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mp_en_viaje: (perhaps also worth the mention : soviets have the cult of the memoir, and they generally do a much better, or at least differently broken job than the current ustards, who are similarily afflicted. both kosigin [soviet economic main man, a sorta ru isarescu] and gromyko [ur-diplomat of teh soviet union, so strong he's broken into popcult] wrote memoirs ; they're prolly the highest payoff per time sp
asciilifeform: there's a sov-legend re how hrusch send to cuba a boat of cows, as gift. unsurprisingly -- all died within weeks, not being of a breed that can stomach the tropics. then coupla yrs later on official visit, gromyko asks to see the herd. is told 'they cannot take the sun, we pasture'em at night'. skeptical, but let matter drop.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well, chomski is getting out of usa about as much as gromyko
mircea_popescu: poor gromyko. he's like in half the jokes isn't he.
asciilifeform: eventually reached gromyko, who grumbled (su was signatory to 'anti-slavery convention') but managed to hush it up
mircea_popescu: of course, with gromyko