1000+ entries in 0.444s
asciilifeform: e.g., zimbabwe has many more significant zeros, but also more turd
asciilifeform: the prison guard (or whoever else) cannot take the salary and spend it on N slaves in the turd world
assbot: Logged on 30-12-2015 20:12:17; ben_vulpes: ;;later tell asciilifeform fwiw rms' turd actually runs better under x11 on os x than under the native windowing system
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell asciilifeform fwiw rms' turd actually runs better under x11 on os x than under the native windowing system ☟︎
asciilifeform: with the specific chumpatronic purpose of distracting from the nature of the turd thereby.
asciilifeform: this is not even turd-polishing. it is turd-washing
asciilifeform: can't initialize the dram controller, much less usb etc. without a proprietary turd
assbot: Logged on 05-02-2014 03:50:12; asciilifeform: there is already a hard impossibility proof of turing-complete computation in a homomorphic turd.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> doing this will keep the turd nodez out of the addr.db << Apparently 21.co is too good for aws <asciilifeform> doing this will keep the turd nodez out of the addr.db
asciilifeform: doing this will keep the turd nodez out of the addr.db
asciilifeform: and i don't see any reason to sign a disposable, ephemeral turd.
mircea_popescu: maybe that's the issue. what "turd world" ? third world ?
asciilifeform: was specifically re: turd world
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: but it was ~about~ turd world tardation
assbot: Logged on 24-12-2015 14:49:21; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351721 << it is a turd and barely works for the purpose it was designed for. and NO MOTHERFUCKING SQL in bitcoin
asciilifeform: don't expect a 100kB turd in there.
asciilifeform: aha, bulk of the turd is literally about this.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351721 << it is a turd and barely works for the purpose it was designed for. and NO MOTHERFUCKING SQL in bitcoin ☝︎☟︎
mod6: hm. i like what it does, but not every turd probably belongs in the chain.
ascii_field: but it's a massive turd
mod6: <+jurov> mod6 asciilifeform: the turd http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000186.html << thx for posting this! will review tonight.
asciilifeform: each of the latter individually enclosing a totally nonportable turd
asciilifeform: IF I CAN'T READ IT IN AN EVENING it is a turd ☟︎
asciilifeform: polarssl - also a turd
assbot: Logged on 19-12-2015 21:26:52; jurov: mod6 asciilifeform: the turd http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000186.html
jurov: mod6 asciilifeform: the turd http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-December/000186.html ☟︎
ascii_field: it is what it is. (bombastic usg turd)
ascii_field: market consists solely of usgistic (costs like a car) and chinese parody (yer an audiophile and cattle and stfu buy this turd)
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-12-2015#1346286 << from the linked turd looks rather more like an altcoin than a fork ☝︎
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: didja catch the turd last night re: grub2 ?
nubbins`: "the people will notice it's not the turd it seems"
assbot: Logged on 14-12-2015 19:04:45; trinque: looks like the existing node scoring mechanism is a turd
BingoBoingo: turd eating gnomes https://phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=BUS1-In-Development
trinque: looks like the existing node scoring mechanism is a turd ☟︎
danielpbarron: whatever that means, it still remains that bitcoin as it exists today is a giant ball of turd. The priority should be on deturdification before major rule changes, especially considering that no such changes are currently required to ensure its survival
asciilifeform: imho if the thing at the core is still the ridiculous cpp turd (complete with openssl, bdb) then the effort is wasted.
asciilifeform: 'PINE A64 includes a quad-core ARM Cortex A53 1.2GHz processor, dual-core Mali 400 MP2 graphics..' << aaaaaand dingdingdingding we get to the requires-closed-driver-turd-just-to-run item 10 seconds in.
asciilifeform: and how, where the state consists of solely how long the thing has been churning, naturally it stows a turd
asciilifeform: re: dwave: obligatory turd - http://www.wired.com/2014/05/quantum-computing
ascii_field: from same turd earlier,
ascii_field: ben_vulpes: i still get flamez on my circa-2009 turd on subj (and the later sequel)
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: thinking about it, that turd simply has to be a troll job
ascii_field: (and then again a few years ago, it was built into a proprietary software turd)
ascii_field: moar golden turd nuggets:
adlai: twas worth venturing thru the esr turd to emerge on the other side with "“Social Justice” has reached a sort of Poe’s Law singularity at which the behavior of trolls and true believers becomes indistinguishable even to each other"
ascii_field: not to mention the www stack (apache et all) is a massive turd
ascii_field: the way the existing turd stores tx is untenable
ascii_field: this may be edging into rms&gcc territory, but the inscrutability of the turd did its part in keeping the original net from forking to death - by ensuring that all of the forks were retarded 'swap the genesis' rather than any serious improvement of the compatibility-breaking kind
ascii_field: the whole thing is an epic turd and my desire to ever work with it again borders on zero
asciilifeform: but at one point i needed to run a java turd for some teleconference thing and it worked.
asciilifeform: that turd was 'best seller' ?!
asciilifeform: the thorne turd
assbot: Logged on 19-11-2015 19:50:00; asciilifeform: 'turd'
assbot: Logged on 19-11-2015 19:44:35; asciilifeform: may as well go in the opposite direction, embed, e.g., 'tinyscheme', in a cpp turd.
phf: well, in that respect cmucl is a decent litmus test. every single package that fails to load from quicklisp (named-readtables is the recent offender) turns out to be a turd on a closer inspection
phf: it's just impressions. i've been looking at a lot of high traction common lisp code (top quicklisp packages) and there's a lot of senseless turd polishing in the past few years. broken interfaces for the sake of "cleanliness", half baked code, needless macros, dependency hell etc. and then you look at the code and it's the same set of aggressive, google employed queergenders. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'turd' ☟︎
asciilifeform: may as well go in the opposite direction, embed, e.g., 'tinyscheme', in a cpp turd. ☟︎
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/1B66XYC << deobfuscated turd from same
asciilifeform: also because wrote a megalith turd
ben_vulpes doesn't know how this nugget failed to make it into the turd
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if you were asking re: the adlai thread: i decoded that turd he keeps deedbotting
mircea_popescu: ascii_field incidentally, you know the joke with the two jews and the piece of dog turd ?
ascii_field: the author of an ffi pkg has no control over what c turd is on your box
asciilifeform: and it's still a mega-turd
asciilifeform: this is, naturally, at the cost of introducing another closed turd boot rom.
ascii_field: the interesting bit is that the 'me' turd is not encrypted in the usual sense of the word
jurov: if it had linux port, it could excessively swap or crash the kernel via gpu turd, too
ascii_field: mircea_popescu: it isn't a turd !
mircea_popescu: 0 reason to prefer any turd over any other turd.
kakobrekla: what, a closed turd from google?
asciilifeform: and yes, for every meth-taking erdos or wiener, there are ten million nobodies who think that their sulfurous rancid turd burning at both ends is a candle with lovely light, yes.
BingoBoingo: Encrypted means it was either a turd when sent or we're fucked. So as asciilifeform pointed out sigs are probably a must too.
ascii_field would have said 'no one will load a 4GB turd without noticing' but said this about 4MB trojans in 'visual basic', and was wrong
asciilifeform: i suppose, for some - enough. just like a typical turd contains enough nourishment for some creatures
asciilifeform: (an ancient and heavily-proprietary turd which sells for 5x/byte vs 'sd')
asciilifeform: even with closed turd kernel mods
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: optimus, is a very special turd where 2d vga chip tries to share a DAC with 3d gpu
ascii_field: this is (or was) afaik the most expensive portable sold, and it is ~still~ a turd
cazalla: or that's the page that was displayed when he/she visited and figuring a comment field was available, took a turd there?
BingoBoingo: jurov: Comparable in the sense sausage and turd may be compared as cylinders
BingoBoingo: punkman: Seems like motive enough for the NSA to do the systemd turd
ascii_field: what, i can't walk over and drop in a base64 turd ?
ascii_field: mats: this only works when a turd is famous
trinque: can't compare the cost of edible food with the turd
asciilifeform: barely buy a turd from the sidewalk.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-09-2015#1271635 << almost exact restatement of my 'yc news' comment turd from decade ago, aha ☝︎
asciilifeform: funkenstein_: you are running a closed turd
pete_dushenski: honestly not worth linking. pdf turd.
ascii_field: the ONLY lib i found so far that does something like what is needed is a perl turd, http://bloodgate.com/perl/graph/manual/overview.html
mircea_popescu: (and a forced mistake, too. in odrder to avoid noticing the isomorphism between yourself and turd in the sun, you're stuck breaking the isomorphism recognizer)
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2015 12:35:42; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-09-2015#1267767 << this is a CATASTROPHICALLY bad idea, because any attempt is simply asking for self-delusionary masamunification (sorry gabriel_laddel, but you know precisely what i mean.) -- this being, 'aha this is a turd, but WE made it and therefore doesn't stink and is somehow edible'
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-09-2015#1267767 << this is a CATASTROPHICALLY bad idea, because any attempt is simply asking for self-delusionary masamunification (sorry gabriel_laddel, but you know precisely what i mean.) -- this being, 'aha this is a turd, but WE made it and therefore doesn't stink and is somehow edible' ☝︎☟︎
trinque: this whole email thing is a turd
asciilifeform: turd world is riding the back of the very same train, give'em time.
trinque: search is a turd
Bingo_VACAY: Advil. This touch queen turd
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: and i think he was talking about an ssl turd, rather than anything from phuctor ?
ascii_field: very old turd i wrote
ascii_field: unlike the turd world, in usa the poor folks are the first and instant loosers in any breakdown of civilization