273 entries in 1.788s

mircea_popescu: this necessarily means that every veal returning home will return to a new gate every
time the
man has fixed his.
mircea_popescu: as
time goes by, the first list grows (though the 2nd list doesn't shorten), and so while any cultivared
man of means could be a doctor in 2000, only ~i and such can be de facto "general practitioners" today... wait, nothing's changed.
mircea_popescu: (conversely, of course, one could also wonder "what'd have come of that pet had her ower pointed out to her "look,
this is the illustrated story of a woman your age who left behind a career a coupla notches higher than mine to be used properly." but, as the
man says, it's never too fucking late. until they turn 30, of course, if you've not started fixing them by they
time they tu
trinque: it's idiotic to equate "this
man is loudly saying X is foolhardy" with "X
man is a bitch" every
time it comes up.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-03-04 16:14:16 mircea_popescu: empire does not in any factual sense exist.
man who works 70% of the
time for idiots is === the remaining 30% of that
mp_en_viaje: an' now,
time for a nice long bath ; with a bottle of pelin rosu de urlati (
man... that's something everyone gotta try sometime).
trinque: spent some
time this afternoon with a once proud old
man, now quite close to death. frames things a certain way.
bvt: i kind of remembered that it had something with to do with percentages, this surfaced out mod6's message; when you mentioned that the result is still ~wrong, remembered that it had something to do with "
man who invests X% of
time into empire...", used phf's log for a keyword search.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-03-04 16:14:16 mircea_popescu: empire does not in any factual sense exist.
man who works 70% of the
time for idiots is === the remaining 30% of that
a111: Logged on 2019-03-04 21:14 mircea_popescu: empire does not in any factual sense exist.
man who works 70% of the
time for idiots is === the remaining 30% of that
snsabot: Logged on 2019-03-19 18:52:57 mod6: Because like we discussed before, some paraphrasing "
man puts in 20% of
time is 20% of a
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-12 06:22:11 mp_en_viaje:
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-11#1927780 << I do not expect that's his blog ; item is work of (relatively) well known internet lulzcow, one David Futrelle, a one-
time pick-up artist / big
man leadership dood meanwhile turned on the other side of the "BUT OBVIOUSLY, do we still have to DO this" cvasi-debate.
spyked: logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-09#1926609 <-- incidentally, I started reviewing twin peaks about a month ago. and the part of it that is soap opera has aged horribly, while the part that is "david lynch mindfuck poetry" I still find brilliant. the
man has a way of stirring frustration, I suspect he does it intentionally most of the
time trinque: at any rate no, I'm not doing a
man-month of rework on the thing any
time soon. not standing in the way of anyone else doing it either.
mp_en_viaje: the bitnode notion of a node is about the same as the electoral notion of a "voter" : meaningful for just as long nobody gives a shit. then it's all "m00t won
man of the year".
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that
man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My
time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
mp_en_viaje: (perhaps also worth the mention : soviets have the cult of the memoir, and they generally do a much better, or at least differently broken job than the current ustards, who are similarily afflicted. both kosigin [soviet economic main
man, a sorta ru isarescu] and gromyko [ur-diplomat of teh soviet union, so strong he's
broken into popcult] wrote memoirs ; they're prolly the highest payoff per
time sp
a111: Logged on 2019-06-22 22:01 mircea_popescu: trinque, if everyone includes ebuilds of everything and in a few years'
time everyone's just doing portage because "it's easier,
man" ima be very damn sad.
mircea_popescu: trinque, if everyone includes ebuilds of everything and in a few years'
time everyone's just doing portage because "it's easier,
man" ima be very damn sad.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that
man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My
time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
a111: Logged on 2019-05-31 15:57 asciilifeform: they also have a thing where the captain can point to anyone, 'you!' , and then point to any piece of gear, from reactor to toilet, and demand an account of what are all of the parts, and how it works, in detail. and the pointed
man must pass the exam. if fails, has no moar 'r&r'
time , must study, until passes.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-13 17:54 lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that
man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My
time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
lobbes: I've been doing some hard thinking lately, about what I want in life, and about how I'm way too content with my current living situation in the reich. The problem is that
man can indeed be content ~anywhere. Nevertheless, I find myself being sucked closer and closer to the intake of the mass chumpatron. My
time, my money, my sanity, slowly but surely slipping away with each day
☟︎☟︎☟︎ mp_en_viaje: BingoBoingo, can you do me a solid and fish out the lafond piece where he explains how white dorks think, "black
man asking for the
time hasn't done any overt aggressive act, therefore can't crack him one" ?
a111: Logged on 2019-04-03 21:31 mp_en_viaje: the driver of the error is the desire of having a ~unique~ personality. it is not deemed sufficient, by contemporary
man, to merely have the same personality as the entire tableau of orthodox saints. there's too many of those, see. gotta be unique. as it can't be unique and meaningful at te same
time (think, can it ?)... all that's left is the getting-drunk-on-tapwater "secret parameters".
BingoBoingo: <mp_en_viaje> the driver of the error is the desire of having a ~unique~ personality. it is not deemed sufficient, by contemporary
man, to merely have the same personality as the entire tableau of orthodox saints. there's too many of those, see. gotta be unique. as it can't be unique and meaningful at te same
time (think, can it ?)... all that's left is the getting-drunk-on-tapwater "secret parameters". << On the USG side also likely
mp_en_viaje: the driver of the error is the desire of having a ~unique~ personality. it is not deemed sufficient, by contemporary
man, to merely have the same personality as the entire tableau of orthodox saints. there's too many of those, see. gotta be unique. as it can't be unique and meaningful at te same
time (think, can it ?)... all that's left is the getting-drunk-on-tapwater "secret parameters".
☟︎ mod6: Because like we discussed before, some paraphrasing "
man puts in 20% of
time is 20% of a
mircea_popescu: empire does not in any factual sense exist.
man who works 70% of the
time for idiots is === the remaining 30% of that
☟︎ mircea_popescu: edmond warre (a
man of absolutely no accomplishment, either intellectual or social, but merely an avid ~rowsman~, am activity the deeply ~coerced~ atmosphere at oxford "respected", much in the way sovoks "respected" marx) met pesonally (and sacked) oscar browning (a
man of arguably the greatest intellectual, scholarly, and undoubtedly social accomplishment oxford of his
time -- and perhaps in all
time ever -- knew).
mircea_popescu: and yes mod6 is the mark of all
time, always ready to pay for such a superficial and self-evident scam. cuz he's a well bred midwestern
man whom you can't help but love (notwithstanding the cockroaches can't help but fleece).
mircea_popescu: diana_coman you're very likely right, i expect a major stone on nicole's back was precisely this :
man re-reading has to reconstruct a cognitive structure. cost of this is 0 for
man who's been reading and has it pre-built ; cost is small for
man who lost it, but was there and knows how to build it. cost is immense for
man that tries to learn how to build at the same
time as building.
mircea_popescu: see, here's how it is : two white
man tribes, consisting of "the germans that stayed home" and "the germans that went over ocean" finally got together and built nuke, at the
time highest mankind achievement.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the guy has a solid point, continuing with the "soviet republic is actual republic" notions became well impossible for thinking
man in the 50s. the whole trotsky thing hadn't done it, but by the
time of hungartian uprising...
mircea_popescu: is this like that
time kramer saved the half-
man half-pig army mutant ?
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-20#1864516 << it is a fact that arab
man makes the best friend ; wanna-be humans (like say russkis) manage to emulate this inb software, but usually takes lengthy prison stint together / trench
time / whatever such exceptional circumstance. otherwise... rare.
☝︎ bvt: I was
man-aloning for quite some
time mod6: I used to collaborate much more with the
man, but he's been afk for quite some
a111: Logged on 2018-09-22 22:25 mircea_popescu: i can't conceive of what sort of building made by civilised
man since the
time of silken breeches could possibly be harmed by fire.
mircea_popescu: i can't conceive of what sort of building made by civilised
man since the
time of silken breeches could possibly be harmed by fire.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: was a pleasant, well-informed
man; but when he never comes to an end, or has one and the same prose every
time you meet him, or keeps you standing till you are fit to sink, or holds you fast when you wish to keep an engagement, or hinders you listening to important conversation,-- then there is no mistake, the truth bursts on you, apparent diræ facies, you are in the clutches of a bore. You may yield, or you may flee; you ca
Mocky: well ok then help me understand this: i have 'book of useful recipes' composed partial of code that I wrote *with* other intelligent people and partially of things that i just just wrote personally to simplify my own common tasks and found useful over a long period of
time. is the latter portion '
man alone' ?
mircea_popescu: it ain't 2000 anymore, when /b/ decided
man of the year to be m00t.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, without the fritz chips, the situation is 1trn "users" whose router pwd is admin, and then m00t's horde owning
time magazine's "
man of the year" competition.
mircea_popescu: consider the illustrative case of art. so a
man gets an itch, and as a result of this itch in due
time comes an item.
mod6: Now what is a waste of
time, for me, is this lisp/sexp shit. For instance, lastnight it cost us 2
man hours. 1 for me, 1 for ben who had to take me through the entire rockchip lisp thing that he created.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-14#1813129 << in recent trilema terms one could say it captures the moment where patriarchy gave way to matriarchy in one
man's mind and coincidentally at the same
time in that
man's country. this is not altogether a lossy summary, and it betrays literary value in the work.
☝︎ ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: believable political careers take
time to fabricate. schniederman mighta been a someone in some other context, but what's his replacement? another "first $minoritygroup to NYAG"? even diehard leftists are not so bullish on firsts after the first black
man to run the show gleefully doubletapped weddings for his entire stay in the whitehouse.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, remember that
time we needed like 100kgs worth of sheet metal profiles, ended up having to fly them over with white
man's airship because local orcs can't bend metal along predetermined lines ?
BingoBoingo: A
man on a gruelling mission acquires one McGuffin which will allow him to finally rest, and begins a race against
time as the forces of socialism and fake humanitarian scammers align against him.
hanbot: oh
man, you have any idea how much
time you prolly just saved me? phew
mod6: BingoBoingo: re !!down that
man. I don't have
time to read through all this nonsense to pick out 3 important lines to pizarro.
mircea_popescu: to him, it's not worth to take three seconds of his own
time to think $random item through ; but to him it is also worth taking three days of another
time (and often enough, the misfortunate other
man is he himself!) to do nothing in particular with them.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-17 04:31 mircea_popescu: mod6 you are talking to a
man who spent his
time dicking about and as a result is getting delorded.
mircea_popescu: mod6 you are talking to a
man who spent his
time dicking about and as a result is getting delorded.
☟︎ mod6: <+ben_vulpes> oh
man, i would really like to learn to surf << i'll never forget the first
time i caught a wave. something very zen about the whole experience.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-21 23:26 douchebag: Thanks
man, I've been spending a lot of my
time focusing on security research and helping others get involved in the InfoSec community. I have a pretty decent resume compared to most people I go to college with because I have a pretty decent amount of experience, and when it comes to InfoSec jobs experience is probably the most important factor for most employers
douchebag: Thanks
man, I've been spending a lot of my
time focusing on security research and helping others get involved in the InfoSec community. I have a pretty decent resume compared to most people I go to college with because I have a pretty decent amount of experience, and when it comes to InfoSec jobs experience is probably the most important factor for most employers
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-01-17 22:29 asciilifeform: aha. mircea_popescu also at one
time was a maths
BingoBoingo: Well, After scouring the world Hong Kong would have required demasiado racks to support human presence near the datacenter, Brazil's visa process involved too much
time and bullshit, and Uruguay is like "cool
man, whatever"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the ideal of the soviet
man of science is that until such a
time as every last soviet citizen can follow brin the elder, no brin the elder should speak ?
mircea_popescu: i can't answer for others, but i, a
man with no particular place to go and no specific
time to be there, find in general the approach endlessly entertaining. go into a two day loop through whatever lang's dict after having read a phrase in some classical work.
mircea_popescu: at the
time they still had the draft ; i was dodging it. people were like ... "hey, there's this special military unit, we get whores and liquor delivered by the truck weekly, you gotta come
mircea_popescu: but the important point isn't "the people", those don't matter. the important point is that mylord newton, an otherwise busy
man, did take
time out of penning his alchemical considerations to point out to impudent
man servant that if the boots don't need to be shined every night, the manservant doesn't need to be fed ever day, either. DID TAKE THE
midnightmagic: lol I swear I was reading them almost that whole
time man... oh. Gad dangit.
mircea_popescu: the proposition that there existed black woman in the
time discussed who didn't similarily bask in "omfg, WHITE
MAN!!! is scratching me between the legs" is out and out ridiculous anachronism.
mircea_popescu: you know not what you speak of, my
man. and this
time it's sad. go look at the art of the past would you!
a111: Logged on 2017-09-12 00:53 asciilifeform: shinohai: the comp is a machine that MUST ADAPT TO THE
MAN, rather than the
man to the comp. which is why it is infuriating idiocy , when an op that is done 9000
time daily ( say parens ) lives behind a metakey, while microshitian idiocies like 'printscreen' get own key
mircea_popescu: this is always an unfair comparison for the esltards, because all other languages being spoken by
man over
time have built in ridiculous protectors.
mircea_popescu: and that
time man walked into goat herd, picked fattest kid, slit his throat and splashed everyone in blood was you know "never proven to have happened" hurr durr.
mircea_popescu: for instance : usg released a convicted felon / ndrngheta
man (sony vleisides) for the purpose of pulling a "we build asic miners" scam in bitcoin to buy nsa enough
time to make some themselves.
phf: we have a particular friend hoe. she's fucked up most of the
time (alcohol and psychedelics), traveled across the world off the money she makes. running joke is that she's taken over by ishtar, and she's having all these crazy amazing experiences while being only half conscious of it. "got fucked up in mumbai, ended up in a hat of a holy
man in himalayas. good lay. xoxo" etc.
a111: Logged on 2016-03-23 23:35 mircea_popescu: 2 requires the
man who just saw the product of his not-inconsequential efforts die over "not doing what mp says, with money" have to choose whether to do what mp says... but with people, this
time. we did in fact start this channel together, just like bitbet, and he did do a lot of infrastructure work here, just as there. so... what do ?
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: you're a
man ahead of your
time, even if your idealism keeps you from seizing golden opportunities.
mircea_popescu: if anyone's curious, the "drakula" thing is phonetic misnotation. the guy's father, vlad, was surnamed dracul /drakul/. drac means devil in modern romanian, but it also meant dragon at the
time (1400s). dracul is articled form, -ul is how you make "the x" from "an x". the
man got the surname because of german decoration he wore, which to locals looked like dragon.
Framedragger: to reframe into a pragmatic context, my log doesn't and won't for the
time being (busy af) have search. as regards its formal status, i don't know
man, but i'll just keep maintaining it :)
Framedragger: (okay apparently if your cpu supports 'constant_tsc' (as seen in cpuinfo) then this timestamp counter actually counts
time and not processor ticks which is a *good thing* given freq scaling etc.; this is available in all new intel processors; what a rabbit hole,
mircea_popescu: that died at a
time orwell was a young
man. this dude's murican from the island.
ben_vulpes: nevertheless, a
man in my wot republished it and so i did not have to go looking for it myself when the
time came.