600+ entries in 0.871s

vice forgot to include that ethereum transactions are indeed reverseable, but only when core developers lose money.
mircea_popescu: "hey, baby, what you doin' sat night ? wanna come to YACHT ?!?!" she's more likely to break her pomodoro dinner date to go on a yacht than
vice versa. then it's a "well, i'm horny and there's only one dick here, i guess i like this guy. else i'm a whore. i'm totally not a whore though, so i really like him."
BingoBoingo: Upon reflection motorcycle is probably healthier
vice than drugging
phf`: “First-Ever LSD Microdosing Study Will Pit the Human Brain Against AI (
Framedragger: whoops sorry, thought i'd stab in dark as that info was on wiki in that order. morning star prolly just copypasted from it. or
vice versa, hard to tell these days
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-28#1649659 << the principal problem with this "multivariate regression" bs-chasing is that desirable traits almost never correlate with marginal traits. it may be true that intelligent (more to the point, "successful"-juju) people are ~taller than~ average population. however, the outer edges of tallness will not contain the outer edges of good-juju, and
vice-versa. to make the point practical,
☝︎ mircea_popescu: by and large, if there's a gps there's not a war and
vice-versa. they're entirely and without remainder mutually exclusive.
mircea_popescu: anyway. this is what i currently use to epxlain random string production, like "motherboard.
vice.com/en_us/article/the-large-bitcoin-collider-is-generating-trillions-of-keys-and-breaking-into-wallets" or like
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-14#1643409 or everything in between
☝︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform
vice is literally, precisely and exactly a google spam device, like taboola or whatever.
mircea_popescu: consequently,
vice finds it +ev in those terms to maintain an item spuriously named "motherboard" in which to publish stuff like "the wallet collider consisting of a guy plucking wings off flies and dropping the maimed insect carcasses on his exposed glans penis."
a111: Logged on 2017-02-24 17:52 mircea_popescu: ahaha oh this is delishious. "My work has appeared in LA Weekly,
Vice, Curbed, Complex, ANIMALS, The Daily Dot, and LosAngeles.com" << dork quit law school because tucker max said to and is now a relationships advicerist.
mircea_popescu: if it's valuable then not everyone can do it and
mircea_popescu: the reason man is the head of household is that he can do juyst fine without woman ; not
mircea_popescu: ahaha oh this is delishious. "My work has appeared in LA Weekly,
Vice, Curbed, Complex, ANIMALS, The Daily Dot, and LosAngeles.com" << dork quit law school because tucker max said to and is now a relationships advicerist.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-01-31 15:07 asciilifeform: in other monkeystan chatter, 'Pence is sane enough to oppose rash acts involving, say, the evisceration of all U.S. military alliances, or America's first use of nuclear weapons - and presumably, if things got bad enough, other Trump cabinet members might also be inclined to oust their boss and replace him with his
vice president. Congress would have to acquiesce in a permanent 25th Amendment
mircea_popescu: people aren't objects and
vice versa, you gotta context switch.
ben_vulpes: and i do not see this "trump vs republicans" thing. he saved the party, the old cripples are on their way out and he'll be either
vice president in 8 years or speaker of the house.
mircea_popescu: good brothel = many whores, small building. not
vice-versa. that's called "beachfront property".
mircea_popescu: anyway, the trade in women was the first, historically, and throughout history in aggregate remains the most notable trade arrangement. it is neither exceptional not an improper subject of the discussion. exactly in the same way you settle all trade, you settle your nuptials ; and
vice-versa : they have to cost that, because they're stuck papering over the fact that the operator has no idea what he wants.
mod6: it easy to put unleaded regular gas into a diesel, but not
vice-versa. the diesal nozzles are too large for a standard gasoline tube.
mircea_popescu: if the average programmer were literate as opposed to marginally qualified clucker, a) configuration wouldn't be confused with programming and b)
vice-versa either.
danielpbarron: Framedragger suggested that the character prefer to move left over right (or
vice versa)
Framedragger: wtf is this shit anyway. even if it's a logical operator, and then, look: it's an AND underneath. and you all know the very-noncontroversial truth-table for AND. true iff for every member, predicate applies. NOT
vice-versa falsification goofyness.
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: hm maybe i'm still confused. what's being
vice-versa'd exactly ?
mircea_popescu: cleric needs personality doesn't need int and sorc
vice-versa. so that respectively works magic.
mircea_popescu: that they picked a specialist which handles bitcoin storage is not germane ; the rat also picked a specialist which handles the fats cycle, called a liver. this doesn't mean the rat dun eat, nor does it mean charcoal is cheese or
mircea_popescu: or set it
vice-versa, get
vice-versa. whatever you prefer.
a111: Logged on 2016-10-27 13:28 mircea_popescu: argentina has, bar none, the best icecream of anytime in the world or any place in history. and
mircea_popescu: argentina has, bar none, the best icecream of anytime in the world or any place in history. and
☟︎ BingoBoingo: Well I thik their intention is hope Trump's
vice presidential candidate is cool with the coup
BingoBoingo: For other people
vice is workbench weight (they don't know how to mount it)
BingoBoingo: From herr vulpes link: "This is like a cross between a
vice-grip and a crescent wrench. This is great for bath/kitchen plumbing when you need to remove stubborn fixtures and do not want to embed the channel lock/pipe wrench teeth into the chrome fixture and leave rough teeth marks on the smooth surface. The wrench locks down without marring the polished finish and it will not fall off if your hands are slippery wet. I also would like to
mircea_popescu: and in other convenient coincidences, as per 문전본풀이 the goddess of kitchen and the goddess of outhouse had an argument, therefore koreans may not take things from kitchen to toilet or
mircea_popescu: you're switching things. the point is that deedbot knows it is really me ; not
BingoBoingo: <thestringpuller> depends on if he's a nuclear physicist pretending to be a plumber or
vice versa. << More plumbers lay hand on reactor parts than physicists
thestringpuller: depends on if he's a nuclear physicist pretending to be a plumber or
vice versa.
mircea_popescu: it's mindboggling poor dersign. so for one thing, the measurement mechanism for magnetic is liable to influence measurements for electric and
mircea_popescu: like, if ethereum-classic created some dilutive ethereum coins to pay off random idiots to run their chain instead of the ethereum-fork. or
mircea_popescu: when we reimplement rsa plox : a) either p length odd and q length even or
vice-versa ; b) neither within 1 of a lattice power
a111: Logged on 2016-08-01 17:50 BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Miama
Vice and a bunch of other police dramas and films
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Miama
Vice and a bunch of other police dramas and films
☟︎ mircea_popescu: though honestly, the whole "
vice empire" is very much the same sort of redundant object.
mircea_popescu: anyway - i wonder at what point of turning the
vice around its ballsac, usg finally relents, admits that it is way the fuck cheaper and therefore better to be friends with the smart people, throws idiots to the dogs. so we get license to capture humanities majors from horseback on campus, and they get the default immunity they like to pretend they currently have.
adlai: local-time:timestamp-to-unix and its
vice-versa give you this. i guess my use of local-time has been primarily to display timestamps readably
mircea_popescu: nothing's nicer in this world than a russian with his balls in
mircea_popescu: a SECRET den of
vice is a contradiction in terms. like a chaste teenager.
mircea_popescu: "He was
Vice President of CSCSS (Centre for Strategic Cyberspace and Security Science) with a focus on collaborating government bodies in securing cyber systems. Wright has trained government and corporate departments in SCADA Security, Cyber Warfare and Cyber Defence."