Framedragger: pete_dushenski: ah thanks very much, there's another newly documented command `getarchive` in there, could you include that too, please? :) (no hurries tho, it's not like they're super essential anyway heh)
phf: ben_vulpes: it's a silly convention, because count(anything) would've returned the row count. select count(42) from foo would've returned the same result
ben_vulpes: i am now more completely aware of the question's stupidity, thank you all.
jhvh1: pete_dushenski: It's not just you. appears to be down.
ben_vulpes: heh and a case could be made for bill's dong making an appearnace as well
pete_dushenski has updated eulora ubuntu wiki with danielpbarron's archived site now that foxybot is part of the stock downloaded package
pete_dushenski learned about wiki hyperlinking in the process. it's... different.
ben_vulpes: featuring ethnic models in gender-bending haircuts!
ben_vulpes: lol detachable numpad wtf monstrosity have you unearthed pete_dushenski
ben_vulpes: pete_dushenski: i am on my own perversely enjoyable swim through the filth atm
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: and how much time did it take you ? how much of your incomparable expertise did it require ? if little, and you made laptop not desktop, you win.
ben_vulpes: "friends with benefits" ifyaknowhaddayemean
pete_dushenski: lol! ok, let's hear it. why is it bullshit ? because you know an indian guy who will do it in the back of his dirty van ?
ben_vulpes: but wtf who isn't 2 jumps away from a dentist
pete_dushenski: but that still leaves a lotta jews w/o blogs who have no dentist in the fam!
pete_dushenski: for the ignorant, what is remarkable build ? lispmachine on iphone ?
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: wasn't the question. care to answer it ?
pete_dushenski: you set the bar here, not me. i'm genuinely curious what alfatronic 'remarkable build' looks like.
mircea_popescu: so i tried to watch naked (2013). the most i can say is that the atrocity is a fine explanation of why there isn't such a thing as english philosophy.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-12 23:48 scriba: ssh banner of as seen on 2016-06-13: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2.7
a111: Logged on 2017-01-12 23:25 mircea_popescu: btw ben_vulpes : you might consider making yourself a process to stand up vps instances of listener nodes to spray out at you new blocks as they hear them.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the point is mostly block timing / discovery. you can compare when various anon nodes see blocks to evaluate both the network and any hostile activity.
BingoBoingo: lol, ben_vulpes spent all the effort ridding himself of disposable VPS constructs, and now has problem which suggest leaning on them again
trinque: asciilifeform: they were doing an update on your mitmtron, all done now
a111: Logged on 2017-01-13 00:12 pete_dushenski: Framedragger: no worries, it's updated.
mircea_popescu: i guess they're mostly going to be double bangs from now on huh.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 30! = 2.652528598121911E32
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 16! = 20922789888000
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 8! = 40320
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 20! = 2432902008176640000
a111: Logged on 2015-11-09 04:39 phf: which brings me to the point that i have folders for all but "make new hardware" item in that list of b-a scope in various states of disarray, and it would be great if there was some prioritization, like it was the case with eulora "oh we need this done, you do it".
mircea_popescu: and otherwise, anyone recall the link to the big array/list discussion cuz i can't fucking find it
a111: Logged on 2016-04-02 01:12 phf: Nah, universally. A significant property of arrays shared across languages is that they give you some guarantees about access time, space utilization
mircea_popescu: there is no future, for the record, for the "big city" understood as rules of pronounciation, high taxes and "public services".
mircea_popescu: much like his "car going off road is bad mkay" made my skin crawl. why the fuck would i ALWAYS go anywhere there's a road, what am i, too young to grow a beard ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform there is NO RELATION between civilisation and impotence.
mircea_popescu: phf for instance, is shockingly delicate, specifically because he's more from russia than you. and the japanese folk, ESPECIALLY back in the days when misspeaking to samurai == beheading, were remarkably delicate also.
mircea_popescu: so no, civilisation doth exist irrespective of "follow the road and wear breeches"
mircea_popescu: "big city" is very specifically NOT the big city where naggum dreamed to move, as depicted in sex and the city.
mircea_popescu: big city as in, new orleans, with low taxes and slaves. not as in new york, with high taxes, "public services" and "pronounce words this way"
mircea_popescu: this is a generous read to the point of wishful thinking, i suspect.
mircea_popescu: but in any case there's absolutely no progre monopoly on civilisation. on the contrary.
mircea_popescu: naggum evidently intends restrictions as to shape AND USAGE. this you don't see because you opt to, but in his world, as constructed from his words, it is legitimate for someone to come and tell you "this isn't a proper use of the public service", and it is illegitimate for you to retort "tough"
mircea_popescu: ironically, i'd make the auto tax 100x yearly average income.
mircea_popescu: speaking of which : ben_vulpes would you join candi here and set everyone in l1 to its eat list ? i deem you've satisfied contractual obligations re support ; if you'll be kind enough to bring it back within a day or two should it get knocked off that's entirely fine by my lights. and everyone else : have fun with the lisp repl, but don't abuse.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: you have a key for her?
deedbot: candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
candi_lustt: ("asciilifeform" "ben_vulpes" "bingoboingo" "danielpbarron" "davout" "diana_coman" "hanbot" "jurov" "mike_c" "mircea_popescu" "mod6" "phf" "trinque")
candi_lustt: error: #<undefined-function paste {10070D62E3}>
candi_lustt: error: #<sb-int:simple-reader-package-error "The symbol ~S is not external in the ~A package." {10070E98E3}>
☟︎ ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: you have a key for her?
candi_lustt: error: The symbol "PASTE" is not external in the MPBOT package.Line: 1, Column: 72, File-Position: 72Stream: #<sb-impl::string-input-stream {10071B3B53}>
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: many of your parens escapes did not work in ai post
trinque: ben_vulpes: if you princ that error iirc it wont fart out the format string
candi_lustt: The symbol "PASTE" is not external in the MPBOT package.Line: 1, Column: 72, File-Position: 72Stream: #<sb-impl::string-input-stream {1007504E23}>
a111: Logged on 2017-01-13 20:13 candi_lustt: error: #<sb-int:simple-reader-package-error "The symbol ~S is not external in the ~A package." {10070E98E3}>
phf: (mpbot::paste "butts")
phf: oh somebody mentioned candi_lustt in a message, i think a111, and that triggered mp's code, which in turn has some exciting exponential properties
ben_vulpes: so i guess in five minutes or so i'll restart her when freenode wakes up to the dead socket?
deedbot: candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i was thinking she gets upt in half hour intervals
ben_vulpes: anyone with eval permissions could register the nick, so may as well do it yourself.
mircea_popescu: fixed footnote. lisp dun mix well with the footnote system
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform comments don't allow < semantically because it's the start of a html tag ; articles have problems parsing (( and )) because it's footnote convention
mircea_popescu: could set the footnote to arbitrary anything, but meh. and i see no good way out of the comment thing, because it ~is~ stuck parsing the comment.
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: And why weren't you using nitrile gloves?!
BingoBoingo: acetone sometimes works on hard surfaces...
BingoBoingo: Well pretty much limited to mechanical removal nao
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform just wait. your skin exfoliates naturally, they will come off.
mircea_popescu: there is ~no good chem solution for your problem as it is.
BingoBoingo: if still tacky you can cover foamskin with powder
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes can it only retort if its name is on the line ? otherwise this will become problematic
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: it needs to be fed your brain
deedbot: candi_lustt voiced for 30 minutes.
ben_vulpes: if you want a default that'll persist over reboots so she does at least something, i can jam that in there
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes i don't want her to do anything specifically, but she also can't answer to a single-open-parens control sequence
ben_vulpes: can't the lords be trusted to shut her up when they're done playing?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes iffy, too promisetronic will cause a bunch of hurt fingers.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the idea is for this to be a toy-level learn-lisp item ; can't add a "AND IF YOU DO ARCANE THING YOU DIE" coda.
ben_vulpes: if we wanted to be cute it could be ,(
phf: asciilifeform: there are two incompatible eating methods, "eat" function and the ^( mode. i added the latter for my own convenience, because number of times i want to type a sexp is way higher than a literate string that opens with paren. obviously doesn't scale to a channel full of people, who have much less need for a repl bot
mircea_popescu: both wanting a clean channel and wanting a repl bot are legitimate wants, neither necessarily has to yield to the other, we see how it goeth.
phf: asciilifeform: just look at the chainstate log. that's how it was. but on one hand it became impractical to prefix every time. and the other reason is that c*ndi_lustt is not a repl bot by original design. "BRAIN" function supposed to take arbitrary text, and process it. in order to actually get to repl you have to use "c*ndi_lustt eat <url>"
candi_lustt: ((lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x))) (quote (lambda (x) (list x (list (quote quote) x)))))
phf: !(loop for i from 1 to 1000 collect i)
candi_lustt: (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 ...)
ben_vulpes: the fun parts were fun, i learned rather a lot, i have a deeper hate of irc than i did a week ago...
mircea_popescu: phf if you feel like it, you can do a weekly lisp class by appointment, look in the log when there's usually holes and intersect with your schedule and there you go.
ben_vulpes: you only need a phf to teach noobs if the noob is you
mircea_popescu: you laugh ben_vulpes , but consider that a 15yo mp, much more imperious, much less sexually and otherwise pacified, had to go to school. PUBLIC school.
mircea_popescu: i showed up for ~40% of classes. which was about the most either me or the system could carry.
phf: that's not a bad idea
mircea_popescu: how's this relate to imperial vs republican big city ?
mircea_popescu: it's not clear to me that any engineering issues are in fact involved. all i see are purely psychogenic issues improperly welded to the foregoing. you don't need nor can have any meaningful implementation of "public servicves", not ever. getting oneself to believe the contrary is a strange exercise in contorsionism
mircea_popescu: there are known from history many numerous models of cities.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform when i had you define "public good" you said "endlessly abundant item". this is nonsense, nothing is endlessly abundant.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> 'available ad libitum to those within the walls' << this means there's an infinite supply.
mircea_popescu: this is a fiction, which may be convenient for personal reasons. but nothing is like this. note above : we have an infinity of chatlines, literally, avaailable each day. nevertheless, the bot is vaguely constrained.
mircea_popescu: "if it looks like it's running out, we'll do something about it."
mircea_popescu: yes. nothing can be qs, not in this world, which is why your definition of "public good" is not a definition.
mircea_popescu: (qs i will remind stands for quantum sufficit, or else satiem. satiem is the word that gave sated. the presumption here, etymologically-amusing as it is, is that something can be qs only if there's no "black hole" of appetite. mmkay.)
mircea_popescu: this is also how banking works, "you can have all the money you don't need you could wish -- but don't ask for money when you need it!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform used to be written on medicine bottles. back before medicine became rationalized.
mircea_popescu: ok so then. stop using strings for concepts. what do you mean by "public good" ?
mircea_popescu: no, in the sense it's impractical to not shoot them, but still the bullet is produced.
mircea_popescu looks at kresty prison overhead pic, notices that building set on its right is painted in international color of courthouse. mmkay.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i was just observing shooting is a public good by your definition. not practical to keep it from freeloaders, still has a cost.
mircea_popescu: i was thinking more in the lines of, shooting obama. puts him out of his misery of pretending like he's a person.
mircea_popescu: yes, except the rabid weasel does not seem to WANT this public good.
mircea_popescu: which is somewhat counterintuitive. so i was examining if you're going to stick with the definition or redefine in face of it.
mircea_popescu: yes, but what does it mean "it's not practical to withhold" ?
mircea_popescu: (i beg forgiveness if i just snap yoru words to classical discourse on the topic, it's for the greater good)
mircea_popescu would pay to see in practice the equivalent of salic electoral law, considering how lulzily salic inheritance worked irl. enough of this angevin bs. you vote in electiosn, then each side gets half the country. and so going each 4 years.
mircea_popescu: in the absence of a forum, it's the only workable way.
mircea_popescu: which brings the problem back home : most of the problems you discuss have a huge language externality.
mircea_popescu: take fucking. the women are pregnant for all, irrespective how many fuck them.
mircea_popescu: yet somehow THIS particular public good is never too problematic
mircea_popescu: but in point of fact, whether mp alone is repsonsible for half us live births this year, like it works in africa / oceania ; or not -- live births there will be.
mircea_popescu: what do you mean why. because you want to exclude items that match it.
mircea_popescu: and depends how you define "paid for", sun may also be.
mircea_popescu: the price for its light is a definite limit in time ; it will eventually grow hot.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-13 20:22 ben_vulpes: > exciting
mircea_popescu: as good a statement as any re why moore law can't ever produce ai.
mircea_popescu: yes. but i think it's very informative to examine it from angles.
mircea_popescu: london sewer was not by any means first in world ; but how do you distinguish between the l1 of london building sewer and ben_vulpes making me slut bot ?
mircea_popescu: "why didn;t they do it sooner!" "cuz they didn't feel like it!" "but why did they do it at all!" "cuz they felt like it!"
ben_vulpes: wyrdmantis: that's three reconnects today, stoppit