mod6: asciilifeform BingoBoingo : Can you guys address Mr. Popescu's request above here ^. I haven't the slightest idea on that stuff.
mod6 goes to catch up on ze l0gz
mod6: Ok, so I think I can help with this here too -- as soon as we have an SSH key. There is a script to do at least the useradd part of this, which I can attempt to run with the given key.
mod6: Whomever the user is, must also be in the wot as part of the script requires that the executor to enter in a password for the user, then PGP encrypting that temporary password to the user in the WoT.
mod6: I'm not sure if this is all that is required to setup wpmp though. I'm going to guess not.
mod6: ben_vulpes: can you fill in the gaps here ^?
mod6 goes back to reading the log
BingoBoingo: In other mine finds, "Redactora Freelance" is a things n>=1 girl uses to describe her latina job
mod6: finally caught up here.
mod6: mircea_popescu: Do you wish to have all the shared env stuff setup through you, or is this lady going to sign-up in the WoT herself?
mircea_popescu: gimme a day, she's in hot water over unrelated happenings atm.
mod6: That's fine, gives us a chance to get my other question answered re wpmp. Just let us know. :]
mod6: Anyway, I'm gonna crash. night!
lobbesbot: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
Mocky: good morning mod6, how goes?
mod6: I did watch that video, Mocky.
Mocky: what did you think?
mod6: It was a pretty informative overview of the design of STL. Guy was pretty good, had some funny points. The government regulation part made me recoil a bit.
mod6: It wasn't a waste of an hour and a half.
Mocky: this guy is the him, ru dude
mircea_popescu: everyone's fucked in the head with the whole kanzure nonsense.
mircea_popescu: not even that, more like "oh, the lords of the empire spake to us! all kneel!!!"
mod6: asciilifeform: he mentioned at some point later in the video that software had gotten to such a horrible point (totally correct on that; this is in 2002), that the goverment should step in and regulate all of these things.
mircea_popescu: (i expect everyone's familiar with the tale of Klein Zaches genannt Zinnober ?)
Mocky: stepanov strikes me as guy trying to do the right thing for a library to be used by millions of programs, while also being resigned to the shityness of c++ and of average developer
Mocky: haven't heard of klein tale
mircea_popescu: the shittiness of the "average human" is a large driver of shit, in those who deign to consider it.
Mocky: german's greek to me
mircea_popescu never heard of haldane fellow, but check him out, website and everything
Mocky: i agree re average developer. stepanov says i video that 1% should write library and 99% should just use. but that's bs. if 99% don't know algos or time complexity, then shouldn't be trusted with anything
a111: Logged on 2018-06-27 23:41 asciilifeform: generally -- the industrialist saw the artisan as a headache, and killed him. nao we get to 'enjoy' the fruits of de-artisan'ed industry.
mircea_popescu: Mocky there's this naive 1990s humanism whereby "the average mankind" will "make an encyclopedia" and "usher in a renaissance" etc. there's this hallucinatory notion of a certain kind of hipster utopian mind, whereby "people need tools for their private projects".
mircea_popescu: that nobody has any such thing is simply not a bit of banal obviousness these overexcited morons ever stopped to consider.
mircea_popescu: yes, if out of 300mn cattle in the 50 contiguous states 287mn or so "hacked" shit together on their crapples then "99% just use".
a111: Logged on 2017-09-02 21:35 asciilifeform: they luvvv their blackbody
Mocky: the deskilling goes hand in hand with proliferation of library-ism and github-ism. library in reality is the natural outcome of experienced practitioner isolating code that has no business freely mixing with other code. for use primarily by same person. but today the 99% see library as opaque boxes meant to pile up and put a little shit pile of new code on top
Mocky: mix code was considered library? lol
mircea_popescu: Mocky used to be called "script kiddies", the sort that "1. found this snippet online ; 2. tried it ; 3. decided it works"
Mocky: and speaking of fortran, deskilling also goes hand in hand with the john backus vision of "algebra of programs" snap together lego coding
mircea_popescu: Mocky he has a point, "library" is oreilly-ism. before the free/open source struggle for power, it was rather a teaching tool.
mircea_popescu: the expectation was you understand the algorithms and reimplement them, much the way V is designed to work.
Mocky: i agree 'book of useful recipes' useful to and created by practitioners
mircea_popescu: which is why the current "library" model has inherited the problem of interfacing : they're literally trying to call code from a book and it has problems
mircea_popescu: back when someone last thought about this, "calling paradigm" wasn't even a problem, because you weren't supposed to fucking call it, you were supposed to READ it.
Mocky: difference between shared library and personal library
mircea_popescu: but "we've all moved on" & "progressed past that" (thanks hilary!) and so now... they've got the problem of prototypes etc.
BingoBoingo: In other channels, apparently the skull bird on penis branch made a cumback
mircea_popescu: Mocky no, that's a different concern. you familiar with the "people with needles" theory ?
Mocky: doesn't sound familiar
mircea_popescu: "the fewer people wielding needles they encounter, the more capable they are of living in, and building upon, their soap bubble world"
mircea_popescu: you're supposed to share libraries with thinking people so they can point out to you the obvious stupid. this is unrelated to the "you're not supposed to fucking call this as a function, you're supposed to read it as an algorithm, understant it, and implement it yourself"
mircea_popescu: having somebody there who calls you a moron is unpleasant enough ; but not having them and by consequence not having any way to guess just how far off left field you slid... well... that's actually worse.
mircea_popescu: i like how topics of conversation in #trilema are meta-stable, one can safely discuss whatever it is they were discussing without fear the convo will morph into completely unpredictable somethingelse within a dozen lines.
Mocky: whether you expose yourself to inteligent feedback is orthogonal to if you make some code into a library, no?
mircea_popescu: Mocky this is the core of the discussion : if it's orthogonal then you're doing it wrong, and also using the wrong symbol. the fucking point of library is exactly exposure to intelligent feedback ; NOT "a substitute way of writing code allowing you to call from books"
mircea_popescu: THEN at said moment it switched into "here kids, i have this magical method to call books into programs now". these two aren't at all the same thing ; moreover, only one is useful to actual people.
mircea_popescu: the post-clinton america, intellectually as well as factually, is only useful to orcs&niggers anymore ; and pointedly not any longer useful to people.
mircea_popescu: i'm making a rhetorical point, it doesn't survive so well minute analysis.
Mocky: well ok then help me understand this: i have 'book of useful recipes' composed partial of code that I wrote *with* other intelligent people and partially of things that i just just wrote personally to simplify my own common tasks and found useful over a long period of time. is the latter portion 'man alone' ?
Mocky: some is in production and was reviews by team members, others are more toolish and have not
Mocky: famous publisher of maffs and alchemy
mircea_popescu: right, that being the trap. "oh, he was physicist" "how do you know this ?"
mircea_popescu: in point of fact, newton was alchemist with strong religious notions WHO ALSO DID some math and published some physics observations. but AS A RESULT and FOR THE PURPOSE of his teological and alchemical studies.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-16 15:41 mircea_popescu: "when you read a text and can distinguish the absurdities it contains from the actual sense, you may claim you have an anachronistic understanding of the matter ; but when you read the text and clearly see the ~necessity~ of the absurdities, their fundamentally-required-ness, and the circumstantialness of the sense, you may claim meaningful understanding of the item" as the witticism goes.
mircea_popescu: so then : he, like you, also had "partial of code that I wrote *with* other intelligent people and partially of things that i just just wrote personally to simplify my own common tasks and found useful over a long period of time"
mircea_popescu: in point of fact, infinitesimal calculus was exactly this, never published as such but merely used, "by the claw we know the lion" etc. you familiar with all that ?
Mocky: not the last point
mircea_popescu: there was a problem circulated by the swiss circle of mathematicians, which he elegantly solved (anonymously). except they saw right through the anonymity, because doh, and begged him to select and publish the infinitesimal calculus method, lest someone else steals it.
mircea_popescu: very much tmsr problems, smack drab in the middle ages.
mircea_popescu: 1600s, whatever, "renaissance" amirite. as fucking if, in england. aaanyways.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the problems were 1. to determine the brachistochrone, and 2. to find a curve such that if any line drawn from a fixed point O cut it in P and Q then OP^n + OQ^n would be constant.
Mocky: in '99 I and 2 others wrote a web framework in java for use in our company's products, no such published thing was extant. shortly after someone else published identical item named 'struts', not stolen merely obvious solution. I then watched the published 'struts' turn into ever bigger piles of shit year over year and suffered job interviewers probing my knowledge of 'struts' and i think that quite colored my
Mocky: thinking on sharing code
mircea_popescu: hey, newton never published FOR REASONS rather than by neglect.
mircea_popescu: without a formal AND FORMALIZED republic it's fucking hard for people to handle the orc pressure
mircea_popescu: for instance, do you know why it has walls, and how they were ever used ?
mircea_popescu: fortress. so the people inside can fire cannon upon the peasants outside. because this fucking reason.
mircea_popescu: this being yet another aspect of the problems of man alone. absent a fortress where to do it, he's stuck solving some kinds of problems in some kinds of ways only.
mircea_popescu: which i suspect may actually be the principal destabilizing factor historically, driving the error generation process.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-20 21:06 asciilifeform: for a laugh, look some time for spectrum analyzer on lulazon. will find 9000 'homeopathic' boxes for 'finding the cia mind control rays'.
Mocky: comforting fairy tales? to what does that refer?
mircea_popescu: the problem in the time of newton was a bunhc of morons wanting to "burn down the sorcery".
mircea_popescu: the problem in the time of darwin, however, was a bunch of morons trying to persuade him of their wisdom.
mircea_popescu: ie, monarchy got meanwhile overwhelmed by "democracy", so the moron mind was "in charge" so it dispensed largesse instead of trying to attack thought outright.
mircea_popescu: precisely how supposedly thinking people ended up writing papers on "global warming" and whatnot. grants amirite ? the COMFORT.
mircea_popescu: "why should i make a correct tool when could just use this thing available next day for 9.95 ?"
mircea_popescu: 20% to research, 80% to phrasing research results "in such a way as to not..."
Mocky: ftr, oxford sounds pretty badass
Mocky had pictured some savile row gents taking afternoon tea between lectures
mircea_popescu: (not for me as much as for these fine fellows, they still like their middle earth etc)
BingoBoingo: Well, a lot of people struck with the mumps here were in their 30s which suggests stretching the vaccine out may be a fairly common thing here
mircea_popescu: the problem further compounded by the fact contemporary vaccine IS work of devil.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-20 20:59 mircea_popescu: just normal toothpaste.
phf: << little known fact: slime's architecture was originally implemented in a similar project for erlang called distel, by the same author luke gorrie. lukego also wrote an emacs clone in erlang and tcp/ip stack in cmucl.
☝︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-08-20 23:36 asciilifeform: dour swedish 1980s industrial item, with a very brief ameri-renaissance in 2000s
phf: i'm alive, i had a busy few weeks
a111: Logged on 2018-05-19 18:36 asciilifeform: the closest runner-up contender was standard ml, but it demands a ~MB-sized runtime , and imposes gc , nobody is ever stuffing it into 32kB.
Mocky: asciilifeform, what's the problem with gc in this context?
Mocky: time i can see. space i don't see. max stack + max heap hard space bound, no?
Mocky: so then do you have to contend also with e.g. linux process scheduler?
phf: re upstack gotta see how small an erlang vm can really be made. to some extent that work is going to be done with the whole tmsr scripting language direction, where we have different vm's explored on a cutting table.
phf: this is for scripting though, the constraints are presumably not as tight. also gc is a kind of outer bound of a problem, can usually be special cased on a case by case. e.g. in erlang's case you can do region based allocation per process: cons as much as you want, collect everything when process dies.
☟︎ phf: (apparently erlang does that already. gc is a per-process, everything's collected when the process dies, but a very traditional gc can be enabled or disabled also per process. apparently you can also specify process's heap size on allocation, and do things when that heap fills up)
Mocky: cons is malloc for lisp, or is more meant by that?
phf: Mocky: it's an affectation, old time lispers used to refer to any kind of allocation as consing, but in c terms the implication there is malloc + whatever collection facility, not just a fire and forget malloc
mod6: BingoBoingo: eitherway, terrible news :/
BingoBoingo: It's a tale as old as time. Chicken company went bankrupt. Food gets low during a cold snap while the paperwork to get more food is en tramite. Chickens starve
mod6: hate to see that kinda waste
BingoBoingo: At least its only a five figure number of chickens. My initial thought was 10x that.
ben_vulpes: i say, this coordinated attack on the republic is underimpressive
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-08-21 18:26 phf: this is for scripting though, the constraints are presumably not as tight. also gc is a kind of outer bound of a problem, can usually be special cased on a case by case. e.g. in erlang's case you can do region based allocation per process: cons as much as you want, collect everything when process dies.
a111: Logged on 2018-08-21 20:13 ben_vulpes: i say, this coordinated attack on the republic is underimpressive
mod6: you grounding a mega-cage or what?