100 entries in 0.791s
BingoBoingo: "Herp Derp! We R Universitit. To get prestige we must linkbuild and clickbait against MIT in the Googlefight! To that we need to replace math with Pinoy."
mircea_popescu: it's been the pantsuit kick for the past few years, "hurr durr nignogs matter, herp derp freedoms dont"
mircea_popescu: the choice is strictly between mp-esque http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-29#1855672 and rms-esque herp-derp-mumble-mumble. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: how the fuck they managed to live before, uncomputable-cost-portability herp derp is anyone's guess.
mircea_popescu: "oh herp derp brutality". woman, it's life. everything else is piss
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo good god, are they now gonna do a bunchga herp derp about how important the moron is and how irreplaceable the scrapping ?
mircea_popescu: surely happens. most of them post elaborately framed pics and herp derp about tru feelings and other https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dX_Uj0un-Ks bs.
mircea_popescu: the http://trilema.com/2012/law-enforcement-never-fails-to-unintentionally-entertain/#selection-119.0-119.99 is as much a part of the shitworld they built for themselves as is "herp derp your words can never touch me"
mircea_popescu: kinda same with p-h kamp (and all the rest of them at that) : hurr durr design, hurr durr thought provoking, herp-derp scripted os-reinstall. nigga... are you a priest or aren't you ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-10 10:05 mircea_popescu: (nemtsov, recently assassinated, was, of course, the guy putin beat for to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687959, yeltsin's chosen successor. ah what a great party it'd have been, for teh pantsuits. clinton forever, herdemocracy herp derp... then gore lost to bush, nemtsov lost to putin, nyc lost to gravity, sads sads sads.)
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-28#1703846 << fine example of the item at work. and yes it's hard, but it's mostly hard AMONG THE IDIOTs, who want to herp derp and muh consensuses. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-08-10 10:05 mircea_popescu: (nemtsov, recently assassinated, was, of course, the guy putin beat for to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687959, yeltsin's chosen successor. ah what a great party it'd have been, for teh pantsuits. clinton forever, herdemocracy herp derp... then gore lost to bush, nemtsov lost to putin, nyc lost to gravity, sads sads sads.)
mircea_popescu: (nemtsov, recently assassinated, was, of course, the guy putin beat for to http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1687959, yeltsin's chosen successor. ah what a great party it'd have been, for teh pantsuits. clinton forever, herdemocracy herp derp... then gore lost to bush, nemtsov lost to putin, nyc lost to gravity, sads sads sads.) ☝︎☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: It the "How many nodes run X software, that derp herp can our software find"
asciilifeform: but ~somebody~ is stuck with the thankless chore of determining which package gotta ./configure with --no-herp, which -- --no-derp, etc
phf: i don't think it's an attempt to establish terminology. i always read it as a herp-a-derp chumminess with a reader "oh maybe you don't know what i'm talking about, i'm going to help you out here"
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160829/from:317/to:317#317 << sc4mzors can't unearth cement sarcophogus and go "herp derp whats in here" and cause ecological disaster?
mod6: herp to the derp mod6
mircea_popescu: rpet" and herp derp "i'm running a broken matching engine and find things to 'support' my nonsensical rabidism anywhere i look!!1"
mircea_popescu: oh herp derp we are miners and making conferences ? fucking death warrant you've signed there boys.
assbot: Logged on 03-03-2016 08:53:24; ben_vulpes: and i don't want any more fucking scultors enough people already look at sera and say "oh herp derp i can make shapes with plate steel"
assbot: Logged on 03-03-2016 08:53:24; ben_vulpes: and i don't want any more fucking scultors enough people already look at sera and say "oh herp derp i can make shapes with plate steel"
ben_vulpes: and i don't want any more fucking scultors enough people already look at sera and say "oh herp derp i can make shapes with plate steel" ☟︎☟︎
ben_vulpes: herp derp
BingoBoingo: <thestringpuller> ... << d00ds stealing ideas from assets and republishing on medium. "herp derp I'm so smart. I read the logs and am going to post on medium" << Many, many more of these
thestringpuller: https://medium.com/@bendavenport/the-bitcoin-block-size-listen-to-the-market-de9ef6607da5#.6l3uh82x8 << d00ds stealing ideas from assets and republishing on medium. "herp derp I'm so smart. I read the logs and am going to post on medium"
thestringpuller: ethereum scammers herp derp
mircea_popescu: herp derp.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-01-2016#1369389 << this is both why this channel is logged publicly and why the whole "oh herp derp published logs are unexpected" bloviation of EVERY OTHER irc channel is so funny. ☝︎
SuchStupid: Herp Derp I'm a dogecoiner
mircea_popescu: and then any reandom schmuck comes around and herp derp, s/x/y/ because hey, i read it in a coimputing cookbook once
mircea_popescu: punkman by reading this you agree not to agree with the ideal herp derp whateverthefuck.
mircea_popescu: herp derp and really tell me more what the middle class thinks, it's so impossible for me to predict it.
mircea_popescu: which explains both why they writhe and wiggle so when the salt is applied, - oh they don't "need" the wot dontcha know, because "they have irl friends!!1" and other bs defenses of the specific sort of retard. what, like i'm 16 and covered in pimples and i'm going to care some derp from the enemy camp doesn't think so much of my social proof ? herp.
mircea_popescu: decimation i mean the original, end of 2014/2015 dispute, about "herp derp we'll raise the block limit"
BingoBoingo: Apparently enough pools though were on derp and herp choosing "see first mine first"
mircea_popescu: !rate herp 1 derp
ben_vulpes: herp derp
assbot: Logged on 24-04-2015 04:35:24; davout: their latest solution "check the referer herp derp" leaves me without words
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-04-2015#1108851 <<< until they relaod the page to clear the referer herp derp ☝︎
davout: their latest solution "check the referer herp derp" leaves me without words ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Eh, if they de-Herp their derp fast enough maybe some can be thrown tot he newsmines.
BingoBoingo: Oh, and apparently Matonis is going to the GBBG herp and derp scammer's conference https://twitter.com/jonmatonis/status/588361105770164224
mircea_popescu: need something to shanonize, yo. "radical honesty" herp-derp.
assbot: derp and herp are not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: !gettrust derp herp mircea_popescu and yourmom
assbot: derp and herp are not registered in WoT.
mircea_popescu: !gettrust derp herp and mircea_popescu
ben_vulpes: maybe instead of "herp derp i pinions bros" you might start by asking "why did you rip TLS out with such anger and speed?"
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> dude... this shit. i simply fail to comprehend how this works. << At the time there were two BSD source branches of note. Derp(free)BSD swiftly went off the rails. Herp(Net)BSD aknowledged the non-i386 world. Either way to even read the "Open" source you needed an in. Theo's WoT allowed him to read Herp.
mircea_popescu: i propose she/he/herp her/him/herp hers/his/derp
mircea_popescu: just as long as i get back the control, i see no problem with !derp!herp!router!alf
BingoBoingo: I believe the technical term is "Circlejerk" as in formally with a bunch of fellows sitting around a bottle of lube they all Herp their Derp
cazalla: coblee herp derp store your bitcoin with coinbase cause you face the same risk from hackers doing it yourself anyway
punkman: also for reference, multisig msg with: gpg --clearsign -u derp -u herp
jurov: herp derp
mod6: http://qntra.net/2014/10/surveillance-mogul-make-bitcoin-like-paypal/ << herp^derp
kdomanski: and the National Instruments sales representative said that with LabView you can bla bla herp-a-derp
punkman: herp derp http://www.wifikettle.com/
BingoBoingo: Oh vox.com herp'd its derp http://www.vox.com/2014/9/5/6110897/we-made-the-wrong-call-on-buying-bitcoins
asciilifeform: language with no macros, where chump can't fix this omission himself: herp, derp, and... zerp ?
mike_c: that's a herp and a derp.
Namworld: Trendon was such a retard... "Herp derp, I'm going to run a ponzi scheme and just use spend everything directly on all my personal accounts."
mike_c: this preston jackass strikes me as a rebirth of dr foreskin. not worth even getting riled up over, and yet he manages to get under my skin with his herp derp.
kakobrekla: and "herps derps legit things" meaning talking about legit things which the author assumes is not legit, thats why the herp and derp
thestringpuller: suppose I herp derp someone, n(1) sees it but n(2) does not
kakobrekla: lol, we saw this we saw that herp derp we will not come to -assets.
mircea_popescu: really this entire circus is not so much unlike usagi's 2012 businesses. usagi-cpa has bought usagi-derp from usagi-herp worth OVER NINE THOUSAND
kakobrekla: you herp derp too much with it
dub: herp de derp
mircea_popescu: i mean herp mcderp, what can i tell you, birocratia maxima, some derp goes to target, buys a red stapler and an "Important Person" bumper sticker and suddenly we have yet another... important person with a red stapler.
Namworld: Herp has a rating agency? He forgot derp in the title for Herp Derp Rating Agency
antephialtic: they should have named the company herp & derp
mircea_popescu: i wonder what'll happen should kim herp-derp decide to shave his balls.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Derpasaurii as a construction necessitation clarifying relations between herp and derp
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=herp | Herp. The prefix of "derp". Usually used when saying something foolish. Person 1 : Does anybody know why I can't get my TV to turn on? Person 2: Try plugging ...
mircea_popescu: herp derp dur dur durr.
kakobrekla: now they just herp derp there
BingoBoingo: Herp and Derp have to lose their coin somehow.
BingoBoingo: I've seen Ghostbusters, the Keymaster always does alright. Even if herp and derp don't
BingoBoingo: decimation: As far as I can tell its horde is lost to Derp and Herp
mircea_popescu: Herp. Derp. Dumbletum trumblemum.
mircea_popescu: ie, it's a cube. basic geometric shape. "herp derp i can recognise this in my surroundings"
mircea_popescu: awww, so close to it being a herp-derp!
ThickAsThieves: herp::derp()
Scrat: herp::derp() can be used just like that
ColdHardMetal: either way, investgation because of fraud better than investigation because "herp derp bitcoin evil"
Scrat: derp derp herp
gribble: Urban Dictionary: herp derp: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=herp%20derp>; Harp Darp / Herp Derp | Know Your Meme: <http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/harp-darp-herp-derp>; DERP | Know Your Meme: <http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/derp>
[\\\]: ;;google herp derp
gribble: Urban Dictionary: herp derp: <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=herp%20derp>; Harp Darp / Herp Derp | Know Your Meme: <http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/harp-darp-herp-derp>; Herp Derp YouTube Comments | Tanner's Website: <http://www.tannr.com/herp-derp-youtube-comments/>
mircea_popescu: well wtf, so herp derp here's a plaintext-over-email statement of beneficial ownership
Bugpowder: herp derp I accidently tried to sell my shares at the worst possible time
Diablo-D3: derp herp.
Chaang-Noi: yes smoovious it was an easy question, just wanted to see if cpa had real assets :/ and then herp a derp :(
Diablo-D3: HERP DERP
Diablo-D3: HERP DERP