700+ entries in 0.297s
mod6: ah, fair point. but i mean, whatever, probably wasn't daily sunning either.
mircea_popescu: amusingly, 1970s parents even had internalised this whole thing into daily speech. "don't make me come over there!"
trinque: thing has daily backups and logs of all interactions
pikachu: im trying to learn asking different people about the situation and i become more confused daily
erlehmann: i think it is unlikely that a non-self-built keyboard can do most things relevant to daily usage in hardware. especially layers, mod keys and compose.
asciilifeform: from daily life, unfortunately.
asciilifeform: i actually met a 'genius' who : asciilifeform: 'winblowz crashes daily' ; d00d : 'hey, halting problem unsolvable!'
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in dreamerland, "Join us on "Style Code Live" daily to connect, shop and chat live with fashion designers, beauty experts and celebrities! Discover today's best beauty hacks and the top style secrets!"
mod6: yeah, could even be an eulora auction daily
mod6: are the guests somehow integrated into some sort of daily script?
mircea_popescu: rains daily, see ? and if you start sliding there's nothing.
asciilifeform: but not of daily-bread moneys.
mircea_popescu: the whole "findom" business is a rather funny comment on female behaviour and the nature of the human brain. so out of all the services freeranged cunt could provide to substitute the wife in man's daily economy, "taking his paycheck" is certainly the least useful. but then again as far as the woman's concerned, it's why she got married in the first place.
mircea_popescu: if you wait in a closet long enough, a) all problems resolve themselves eventually and b) your real life will start by itself also. because this is something people can do, decide what problems to apply themselves to and when to condescend to call their daily activity by that lofty name of "my life".
trinque: then one moves, but what's that one? daily stormer or something?
ben_vulpes: this concludes the #trilema daily episode of ben_vulpes is wrong about everything
asciilifeform: asciilifeform's pet for instance has a full complement of power equipment. and cooks daily.
mircea_popescu: does not preclude. but in most cases, woman who no longer has to cook daily because fridge works with the reddiTV.
asciilifeform: ^ 'daily mail' deletes 2013 article re obummer's plan for false flag gas attack in syria.
mircea_popescu: and to link it to blogging : the point of blogging (daily!) is that it forces an easy and painless transition from type 2 to type 1 in the heads of the practitioners. there's no promise as to the rate of conversion, but then again that's the best you can get for painless.
asciilifeform: CompanionCube: this is the typical daily yield. it usually comes out in 2-3 bursts tho.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-24 17:52 mircea_popescu: ahaha oh this is delishious. "My work has appeared in LA Weekly, Vice, Curbed, Complex, ANIMALS, The Daily Dot, and LosAngeles.com" << dork quit law school because tucker max said to and is now a relationships advicerist.
mircea_popescu: you'd prolly need 4k machines to do full port scans daily
mircea_popescu: full port is slow and expensive though. "Censys collects data on hosts and websites through daily ZMap and ZGrab scans of the IPv4 address space, in turn maintaining a database of how hosts and websites are configured."
mircea_popescu: be maintained in the mid-60s, which facilitated her preferred daily uniform of a black turtleneck with a puffy black vest—a homogeneity that she had borrowed from her idol, the late Steve Jobs."
mircea_popescu: i used to use it daily when i used real mode computors for sure.
asciilifeform: i use mc's -- daily
mircea_popescu: there is this very specific failure mode whereby computerists who for naive reasons decide "they don't play computer games" end up game-ifying their daily life. it is way the fuck better to level up a warlock than to dick around "saving" typing and growing a crop of tomatoes on your balcony.
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-17#1628622 and http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-17#1628630 << you guys must've spent too much time together in portland. "gimme muh comfuurt!" an unexpected angle to be sure. can't say i quite agree as to the supreme value of wearing silk underwear on the daily. ☝︎☝︎
ben_vulpes: total outstanding, not traded over daily mining vol
ben_vulpes: "in stark contrast to gold, where daily trade volume exceeds total mined by several orders of magnitude"
ben_vulpes: "daily trade volume is only a small volume of total bitcoin mined"
a111: Logged on 2017-03-11 17:20 phf: "you want meaning in your life? lol. here's 50 books of meaningless rituals. that you have to perform daily. the smarter you are the more rituals you get. knock yourself out."
phf: "you want meaning in your life? lol. here's 50 books of meaningless rituals. that you have to perform daily. the smarter you are the more rituals you get. knock yourself out." ☟︎
phf: it does, hence the daily puja part
phf: indian philosophy seems to be "if everything's fucked, just eat, fuck and do your daily puja"
mircea_popescu: to revisit http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-11#1625097 which is apparently a daily fixture by now : ☝︎
asciilifeform: it is worth recalling the gedankenexperiment where it turns out that all you'd need to build 'martian bank' on earth, is if martians merely supplied an infallible 'martian clock', a service whereby they take a string S , at regular, say, daily, interval, and return its hash H ☟︎
trinque: looks like my daily backups stopped last night (via ssh tunnel)
jurov: looky, i am just saying that right now it eats, say, a minute per block, which is 144 minute unreachability daily anyway. and am proposing short term tradeoff of having the unreachability shorted once per day.
jurov: if enemy can cause 1TB of incrememntal data daily, then we failed miserably
asciilifeform: also daily backup then ?
mod6: lately, i've been getting bh'd so much, i've been recycling my node nearly daily.
ben_vulpes: daily task for everyone
mircea_popescu: ahaha oh this is delishious. "My work has appeared in LA Weekly, Vice, Curbed, Complex, ANIMALS, The Daily Dot, and LosAngeles.com" << dork quit law school because tucker max said to and is now a relationships advicerist. ☟︎
asciilifeform: trinque: understand, the gcd thing takes up ~3 minutes of db time daily. not a significant factor at all.
mircea_popescu: "for as lord as i hear the voice of google and all the websaints, i am not properly alone in teh valley of where mp rapes my buttonhole daily."|
asciilifeform: '"President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to de-escalate violence in the Ukraine and return Crimea," Spicer said at the daily news briefing on Tuesday. “At the same time, he fully expects to – and wants to – get along with Russia."'
asciilifeform: it is old, old hat, a good chunk of usg 0day-hunter daily sweat, consists of subj.
mircea_popescu: anyway, apparently melania trump worked as a high end escort, sez daily mail ? i never had the pleasure, but seriously, wouldn't you WANT a president whose daugther is keen ?
mircea_popescu: it's not just the recent comments ; headers change daily also.
asciilifeform: it is part of why i have continued and daily interest in z80, 6502, and other 'museum pieces'
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-23#1606203 << There is only a daily repreive contingent on improving one's spiritual condition ☝︎
asciilifeform: phf: did you ever expand on why your gadget crashed daily when it sat on top of cmucl ?
asciilifeform: i soured almost totally on openbsd when i labouriously set up a box, with all of the proggies i rely on for daily use, and found that emacs COULD NOT be de-poetteringized without eschewing the ports system entirely
mod6: but yeah, im not gonna live on some boat like rud00d, but would be into taking her out for daily runs of piracy and vaginal stabbings
mircea_popescu: daily occurence.
mircea_popescu: and it just goes on from there, "the real number 4 is the root of polynomials in my daily life and so i believe in it ; but the number 4+i priviledges the properties of abstract spaces over things much more important to us and therefore...i do not consent to its existence." hurr.
asciilifeform: and, again, 'displayify daily' will nuke the 'use as sks, check pasted keys in real time' aspect.
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: i don't disagree from a philosophical standpoint but nor can i tolerate having dead fucking trb nodes. that i should have to reboot a machine ~daily~ is the death of bitcoin. yukoners never had it so bad.
asciilifeform: is that where folx who don't ~have~ to drag their arses to an office daily, do anyway, like that fired japanese d00d from earlier thread...?
a111: Logged on 2016-06-10 21:33 asciilifeform: for absolutely nothing, esp. if you can offload the cost of your turd being pwned weekly, needing 16GB of ram, crashing daily, etc. on OTHER PEOPLE
mircea_popescu: to grow enough facial hair to need to shave daily not only to show off their insufficient beard growth as "hip" but to fill "leadership" positions where they feel threatened by anyone significantly older than themselves and where the inability to /lead/ is replaced by their simple skills at /managing/.
asciilifeform: whereas modern vi, if you were to roll in all of the pieces i actually use in daily life (e.g., correct autoindent AND colourization for 50+ languages) it will probably weigh what emacs weighs
mircea_popescu: which leads us to a new heuristic : the closer the search engine mix on your site is to bing having 20%, the more drool your "userbase" contributes to their immediate environment on a daily basis.
phf: (i had a good result with a scale before. "here's a scale, write your weight daily in this calendar, in fucking killos, what the fuck" then every single complaint is brought back to the data, if actually intelligent start noticing disparity. "i'm FAAAT but the weight went down by a killo in the past two months, wtf" etc)
mats: '“We entered [Syria] to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror. [We didn’t enter] for any other reason,” the Turkish president said at the first Inter-Parliamentary Jerusalem Platform Symposium in Istanbul, as quoted by Hurriyet daily.'
mircea_popescu: but the "long term thinker" theory utterly fails when confronted with daily reality.
mircea_popescu: oya. most people involved on the business side still have and daily use icq
mircea_popescu: one doesn't need to look far ; just going by the daily precedent there's about 5k or so counts clinton can go to jail for, totalling about 1mn years or so.
mircea_popescu: the bid is 0.00021367, the ask is 0.0003418, there's no open bids, there's no daily range, the average volume for the past 30 days is 139, worth about four bitcents give or take, or in other words a tiny fraction of qntra';s (MPEX:S.QNTR) 1.1999952 btc.
BingoBoingo: "Our Elliot who art in Hell. What was your last name again. Our kingdom cum, no sex for you. For we are in heaven. Give us this, our daily lols. Forgive us our sex, as we forgive you for not having any. And lead us not into slaughter over craigslist, but deliver us lulz. A Phi."
pete_dushenski: phf: fwiw the eizo 16:10 trio that kicked out my office samsungs cured my daily headaches.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-01 17:40 mircea_popescu: anyway, to bridge this discussion with the kaiser wilhelm "disappeared" daily telegraph interview discussed last week :
trinque finds the elliot pieces coming to him daily now
ben_vulpes: tearing it down, packing it up. time for my daily dose of the laughter of innocents.
adlai: ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HOW MANY TIMES have you meditated daily for ten years?
asciilifeform: i use it daily
BingoBoingo: Eh, add hormones, inject zygote into abdominal fluid 2x daily until one sticks.
gabriel_laddel: It does. I search the logs for clim and my handle ~daily
a111: Logged on 2016-09-11 16:15 mircea_popescu: in other lulz & assorted "daily wtf that never happened on the bitcoin network and if it did it's mp's fault anyway", a86c3b4efb1be5862dff6740a16cae83a785e78eb8a81b49c6f3337ca8e0b1cc being high-S got malleated by da3008e8b15d36343bc07c05cf107a7b6d29df0467901401410f8fe0d8c76488 which however... doesn't actually exist.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz & assorted "daily wtf that never happened on the bitcoin network and if it did it's mp's fault anyway", a86c3b4efb1be5862dff6740a16cae83a785e78eb8a81b49c6f3337ca8e0b1cc being high-S got malleated by da3008e8b15d36343bc07c05cf107a7b6d29df0467901401410f8fe0d8c76488 which however... doesn't actually exist. ☟︎
asciilifeform: tropos is part of the 'vertical and horizontal' thing, in the sense where it is one of two dozen or so 'partners' for making sure that usg knows daily output, in millilitres, of oil well in venezuela, or that if texas breaks away from the ussa, it will not have working sewage pumps, etc.
asciilifeform: phf: at one point i got 1,001 of these daily
mircea_popescu: iirc it went to "let them expire daily"
a111: Logged on 2016-08-18 03:55 mircea_popescu: btw folks - wotpaste wipes shit daily. make sure you save what you want.
mircea_popescu: btw folks - wotpaste wipes shit daily. make sure you save what you want. ☟︎
ben_vulpes: nor are these "daily drivers", being nearly antiques already
mircea_popescu: just about daily occurence.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The daily hate?
trinque: and daily it drops calls or suffers misc glitches where one end can't hear the other
trinque: at least on tmobile; I use it daily
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-24#1509486 << "daily cry at work" ? "due" to "burnout" ? fire the fucking hr department from head to toe. wtf are they thinking hiring all the border sleeves. ☝︎
ben_vulpes: i fight this daily on osx.
deedbot: https://twitter.com/thedailydecrypt << The Daily Decrypt (@TheDailyDecrypt) | Twitter | http://cointelegraph.com/authors/amanda_b._johnson << Amanda B. Johnson | https://forum.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-discussion/amanda-billyrock-is-amanda-b-johnson-of-the-daily-decrypt-t6027.html << Re: Amanda Billyrock is Amanda B. Johnson of The Daily Decrypt
mircea_popescu: phf there's a very substantial difference between THESE notes, ie, business planning and whatever they are, daily minutia ; and the notes there contemplated, which are subject of science, and entirely useless if not verbalized.
mircea_popescu: the ~only successful ipad mmorpgs consist of exactly this : make 500 minigames loosely bunched together in a "daily activity meter" list of rewards,
asciilifeform: 'The symbol comes from right-wing blog the Right Stuff, whose podcast The Daily Shoah featured a segment called "Merchant Minute" that gave Jewish names a cartoonish "echo" sound effect when uttered. The "parenthesis meme," as Right Stuff editors call it, is a visual pun. In Right Stuff propaganda, you'll often read that Jewish names "echo." According to the blog's lexicon page, "all Jewish surnames echo throughout history." In other
danielpbarron: my character "dies" hundreds of times daily
mircea_popescu: i see these here daily.