291 entries in 0.533s

mircea_popescu: totally such a land of opportunity, to get to play all the
kindergarten games as adults.
mircea_popescu: but in fairness, i still've not recovered from the whole
kindergarten game ustards apparently play at airports, where the genossen lehrerin yells "freeze" and everyone does.
pete_dushenski: wat. gotta teach the kids how to talk. not everyone went to asciilifeform's
kindergarten in the clouds.
mircea_popescu: i wasn't thinking of anything specific, past the indeed
kindergarten intuition that there's more to the triplet than we figured out.
Framedragger: mno, secrecy implies
kindergarten perhaps, tho. anyway, impossible to argue due to the former
ben_vulpes: but the chemistry is of
kindergarten grade. go, buy railcars of ni, fe, assemble.
mircea_popescu: i'm not about to hire any convicted child rapists to run my
kindergarten, shock and awe.
mircea_popescu: lol ben_vulpes running his
kindergarten with proper red/black stars an errythang!
mircea_popescu: phf this is sane, imo. exposes all the dirty hacks which "in
kindergarten" etc.
pete_dushenski: you probably already know this but it's awfully hard to take your 'snore this' and '
kindergarten that' seriously when you move the goalposts so. but it's still fun trying to pin the lubed eel, don't get me wrong.
mircea_popescu: depends on which
kindergarten one went to amirite alfier
mircea_popescu: (taking schoolgirl to abandoned / out of service train and fucking her is, i expect,
kindergarten-universal yes.)
mircea_popescu: consider the point!
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1625177 << to this i could say, "the defensive play, of course, being to always link to the baseline when a field is discussed" to which his retort would be, of course, "yeah and he;ll just say a string with
kindergarten in it".
☝︎ Framedragger: trinque: it's just a
kindergarten way of wrapping up some syscalls. will obviously benchmark outside it later. i wasn't completely certain that my tool wouldn't trash the host fs. :)
Framedragger: (really
kindergarten level simple but wanted to see this myself, could be useful for reference - unless it's incorrect..)
a111: Logged on 2017-02-27 19:24 asciilifeform: this is
kindergarten fact. but still.
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: funfact
kindergarten cop is a textbook "comedic thriller"
mircea_popescu: the "tools" are
kindergarten items because the people are
kindergarten kids.
pete_dushenski: thanks! putting these
kindergarten compsci classes and node set-up skills to use. slowly making progress!
a111: Logged on 2016-12-19 13:42 Framedragger: but also asciilifeform's; and if you google phuctor it's.. clear? hm. this goes back to the discussion of
kindergarten kids stamping their name everywhere, cf. kids who don't
Framedragger: but also asciilifeform's; and if you google phuctor it's.. clear? hm. this goes back to the discussion of
kindergarten kids stamping their name everywhere, cf. kids who don't
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform your
kindergarten went out of business, what can i tell you.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 13:25 mircea_popescu: this didn't seem worth the evaluation so i passed it) a "pyramid of science" pecking order may well be involved, in the sense that "oh, we learned null sets in
kindergarten" and phf's english, while formally fine, does not actually serve him well enough to convey this difference i don't suspect. g) what's "das man" ? h) how did ph
mircea_popescu: but in truth there's two kinds of kids in the
kindergarten, those who go around writing their name on all the cubes and those who go around pointing at all the things and saying "mine!"
mircea_popescu: this didn't seem worth the evaluation so i passed it) a "pyramid of science" pecking order may well be involved, in the sense that "oh, we learned null sets in
kindergarten" and phf's english, while formally fine, does not actually serve him well enough to convey this difference i don't suspect. g) what's "das man" ? h) how did ph
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-11-16 04:55 ben_vulpes: i thought this was
kindergarten fuckatronix
ben_vulpes: get a temperature controllable oven, start with soft steel and harden it per the
kindergarten heat treatment tables
shinohai: Someone has to teach Republican
Kindergarten mircea_popescu: asciilifeform sometimes i suspect you might have been the only one at your
kindergarten :)
mircea_popescu pictures someone who actually feels shame over not having read the references here. imagine! you got "i used to fuck lions in
kindergarten" alf ; native russian poet afficionado and whatever else phf is, then there's the cinematic tradition, and the...
hanbot: oh i saw that in
kindergarten (NO.)
mircea_popescu: anyway. gathering some data would lead us to FIRST think about "disease, poverty war". THEN after we've grown out of
kindergarten and its infantile emotional responses, it would lead us to think about our priors, such as "Every life is sacred", and so on.
ben_vulpes: "
kindergarten opsec lessons!11!" as asciilifeform would say
ben_vulpes: srsly this is
kindergarten rocket chem
mircea_popescu: re regexp : yes,
kindergarten level but TOO MANY OF COMPLEX
mircea_popescu: rather than a bs "here's some colors because we're from the special needs
kindergarten", could "the baltimore expert guy" instead provide a heatmap with all the murders, stabbings, whatnot ? could have a little card, date, people involved, etc.
mircea_popescu: apparently they went to a different
kindergarten than yours.
shinohai: All those positive comments, it's like gold stars from
kindergarten teacher
mircea_popescu: that's the one loose end of the world right now, that they somehow got the idea everyone's a child and their
kindergarten "rules" matter in the objective.
mircea_popescu: and you're a poopynose!! ha-HA!!! calling names is how you solve problems you don't wish to consider! YAY
KINDERGARTEN ben_vulpes: there's no actual panic, botneko-chan. there are a zillion for-hire-for-pennies social media accounts supporting some nsa plants attempts to matter with
kindergarten grade psyops.
punkman: well not in
kindergarten, but I did play this game on paper once