hanbot: oh, fun. i'll investigate, meanwhile it should read properly on the index
hanbot: i think it and heathrow are my least favorite.
hanbot: there's a lounge ($50 entry, cc only) where it works, heh.
hanbot: possibly the fast food fumes interfere
BingoBoingo: Panama airport was a very exciting 45 minutes of my life
mircea_popescu: ^ proofread item again, fixed like two dozen byte errors, so. reload if you're reading prior version.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-13 14:31 asciilifeform: the simon and speck thing was egregiously funny because they were published 'for lulz', 'maybe someone will pick up this toy', rather than mandated somewhere
mircea_popescu: just in time because we have these tough customers running out of reading material >D
mircea_popescu: "While no one has directly accused the NSA of inserting backdoors"
mircea_popescu: hey, world also is full of terminal cancer patients going "lalala my cancer went away"
hanbot: <asciilifeform> hanbot: on my display , the article is about an inch wide ( photos also squashed ) << fixed nao. thanks for reporting!
mod6: asciilifeform: panamacityairport was that bad?
mod6: site is looking good too - everything working as it should be now?
hanbot: pretty much. header and footer are off by one pixel but i'm saving that fix for next time i feel all ocd. i'm very happy with the hosting!
mod6: Alright, good to hear. :]
mod6: mircea_popescu's thorn/winged-paratrooper boob stinging story; reminds me of a time I was cutting down a tree and a wasps nest was in there - it was hot out and I had my shirt off. the fuckers flew down my pants, stung me in the ass like a hundred times.
mod6: oh boy, i found out indeed.
mod6: had me jumping over a fence and running, stripping off all my clothes.
mod6: after getting hosed down, went back to work.
mod6: i dont have pics, which i totally regret not taking, but this past february I found a giant (think, basketball size) paperwasp nest in one of my huge Silver Maple trees. Had it cut down. That thing looked like it was gonna have a mega-count of the bastards.
mod6: Thing landed in the snow, and I quickly used a hockey stick to shove it into a contractor bag. Nothing flew out -- but they say that the larve somehow survive the cold up here.
mod6: wow, this is quite the accounting of these beasts
trinque: wtf. you're using format?! yet used uiop, but didn't bother to use their escape-shell-token ?
spyked: the post doesn't purport to be a guide in correct common lisp programming (issues with those functions are explicitly discussed at the end). anyway, trinque, what's wrong with format?
☟︎ spyked: (other than the issues mentioned in the post)
trinque: I dunno why anyone would write a blog post proposing "shell out" and then omit the proper handling of inputs as out of article scope
☟︎ spyked: only one reason: brevity. had I solved this, then I would also have to solve "GPG error codes" and all the other problems that GPGME solves. the point was to avoid this complexity altogether for what I'm doing.
spyked: anyway, thanks for the escape-shell-token tip trinque, I'm looking into it and will update the post.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-09-15 15:08 phf: i think asdf is evil, version 3 is doing some straight up systemd shit. for those who don't know asdf 3 comes with fare's own portability layer called uiop, which in a very systemd agressive and underhanded style is superseding existing utility libraries.
spyked: good to know, I'll add an example using sbcl's run-program. iirc drakma (or one of the libraries it depends on) forced me to update to asdf3 because of uiop dependency, when getting cl-feed-parser to run.
☟︎☟︎ spyked: pretty good, learning new things about the common lisp environment. :)
mod6: Right on, I'm just reading your post here. :]
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-27#1805906 << asdf3 is pretty much standard in all the lisps right now, you have to go out of the way to downgrade. at the very least avoid implicit uiop dependency and declare it in your asdf file (this is by the way even fare's recommendation, but people ignore it "oh i have asdf3, means i can just throw a sneak uiop:foo all over my code)
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-04-27 13:34 spyked: good to know, I'll add an example using sbcl's run-program. iirc drakma (or one of the libraries it depends on) forced me to update to asdf3 because of uiop dependency, when getting cl-feed-parser to run.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-27 12:59 spyked: the post doesn't purport to be a guide in correct common lisp programming (issues with those functions are explicitly discussed at the end). anyway, trinque, what's wrong with format?
spyked: I understand that, I even put an example of command injection in the post. I thought there was some other reason.
phf: but you don't even have to jump through the hoops of escaping, most lisp's run program implementations, uiop including, support passing in command as a list of strings, which are in turn handled properly by the underlying machinery
phf: alternative approach is e.g. (uiop/run-program:run-program (list "ls" "/"))
spyked: anyway, I've learned a few useful things today and I'm adding them as (hopefully brief!) updates :D
trinque first says "ohey p.bvulpes has lisp highlighting!" then "oh wait, lack of escaping as a feature"
trinque: it's a good example and a bad example all in one
spyked: neat phf, I had no idea that was possible. I was going to add some assert/check-type calls anyway though.
trinque: isn't "rm -rf /" the correct type?
lobbes: Neato spyked. I'm sure I'll be putting your guide to practical use once it comes time to implement the self-voicing bit of the eventual tickerbot I'm building
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-04-26 19:35 asciilifeform: the d00d throwing away his sores, is classical 'назло кондуктору: куплю билет пойду пешком!' analchild maculae
a111: Logged on 2018-04-27 13:20 spyked: anyway, thanks for the escape-shell-token tip trinque, I'm looking into it and will update the post.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-27 13:34 spyked: good to know, I'll add an example using sbcl's run-program. iirc drakma (or one of the libraries it depends on) forced me to update to asdf3 because of uiop dependency, when getting cl-feed-parser to run.
mircea_popescu: the crime and the punishment are indistinguishable in all divine systems.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Definitely. The right fellow wins.
BingoBoingo: Of course pantsuit will retcon it with a sequel
BingoBoingo: But Provided this is taken as the end of the story, it is the right ending
BingoBoingo: I'm used to seeing It spelled in my head as Trump, thusly fixed
BingoBoingo: A man on a gruelling mission acquires one McGuffin which will allow him to finally rest, and begins a race against time as the forces of socialism and fake humanitarian scammers align against him.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-27 13:00 trinque: I dunno why anyone would write a blog post proposing "shell out" and then omit the proper handling of inputs as out of article scope
jurov: no idea why common lisp is so obtuse about it
trinque: jurov: can't blame the forklift when it runs over the operator
jurov: i mean, execve does not mutilate any parameters passed to it
jurov: because it does not execute shell but the command directly
jurov: lisp calls shell with command and parameters. Shell then splits the parameters (and expands variables and many other things uncalled for) and pass them to execve syscall anyway.
mircea_popescu thought both exec and execve are ~same, except one passes a list.
lobbes: I thought he meant to cut out the shell middleman entirely and just directly call execve()?
trinque: even if some other wrapper is using only shellout, has to be firing up that shell *somehow*, right?
jurov: trinque: i dun parse
jurov: No, you don't need shell to execute other programs.
trinque: that is not what I said, at all.
jurov: so what did you say?
jurov: trinque (run-program "ls" '() :SEARCH T)
jurov: for example, if sbcl ran the command using shell, this would have side effect of actually running touch: (run-program "ls" '("`touch /tmp/evil`") :SEARCH T)
trinque: huh. that's pretty sad then.
trinque: I don't see an extra shell in there, unless they hand-off via "exec"
trinque: (run-program "/bin/dd" '("if=/dev/zero")) << I see nothing but sbcl with dd for child
trinque: mircea_popescu: I mean the shell command, only way I can conceive ^ happening if it is indeed using the shell
trinque: jurov: looks to me like that :search parameter is indeed evil, DWIMs and runs in shell
trinque: whether the thing has a "bite your dick off" switch, or bites your dick off by default, either way discussing degree of idiocy, I fully agree.
BingoBoingo: ^ trump's second term is coming along nicely if his bodily integrity holds up
BingoBoingo: They were promised laser spears and flying rocket Pyramids. USG.Disney fucked up not aligning Wakanda with our hero Thanos.
mircea_popescu: apparently the 1970s "black men know how to organize la revolucion innately, instinctively, and only" nonsense that impelled inepty prisses a la hillary rodham to her ultimate impalement on a stake of lulz are still with them!
mircea_popescu: they actually believe black men are somehow demographically relevant, god bless their souls.
BingoBoingo: #woke >> "Black Lives Matter wishes to appeal to the moral nature of a people that have shown no signs of having a moral compass. Hoteps believe this is assinine. Black Lives Matter would rather complain about the damage the “white man” has done to their communities instead of fixing the issues themselves. BLM wishes to protest and Hoteps do not. BLM will not acknowledge the black on black crime in the community while Hoteps do.
BingoBoingo: BLM does not believe that black economics will cure many of the black communities problems and Hoteps have reason to believe otherwise."
BingoBoingo: Well, In USSA they are good for enough of a swing to make more than enough laffs
mircea_popescu: why not pick the mexicans to be your salvation, at least the shorties like to work.
mircea_popescu: and there's just as irrelevantly but slightly more of them.
BingoBoingo: The Mexicans like to work, inevitably turn great again. That's why Pantsuit is trying to lure the ones who didn't come to work in 1960-2004 in now.
mircea_popescu: i suppose the nonsense does have some batshit internal logic.
BingoBoingo: It has a rough skeleton. Like a big tent. Liek their own metaphor.
BingoBoingo will confess to seeing the first English language (spanish subtitles) showing of what the authors call "Avengers: Infinity War" Eating one of the local "magic" baked goods T-1 hour before showing, and spending most of the time Thanos wasn't gloating over a WOT filter for this balancing
BingoBoingo: The theater was filled with young Uruguayos who *clapped* when their favorites appeared on screen. (I have since been told clapping because things happen in movies is normal here) Thusly I clapped when their favorites died at the hands of my favorite.
BingoBoingo: And yes, the quality of CGI has fallen dramatically over the past 10 years. A good chunk of the film was dominated by video game characters pasted onto a map made out of what the real cameras captured.
mircea_popescu: i've yet to see one of those cgi wonders. but it's pretty obvious when they switch, like say in grande belezza, when those flamingos show up, the sky is supposed to bhe like whatever, sky-of-rapture i guess
BingoBoingo: Complete with clothing that moved like... video game shit. Clothes moving in unison with the silhouette instead of like cloth.
BingoBoingo: The rotoscope detail on the faces, but.. when asked how much of the clothed torso should animators have to track the execs answered "none"
BingoBoingo: ben_vulpes: this is a pronounced backslide compared to the CGI in 2003's Hulk movie
mircea_popescu: this "could revolutionize" is by now how jews say "bullshit not worth reading". it's a sort of rel=nofollow for zeks.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> but it totally looks like sky-of-bits << The great lulz in is how much effort they put into te skys, faces, and armor yet revert to common failure modes on... Shirts!
BingoBoingo: In other lulz this week, a born and breed Uruguayo approached me this week asking advice on doing business with Norte Americanos this week. He was completely confounded that Gringos del Norte do not want to wait until after 3-4 skype "meetings" before making a decision. I explained I am in LATAM for reasons, but it would be to his advantage to streamline his shit so he is ready to sell it when the customer is ready to buy
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: He and an few other Uruguayos do website renovations
BingoBoingo: He was not the fellow who earlier inquired on what sort of shared hosting prices I could offer that might sway him from the under 3 USD a month contract he entered into "Hostgator". That was a Redhat JVM developer.
BingoBoingo is accepting his role as zoo animal, living amongst the others.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: This was actually asked in February. Right before my logistics fail. And yes he has greasy rat hair.
BingoBoingo suggested he buy a cheap-o refurb tower and then walked him through space power math.
BingoBoingo: After I put in some effort trying to teach them to say nigger
BingoBoingo: But if they are Loros that would explain why I occasionally hear "Todo bien" coming from los arboles
BingoBoingo: Those are the little green ones. I am going to see.
BingoBoingo: Cool, then next week gotta teach them to meme
mircea_popescu: it's not a natural functuionm, you realise, like fucking. gotta spend time to TEACH THEM.
douchebag: Have you guys seen the BGP hijack that allowed a bunch of peopels Ethereum to be stolen?
douchebag: it's working - still getting used to Gentoo
douchebag: Haven't really worked much with Gentoo so it's a bit of learning
mircea_popescu: but why would he lol. box is there to test on already.