291 entries in 0.548s
BingoBoingo: "Cultural sensistivity training" start in Kindergarten and they still will not include "Read the instructions or die" in any curriculumn
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: so far asciilifeform is a certified f-grade dunce at 'expand wot', repeatedly sent back to kindergarten. still it gotta be expanded.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: in fact i'm continuing the dig for spare dc's. cuz this is the obvious, kindergarten problem.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: meanwhile , kindergarten arithm: in machine rack (22u) 1 hole occupied by patch panel (1u), power strip (1u), then will need 1u moar of mains sockets , 1u for switch, 1u for shelf (entrance router, apu's) , 1u asciilifeform will reserve for own www box, leaving 16 holes ; in 1 , rk plant will live. 15 for the courageous among l1 .
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-04#1940024 - this is like kindergarten-lesson, found myself repeating "ask!!!" in #o too, no idea why/what is so hard about it.
asciilifeform did work through the 'mendeleev table' of these in kindergarten, aha
asciilifeform sees ideal of university education as moar of a decockroaching rather than continuation of kindergarten 'learn through repetition'
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in kindergarten wtf's
asciilifeform: lobbes: normally folks start with the kana ( or you can't even read a normal dictionary or kindergarten-level book etc )
mp_en_viaje: they didn't shoot offenders in front of kindergarten where you went ?
asciilifeform: speaking of which, from old compendium of 'militarisms' : new division commander shows up, and , to the troops lined up on platz, utters : 'i will discipline just like you know from kindergarten : some to tribunal, some will be shot in front of the regiment... '
asciilifeform: in re kindergarten education, otoh -- typical sovok schoolboy could draw a reasonably-exact map of europe, asia, americas. from memory. when was the time when western reich schoolboy could do this ?
asciilifeform: btw this figure is in errybody's kindergarten textbook, but is ~extremely~ overoptimistic for electrical machine, where if you have long conductor, it also has capacitance & inductance, if you want to vary voltage on opposite end of it, you have to let it discharge... )
asciilifeform: this is why if one runs vintage gear, really must have basic kindergarten solder-fu, or have friends who do.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: no, but might re-enroll in kindergarten, lol
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in good news, found something from alf kindergarten magazine : https://x.imagefapusercontent.com/u/alienvisitor/8087483/1139655929/54524507-2305147513037713-891195809725415424-n.jpg
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: afaik not really similar, was moar of a kindergarten 'point an' laff at the monkey'
asciilifeform always pictured 'biergarten' as a kindergarten w/ beer
a111: Logged on 2019-03-23 11:01 mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-22#1903996 << evidently alf finally found language fit for self! (and anyone who frequented same kindergarten).
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-22#1903996 << evidently alf finally found language fit for self! (and anyone who frequented same kindergarten). ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: 2000s was in 'golden age' where simply net connection did not automatically put you in range of 12yo spew , so asciilifeform (not having younger siblings , nor teaching kindergarten) did not find out what they were doing in 2000s
asciilifeform: all of these folx, afaik, do ~exact same thing, they take the school cpu from their kindergarten textbook and proclaim 'hey this fits in head, let's bootstrap on it'
mircea_popescu: this is no waqy to live. the whole fucking POINT of the kindergarten was that you learn how to not be stupid in the way you're stupid.
mircea_popescu: b) you published a raft of "x-ray kindergarten" something or the other.
feedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3116 << Loper OS -- X-Ray Large-Format Kindergarten.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-28 03:26 feedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3067 << Loper OS -- X-Ray Spectrography Kindergarten.
feedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3067 << Loper OS -- X-Ray Spectrography Kindergarten. ☟︎
feedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3062 << Loper OS -- X-Ray Stereography Kindergarten.
BingoBoingo: <feedbot> http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3049 << Loper OS -- X-Ray Microscopy Kindergarten. << Very Pornographic now
feedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3049 << Loper OS -- X-Ray Microscopy Kindergarten.
feedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3044 << Loper OS -- PCB Radiography Kindergarten, Continued.
feedbot: http://www.loper-os.org/?p=3029 << Loper OS -- PCB Radiography Kindergarten.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu already teaches meat kindergarten, i dun expect he'd want moar for anyffin
asciilifeform: asciilifeform's kindergarten currently is permissive (so long as folx are reasonably low-traffic) on acct of not being particularly packed.
asciilifeform: eh if mircea_popescu says 'you aint ready to graduate kindergarten' i aint about to dispute an' 'no, let's graduate'im to 1st grade'. was curious re the logic, is all.
asciilifeform: ( it's a kindergarten-level proof, so i'd be surprised if it actually had to wait for 20th c )
asciilifeform: ( you can tell by the 'kindergarten' colour palette )
asciilifeform: 'locality' effect is actually why e.g. comba wins over ordinary 'kindergarten' o(n^2) mult
asciilifeform currently in a bout of rage re the retardation of html, where formatting a kindergarten-level equation takes hrs and still dun satisfy
asciilifeform: one hooks up wads of paper with note , like spitball in kindergarten, to'em
asciilifeform: there's a reason i picked traffic light as example -- yes you can buy replacement parts from chinese, but to keep traffic actually moving requires at least 1 d00d in a cellar somewhere with an elementary understanding of impedance , graduated from diff eq kindergarten, etc
asciilifeform: if 'a' and 'b' are in a 'trench warfare' situation where neither has decisive advantage and can slaughter the other, their interaction will form dynamic system, and oscillate ( as the wolf and the hare taught in diff eq kindergarten )
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo that's a good idea incidentally. lotta stuff we invented last tuesday and in the brief interval became seemingly "older than dirt" / "in kindergarten!!!" is in fact entirely unheard of outside the walls.
asciilifeform: ( still taught in kindergarten, errywhere )
mircea_popescu: i have nfi what you're talking about. as far as i know ~all white kids are vaccinated around 1 year and then right before kindergarten ; and have since about 1920.
mircea_popescu: (kindergarten mp once famously convinced smitten kitten to sit put for playdo shoving up nostrils "to see what happens". emergency room visit happened, and very sad & contrite mp.)
mircea_popescu: she didn't go to kindergarten.
asciilifeform: it was ok collection of 'kindergarten' snippets
asciilifeform: trinque: errybody went to kindergarten, once.
asciilifeform reasons from kindergarten 1stprinciple, 'penniless chix has with what to pay stranger, bloke - not'
a111: Logged on 2018-09-19 13:14 asciilifeform: diana_coman: the way i'd do the size shuffle, is to use a kindergarten prng (e.g. mersenne) for repeatable sequence, and put ~in~ the packets, a serial num. then simply record what comes out.
mircea_popescu: and kindergarten academy of science bla bla. i have children read shakespeare and why shouldn't i.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: the way i'd do the size shuffle, is to use a kindergarten prng (e.g. mersenne) for repeatable sequence, and put ~in~ the packets, a serial num. then simply record what comes out. ☟︎
asciilifeform: usg however did get what it wanted, yes minus one kindergarten , but plus metaldetectors and anal searches errywhere
diana_coman: by now every time I hear "kindergarten" I think of asciilifeform; and I quite suspect most kids would like him too!
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: fortunately errybody who stayed awake in kindergarten, and has access to mains current, can make
a111: Logged on 2018-08-06 20:58 asciilifeform: ( for folx who slept in kindergarten -- air is not perfectly transparent )
asciilifeform: ( for folx who slept in kindergarten -- air is not perfectly transparent ) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: intellectual sophistication to cut it as a slavegirl in my harem. i said before, "There's not who'd compete and there's not how to compete with her, it's a laughable proposition, like a samurai at a kindergarten." and yes that is after training. but all the training in the world can't help the instant kindergartner.
asciilifeform: admittedly asciilifeform is not a eulorist, but i had a very positive picture of it as -- including other things -- a kindergarten teaching tool for 'fuck people but do biznis with keys' , 'pubkey is the soul', etc
asciilifeform: imho 'buy boards, make desktop' is not particularly educational in current-day, aside from the abstract teaching of 'yes, the parts are interchangeable, yes you can work a screwdriver' kindergarten curriculum
asciilifeform: d00d who doesn't know not to escrow his priv with clitler, has a bit of study to do before he can graduate into kindergarten.
asciilifeform: ( for folx who slept through kindergarten -- garden variety alpha is 5Mev and above , strictly on acct of mass )
asciilifeform: well i managed to escape finding mircea_popescu for >1yr ( and even then had to be dug up with excavator ) but possibly i went to wrong kindergarten..
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, hey, at least documenting the lulz "everyone knows" where everyone takes value from the set of 5 folk who went to the same state street kindergarten we did...
asciilifeform: searching usg.cve lists is literally kindergarten minimal step ; even usg's automatic c/cpp auditor nonsense, does an ok job of it
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 02:58 asciilifeform: meanwhile, for incorrigible rotakus strictly, http://manualul.info ( found, naturally, while digging for the orig kindergarten src of http://trilema.com/2018/printul )
mircea_popescu: also, that's not kindergarten. it's 1st year of school, reuniting children no older than 7 years.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, for incorrigible rotakus strictly, http://manualul.info ( found, naturally, while digging for the orig kindergarten src of http://trilema.com/2018/printul ) ☟︎
asciilifeform: db is nao 100% consistent with kindergarten arithmetic and common sense.
asciilifeform: ( it still boggles my mind that anybody, at any point, ever thought that creating an arithmetron that outputs answers which are at variance with kindergarten/napkin, is somehow acceptable )
ben_vulpes: genuinely thought that i had forgotten my kindergarten subtraction algorithms for a moment
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: i add in sbcl and round in the end by hand as taught in kindergarten
asciilifeform: right, i did not say 'expel this child forhwith from ze kindergarten'
asciilifeform: ( as taught in kindergarten )
asciilifeform: seems to contain a number of kindergarten c/asm tutorials by some orc, and little else
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: wb btw. i for one thought that mircea_popescu was tired of teaching his kindergarten..
asciilifeform: ( since mircea_popescu seems to be sleeping i'ma have to run the emulator : 'it's because they are part of my Adult World, not this stinking kindergarten' )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you can't be serious ? that whole thing is permanently disposed in http://btcbase.org/log/2018-02-06#1781804 ; it ain't gonna change, what do you imagine this is, kindergarten of free takes ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: as alf says, "didn't everyone do that in kindergarten???"
a111: Logged on 2017-07-07 01:17 asciilifeform: wiles, see, 'doesn't count' because 'too long and uses things not taught in kindergarten and wtf is this'
mircea_popescu: you'll ruin my idea of romanian difficulty and i'll end up going "what, you don't get this kindergarten fare?!?!" at poor innocent slavegirls.
asciilifeform: plenty of what i suspect 'kindergarten-level' (in hindsight, like karatsuba) -- unsolved.
asciilifeform: ( at least so it was in asciilifeform's kindergarten )
asciilifeform: ( kindergarten!11 )
PeterL: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-16#1739930 << damn, kindergarten level mistake there. I am used to thinking like in python you can do x,y = y, x+y or whatever ☝︎
davout: your "kindergarten-level" claims don't fool anyone
asciilifeform: well not a role in tmsr, at any rate. potentially as a sort of kindergarten, or slave pit, where you can see the heads and pick out promising larvae potentially
a111: Logged on 2017-10-22 16:29 deedbot: diana_coman rated asciilifeform 5 << His kindergarten is better than your university. Also: producer of sane and reliable fuckgoats, horsecocks and lamport parachutes among other useful items.
deedbot: diana_coman rated asciilifeform 5 << His kindergarten is better than your university. Also: producer of sane and reliable fuckgoats, horsecocks and lamport parachutes among other useful items. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: just this kindergarten level bar, "the server held no plaintext whatsoever".
mircea_popescu: boys fought for the proper cut of bread (ie, the end bit, for some reason, was the only proper bit). but the last time communal eating was common was just about kindergarten
asciilifeform: if you want a kindergarten b00k in english, try feynman's 'lectures on computation'
asciilifeform: very easy to kneel to the majesty of nsa, when you skipped kindergarten and have nfi how to find q given a p...
asciilifeform: or... 15:26 <@fenn> now this may sound radically radical, but why not just use a metal tube << this and elsewhere, demonstrates that any and all of these people, are innocent of having ever worked with their hands, or studied so much as kindergarten experimental physics, chemistry, take yer pick
asciilifeform: kanzure: kindergarten gametheory
asciilifeform: you do the g/mol conv. as in kindergarten.
asciilifeform: proper murine electric chair works differently. switches on the hv after low-voltage conductivity sensor (use 2 transistors in the kindergarten scheme) closes.
asciilifeform: wiles, see, 'doesn't count' because 'too long and uses things not taught in kindergarten and wtf is this' ☟︎
mircea_popescu: there's nothing whatever wrong with "woman took me to sushi. it was a restaurant, she didn't even cook it, or work there, or pay. and yes people have been having sushi far longer than they've been having hamburger but it was my first time and i'll always remember her fondly, notwithstanding she died of an overdose while trying to rob a kindergarten at gunpoint (she thought she was inside the bank next door)."