700+ entries in 0.332s
asciilifeform: ( 'why should we ship dev tool! we're a binary turd, microshit by other name' )
asciilifeform: ( both openssl turd and the moar recent prb-proprietary one )
asciilifeform: trinque: segshitness was in re 'we'll stop signing our tx so as to fit Moar in per block, and rando can Never! spend'em because of this other turd we shat out nowhere near the actual blockchain but Miners Will Enforce' approx
shinohai: It's new BingoBoingo, the Turd Transport Protocol (tm)
trinque had fail2ban off for a while, and looked like there were mostly just two "chinese" IPs chewing on the box. when I re-enabled fail2ban, got moar IPs chewing, either by happenstance or one turd circumventing fail2ban.
trinque: not saying we want to take up turd-munching, but that "no system of global prohibition" can handle even it, easily
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677127 << unreadably massive turd written by svameritards, with million deps, what could possibly be the problem... ☝︎
asciilifeform: now we'd have a turd of #ifdef and asmolade
asciilifeform: will end up a 100MB turd
asciilifeform: it can be as expensive ( broadcast to galaxy! ) or cheap ( request a turd in web form, which actually reduces to approx. mircea_popescu's original..! ) as desired.
asciilifeform: i.e. a signed(S) could not have practically come into existence before you broadcast S, if the latter is a long rng turd
asciilifeform: mod6: elementarily, 'limited entropy', 'respectable mainstream' turd can put out whatever it wants, GB/s, of prng
asciilifeform: phf: i'd doubt that the existing open sores turd would do the job ( esp how 'render without gpu' is a more or less entirely untested component, 'everyone has gpu!111' etc )
asciilifeform: ( to one day be rid of closed turd gpu )
ben_vulpes: TURD
sina: mircea_popescu: I work on the biggest python turd of all, OpenStack :P
sina: define turd?
mircea_popescu: hopefully this "offload" doesn't turn into a turd
a111: Logged on 2015-06-17 13:17 asciilifeform: you can pick up a textbook and write a dram controller for fpga from first principles - and it won't work. because, for starters, only a small number of output cells in the chip can function on both rising and falling edge of clock cycle (what 'ddr' means) and only xilinx's closed turd knows where they are in the routing fabric;
asciilifeform: lulzy, 'hold the winblowz fort in the turd world' item
asciilifeform: jurov, why didja link this, it's a turd.
asciilifeform: this was how i ended up entirely setting bozo bit on shitoshi's cpp turd.
asciilifeform: or now you have this weird special turd case for no reason.
asciilifeform: and yes in 'proper comp' code would be stored as an ast, and not as ascii linear turd.
shinohai: My name For E. Gün Sirer ... his "team" developed that turd.
mircea_popescu: it's a little like giving an A to the kid who's top of the mongoloid class, forgetting for some reason that even if he floated to the top, he still floated to the top of a sewer and consequently is still a turd, fundamentally.
asciilifeform: plan being, 'everyone' will remember the turd, not the victim
trinque: either user separation exists or doesn't, and if doesn't, explain to me how "but yeah and then we take a massive dump where had tiny dried turd" and this is better
a111: Logged on 2017-04-28 23:30 asciilifeform: 'It is the most advanced and secure instant messaging protocol to date. This is why the designers got an award in front of a conference full of seasoned cryptographers and security engineers a week back for improving Real World Cryptography. ' << from turd in earlier thread. that thing is ~bottomless lulzmine.
asciilifeform: 'It is the most advanced and secure instant messaging protocol to date. This is why the designers got an award in front of a conference full of seasoned cryptographers and security engineers a week back for improving Real World Cryptography. ' << from turd in earlier thread. that thing is ~bottomless lulzmine. ☟︎
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-28#1649464 << gotta understand the principle : if martians landed tonight, and fixed, somehow, all of the bugs in openssl, and god signed off that there are no more -- openssl will STILL be a turd, because does not fit in head ! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just because the ustard is a sad excuse for monkey nation does not imply we'll now accept the turd soup of "nations" does it ?
mircea_popescu: perhaps it'll be stanford or mit or "another" meaningless head of the same turd of agglomerated stupidity though. for flavour.
trinque: ought to be made to snuggle an actual turd if she asks for one of those things
shinohai: I need to dig deeper into that, last attempt at removing the <> resulted in breaking the whole damned thing because python is a turd.
Framedragger: i see that part of the related turd is here (5 march): https://github.com/tomasvdw/bitcrust/commit/01001d9f6033426624fba570da437a0a316993c0
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: so you went through every row checking if it has turd at start, and removing that turd? or found binary log to roll back the transaction (which should have aborted and rolled back, something something)
mircea_popescu: and then it crashed because suddenly turning 10s of ks of article into a 3mb turd inflated the db.
Framedragger: result is large turd
mircea_popescu: shave like a megabyte off this turd
asciilifeform: it worx internally (in e.g., nqb) but the mere fact of tx replacement idiocy being supported in shitoshi's turd, means that a tx is not, in principle, self-contained, can mean entirely different movement if meanwhile its txid got recycled
ben_vulpes: pushing a particularly stubborn turd out
a111: Logged on 2016-08-22 13:59 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-22#1526615 << my complaint is that it adds a meg of UNREADABLE and - largely UNTESTABLE (i do not have a VMS box, nor a machine with zsh or ksh, nor do i intend to , and i REFUSE to sign code that claims to run there , srsly wtf omfg) - and that it introduces massive turd, useless language m4, go and learn it, read the implementation
asciilifeform: this in fact is a practical definition of 'turd' in our context : item that, massage it as you will, is still fundamentally broken by design.
asciilifeform: masssaging of turd -- produces turd, not ferrocement.
asciilifeform: shitoshi's turd is an incurable patient, in my eyes.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: iirc the test target built a turd that exercised data structures, serialization, etc. rather than whole thing
Framedragger: the fat turd in question is otherwise 'well respected', at forefront of history academia in .lt, etc. etc.
Framedragger: especially their leader, this ridiculous fat turd who nevertheless is featured in various tv shitshows ('to popularise history', you know) -- he's just plain jelly as fuck, (quote) "i don't even know this schmuck, some kind of driver (sic; literal), i would have great doubts as to the document's authenticity [meanwhile confirmed by germany archivists etc etc etc]", so on and so forth, in a complete caricature-like jelly manner.
ben_vulpes: space in the "for your leftism" link too, if that's not the turd in q
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: if you're thinking of nic-on-xilinx, every single one (with the exception of the 10BaseT half-duplex that's floated around since 1990s) relies on a xilinx-proprietary fabric turd
asciilifeform: ( for noobs -- 'stack cookie' is the -- nowadays common, at least in gccland -- practice of putting a random turd on the end of a stack that overflows, and later testing if it is still there before popping a return addr )
asciilifeform: astonishing how much retardation flows from this one little turd, the use of hashes (rather than positions) as tx pointers.
mircea_popescu: perhaps because you've never had it. but from experience, being the judge of a troop of idiots is the worst fucking horror of a turd to fall on your head. and this holds even if you have life and death powers and the ability to construct the law andf its application however you wish through simple declaration.
trinque: the article signs off with a turd about open minds and flexible worldviews and so on
asciilifeform: your copy of this turd (quite unnecessary in trb, in fact, but that's besides the point, we inherited it in genesis) consists of the original concatenated to itself !
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the hilarious bit is that prb munged up the script system beyond recognition, BUT they kept this turd! merely moved it, http://btc.yt/lxr/satoshi/source/src/script/interpreter.cpp?v=0.10.0rc4#0256
mircea_popescu: this is a misrepresentation : the turd is in there already.
asciilifeform: but for the l0gz, lemme finish: replacing bdb, massive turd, with ext (or reiser, or any) equally or greater mass turd, (and now with linux dependence !!) is not a win.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-10 16:55 asciilifeform: ... so that a 256-bit turd, e.g., 3ec455a2a84e978687a3990cec73f36b324fbd28e03603c6d9fc52018b001558, can be taken and matched to a block # where said tx lives.
asciilifeform: ... so that a 256-bit turd, e.g., 3ec455a2a84e978687a3990cec73f36b324fbd28e03603c6d9fc52018b001558, can be taken and matched to a block # where said tx lives. ☟︎
asciilifeform: it corresponds to the historic turd found in https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/0d01d8a7359e311b461cd1b964ce90d0699c2a2f/crypto/ec/ec_key.c
asciilifeform: java turd.
asciilifeform: ( according to maslennikov, kgb directorate of crypto struggled with the fundamental boojum and simply gave up, and turned to turd polishing )
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: just to make it absolutely clear, i don't see a long-term future for satoshi's turd. all of my work on trb is to be regarded in same light as the neutron-absorbing armour on 1970s sov tanks -- something with which to prolong the life of the crew ~slightly~ so that it can drive over freshly-nuked ground and last a few hours of shootout.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel_p: the current favourite, archive.is, is able to display the ~text~ of pretty much every linked turd (no matter how encrusted) without ~forcing~ viewer to enable js. can yours do this ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is demonstrably impossible in the general case (unless you count html turd with img tags and pages as bitmaps as 'well-formatted')
asciilifeform: incidentally it is quite debatable imho whether a 'linux box' with closed-turd gpu driver is in any useful sense a linux box.
asciilifeform: it is the reasonable thing to presuppose, re a public turd of heathen provenance.
asciilifeform: trinque: lol, piece is ~about~ a turd that i linked here earlier.
trinque: ben_vulpes: I'd rather get some gossipd work rolling than put any more effort into hugging the IRC turd tighter
asciilifeform: and of course closed-source-remotely-updated-turd-on-closed-remotely-updated-os-sitting-on-usg.ssl-pki is not 'backdoor', didjaknow also.
trinque: I have seen this in every company I worked for in earlier years. guy grabs some open source turd, then when it breaks he cries "not my fault! just found it!"
a111: Logged on 2017-01-26 13:52 adlai doesn't like publishing incomplete work, even if it's useful for cave divering archaeologists. asciilifeform might be the first to see a useful turd, if one should drop. until then, radio silence.
adlai doesn't like publishing incomplete work, even if it's useful for cave divering archaeologists. asciilifeform might be the first to see a useful turd, if one should drop. until then, radio silence. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: seems a worthy continuation of the insanity that got the us in its present pickle in the first place. first, no child left behind, then, no to bullying, finally, "no violence". if a little bit of shit in the soup made it bad, and a little more made it worse, surely the solution is pure turd potage.
asciilifeform actually read the entire talos turd, and the links, and as is quite typical the 'libreboot' idiot pitches 'use linux on chromebook c201' -- but if you actually read, then will learn that 'so long as you don't need wireless nic or video to work!'
asciilifeform: buried in this lengthy turd is the entirely valid observation that 'If Miner i cannot obtain a single block posted before Bi, he quits the business. Therefore, we investigate the time between any two consecutive events. As {Ii} is indeed a Bernoulli process, ... ' (concluding with 'miner cartel is +ev and inevitable')
a111: Logged on 2014-11-14 05:46 asciilifeform: http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/04/f14/Volume%201%20NNSA.pdf << mega-turd. i don't expect that anyone will read it. but i did. and will relate, how obscenely it brags about the extraordinary bezzle of the u.s. 'national ignition facility'
asciilifeform: and fwiw the turd wouldn't unzip on winblowz or crapple either.
asciilifeform: instead of tumblr/lj/medium/turd-of-the-day
asciilifeform: i read the original turd, it was ill-specified
asciilifeform: 'oh it's the same text except that i ran this-here perl turd on it and trust me that it works as i said on your perltron' is not vtronic.
asciilifeform: well the old code has ban(...) which instructs 'this datum was a malicious turd and i dun want no moar from that ip'
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: lulzy contrast of the solid 'hp oscilloscope' goodness of the console buttons, with the crapple turd
trinque: offering solutions for the turd you have, not the turd you wish you had
asciilifeform: pgpdump -i turd.asc
asciilifeform: index'em however you like, if new blocks aren't inspected for pertinent-to-me tx, the thing's a turd
asciilifeform: nor anything like a plausible stack or heap turd.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-10 21:33 asciilifeform: for absolutely nothing, esp. if you can offload the cost of your turd being pwned weekly, needing 16GB of ram, crashing daily, etc. on OTHER PEOPLE
asciilifeform: (link -- loads, has a turd by same title and stock photos of 'collegiate' crapolade, i did not read further )
asciilifeform: instead of relying on gigantic binary turd and dedicated toolset.
asciilifeform: and yes, i'm aware that i can take whatever and package it up in a uuencoded+clearsigned turd. but this is insanity.
trinque: asciilifeform: yeah, when I run my gentoo recipe, it's usually musl unless I actually need the glibc turd for something
asciilifeform: they approve of the type of work that gpg turd is.
trinque: --decrypt gives you a freshly resquashed turd your machine never saw before.
asciilifeform: a 'everyone scrolls past when reading' turd does NOT belong in v.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: png is a bitmap format! where does it ask for www turd? can haz snippet ?
asciilifeform: i do not want to sign a 'insert usg turd here!' even if theoretically the instruction is not followed on extant renderer
asciilifeform: libpng doesn't ask for a turd from the www afaik !