219 entries in 0.788s
assbot: Logged on 21-08-2015 23:21:00; mircea_popescu: "Welcome, kiddo, to how the real world works. You go ahead and place your crazy protest bids way off in the bottom of the sociological order book and scream that someday, SOMEDAY, the market will come down to meet you, and you will be vindicated.
mircea_popescu: "Welcome, kiddo, to how the real world works. You go ahead and place your crazy protest bids way off in the bottom of the sociological order book and scream that someday, SOMEDAY, the market will come down to meet you, and you will be vindicated. ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
ascii_field: however it works if 'that's how world works' and the consumer frog is boiled 1) reasonably slowly 2) in unison
onlooker: mircea popescu, yes, but you appear to be of the more logical bent than the standard elitist. Take for example your claim the paying for good things is how we get good things, this may be logical, but in fact the way the world currently works stealing good things has proven to be far more effective, Bankers are elitist too, would you put yourself in the same category as them?
mircea_popescu: "how obama made sense in english" "how putin doesn't understand how the world works" "how a bored housewife discovered the secret barbers hate"
mircea_popescu: and then get clueless working cl;ass kids thinking "it's theiur calling" because totally, that's how the world works, with "Callings"
pete_dushenski: u dun understand how the world works.
ben_vulpes: no man you just don't understand how the world works
mircea_popescu: weird how the world works.
mircea_popescu: it all makes perfect sense, looking at it now. they look like patently insane if considered on the merits, but if considered culturally they are simply "i just work here" and "this is how the world works". about as insane as an ant.
mircea_popescu: and putin doesn't understand how the world works, and so on.
pete_dushenski: cazalla: lol i guess i'm one of those unreasonable assholes who doesn't understand how the world works
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how the world works trinque m'boy.
ben_vulpes: but i suppose that i just don't understand how the (c, unix, haskell, programmering) world actually works
assbot: Logged on 13-11-2014 19:04:36; *: asciilifeform admits that he suspects bip64 of being a plot to create usg-like bonds in btc. folks will be asked to trace X proper btc for X+epsilon 'locked' ones that are to land back in their pocket 'in the future', should they live long enough, but are actually recovable 'because this is how the world works'
mircea_popescu: i don't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how the world works.
pete_dushenski: 'power isn't how the world works!'
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how the world works. when you're out of money, you find someone who has some and either steal or beg for it.
ben_vulpes: but i suppose that i just dont know how the world works or something
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-04-2015#1104400 << dood, you don't understand how the world works. a warm smile and a firm handshake is all that's needed to keep emails on their route. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=18-04-2015#1104138 << more like, "some form of tree fort where clever girl and some derpy dudes dream collectively of art and the world". you're from portland, you should know how this works ☝︎
mircea_popescu: "no that doesn't happen" "right" "you don't understand how the world works!"
asciilifeform: aka 'how the world works' (TM)
mircea_popescu: "so you mean to tell me now i don't get a say into how the world works anymore, because back when i got the benefit of the doubt all i could do was being an idiot on reddit ?" "exactly"
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you don't understand how the world works. people who meet us armed forces socially and people who are willing to write USG SATAN in 5yo guts, provided the 5yo was spawned by a private first class have virtually no overlap.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=21-03-2015#1062896 << this is kinda how the illegal racing world works. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you don't understand how the world works. "nobody's using bitcoin, nobody could have foreseen their using a plane as a rocket and nobody's doing anything better nor anything better could exist than ... you know, raising awareness"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> dude... this shit. i simply fail to comprehend how this works. << At the time there were two BSD source branches of note. Derp(free)BSD swiftly went off the rails. Herp(Net)BSD aknowledged the non-i386 world. Either way to even read the "Open" source you needed an in. Theo's WoT allowed him to read Herp.
ascii_field: their magical wand of 'let's all the folks who Know How The World Works (TM) pretend this Never Existed' still works great.
BingoBoingo: "Knows how the world works"
PeterL: I just don't understand how the world works?
mircea_popescu: i don't think you actually understand how the world works.
asciilifeform: ^ 'does not know how world works.' everybody knows that 'shortage' in usg parlance means 'not readily available at the centrally planned price'
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how the world works.
asciilifeform: thus it will be attacked in every available way. the 'consensus' of 'the community' and 'how the world works' will stand as a solid wall against the 'obsolete, white male privileged' gcc.
mircea_popescu: ascii_modem yu don't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: the_scourge you don't understand how the world works :)
ben_vulpes: no more than merely existing gives you a say in how the world works.
mircea_popescu: as if that's how the world works, old men get what they want for wanting it.
mircea_popescu: "strategist". what is your strategy ? "i pretend like i matter on the internet" why ? "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS".
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform oyu don't understand how the world works!!1
mircea_popescu: tl;dr : gnome twerp is "I’d strongly encourage you to refrain from such comments in the future.", because that's how the world works nao.
mircea_popescu: you don;t understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: whatever mini-nuland is in charge does not understand that there are forces more powerful on the field, who "do not understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: quite a step up from "doesn't understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2014#958248 << gotta watch those old versions of the world, yo, lest sam altman gives you a "doesn't understand how the world works" black star. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: You just don't know how the world works!!!
kakobrekla: well its how the world works! even shit can hide from entropy.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you don't understand how the world works!1111!!
ben_vulpes: <thestringpuller> instead he says, "You people don't know how this works" in reference to criticism of his poor decision making process. << thestringpuller clearly doesn't understand how the world works
BlueMeanie4: they have no real concept of how the world works
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> because you 'clearly do not know how the world works' or the like. << a sword that cuts both ways.
asciilifeform: because you 'clearly do not know how the world works' or the like.
asciilifeform: 'how the world works!'
assbot: Agency Goes To The Active, Or How Putin Doesn’t Understand How The World Works. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1FH7jyF )
pete_dushenski: anyways, this dovetails into today's article: http://www.contravex.com/2014/11/30/agency-goes-to-the-active-or-how-putin-doesnt-understand-how-the-world-works/
kakobrekla: we just dont understand how the world works
mircea_popescu: the entire "putin doesn't understand how thwe world works" and "oh horror x! oh horror y!" is really the voice of a deconstructed postmodern intellect confronted with the sheer obscenity of reality.
assbot: 59 results for 'how the world works' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=how+the+world+works
asciilifeform: !s how the world works
assbot: Logged on 13-11-2014 19:04:36; *: asciilifeform admits that he suspects bip64 of being a plot to create usg-like bonds in btc. folks will be asked to trace X proper btc for X+epsilon 'locked' ones that are to land back in their pocket 'in the future', should they live long enough, but are actually recovable 'because this is how the world works'
asciilifeform admits that he suspects bip64 of being a plot to create usg-like bonds in btc. folks will be asked to trace X proper btc for X+epsilon 'locked' ones that are to land back in their pocket 'in the future', should they live long enough, but are actually recovable 'because this is how the world works' ☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell pete_dushenski lol@ the derp on your blog. "i am ignorant, justify the world to me! because the stupid but lazy have inherited the earth at some point while nobody was paying attention and now that's how it works!!11"
asciilifeform peeked, not impressed. must not understand how the world works (tm).
mircea_popescu: PeterL use example, dude tries to open a door by bashing his head against it. bystander "that's not how you open doors" other bystander to first bystander "you don't understand how the world works!"
mircea_popescu: PeterL it's an expression, referencing the case when putin handed obimbo's butt to him for the nth time and the english propaganda yelled "putin doesn't understand how the world works!"
mircea_popescu: PeterL you don't understand how the world works!
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how the world works kakobrekla
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: now you understand how the world works. unlike putin!
mircea_popescu: o, that's just how the world works!!1
mircea_popescu: you don't understand how thw world works. "mom" would like a place to drop off the kid while she does "other things". (no, i don't mean fucking. if only. i mean going around shitty clothes shops in the mall and feeling each individual item buyt not buying anything, then hitting the food court)
mircea_popescu: "Or perhaps they did that stupid human trick that never fails: If you have excess funds, procreate until you no longer have excess funds, then share the funds equally until you all die." << naggum clearly "does not understand how the world works", and what everyone's "rights" are and so on.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you don't understand how the world [of the morlocks] works.
mircea_popescu: * asciilifeform can't picture these folks 'capitulating to reality' even after they're hogtied in the drowning barges. <<< this because they understand how "the world" works.
mircea_popescu: undata: pretty ungrateful to call the guy retarded. << it's an act of love, you just don't know how the world works.
mircea_popescu: you just don't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: yeah you don't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: just how the world works.
mircea_popescu: perhaps we "just don't understand how the world works".
mircea_popescu: undata> wouldn't... *using the thing* collect the data relevant to judging its performance? << YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS PUTIN!
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes: how are you to fight the usg thusly? << clearly, one who "does not understand how the world works", the highest honor said usg can bestow upon people.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, i guess the greeks "don't understand how the world works"
gribble: How WOT ratings work | Help Center | WOT (Web of Trust): <http://www.mywot.com/en/faq/website/rating-websites>; Why WOT works | WOT (Web of Trust): <http://www.mywot.com/en/support/how-wot-works>; What to do when the World of Tanks game launcher doesn't work ...: <https://eu.wargaming.net/support/Knowledgebase/Article/View/67/30/what-to-do-when-the-world-of-tanks-game-launcher- (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: "chans don't understand how the world works!"
penguirker: New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/heres-why-we-dont-like-how-the-world-currently-works/
mircea_popescu: the russians don't understand how the world works, i tell you.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla you don't understand how the world works.
mircea_popescu: i got the answer to that, dear democratic underground. IT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW THE WORLD WORKS!
bounce: apparently it was mr. reid who thought putin doesn't understand how the world works: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CREC-2014-03-27/html/CREC-2014-03-27-pt1-PgS1781-6.htm
mircea_popescu: you know who understands how the world works ? obama lmao. putin doesn't.
mircea_popescu: ;;google "putin doesn't understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: bounce putin doesn't understand how the world works.
thestringpuller: 17:20 <qq1932> That is how people protect themsevles in the real world, and it works. VC's will write $10M checks after 3 weeks of knowing someone, and there is 0% legit fraud there. << ~_~
mircea_popescu: yup. tis how the world works.
mircea_popescu: "putin doesn;t understand how the world works"
mircea_popescu: oh, no, it's just that putin i mean roberts "does not understand how the world works"