a111: Logged on 2017-04-07 17:31 danielpbarron: i can do an unboxing video or something. i have 5.5 through 5.8 in original sealed packaging
a111: Logged on 2017-04-07 22:15 trinque: by the nato precedent set by turkey, I'd expect russia can down an american plane or two without risking a nuclear exchange, eh?
BingoBoingo: No fowl language, so shut the fuck up about the peacocks and peahens!
BingoBoingo: And don't even get started on the peacucks
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: When do we get G5 trb sync stats?
shinohai: Beautiful bird, lovely plumage.
deedbot: derpshart voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: all these turdwads "Talking about their experience" holy shit
mircea_popescu: first it was "get a college degree doing no work -- just on the basis of your current experience!11" now it's "draw a salary doing nothing other than recounting the psychogenic hum in your otherwise empty brainbox".
jhvh1: shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1189.39, vol: 3981.41960638 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1176.095, vol: 3888.70242 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1191.9, vol: 13853.34404636 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1035.309051, vol: 1580.14100000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1190.105, vol: 1439.15594448 | Volume-weighted last average: 1178.90737794
Framedragger: trinque: does `!!deed` work when issued over privmsg? i just did that and then realised that may it's not supposed to work that way?
Framedragger: if it's a good idea it must be stolen from asciilifeform.
a111: Logged on 2014-08-13 14:40 asciilifeform: 'They tend to show up late at parties because they figure they can always steal the cake anyway, so why bother go early ? Let the suckers figure out first - on their own dime - where the good cakes are, then just swoop in and collect... This means the only way they can get in is if you let them get in. Don’t let them get in for cheap - they have no business here.' (mp's
http://trilema.com/2014/people-us-dollar Framedragger: did you describe the idea before, say, august 2016?
Framedragger gets into situtations where he's forced by himself to read rust code on git. can't blame anyone
Framedragger: you could of course say that 'git doesnt prove anything', and i'll have to agree. but if you allow that, then it's reasonable to say that 'unsigned irc logs dont prove anything, either', from the point of view of the counterparty. i won't say more, only that this 'thief!!' is very unconvincing
Framedragger: (also, my mp-emulator is saying "why do you spend energy challenging these and not challenging the empire", and my response is that i don't give the privilege to the empire of even *challenging* their shit; they're not worth it imho. this all just to say that take it easy)
Framedragger: certainly not worth your time. and i understand. just find this 'call thief by default' funny; but it's probably borne of experience, simply
☟︎ Framedragger: that wasn't supposed to be once a minute. sorry about that.
Framedragger: (i had changed it to 30min for index stats page)
a111: Logged on 2017-04-06 15:53 Framedragger: done
Framedragger: so the 1min crawls, just to confirm - they were older, right? i did start with 1min on thursday; then turned it off on request; then re-enabled once/30min for stats page, once/60min for phuctored and once/60min for dupes.
Framedragger: wtf. i'll beat myself with a crontab manual, then
Framedragger: asciilifeform: for my own education, if not too much trouble, when you have a minute, could you paste a few log lines from the webserver relating to the 1min wget'er?
jurov: coinbr orders fixed. mircea_popescu pls to process
☟︎ shinohai: TIL the ability to buy coffee is what Satoshi envisioned all along.
shinohai: To be fair I did buy several bricks of Bustelo with BTC once, but hardly a cup.
phf: i was trying to find tuomov's rant from 2007 or so (the guy behind Ion) where he basically said that anti-aliasing is a kludge, and we won't even need it once the dpi is high enough
jurov: phf: that was x-post from #clim? :)
phf: couldn't find it, but he was basically correct. after jumping through a lot of retarded hoops i got to run xquartz on a retina mac at 1-to-1 pixel, and pretty much any of the type1 fonts at 230 or so look quite good
phf: jurov: kind of, in a roundabout way. i gave up on mcclim and that whole crowd last time they were mentioned here, but i'm slowly reviving allegro's clim2
phf: there's a working purey xlib backend that uses very minimal decoration and server side font-rendering. i'm trying to figure out how to make it look like not-shit, without compromising the integrity
jurov: iirc clim's problem is not so much AA, but butt-ugly widgets?
phf: that's mcclim specifically
phf: well, fwiw i've no idea if you can make clim non-ugly (i'm not even sure at this point what "ugly" means. you certainly can't trivially make it look the way "people come to expect")
☟︎ phf: but mcclim made some decisions early on, where the default x widgets set was designed to ~look~ like popular the time "athena" widget set. which made the whole thing even uglier.
jurov: well, are there screenshots for clim2 ?
phf: well, that's the thing, the original backend from clim2 goes all the way back to genera, and it's literally all solid 1-pixel lines, and bulk of the display is text.
☟︎ jurov: however, i personally have no issues with ugliness. i hate most if it opaquely monopolizes event loop (like qt) and then networking is a problem
phf: like above is not clim, but genera's flavor's bade gui, but same principle
ben_vulpes: jurov: qt necessarily requires performing networking on the ui thread?
ben_vulpes: phf: i would be happy to try living in either of those 'ui's
ben_vulpes: nobody needed gradients-twiddled-per-local-magnetic-field anyways
shinohai: "We didn't listen to her, and now it's too late"