals
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 02:36:19; trinque: nothing in *life* is unregulated but this is distinct from saying *all* regulations come from *one* place
mircea_popescu: but otherwise, most everything in life is unregulated.
trinque: I wasn't talking about just human life
trinque: everything that lives has limitations imposed by other things
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 02:46:05; decimation: but some of them are probably fixes for obscure bugs that might be useful to know about
mircea_popescu: trinque the difference between that and regulation is the statutory nature of the later.
mircea_popescu: gravity is a limit but it regulates nothing. the murder taboo is a limit and regulatory.
trinque: yeah, I was off the mark in trying to describe the abnormality of that, actually
trinque: nobody centrally plans the fucking habits of this or that species
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 02:46:42; asciilifeform: i do not want them in the zoo, i do not want them with a gnu, i do not want them in a house, i do not want them with a mouse, ... , ...
mircea_popescu: trinque comes down exactly to the ancient causes and purposes distinction. if people find a way to fly, nobody "deems gravity broken" or hoilds talks on how to patch it "because this wasn't the intended result"
mircea_popescu: it has no intended result, not being regulation. it simply flows from causes. this is why it's sustainable where the regulatory crud never was.
trinque: right, causes aren't arbitrary
mircea_popescu: well, something like that. moreover, they aren't imaginary. they're actual. purposes are always and necessarily mere delusions.
mircea_popescu: which is why natural laws do not rely on some sort of "intelligence", to be epitethically generous.
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 03:39:35; decimation: but I would also like to pack enough bits on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper to convey a 4096 bit rsa privkey
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 03:53:13; Chillum: I am still waiting for my hovercar
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00027776 = 5.3052 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00027163 = 1.3582 BTC [-]
pete_dushenski: bigger one this year, 30 people, all wrapped around my little finger ;)
pete_dushenski: also went to 'good friday' services and painted ukrainian easter eggs
gribble: Bitfinex BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 254.32, Best ask: 254.38, Bid-ask spread: 0.06000, Last trade: 254.38, 24 hour volume: 28353.96156678, 24 hour low: 250.31, 24 hour high: 256.49, 24 hour vwap: None
cazalla: the jew moon or something! (we'll have a good view of it here tonight)
mircea_popescu: d tr. is actually dupa Trompi, not Trilema. and only 7.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Is that from mengele's house down the block?
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo just trying to give alf better ideas, the gasenwagen and recto-thermo-crypto stuff is getting old >D
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Ever since he described that outhouse, I think I'm understanding his fascination with turds nao.
assbot: Logged on 03-04-2015 14:20:39; Chillum: poutine is gross. Sorry, but it is
pete_dushenski: gravy is some nasty shit. i can't stand it with anything.
pete_dushenski: i'm not even envious of people who like them and have no desire to 'expand my palette' to include them
mircea_popescu: often when people claim they hate well established foods, it turns out they never actually had a good example.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33087 @ 0.00027343 = 9.047 BTC [+]
pete_dushenski: no doubt that normal canuckistani variants are commericialised sewage
pete_dushenski: i've had homemade whip cream and that would come the closest to being appealing
BingoBoingo: There's nothing better than a white, sausage breakfast gravy on a bed of hash browns
pete_dushenski: so i've had them homemade, but 'well' ? not to my standard
pete_dushenski: but whether that standard can be achieved remains an open question
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: But what of the sausage in the grave. Experience that homemade as well?
cazalla: pete_dushenski, bet it still won't work, ready..
pete_dushenski: "Patrick Murck is trying to re-create a new Foundation just for core dev" << lolk
pete_dushenski: because mebbe 'just core dev' will bring in a gazillion coins. just like ethereum. i'm sure.
pete_dushenski: anyone with 10 btc to their name is either here or keeping their mouths shut and their coins locked in a vault come hell or high water
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Or they are more blessed members of the DEA
pete_dushenski: "The lesson for all of us in Bitcoin is to never put any trust in a centralized org again that wanted to represent Bitcoin or the Core Development of Bitcoin." << or the lesson is, don't fuck with la serenissima ?
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: You know, the ones on the Silk Road investigation who cut their bosses in on their tricks
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Then again they probably fall into the keeping their mouths shut camp
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13750 @ 0.00027163 = 3.7349 BTC [-]
assbot: Logged on 03-04-2015 14:40:12; mircea_popescu: next you're going to want to hang badly dressed women, and then where will we be.
assbot: Logged on 03-04-2015 15:29:36; mircea_popescu: alol k. "and then the greek word for hot sexy teen was mistranslated by the hebrew word for baren ugly old hag!"
mircea_popescu: aww, check it out, scam foundation joins the long list of shit that failed to outlive mpex.
mircea_popescu: "That new director decided that the only way to still get funds at that point, was to focus solely on funding core development, in the hope that people would see that as a good cause. But people were smart enough not to trust the Foundation anymore. "
mircea_popescu: famously omitting to mention what actually happened. "people" right ? mmmkay.
mircea_popescu: manages to go though that entire bullshit without once mentioning vessenes and his criminal behaviour ?
mircea_popescu: nice try olivier, but it doth not wash. masquerading as a part of the solution while failing to credit the actual mechanisms and trying to use the banal shit to avoid discussing the important shit does not work.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> manages to go though that entire bullshit without once mentioning vessenes and his criminal behaviour ? << Too be fair he got in with Vessenes seemingly long gone
mircea_popescu: the plan here being that "o hey, we'll get one of our shills to try and direct the public discussion"
BingoBoingo: But Derp still wants to hurp about continuing to feed Gavin
mircea_popescu: it does not wash. the difference between this muppet and the previous muppets is nil.
BingoBoingo: Their stuff not only fails to wash, it also doesn't dry clean. The sort of cheap polyester the solvents melt.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this playbook is as old as fucking herbert hoover. "fuck up. then replace the guys that 'fucked up' with another guy, who is going to admit to what everyone knows while fail to mention what nobody wants to hear. he can pose as somehow 'different' for the public of imbeciles, and we can continue teaching the controversy"
BingoBoingo: Dude comes in as thing dies, promises to start new thing with the exact same form of the "dead" thing
mircea_popescu: meanwhile back at reality ranch a) the foundation floundered because it managed to get mp to speak out against it. b) the only way to resolve this problem is with jail time for the speciffic names involved.
mircea_popescu: this at present includes vesseness, murck and that dumb broad.
cazalla: which broad? the asians or the jew
mircea_popescu: it's kind-of incredible (if you look at things rationally - otherwise if you look at things historically it's exactly expected) that two years later they are STILL TRYING to pretend like they don't have to come to terms.
mircea_popescu: as if attempt #795876 is going to fare better than 1 through 795875.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9052 @ 0.00027133 = 2.4561 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17300 @ 0.00027414 = 4.7426 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25900 @ 0.00027549 = 7.1352 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21450 @ 0.00027635 = 5.9277 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 43800 @ 0.00027025 = 11.837 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38289 @ 0.00027766 = 10.6313 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16377 @ 0.00027776 = 4.5489 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 93096 @ 0.00027783 = 25.8649 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12750 @ 0.00027809 = 3.5456 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00027 = 5.373 BTC [-]
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Chemically Illiterate Middle America
mircea_popescu: or whatever, cardboard boxes, packaging peanuts, they're all consumer proucts after all ?
BingoBoingo: They just do what TV and other "idea people" tell them
assbot: BitBet - BTC to top $700 before 1st July :: 13.66 B (10%) on Yes, 128.64 B (90%) on No | closing in 2 months 6 days | weight: 71`963 (100`000 to 1`000) ... ( )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17950 @ 0.00027 = 4.8465 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22766 @ 0.00027 = 6.1468 BTC [-]
cazalla: playing pillars of eternity
cazalla: came out last week, unfortunately its now the victim of game gate type shit
cazalla: ya ever play baldurs gate back in the day?
fortune501: yeah that prolly the last time i loaded a game
fortune501: and if i work out steam, ill have a cup of tea and a lie down
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16450 @ 0.00027 = 4.4415 BTC [-]
fortune501: its quite obviously a suicide joke, but i get all the die hard suicide fans of the internet are already gone
fortune501: if fucking a tranny is gonna give you nightmares, don't do it
fortune501: if someone writes a peom about it on a mmporg, let it ride
fortune501: kids should really learn usenet if they wanna internet
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14250 @ 0.00027985 = 3.9879 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36337 @ 0.00027826 = 10.1111 BTC [-] {3}
Adlai: all the die hard suicide fans of the internet are already gone << dunno bout that
Adlai: "fans" in the sense of those who watch from the sidelines, by definition, rarely participate in the festivities themselves
Adlai: we do lose the mvps though
cazalla: fortune501, see the lunar eclipse where you are atm?
cazalla: can't get to binos without risking waking up the kid
cazalla: should've fkn got them out before he went to bed
cazalla: what ya mean.. where have i been? in jail? lol nope
cazalla: though some might call it that
fortune501: i dunno how to tell it, fucking google it
cazalla: got a bit of left over goat's leg that i slow cooked from the other night if ya keen
cazalla: no no, from the butcher, bit dry tbh
cazalla: surprised they ran that given the ABC
cazalla: all these abo cunts claiming they're abo when they're like 1/8 abo at best, doubt there are any full bloods left
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39510 @ 0.00028087 = 11.0972 BTC [+] {2}
fortune501: prison island to well paid cock sucker in less than 200 years
cazalla: kylie might've been it when you watched it as a teenager, but brooke satchwell was it when i was that age :P
cazalla: looks like abo ver of underbelly
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41200 @ 0.00028196 = 11.6168 BTC [+]
PeterL: so, my lastest run-in with USG agents: the mailman doesn't like where my mailbox is. It is currently on the rail of my porch, he says I must instal a box on a post in my yard
dignork: PeterL: probably has to do with public/private property area
PeterL: he claims it is for safety
PeterL: said there was too much ice where it was, but there won't be any more ice for another 6 months at least now that everything melted
PeterL: the box used to be on the house itself, and I moved it to the porch rail so he wouldn't have to go up the steps, but apparently that isn't good enough, now I gotta go buy a post and dig a hole to stick it in
mats: always a good idea to humor the postman
PeterL: the mailman, and he is going to stop delivering my mail if I don't meet his demands in the next two weeks
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94465 @ 0.00028208 = 26.6467 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18685 @ 0.00028352 = 5.2976 BTC [+] {2}
Adlai: PeterL: so you're saying the next two weeks are critical™?
PeterL: yes, yes they are, he wants that box delivered
Adlai: can you order the new postbox by post?
Adlai: can the post deliver the post on which the post will be posted, post-post-posting?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19259 @ 0.0002862 = 5.5119 BTC [+] {3}
fortune501: you might find tansphobis isnt a thing
mats: what about transmisogyny?
PeterL: anybody here follow basketball? My MSU Spartans made it to the final four again, should be a fun game tonight against Duke
PeterL: I wonder what they will burn if they win tonight?
mats: Oliver Janssen: "Core dev can no longer be funded by it, and Patrick Murck is trying to re-create a new Foundation just for core dev, because the current name is tarnished. Do not fall for this."
mats queues up mp's "i killed the bitcoin phoundation"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22700 @ 0.00028769 = 6.5306 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38366 @ 0.00028842 = 11.0655 BTC [+] {2}
nubbins`: asciilifeform did you get a static build of bitcoind on gentoo yet?
punkman: "Jim Harper and myself immediately put forward a vote to have the board meeting recorded. We followed Robert’s rules of orders, and everyone else basically shut us down and failed to follow procedures."
punkman: "If they would have been transparent then everyone would know there is no money left." well we already knew that
punkman: "A special trust fund is being created and I will donate several 100k to pre-pay Gavin’s, Wladimirs and some other core devs wage for the next year" << who's this Olivier dude that's gonna pay for Gavin out of his pocket
punkman: "I had an idealistic vision of the Foundation being a member-driven organization, but that never happened. Now would be a good time for you, the membership, to make me proud and come together and figure out a vision for the Foundation moving forward."
nubbins`: asciilifeform fwiw if you apply instructions from my latest ML post, you'll get a 100% static bitcoind
nubbins`: heh i like this jannsens guy's style
punkman: yeah but if you still want to fund gavin, I'm thinking you're a spook
nubbins`: he doesn't know of anyone else to fund!
nubbins`: "TIL the Rolex watch company is run by not-for-profit charitable trusts. So after a certain amount of money goes to Rolex employees & the founding Rolex family, what remains is donated to charities. Some of these charities focus on watchmaking & some on HS education. Rolex founder was an orphan."
Chillum: "Rolex, for people with money but have not taken any effort at all to look into luxury watches!"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29475 @ 0.00028924 = 8.5253 BTC [+] {2}
Chillum: I rock an Omega Speedmaster
Chillum: The only mechanical watch to be on the moon
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26550 @ 0.00028765 = 7.6371 BTC [-] {2}
nubbins` stopped carrying a wallet some years ago
Chillum keeps on rockin in a "free" world
mats: no idea what im looking at
nubbins`: magazine publishes "fashion dos and don'ts"
nubbins`: all the dos are white and all the don'ts are black
Chillum: "Do be white..." "Don't be black"
Chillum: depending on where you live
nubbins`: any more than "set the seas aflame" is advice :D
Chillum: both are advice, just not practical advice
Chillum: lots of advice is not actionable
nubbins`: i think it has to at least be /possible/ in order to qualify as advice
nubbins`: has anyone else attempted to compile with buildroot's cross-toolchain?
nubbins`: tried your ldd trick, it claims "not a dynamic executable"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37800 @ 0.00029022 = 10.9703 BTC [+] {3}
nubbins`: i'm still having some issues getting a sensible bitcoind built for the pogo w/ the buildroot toolchain
nubbins`: compiler complains about -m32 flag
nubbins`: now i'd been using the release with the cross-compile modifications from your pogotron
nubbins`: what i'm gonna try next is your unmodified
nubbins`: i'm sure it's just some mishmash of flags, building 32bit on 64
nubbins`: weird little gotcha sort of thing
nubbins`: for reference, there's a handful of buildroot toolchain options i've had to enable to get the bitcoind build past certain points: c++ support, ipv6 support, large file support, possibly also wchar and rpc support
nubbins`: now in fairness i think specifically boost wanted most of these
nubbins`: boost is that big thing the weird brain guy from TMNT used to live in
nubbins`: boost's? nope, it's on the list
nubbins`: the squishy pink stuff in the middle is what we're actually using
nubbins`: it's a framework beast, in other words
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform & wimc : so rms sez he never heard of libnss before, and can't even recall what it does.
mircea_popescu: foss seriously has a problem by now. and it is of the nature of alf's "fits in head" thing.
mircea_popescu: and i don't believe the man is anything but 100% honest.
mircea_popescu: this is their charter. "our continued existence is a fortunate byproduct of the situation where nobody even knows what's in the boxes."
mircea_popescu: is apolitical = "i don't give a shit about whatever your ideology may be" ?
mircea_popescu: happens to be the correct stance. why would he give a damn ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26835 @ 0.00029122 = 7.8149 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: (ie you can't tell anyone what to do out of their own aesthetic sense)
mircea_popescu: the alternative (where he does things to your home) is eerily socialist.
mircea_popescu: it's c "core" in the sense that lo and behold, ruins linkability.
chetty: well at least I know now why I have been unable to build a static Eulora
chetty: since this first day I took on Eulora ----
mircea_popescu: because it's just, for reasons that drive me very angry, something you think about.
mircea_popescu: "hey, if your program uses video, or the internet, you can't make it!"
chetty: well it has the gnarly shim of opengl and still wont
mircea_popescu: no but that it can't link statically because it's what it is, like dns.
chetty: well after nextrelease I will go take the crowbar to it again ---
chetty: nope there is more, dont know what all, had to step away and work on other parts of it
chetty: I got as far as having it claim it built a static, but then it really wasn't and wouldn't run without the libs
chetty: well seems I am in good company with this one anyway :)
mircea_popescu: you're the first to publicly declare this ancient secret.
whaack: ty, I've reached a point in my life where I can't stand working for VC money anymore. But I have an issue where I don't know of a better way to get bitcoins faster than milk a SF dev valley job and buy them with fiat. I've come for guidance on the issue
mircea_popescu: many people in the history of the world did a job that stank. eventually either the stench kills you or you make enough to no longer need it.
punkman: valgrind's dynamic substitution for memory allocator -does not cover all of bitcoind << I'm guessing it's that custom allocator for some privkey data types
whaack: asciilifeform: I'm actually in NYC, my job is just under the category of a "valley" job
whaack: and I'm actually planning on spending the summer in SF to check it out, I'm still in school taking a year off of MIT
punkman: asciilifeform: there's also a SecureString thing in there
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14900 @ 0.00028765 = 4.286 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: because, asciilifeform, the unpleasant fact of the matter is, satoshi was one of those.
assbot: Logged on 02-04-2015 03:27:21; asciilifeform: when you scratch the surface, you always find some imbecile who develops on winblows, and then asks 'whatchalookingat'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's outrageous, but hey. can you evaluate the time needeed to patch libnss into behaving correctly ?
mircea_popescu: ie, "no dynamic module loading, recompile or get lost" ?
assbot: Probably the hottest business idea of the moment in BTC... on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( )
gabriel_laddel: Move to argentina, purchase pallets of rice + lots of steak. Code.
whaack: gabriel_laddel: such as?
mircea_popescu: you'd have to be insane to do that. you can buy pre-made "milanesas", cook them yourself, runs you a dollar a day or some shit.
mircea_popescu: (milanesa = breaded thin steaks, i dunno what you'd call it, snitzel ?)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you can't find cunt in argentina the problem is deeper than the sea.
gabriel_laddel: My point is that food and rent are cheap if you go to the correct place. Also, if you're betting on btc taking over the world, bet on it.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform become a *theoretical* physicist alf. pens & paper are cheap everywhere :D
mircea_popescu: damned engineers and their insatiable hunger for rube goldberg items
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform if you're willing to live with a woman, free. you have to find her.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: We're not discussing you though. We're discussing whaack
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel he's very tender on the topic for some reason.
gabriel_laddel: Lol, this has been discussed so much I've actually a list of foods to bribe stas with
mircea_popescu: men not speaking of children has resulted in the current disaster.
mircea_popescu: ru chicks, and especially small ru (ie, ukrainian) chicks grow tall, slender, and with this very specific b cup
mircea_popescu: just as much an ethnotype as the turkic heavy ass set.
mircea_popescu: (thick black hair - think kardashian, a fine specimen)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform they managed to create the perfect fucking beast yo. a nsa package that ruins free and open software, nobody knows about and apparently nobody maintains or ever maintained.
mircea_popescu: if there isn't another heartbleed in there, someone's been slacking on their job.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel anyway, i'll bet you i'll have him publicly recant his soviet chocolate cant. the chocolate here... o mai gawd.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but we're not using the wallet code in 0.5.3
mircea_popescu: you recall how conference 2 had local champagne ? this will have local chocolate instead.
mircea_popescu: im thinking one pound. because you shouldn't be able to put away more than that in a weekend.
whaack: i've been working on it
whaack: i just got a new laptop (well a new old laptop) installed linux, took out wireless comm, and got a gpg key generated offline
gabriel_laddel: <mircea_popescu> gabriel_laddel he's very tender on the topic for some reason. << the lady doth protest too much, methinks
whaack: !rate asciilifeform 1 appears to be good at comp. security
assbot: You must be rated before you can rate.
nubbins`: asciilifeform is actually ready to believe that chocolate is delicious more or less everywhere outside of the anglo reich <<< canadian Cadbury chocolate contains british milk
nubbins`: american cadbury's chocolate... is made by hershey's/
nubbins`: could this be the end of Jersey Milk bars?!
nubbins`: compared to cadbury chocolate, hershey's is like dollar-store easter eggs
nubbins`: i might have to switch over to Ritter Sport
☟︎ trinque: er... there aren't instructions, just do the !register command
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13600 @ 0.00028425 = 3.8658 BTC [-]
nubbins`: here's the shared libs that on darwin hauls in:
trinque: ben_vulpes: that's an *excellent* business idea
trinque: nubbins`: I'm gonna need a cork board with pins and string at this point
ben_vulpes: nubbins`: are you working with buildroot from within a gentoo vm on your mac?
ben_vulpes: is that to compile buildroot itself or using buildroot to compile linuxen?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24100 @ 0.00029122 = 7.0184 BTC [+]
nubbins`: that's to compile a cross-toolchain, and a kernel with rootfs
ben_vulpes: what are you using for virtualization? vagrant/virtualbox?
nubbins`: and various other things like uboot, w/e
nubbins`: anyway, this is all on a 7yo laptop
nubbins`: so the poor vm has half of a core 2 duo and 4gb ram
ben_vulpes: i'm looking for the 'how to gentoo without systemd for noobs' link
☟︎ nubbins`: let me find the guide i followed
trinque: ben_vulpes: you don't end up with systemd unless you ask for it
nubbins`: pick your arch at the top and go ahead
nubbins`: like trinque says, you have to explicitly choose systemd
nubbins`: "The remainder of the Gentoo Handbook focuses on OpenRC as the default init support system. If systemd is wanted instead, or are planning to use Gnome 3.8 and later (which requires systemd), please consult the systemd page as it elaborates on the different configuration settings and methods."
trinque: gentoo has a concept of "profile" which sets a bunch of defaults in use flags, masks, etc
trinque: you'd have to choose a systemd profile which is not the default
trinque: you will in the default profile end up with systemd's udev though
trinque: lemme see what I did about that per asciilifeform's suggestion
trinque: sys-fs/udev in /etc/portage/package.mask
nubbins`: $ ls /etc/portage/package.mask/
trinque: removed that, installed eudev
trinque: nubbins`: what are you masking related to openrc?
trinque: you use sysvinit? or is that meant to keep you from getting an old version of openrc?
nubbins`: ah, i just followed the handbook
trinque: I haven't been through the handbook in a while
trinque: ben_vulpes: probably best to just do whatever's in that first, then blowtorch crud after you have a working system
ben_vulpes sacrifices today on the altar of lizard hitler
ben_vulpes: nubbins`, trinque: any particular vintage of gentoo recommended?
nubbins`: any tools you wanna use afterwards (e.g. vintage gcc etc) can be grabbed through portage
nubbins`: i don't know if there's any particular advantage to using an older version of the base os
trinque: ben_vulpes: there's no real concept of a "release" aside from the version of the base layout
trinque: ben_vulpes: is this for a VM or metal?
trinque: also I'd just go into it expecting that you'll emerge -avuDN @world over and over again
trinque: until you have the use flags and keywords you want
ben_vulpes: trinque: VM. no metal in this hobbit-hole not running macbsd.
trinque: yeah so probably defaults to start, then use flags.. all you're gonna need to worry about
trinque: ben_vulpes: what's your vm thing?
nubbins`: you can's spell parallels without lels
trinque: nubbins`: I almost wrote parallols, haha
trinque: though of course look over the config yourself and see if it's sane
trinque: or you can just genkernel it up and you'll end up with something that'll probably boot
nubbins` attempts to cross-compile static bitcoind again
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21600 @ 0.00029122 = 6.2904 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21200 @ 0.00028875 = 6.1215 BTC [-]
nubbins`: "If you are making a web video, or a documentary, or a podcast and you're picking music to go with it, do me a favor and think to yourself "could this music be used in a bank commercial? Or a Target ad?" And if the answer is "yes" please pick something else."
ben_vulpes: so the 'static' build i produced on my deb 6 VM wasn't *truly* static, but claimed to be even though it dynamically linked into libnss on whatever system on which it ran successfully?
ben_vulpes: and the bug discovered in gcc is that it *warns* about this but does not die when run with static compile flags?
mircea_popescu: the bug discovered in gcc is that it allows libnss to even be linked AT ALL.
mircea_popescu: in no way different from pulling in windoze.dll or anything else.
mircea_popescu: then rms has to catch hell about "not supporting lldb". how about you know, taking libnss the fuck out with a hot poker.
nubbins`: mp that quote was from the guy who did the bird books i've posted pictures of
nubbins`: ben_vulpes which libs does it dynamically link to?
mircea_popescu: nubbins` he has the right idea, too much lazy thinking around.
nubbins`: mircea_popescu guy has 17(?) albums, he knows a thing or two
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: "linked at all" << (bear with my unsavvy, please) so gcc instructed to build statically should fail to link libnss because it dynamically links to system libs, but gcc instructed to build dynamicall should not fail under these conditions?
mircea_popescu: because it does not meet the criteria for what a package is.
ben_vulpes: what are the criteria for 'packagehood'?
mircea_popescu: and yes that means dns is not implemented. which it isn't, whether this kludge is available or not.
mircea_popescu: that it builds statically when instructed to build statically.
mircea_popescu: (if you think about it, you realise how "doesn't build statically" is === "code is not available")
ben_vulpes: because it does not come complete with everything required for it to run, and depends on state of local machine doing the compiling?
mircea_popescu: because i can not understand what it does on the basis of what it is.
assbot: 51 results for '!up bagels7' - #bitcoin-assets search
mircea_popescu: it really takes some expert minds to get numeric computing to this point where numbers are a problem in themselves.
SonjaEaton: ioewjroiwejroiwej riwje riow jeroijw e
danielpbarron: MeowMix, where are you located? you have a hostmask that is near me i think
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32950 @ 0.0002887 = 9.5127 BTC [-] {2}
mircea_popescu: incidentally cazalla, how about an interview with burtw ?
mircea_popescu: i for one am kinda curious to hear what it's like to be one of the usg cattle that actually got the knife.
pete_dushenski: latin proverbs: for impressing friends and making brain work. double win!
mircea_popescu: you know who he is, the law abiding middle class type that got raped by usg because hey, socialism has no middle class.
assbot: Logged on 01-04-2015 05:40:11; mircea_popescu: "The web site is real. It was put up by my wife (JeanW on here now). To answer some questions posted above: I traded on The prosecutor in the case claims I needed a business money transmittal license to do that. Instead of just notifying me that they though I might need a license they have charged me with a felony which could mean up to 5 years in prison and a $2
cazalla: i think the guys blog details what a nightmare its been for his family
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski amusingly, the "pes sic tendatur ne lodix protereatur" one doesn't seem to be known in english
pete_dushenski: when cheap credit abounds, it's almost anti-social to live within your means
pete_dushenski: which in itself is quite funny that being 'social' so closely relates to be 'socialist' for esl world
mircea_popescu: when cheap credit abounds being antisocial is a moral imperative.
mircea_popescu: hence <nubbins`> "If you are making a web video, or a documentary, or a podcast and you're picking music to go with it, do me a favor and think to yourself "could this music be used in a bank commercial? Or a Target ad?" And if the answer is "yes" please pick something else."
ben_vulpes: so it needs to be a 32 bit vm to compile pythongs for arm?!
nubbins`: i don't think bitcoind needs python, i think it's just compiling EVERYTHING in boost
nubbins`: but yes, on 32-bit machine this apparently doesn't happen. might be workaroundable
ben_vulpes: nubbins`: how would one go about determining what parts of boost weren't needed and then compiling boost without those bits?
trinque: chop one, compile, chop another, compile...
trinque: ben_vulpes: for python.. ./ --without-libraries=python
trinque: and also --without-python to the bjam step
mircea_popescu: i think stylistically the 20s looked just as broken in 1935.
nubbins`: sknxxxxxx you need to enable stack protection in buildroot toolchain
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.whaack.1:36fd55c84b4411deb8f2c9338798f7c8a7e14802b1caf7a68ec9f4c78ce3ff4c
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for whaack with note: New blood
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 18:28:03; nubbins`: i might have to switch over to Ritter Sport
ben_vulpes: nubbins`: hopefully you're taking notes
mircea_popescu: nubbins` /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib << wtf is zlib doing in there ?!
mircea_popescu: /usr/local/lib/gcc/4.9/libgcc_s.1.dylib << for crying out loud.
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 18:51:06; assbot: Arrested DEA Agent linked to Bitcoin Foundation Chairman, Peter Vessenes | Presschain ... ( )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27336 @ 0.00029122 = 7.9608 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: " As you may recall, there was public outcry during the fall of Mt. Gox as to why the Bitcoin Foundation never once warned Bitcoin investors about keeping deposits in Mt. Gox, despite clear red flags dating back to at least April 2013"
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 18:59:06; ben_vulpes: i'm looking for the 'how to gentoo without systemd for noobs' link
trinque: mircea_popescu: instructions amount to "don't install it" plus eudev not udev
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: lol @ vessenes. another cv bullet point eh
nubbins`: it's per-architecture, and like 10+ pages each
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski im just saving it to be really smug at mike_c later on, because he was really mindboggled by the entire "usms fraud" thread a while back.
nubbins`: but yes, should be at least smth on wiki
mircea_popescu: memory hole effect. somehow while we clearly see how stupid Xi is, it doesn't end up taring the whole of X equally.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: heh. he does get mindboggled on some, uh, unique things
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8500 @ 0.00029122 = 2.4754 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: anyway. so much to feel smug about ima going to have some people do it for me.
nubbins`: finishing off the last of this amazing dry calabrese
Adlai: impossible to create bitbets with a resolution further than one year!?
nubbins`: have a "hot hungarian salami" that i'm gonna dig into next, caught my eye because pkg said "no refrigeration required"
nubbins`: and NONE of the dry sausage mfg's are brave enough to state this
Adlai wanted to create "Vessenes Foundation Outlives Obama Administration"
mircea_popescu: Adlai myeah. was either a year or two. why, what did you have in mind ?
mircea_popescu: if you're willing to seed it significantly it may be hand made.
Adlai: what's "significantly"?
nubbins`: oh, no doubt. it's just exceedingly rare for a supermarket sausage to actually say this
Adlai: well at least it's in the logs now, maybe a sportsman lurker will pick this up
Adlai: bankrupcy, dissolution, or impeachment
Adlai: and the debate is exactly theoretical, because i hadta ask
Adlai: i guess it's more practical than theoretical, but still hypothetical
mircea_popescu: "a bitcoind (pseudo-static, portatronic, orphanage-burner patch with max-bastard constant value of 5 running on pogo, heathen linux.)" << i lelled.
mircea_popescu: soon we'll have names for this thing like spanish nobility.
nubbins`: i've begun keeping a glossolalia glossary
nubbins`: just so i can keep track of what the convo is about
mircea_popescu: Pablo, Diego, José, Francisco de Paula, Juan Nepomuceno, Maria de los Remedios, Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35999 @ 0.00029122 = 10.4836 BTC [+]
nubbins`: reading the logs is like reading cien anos de soledad
nubbins`: "/which/ arcadia buendias is this again?"
mircea_popescu: he'll finally have time to find the penultimate bug in bitcoin-donut-core
pete_dushenski: for those who don't know, this is what canadians call a 'donut hole'
mircea_popescu: what version control when you have ongregatio de Cultu Divino et Disciplina Sacramentorum references ready ?
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 18:26:15; nubbins`: asciilifeform is actually ready to believe that chocolate is delicious more or less everywhere outside of the anglo reich <<< canadian Cadbury chocolate contains british milk
pete_dushenski: this is exactly mr. fortunederp's "we never said it was the original source"
pete_dushenski: if cadbury is willing to throw their biggest market under the bus, smaller markets like canada aren't far behind.
mircea_popescu: the problem with command economies is that there's no market.
mircea_popescu: cadbury produces for ^H^H^H at hte government's pleasure.
mircea_popescu: it will make brown polyester almonds if that's what gets it the sweet sweet qe paper.
ben_vulpes: i'm just a wee confused at the notion that there's some sort of relationship between cadbury and its 'customers' that cadbury is 'throwing under the bus'.
ben_vulpes: "there are a number of reasons why a large proportion of Gentoo users choose to configure their kernels manually:"
pete_dushenski: re: cadbury, i'll grant that 'throwing under the bus' implies that the customer's reputation is being damaged
pete_dushenski: i agree that consumers have expectations, not reputations
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58728 @ 0.00028492 = 16.7328 BTC [-] {4}
mircea_popescu: not the point. the point is that cadbury has the same relationship with random derp buying chocolate as pharma company with random derp taking pills.
mircea_popescu: cadbury sells to "institutions" aka govt agencies, and is paid by same way.
nubbins`: ^ woodcollector talking to himself
pete_dushenski: the government being a customer but not 'a customer' means that it doesn't care about quality in the same way, just quantity
pete_dushenski: which ties back into the earlier discussion about inflation being 15%, not 3%
assbot: Logged on 04-04-2015 01:41:41; junseth: RE: college, it's not a fair metric. College inflation is largely a lie. The college I went to cost $45k/year. I paid $3k per year because the number they make you pay and the sticker price are completely different.
mircea_popescu: ie, "fair metrics". if it can be called chocolate so they tick off whatever thing in some paperwork.
mircea_popescu: it can be made out of thinned out air for all they care.
pete_dushenski: as long as the press release says "happy troops appreciate reminders of home"
mircea_popescu: heck, the solution of renaming the homeless to "Solve" "the homeless problem" is exactly cosubstantial with how command economies "solve problems".
mircea_popescu: "we have 500 people and 200 fish" "cut fish open, insert 2.5x time their weight of dirt, sew back together"
pete_dushenski: which they do, and since it's been so long since they've had anything resembling chocolate, the imitation stuff works
mircea_popescu: as long as we're ticking off words off wordlists we might not even bother with the industry at all.
mircea_popescu: what is the market ? look at all these two bit "serial entrepreneurs" with their constant start-ups. how often is the news item "previous start-up of X did something" vs "new start-up of X got so many in lolfunding from a) people who wish to be in this press release and b) people he owes money to from the past, and we're not mentioning that past" ?"
cazalla: i live 5 min from an aussie cadbury factory, you'd think you'd be able to smell whatever they make there but nothing
mircea_popescu: the recent derpology wtf was it called perfect example
assbot: Logged on 03-04-2015 22:30:07; jurov: "Erik Voorhees as Founder of ShapeShift, announces seed round with Barry Silbert, Roger Ver" further down
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, silbert is a guy who wants to get his name associated with the space, ver is a meanwhile broke dude who imagines that if he keeps being mentioned he stays relevant, as if, and voorhees just wants to keep his name in the press lest people forget.
mircea_popescu: well, not the sort of people liable to go "hey, what ever became of the coinapult / feedzebirds / whatervs".
mircea_popescu: ethereum through and through "technologees" you can't even short because nobody actually bought. because no actual market, because no actual anything there.
pete_dushenski: and now the 'crowdfunding' cap is 50 mn bezzlars because the command economy doesn't do nickels and dimes worth a shit
mircea_popescu: so... yeah k, markets are efficient. anglosphere hasn't seen a market in many decades, if indeed it did this century.
mircea_popescu: pete_dushenski and amusingly, this is a very indicative symptom of the problem. if "inflation didn't exist" and all this created value, people would care as much about 10 bucks now as 50 years ago. hey, it's a lunch.
mircea_popescu: but THAT is the true measure of inflation : what VCs find "not worth their time".
mircea_popescu: back when this shit was starting, late 70s/early 80s, a VC partner needed to keep an eye on about 500k - 1mn worth of equity.
mircea_popescu: goes splendidly with the 100x i extracted from real estate and the 100x i extracted from education.
mircea_popescu: and it would go exactly with the exact same 100x you'd get looking at health care.
mircea_popescu: fact is, for the past half century, inflation was about 10`000% total.
pete_dushenski: so if your investments are yielding 20%... you're getting assfucked
mircea_popescu: if your investmentrs aren't yielding 20% WHILE YOUR POLITICAL CLOUT IS YIELDING 20%!!!
mircea_popescu: if you don't get 100 senators for every senator you had in 1965, you're behind.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24700 @ 0.00028076 = 6.9348 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: conceivably you have to make well over 50% per year to keep up with the bureaucracy inflation that always doubles paper money inflation in a command economy.
mircea_popescu: which is why (in another, financial-based formulation) the whole shebang's approaching event horizon.
mircea_popescu: specifically because math is math, and the thing can't even keep up with itself.
mircea_popescu: buffett is a success story in the sense that he managed, with skill and persistence, to get fleeced LESS than anyone else.
mircea_popescu: part of this is his complete neglect of investing in politics, which is why as a senile old man he's writing blanket checks to the government.
mircea_popescu: "i support america because if i didn't, you'd just take it all anyway like putin took X's. I'm no Soros."
mircea_popescu: (iirc he's still wanted on "tax evasion", which is pretty much the highest accolade of personal achievement the empire can bestow on any free individual)
ben_vulpes: nubbins`: when building your gentoo kernel did you use menuconfig, and if so did you run into errors along the lines of "the cpu you selected does not support the x86_64 instruction set"?
ben_vulpes: nubbins`: i'm basically just walking the list of processor types in make menuconfig
nubbins`: what page of the handbook are you on
nubbins`: ben_vulpes actually i think i used genkernel.
ben_vulpes: well now i'm wondering if i even got the right stage 3
trinque: ben_vulpes: make sure it all matches what you specified when you made the vm too
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27200 @ 0.00028394 = 7.7232 BTC [+] {2}
trinque: on the page you're looking at, the various ?86 builds are referring to different compiler optimizations used, different libc, or security features being kicked on
trinque: vs they consider amd64 to be a separate architecture entirely
ben_vulpes: that's a spectacular derping on my part i suppose
ben_vulpes: in the meantime, i think i found the x86_64 stuff
trinque: meh, it depends on how you slice it; they chose that way
mircea_popescu: "The difference is, the people whose behavior would be controlled have no say in changing those economic assumptions. "
mircea_popescu: "Why does that matter? Because people have a right to democratic institutions. People have a right to vote on or have a say in matters that govern their lives. Bitcoin, as it exists now, takes that away from people."
trinque: the knucklehead's from Oregon, represents well the prevailing attitude
trinque: ben_vulpes: he mentions it in another comment
mircea_popescu: this idea that most people "should" get a say in what happens to them... dude, if you do that, the same most people go "hey, i don't want to be bothered reading 548958609 pages of tax code, to then go have a hanging party for the govt that made it".
mircea_popescu: "but we only want a say in the things we want a say in and only for the part we want to say something" "yeah well that's not how this works"
mircea_popescu: "what do you mean, i can't own a pet only for the portion where i wanna play with it, but not for the portion where i have to feed it and clean its cage ??!?!" "exactly"
mircea_popescu: "so you mean to tell me now i don't get a say into how the world works anymore, because back when i got the benefit of the doubt all i could do was being an idiot on reddit ?" "exactly"
trinque: the relevance of the tumbler pic gets clearer and clearer
mircea_popescu: "how about you go be a transsexual/gender confused/derpopotamus about Bitcoin TOO, then"
[]bot: Bet placed: 2 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $150 before July" Odds: 17(Y):83(N) by coin, 17(Y):83(N) by weight. Total bet: 13.61572615 BTC. Current weight: 91,983.
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 633 @ 0.00285001 = 1.8041 BTC [-] {9}
mircea_popescu: trinque essentially what it boils down to is the proposition that the underclass does not agree the elite should have the right to opt out whatever redistribution system they come up with.
mircea_popescu: this is ridiculous on the face, of course, but hey. if they understood things they wouldn't be underclass.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35000 @ 0.00028423 = 9.9481 BTC [+]
Adlai: well the french revolution did happen... or was it organized by the new elite who got sick of wannabelite underclassmen-in-king's-clothing?
Adlai: in other words: a sufficient number of underclassmen armed with pitchforks (or AK47s) can ruin an upperclassman's day
trinque: mircea_popescu: this brings back to mind what you said last night about making a clear distinction between natural law and the purpose-driven "regulation" of human societies. I'm not in a position to well articulate this, so I'll just barf this: it seems the HN commenter in question is simply not in touch with reality, and there is nothing forcing him to be, neither nature nor someone in charge of
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31000 @ 0.0002784 = 8.6304 BTC [-] {2}
Adlai: he's in touch with "his reality", by which i mean, the reality of the society in which he operates. that society might be out of touch with realreality, but that doesn't require the inside of the bubble to see what's without.
ben_vulpes: Adlai: french revolution is indeed a good tale of the hidden power structure (french bureaucracy) toppling the figureheads.
ben_vulpes: de toqueville wrote about it at length - 'the old regime and the revolution' was the title of the translation i read
Adlai: the [fake plastic] tree of liberty must be from time to time refreshed with the blood of scapegoats
trinque: going further, it stands to reason that neither most nor many men can produce a model of reality that works, in that it deals with risk well and identifies reward
ben_vulpes: using only a single model is a risky move itself.
Adlai worries less about production than recognition / recollection
trinque: sure, but there's a model which says compare the output of various models
ben_vulpes: "ah ah, mister! you can't get me that easily! it's models all the way out!"
trinque: in the head of a human, it most certainly is
nubbins`: so if there's a model that contains models of all the models
nubbins`: and it contains a model of itself
ben_vulpes: nevertheless, minor errors in the models will compound.
ben_vulpes: "you can't model the universe with anything short of a universe."
nubbins`: i was going for russell's paradox but zzzz
trinque: nubbins` | so if there's a model that contains models of all the models << nobody's head has a complete model of anything
trinque: so yeah in the abstract infinite regress right?
nubbins`: "complete model" doesn't really make sense
trinque: what's the issue with saying some people have better strategies for interacting with reality than others?
trinque: +nubbins` | "complete model" doesn't really make sense << thought I said that
Adlai: "complete model" = copy of thing that's being modelled, optionally with the ability to diddle, reset, etc
nubbins`: trinque i mean in the general sense :D
trinque: They interact with an internal model of the external world – the realm primus – and interpret this interaction as experience of the “real world”. << yeah, and for some people that realm involves jesus and satan, others republicans and democrats
nubbins`: site's worth bookmarking, interesting *cough* model
trinque: haha, yeah looks very interesting; thank you
Adlai is a little suspicious of the presentation screaming "we are crackpots! real scientists hate us!"
ben_vulpes: don't worry Adlai, nubbins` filters the true crackpots out
nubbins`: but everybody who studies the nature of consciousness is a crackpot
nubbins`: whether professionally or on their own time
nubbins`: one-way ticket to the bughouse