662 entries in 0.897s
nubbins`: http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/this-guy-has-eaten-nothing-but-raw-meat-for-five-years
assbot: Checking Out Istanbul's Knockoff Marketplace While It Lasts | VICE United States
asciilifeform: http://www.vice.com/read/checking-out-istanbuls-knockoff-marketplace-while-it-lasts-804
mircea_popescu: His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE, in his capacity as the Ruler of Dubai, has issued Law No. 7 of 2012 regarding social benefits for UAE nationals in Dubai.
pete_dushenski: it's definitely vice versa
mircea_popescu: since we're on the topic, is cunt asshole 2.0 or vice versa ?
benkay: c's can own llc's, and vice versa.
assbot: This Kid Made an App That Exposes Sellout Politicians | VICE United States
nubbins`: http://www.vice.com/read/greenhouse-app-hannah-ewens-nick-rubin-201?utm_source=vicefbus
adrrr: french bomb : http://noisey.vice.com/fr/blog/time-bomb-explose-revolution-rap-francais?utm_source=vicefb
fluffypony: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/a-hacker-artist-sent-the-nsa-an-encrypted-mixtape-they-cant-crack
Duffer1: get the guys from VICE interested, honey badgers of news
ninjashogun: I will say that asciilifeform's conclusion was totally wrong. WPA or whatever is not needed for secure communication over a device. You could flash a LED and have a webcam read it, and vice versa (it can read flashing of a monitor). There is absolutely no outside channel that exposes.
ThickAsThieves: it's by Jason Cuomo, Senior Accounting Analyst & Jeffrey Berg, Senior Vice President
mircea_popescu: rather than vice-versa.
Vexual: cat hasn't even done a vice cover yet
BingoBoingo: Drugs http://assets.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/162417/1fing.jpg
fluffypony: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/lets-bring-back-the-fax-machine
fluffypony: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/warren-buffetts-30-billion-wager-on-clean-energy-is-one-of-his-safest-bets-yet
asciilifeform: fluffypony: linked from same: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-graffiti-drone-an-interview-with-katsu
fluffypony: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-nypd-still-wont-explain-its-drone-plans
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'd guess that this kind of thing is driven by ordinary consumer product shrinkflation, rather than vice versa
Vexual: the vice article hints at a post humous book
asciilifeform: mike_c: it wouldn't be too far off the mark to say that i like common lisp because 'slime' is possible for it, rather than vice-versa.
nubbins`: but my SIDE 1 label is on side 2, and vice versa
assbot: VICE to Gawker: Fuck You and Fuck Your Garbage Click-Bait 'Journalism' | VICE United States
assbot: Working at Vice Media Is Not As Cool As It Seems
BingoBoingo: Battle of Clickbait empires http://gawker.com/working-at-vice-media-is-not-as-cool-as-it-seems-1579711577 vs http://www.vice.com/pages/response
BingoBoingo: I imagine it is more profitable now to hedge difficulty Bitbets with a mining farm than vice versa
assbot: Mike Gogulski Might Be the First Case of Successful Voluntary Statelessness | VICE United States
fluffypony: http://www.vice.com/read/a-bum-without-a-country-0000326-v21n5
Vexual: my tv pushes vice at me
assbot: Mike Gogulski Might Be the First Case of Successful Voluntary Statelessness | VICE United States
BingoBoingo: http://www.vice.com/read/a-bum-without-a-country-0000326-v21n5
mircea_popescu: vice-versa.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: ssd - if there were a hardware raid that worked well with ssd of some description (or, for that matter, vice-versa) i would buy it. on account of hating spindle noise.
thestringpuller: bitcoinpete needs to be sent to Iran to report on bitcoin VICE style
mircea_popescu: because human beings being the shits they are, unless you get their balls in a vice they just won't perform.
jurov: and vice versa
mircea_popescu: in order for you to advertise me you have to have more media exposure than me, not vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: also known as the view that locations have to make you offers, rather than vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: and the walls that fall vice versa
TomServo: There was some terrible BS on vice about the 'baby DJ school'
minersdidit: when the market demands for money increase bitcoin has no mechanism to supply it and vice versa
BingoBoingo: http://www.vice.com/read/syria-deraa-USA-Jordan-FSA-regime-CIA
ozbot: The Fight to Stop Tanzania's Witch Doctors Butchering Albino People | VICE United States
steven-__: http://www.vice.com/read/the-tanzanian-albino-hunt
asciilifeform: 300k vice president of widgets inc. is not a member of the same profession as his engineer.
thestringpuller: http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/bitcoin-could-revolutionize-voting
mircea_popescu: and vice-versa, of course.
nubbins`: forum people don't give a fuck about otc ratings, and vice versa
decimation: Alan Eustace (Google Senior Vice President) commented ...
thestringpuller: VICE is about reporters without borders!
mircea_popescu: vice doesn't really have much interest in making it easy for people to read, either,
benkay: (correction: vice hasn't fixed the pagedown)
benkay: it seems that Vice is the only publication on the internet who've been able to implement a bootstrap header without totally fucking the page-down functionality of yore.
mircea_popescu: and vice versa.
ninjashogun: (for example if someone tries to wire pounds internationally to a usd account or vice versa)
nubbins`: ReutersEmily: in my experience, those who day trade don't really hold long-term, and vice versa
BingoBoingo: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/weev-is-in-jail-because-the-government-doesnt-know-what-hacking-is
ninjashogun: vice, is on the bitcoin network.
Neil: Of course, as a speculator I believe you'd benefit by holding, but I don't begrudge you deciding what to do with your own money. Hopefully vice versa.
mircea_popescu: and actually this could probably be expanded into interesting results for ppl trying to understand various higher level maths. "define a comutative algebra in which a ring can exist for which any addition also calculates a multiplication and vice-versa"
Neil: mircea_popescu: You mix wallets right? Inbound on bitbet could be outbound on mpex and vice versa.
ThickAsThieves: Beth Jacob, who has served as Target's chief information officer and executive vice president of technology services since 2008, is vacating both positions and departing the company immediately. According to CEO Gregg Steinhafel, the retailer has already launched a search for an interim CIO to help steer Target through a major security overhaul.
gribble: If You Stick Things in Your Pee Hole, Awful Things Will Happen - Vice: <http://www.vice.com/read/if-you-stick-things-in-your-pee-hole-awful-things-will-happen>; Urology Care Foundation - Urology A-Z - Urethral Stricture Disease: <http://www.urologyhealth.org/urology/index.cfm?article=66>; A Vibrating Urethral Sound - ShopInPrivate.com: <http://www.shopinprivate.com/vibrating- (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: "Out of this cesspool of vice rises that hideous monster, a possible menace to every home in the South. He has the savage nature and murderous instincts of the wild beast, plus the cunning and lust of a fiend."
mircea_popescu: "Vice President Joe Biden tried to convince a young Canadian woman to sign up for Obamacare"
decimation: "Bill Campbell (Chairman of Intuit Board of Directors, Co-Lead Director of Apple, and advisor to Google) was also involved in the Google-Intel agreement, as reflected in an email exchange from 2006 in which Bill Campbell agreed with Jonathan Rosenberg (Google Advisor to the Office of CEO and former Senior Vice President of Product Management) that Google should call [Intel CEO] Paul Otellini before making an offer to an Intel employee,
Duffer1: dexX7 but she is vice chair of the federal reserve so if she mentions bitcoin at all it would likely be interesting
mircea_popescu: what's the worse situation, for a fraudster to associate with a drug dealer or vice versa ?
herbijudlestoids: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/how-the-cia-turned-american-literature-into-a-content-farm
mircea_popescu: vice versa i doubt
herbijudlestoids: so lets say i want to run ozWoT, for cool oz kids like myself, and i clone the code off github (or wherever it lives) and setup my own gribblesque bot, users talking to my bot should be able to rate users through gribble and vice versa
nubbins`: or vice versa
mircea_popescu: wait, is the fbi investigating vice, the drug marketplace yet ?
nubbins`: ThickAsThieves, there are some other good vice art talks too
mod6: yah, McGyver always seems to figure it out, always works out for him. never ends up with his balls in a vice.
herbijudlestoids: i thought i knew someone in online sports advertising but it was music and the business has been sold to VICE anyway
ThickAsThieves: "This morning, Charlie Shrem, Vice Chairman, submitted his resignation to the Board of Directors of the Bitcoin Foundation, effective immediately."
Vexual: you need a vice doco mano
mircea_popescu: now it looks like i'm having my domains hosted by fucking vice.
mircea_popescu: "Vice accidentally gave away his location at a Guatemalan resort in early December 2012, when a photo taken by one of its journalists accompanying McAfee was posted with the Exif geolocation metadata still attached." cute.
ThickAsThieves: http://noisey.vice.com/en_uk/read/screw-bitcoin-and-dogecoin-theres-a-new-kanye-west-themed-cryptocurrency-on-the-way
mircea_popescu: wait, i found the good one. http://hypebeast.com/image/2008/07/terry-richardson-vice-magazine-11.jpg
benkay`: we are so far gone that lack of regulation is a vice.
mircea_popescu: wasn't this zerohedge thing supposed to be like, NOT verge/gawker/vice/whatever ?
Vexual: or vice verse
KRS|gotyawallet: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/one-third-of-kenyans-now-have-a-bitcoin-wallet
ozbot: Romanian Villagers Managed to Keep Fracking Out of Their Backyard | VICE United States
nubbins`: http://www.vice.com/read/romania-pungeti-anti-fracking-protests-chevron
mircea_popescu: now, that i do it with a 200kgf vice and an acetylene blowtorch... well.. just a matter of style.
kleeck: hey. I like Vice.
mircea_popescu: if they arrested huffpo, salon, vice etc in corpore that'd be pretty cool.
dub: also its vice.com
dub: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/one-third-of-kenyans-now-have-a-bitcoin-wallet
pankkake: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/some-of-the-fraudulent-obamacare-sites-look-better-than-the-real-thing
mircea_popescu: and vice-versa
dexX7: skinnkavaj: you should realize that litecoin goes down, when bitcoin goes up and vice versa. stop shilling in other channels.
BingoBoingo: nubbins`: I'm thinking of using for purposes where unexpected total failure might be a virtue rather than a vice.