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mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'm just surprised it wasn't an acquihire. no fducking idea why anyone else'd "buy" the sort of turd.
asciilifeform: and what's more, this is how random turd behaves (try it)
shinohai: https://steemit.com/girlsgonesteem-nsfw/@steempower/welcome-to-girls-gone-steem#comments <<< the logo even looks like a turd. "steem" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: turd flavourer how it may be flavoured is turd by mass.
asciilifeform: no it is also a pgp key turd, that is re-parsable to obtain all of these
asciilifeform: (massive, unreadable c turd, with plenty of verbatim common with openssl)
asciilifeform: at one point - in fact, until very recently - i would compulsively dig in and, weeks later, would, e.g., 'yet another google turd'
a111: Logged on 2016-05-11 16:04 ben_vulpes: https://zedshaw.com/2015/07/26/turd-cookies/ << morning chuckles
ben_vulpes: https://zedshaw.com/2015/07/26/turd-cookies/ << morning chuckles ☟︎
asciilifeform: so the turd he was diffing matched, but there was moar.
mircea_popescu: entirely reasonable my foot. "if you call things things then things become things" "yeah, such as your face becomes a turd."
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: anything ever showing up in the usual 8ball can only be a factor of a random turd
asciilifeform: can anyone actually reply to the seclist turd ?
ascii_butugychag: unknown turd is now hero!11111111
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-01#1459989 <<< that looks like a turd with legs. ☝︎
asciilifeform: and their key is a random turd.
asciilifeform: 2) toolchain is not a closed x86 turd, and in fact can run on an arch implemented on SELFSAME CHIP itself.
asciilifeform: and a buncha other turd also
asciilifeform: because 'solution' that reduces to 'let's drop in this closed turd and pretend it does not exist' is NOT INTERESTING.
asciilifeform: sbp: at present time, not only do you not know what is in the package, but the build chain is several dozen GB of closed x86 turd.
sbp: "and only xilinx's closed turd knows where they are in the routing fabric" — ugh
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you recall pretty much you ever said about the turd, i never contested.
asciilifeform: pretty much everything i ever said re the turd, is demonstrated true.
asciilifeform: and i am NOT interested in further hacking on cpp turd.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it has sharp edges but afaik it is the best we have short of massive-runtime-turd abominations like haskell.
asciilifeform: for $trillion / turd ?
asciilifeform: dram is a classic 'here take this turd, it is cylindrical just like your old sausage but SO MUCH CHEAPER!1111 moar accessible!111'
asciilifeform: one nitpick: the c201 chromebook he recommends as a potential arm box is a TURD
asciilifeform: how does mircea_popescu even come across such a turd
trinque: for now I'll just turd out a save-lisp-and-die and go from there
trinque: which turd stinks moar?
phf: main reason gpg is turd, because was written for dos and frozen into spec that way. provided functionally is composite and doesn't "do one thing well". instead of freeform key annotation has explicit "name, email, comment" fields, instead of easy way to spawn many keys, has a convoluted key hierarchy, etc.
asciilifeform: phf: one of the big reasons gpg is a turd is the 'keys in dbs' idiocy
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=20-03-2016#1436666 << elisp , and emacs as a whole , suck donkey balls. it is in many ways a microscopic model of how linux sucks, a turd for which NO replacement is available, so it is kept on life support at all costs . ☝︎
asciilifeform: it is a turd incidentally
assbot: Logged on 18-03-2016 19:34:15; asciilifeform: in particular, i believe that satoshi's turd is an abomination and is barely fit for any use at all, and ought to be discarded as soon as a politically reliable alternative exists - but there is no way to infer this from what patches i have signed.
asciilifeform: in particular, i believe that satoshi's turd is an abomination and is barely fit for any use at all, and ought to be discarded as soon as a politically reliable alternative exists - but there is no way to infer this from what patches i have signed. ☟︎
asciilifeform: and i had it, it was a turd
asciilifeform: https://cryptome.org/2016/03/usg-lavabit-unsealed.pdf << mega-turd
davout: trinque: that -0.00020000 comes from the "accounts" mega-turd?
asciilifeform: adlai: who said anything about porting some derp's turd
asciilifeform: so in what sense would it be worth anyone's time to work on satoshi's turd
asciilifeform: it isn't a turd if it is valid.
asciilifeform: (no-turd firmware, full schematics)
asciilifeform: a GRUB2 TURD
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-02-2016#1415319 << lulzy how the nsa turd in arm cpu catches on with the derps, but wintel 'tpm' didn't ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: earlier thread, p. 134 of turd has a chart, claims 1,084 usgrasty applicants with breakdown of why rejected
asciilifeform: the turd, note, did not claim '95% of usians are eligible', claimed that only 5% of ~applicants~ were told to go pound sand
asciilifeform: the great inca pushes every turd that leaves the arse of every llama.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-02-2016#1409548 << laugh, but as a schoolboy i wanted to build exactly this. even wrote lengthy treatise turd concerning it. even bought fpga (and then realized that i have no way to attach it to a board, 0.5mm pitch) ☝︎
adlai: old turd dries hard
BingoBoingo: Oh, no this was tradition bitcoinj SPV turd https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/467oat/sudden_appearance_of_bitcoinj_nodes/
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'rooting' ipnohe is complicated. not in the sense of 'how to do it', it is braindamagedly easy. BUT you have to run a multi-MB closed turd. which installs ???????.
thestringpuller: proves 100% that excel is the biggest turd ever marketed
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i left shiva1 an island to emphasize that it is a heathen and largely unverified turd (tinyscheme)
asciilifeform: https://boingboing.net/2016/02/02/doxxing-sherlock-3.html << since nobody but me read the original pdf turd, here's the circus version
asciilifeform: massive turd
asciilifeform: and in fact it is wrong, because guess what, that turd WON'T SYNC
assbot: Logged on 09-02-2016 15:43:16; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-02-2016#1400348 << this goes to the ancient turd, still has, e.g., irc in it!!111111
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=09-02-2016#1400348 << this goes to the ancient turd, still has, e.g., irc in it!!111111 ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: rather than 100M turd
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Last I checked Angry Birds runs in most turd browsers with user agent set to chrome
ascii_butugychag: incidentally the nist turd linked earlier was pure gold
ben_vulpes: having expectations of the poor turd
BingoBoingo: Turd gets eaten by clover, dies forever when eaten by bunny. Dies forever when eaten by hunter. Bunny becomes turd. repeat
ascii_butugychag: sender would have to crack the turd.
ascii_butugychag: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-02-2016#1396374 << if i can't encrypt a 512byte udp (or file off the protocol number as per gossipd thread) single-packet-hello turd, it's useless ☝︎
BingoBoingo: It's like software. Person puts a lot of effort into something and it still comes out turd.
ascii_butugychag: whole turd worth reading, but for pro entomologists strictly !
ascii_butugychag: you ask for a pgptronic random turd, a la assbot, it gets enciphered to your pubkey (if you are in l1)
mod6: ascii_butugychag: one fix every now and then isn't horrible or anything, id just hate to see the situation (like at usg-like job) where people create a turd, create a PR, and then have to keep chainging the PR until "ready"
ascii_butugychag: mircea_popescu: i disagree that the mega-turd that touches 10,000 lines is justified.
asciilifeform: and turdatron is a turd
ben_vulpes: a well polished bash turd
adlai: slime is a massive turd, most of which is totally irrelevant for shiva (unless bitcoin-os is planned to serve as yet another example of Greenspun's 10th)
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: its "the tor project" they can't fit all of that into a single bozobit. Requires a whole base58 encoded xml bozo turd.
assbot: Logged on 29-01-2016 01:15:23; asciilifeform: or hm, does cpp string class allocate a fresh turd when returning ?
asciilifeform: or hm, does cpp string class allocate a fresh turd when returning ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: plenty of turd world pissholes 'function' on 0 hrs.
adlai: the general goals being - get the data in there, as cheaply as possible, without same standards as http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1490 and some reasonable method to random-access without having to reconstruct the entire turd
assbot: Logged on 23-01-2016 16:09:28; asciilifeform: adding an ~additional~ turd to the ball of shit, is not.
asciilifeform: adding an ~additional~ turd to the ball of shit, is not. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Can roll the window down and jsut drop a turd on the highway
assbot: Logged on 19-12-2015 22:12:24; asciilifeform: IF I CAN'T READ IT IN AN EVENING it is a turd
BingoBoingo: Turd's too long to read really. Just try searching it for names and terms that should be in actual discussions about bitcoin and be astounded when they don't show up.
asciilifeform: where herd, there turd.
asciilifeform: x86 is and was a turd, per se
adlai: have you pressed & rotorated a proper turd yet?
ascii_butugychag: sorta lulzy, how if i didn't have a decade-old turd sitting in ~/emacs/site-lisp, i would never have gone off the reservation and learned about the flycheck crud
mircea_popescu: inept whining to the degree that "people might, and how do we know they won't" and etc are not germane. that's why there's the wot and fore that matter when's the last time you ate soup with a turd in it ?
ascii_butugychag: so ben_vulpes why does xcode take multiple minutes to load a 37 byte 'xml' turd
ascii_butugychag: unlike the intel turd
asciilifeform: this is sorta what happened. symbolics co. had to 'compromise' with the turd vendors
trinque: I'm quite liking the texture of this turd atm
asciilifeform: see obligatory turd, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=132
mircea_popescu: oh, wait. it's a large binary turd that somehow runs as a binary turd on your gentoo ?
asciilifeform: but the turd ~itself~ will not compile c/cpp.
assbot: Logged on 19-11-2015 20:05:06; phf: it's just impressions. i've been looking at a lot of high traction common lisp code (top quicklisp packages) and there's a lot of senseless turd polishing in the past few years. broken interfaces for the sake of "cleanliness", half baked code, needless macros, dependency hell etc. and then you look at the code and it's the same set of aggressive, google employed queergenders.
shinohai: systemd is a turd fr though
mircea_popescu: so much fucking packaging and meta-packaging for, in the end, ~ a hundred pounds of organic turd.