539 entries in 0.777s

mircea_popescu: at least they're trying. "
orcs trying" is becoming quite the lulzmine trope.
mircea_popescu: "you can only talk to orc in barbar" problem was traditionally resolved through "extrateritoriality", ie make a base and shoot the
orcs that fail to grok what perimeter means.
BingoBoingo: Could be the recent ordeals has given me a harder appearance and manner of carriage? Or possibly the lower castes of
orcs are developing a mythology.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Yeah, not perfect but servicable. Cuning enough to extract a decent living here outta the
orcs while waiting to return to the Dental profession.
mircea_popescu: the exact same holds re your overhead there. you have an office and so on that costs 1/10 or less of what it'd cost had a fiatola scampany carried it on its own books ; and the matter continues -- if we get a semi fulla 2u chassis in, we will have a pile chassis worth 2x what we paid for them due to the barriers the ineptitude of
orcs place in our favour.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo gotta learn patience. the
orcs generally mean well but can't manage to apply themselves.
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 16:40 phf: i suspect local
orcs have alternative paths for procurement, was sop in russia in the 90s. you could go to "official dealer" type place and pay 10x, or you would haggle for price at Gorbushka, bazar style
a111: Logged on 2018-02-02 16:40 phf: i suspect local
orcs have alternative paths for procurement, was sop in russia in the 90s. you could go to "official dealer" type place and pay 10x, or you would haggle for price at Gorbushka, bazar style
mircea_popescu: somehow he went to india and they didn't steal his gf ; what do
orcs want with weird non-galaxy looking cuisinart boxes.
phf: i suspect local
orcs have alternative paths for procurement, was sop in russia in the 90s. you could go to "official dealer" type place and pay 10x, or you would haggle for price at Gorbushka, bazar style
☟︎☟︎ mp_en_viaje: eh bs. there's 300mn usians not going anywhere and 2bn
orcs going around in circles
douchebag: "V. You could learn how to program correctly, such as for instance by writing your own Vvi implementation, or by standing up an irc botvii, or by following the excellent manuals produced by the Lordshipviii. Bear in mind that it is deemed unethical within the Republic to write code if you haven't actually learned how to write it first, and that
orcs' claims to have taught you something often turn out
mircea_popescu: and somehow THEY'RE supposed to be the uncivilised
mircea_popescu: this is about as likely as imagining john kerry is a better dresser at home than when sardined with
orcs for publicity photos.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-16#1771302 << i am quite persuaded by this view. what they disliked in bush maps exactly on what we dislike in obama and his herd of subhuman brown
orcs ; and more generally what they disliked of hitler (incidentally -- also what they ended up copying of hitler) very much exactly maps on the whole substance of what we don't like in pantsuit.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: instilling this into the heads of the useless
orcs (or, zeks, for that matter) and selecting the ones capable of it (so the rest can be simply machinegunned/napalmed) is the fundamental job of the lord anyway.
mircea_popescu: has a certain purely-cinematic surrealism to it, like ye olde stories of
orcs in sweden burning the parquet for cooking fuel.
shinohai: From today's trilema update "Bear in mind that it is deemed unethical within the Republic to write code if you haven't actually learned how to write it first, and that
orcs' claims to have taught you something often turn out fraudulent upon examination."
mircea_popescu: # MichaŠGórny <mgorny@gentoo.org>, Andreas K. Hüttel <dilfridge@gentoo.org>, << well it's good to know all the effort was worthwile,
orcs get their name spelled correctly.
mircea_popescu: similarily, we imagine the usg is a thing, independent and of itself, rather than correctly understanding "usg is the PRODUCT of what the
orcs will believe, very much in the
http://trilema.com/2014/la-florida-and-other-places/ sense ; usg is what's left after all the items impossible as far as
orcs are concerned were removed ; much like byzantium was "what's left after we eliminated everything the bulgarians wouldn't buy".
mircea_popescu: very ethnologically interesting, but WHAT the fuck makes the
orcs produce these ?
mircea_popescu: it's the fundamental orcism, this. expressed pluriously by the
orcs now inhabiting the once-proud colonies. "you couldn't know as you haven't experienced". really, bitch ? what the fuck DO YOU THINK KNOWLEDGE EVEN IS!
diana_coman: mircea_popescu>
orcs are slow. <- from my personal experience this is actually a rather reliable empirical measure of how much someone groks reality as is; the analogy would be as to how far away they are from it, hence how much it takes for the "light" to travel aka them to see it; for some the splendours of Rome are visible only now so they still hold today's Rome to be the greatest thing; others are still seeing the Habsburg
mircea_popescu: moldovans are
orcs and not as romanian as they'd like, which is why chisinev spoken romanian sounds like embalmed ion creanga.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo basically, the difference between
orcs and niggers is that the niggers know they're niggers, the
orcs still have delusions.
mircea_popescu: local
orcs have their own homegrown equivalents of graham-style "entrepreneurship".
mircea_popescu: but yes, the situation is not symmetrical -- western
orcs produced mcmansion where eastern
orcs produced very respectable math and literature, which is truly 2nd generation in shoes fare
mircea_popescu: much like the russkis, what these other marginal
orcs have to show for "their great empire" is a barely functional bezzle scheme. i don't even mean the financial part, intellectually speaking the whole us can be comfortably sat down in two lines' worth of "don't say nigger and state-god will provide", which is what, somehow different from "quote marx and wait for moscow" ?
mircea_popescu: the funniest thing to me is that this sad state of affairs gives them no pause. "what
orcs ? WE ARE THE
mircea_popescu: i don't know anyone but idiots and poor
orcs still in that shithole. romanians fine example of both categories.
mircea_popescu: can pretty much exactly follow "civilised" inferiority complex by what they whine re "corruption" in
mircea_popescu: lmao. why is it that the
orcs always end up in miami ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-18 05:32 mircea_popescu: now, the fact is that lead is also legally unavailable today. this is not necessarily sorosconspiraci :
orcs with very low passive environmental exposure may very well afford a little bit of lead sugar now and again for a sprain. nevertheles, "civilised" ie overexposed pantsuits can nor afford such a thing.
mircea_popescu: now, the fact is that lead is also legally unavailable today. this is not necessarily sorosconspiraci :
orcs with very low passive environmental exposure may very well afford a little bit of lead sugar now and again for a sprain. nevertheles, "civilised" ie overexposed pantsuits can nor afford such a thing.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, this is the problem with idiot
orcs who fall for the empire agitprop.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform right. maybe they were invaded. but maybe they weren't ? maybe senescence is what turned the tall guys with slender noses into today's
mircea_popescu: the fact that blue collar /
orcs do not get the same problems is a clear indication of their non-medical nature.
Framedragger: erlehmann: i mean, old wise men decide faith of
orcs, yeah :D
orcs are slower on the uptake, because everyone alive in 2017 apparently reall;y believes all the shit mommy said while daddy was absent.
mircea_popescu: this is a delusion shared by all
orcs, including the original jucheans.
danielpbarron: speaking of pedestrian vs car. in this city the
orcs spitefully and intentionally obstruct the road as some sort of bizzarro power signalling. Things like waiting until there is a car before crossing the road ; opening driver's side door without even looking, and then taking their time with it, digging around like its their closet and not a public street
mircea_popescu: "no, you're a bunch of
orcs with delusions of agency in others."
mircea_popescu: for 20 years these idiots were all "omfg, this is country too, with people, why shouldn't rent be same as in florida ? (florida being === the us as far as the latino
orcs are concerned)
mircea_popescu: so it is with the
orcs, and so it is with all the inferior life.
mircea_popescu: they have all the self-determination of the average ferret : if you keep hens in a henhouse it will try and sometimes succeed to get in and suck blood off a few of them. that's it and that's all. there's no ferret poetry, no ferret philosophy, no ferret tools even. exactly like in the case of any
orcs, if you see them wearing armor or wielding actual weapons as opposed to "random shit they found in their immediate surrounding
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's impossible to hide the albright from any of this. but then again they don't specifically aim to hide it from us, secure in the knowledge that the
orcs it's addresses to entirely lack the receptors in the first place. which is true.
mircea_popescu: as in,
orcs flooded new york ; bereft of any means to do anything ; ended up in harlem.