▁▁⏐︎▁▁▁ 4179
mircea_popescu: aww such battelfields of teh futures.
mircea_popescu: don't tell me orcs have buttons too ?!
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/XevSZ << in other lulz
mircea_popescu: o hey, there's the other side ?
mircea_popescu: "Leftists don’t merely disagree with you. They don’t merely feel you are misguided. They don’t think you are merely wrong. They hate you. They want you enslaved and obedient, if not dead."
mircea_popescu: hey, the feeling is entyirely mutual. i don't simply think they're misguided, although they are, or for that matter wrong. i don't hate them, but there's no question of the world continuing on any other basis than the complete enslavement of any lefty anywhere.
mircea_popescu: chains for the poor, whippings for the poor, feed children as little as they can bear and send them away from their mothers as soon as they can wlak, to slave in the house of another.
asciilifeform: eh if the immune system worked, the tumour would not be basketball-sized.
mircea_popescu: that's what built the british empire, that's EXACTLY what built european civilisation, and i would much rather cut a limb off any three year old than ever again encounter any of these unchecked, unhumbled, unhinged monstrosities "liberal our democracy" produces.
mircea_popescu: fucking 7 year cycles, most of the idiots must be dead by the time they're 7 and people are looking for compliant cocksuckers to fill the scant page jobs available.
mircea_popescu: for every hipster in a hipster beard and hat, a dozen innocent infants must lose a limb.
mircea_popescu: maybe make a website for it too. "here's the dozen children that had to lose a limb because johnny mc fucksticks, "hacker and evanghelist" had really bad parents who didn't beat him."
mircea_popescu: but in other butthurt, from thenewrepublic fake news outlet : "The term “fake news” outlived its usefulness almost as soon as it became common parlance, and is perhaps only valuable now as a marker for whether journalism that paints President Donald Trump in an unflattering light has reached his desk." ie, "our arm outlived its usefulness just as soon as the enemy broke it off our shoulder and started beating us in the he
mircea_popescu: ad with it. shame on the arm!"
mircea_popescu: idiots.
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/rplxV << relatedly
mircea_popescu: in other lulz : townhall.com significantly more widely read today than theatlantic.com ; i bow to your more relevant lulzlinks lol
mircea_popescu: but anyway, yes, they won't fucking yield, mostly because being a libertard means you have absolutely nothing else, so what exactly would be the difference between yielding and blowing oneself up ? they would, isis style, if they had the guts. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: so yes, it'll be either crush them now or crush them tomorrow or crush them next week etcetera. the only variable is how long the gnashing of teeth is to last.
mircea_popescu: supposedly mercy killing is when you kill an injured animal on the spot, rather than torture it medically for a while first.
mircea_popescu: then again, i am hard pressed to ground the proposition that the left shouldn't be tortured in anything palpable. why exactly not ? i have nfi.
mircea_popescu: "And the frightening thing is that the Left is so foolish, so stuck in its bubble that it has no understanding that it can only push so far before the people with all the guns and all the training push back. That’s the problem with kids who were raised on participation trophies and who never got into a fistfight – they don’t consider the possibility that they will lose, and lose hard." << dude exactly has it. loudmouth
mircea_popescu: derp who's never been punched imagines his edgy talk is something he can support because he has no life experience ; and will be shocked to discover that if you get yourself in the situation where you get punched, people don't usually stop after the first one, even though you switchedon a dime from tough talking dragon to whining little girl.
mircea_popescu: but in any case - stomping into the ground anyone with "protests" is certainly the moral imperative of the age. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1zp953kVLs to quote the left's own agitprop.
asciilifeform: the folx 'with the guns and training' were raped by washington (shay's rebellion), by hoover (bonus army), by johnson (vietnam), by bush/obummer (iraq bonus withdrawal, retroactive, evictions, dekulakizations.) somehow.
mircea_popescu: well yeah. the veterans usually get fucked, from rome onwards.
asciilifeform: the 1 time they didn't, was the winter palace thing.
mircea_popescu: which is this ?
asciilifeform: ww1 vets of ru, 1917.
mircea_popescu: how exactly didn't they get the same baculum ?
asciilifeform: 'civil war' != 'go home sad'
mircea_popescu: how not ? think of them as hookers.
mircea_popescu: so they got fucked once and didn't get paid, so they went to the fucker's house to complain.
mircea_popescu: who ... fucked once more, and allowed them to stay on, to get fucked more as the need may arise.
mircea_popescu: this is a deal ? because why, they "got married" ? tyvm.
mircea_popescu: they didn't go home happy.
asciilifeform: mno. went to his house, and burned it to the ground, and fucked his daughters' neck stumps.
asciilifeform: ~then~ went on to get fucked by new folx, in new orifices.
mircea_popescu: mno. hooker fucks, soldier fights. as the hooker fucked so the soldier fought.
mircea_popescu: basically they fought another war for free because they weren't paid for he first one ?
mircea_popescu: bitch, veteran = golden solidus and all the barbarian women in a county. that's the deal.
mircea_popescu: not "come to palace cut more heads".
mircea_popescu: wtf, suppose you're a plumber, go do a spot of work, dork refuses to pay, you go to courthouse to complain they make you do their plumbing too. this sounds like a deal to you ?
mircea_popescu: you're only plumbing to get paid, it's not your fucking physiological function after all!
asciilifeform: if 'their plumbing' means 'stitch malefactor's arse to his mouth' and take his gold -- then yes, deal.
mircea_popescu: i dunno about that. ww1 veterans got gold ? what gold did they get ?
mircea_popescu: you understand the ancient conception of war ? you raise a bunch of men, you go the next town over, you beat up all the guys, this is the work ; you fuck all the women and drink all the booze, this is the party (like what they do in sane jurisdiction during college games, the winning team gets the naked cheerleaders of tghe losers') ; then all the gold found on the premises is melted into one single thing and it is poured in
mircea_popescu: as many equal rounds as there are men present.
mircea_popescu: that's the solidus, a trophy of the victory. each soldier takes his home.
mircea_popescu: to be traded away or kept, but in any case - his. his by right of war.
asciilifeform: ww2 (and zhukov in particular, with his trains) was hilarious exhibit of orcs trying, hopelessly, to apply this principle to modern conveniences
mircea_popescu: and the losers are to do what losers are to do, raise the children resultant.
mircea_popescu: aha.
asciilifeform: grunt can take the 'tic, tac' 40 watches home, but not the berlin train system
mircea_popescu: germans were more practical, burn teh locals take the train system.
asciilifeform: (though they did find a way to take zeiss home -- entire thing, men, machines, glass.)
asciilifeform: quite likely there are folx in rural ru still shitting in toilets from reichstag to this day.
asciilifeform: i suspect that modern folx see war as a snore at least partly because there is not so much that is to be carted away. killing, e.g., usg troops, is pest control. cockroaches - don't have gold.
mircea_popescu: aha.
mircea_popescu: this is very much so.
mircea_popescu: kinda why war became asymmetric
asciilifeform: vietnamese would not even take the rifles. 'this little black rifle is of no use to our cause.' --actual order
mircea_popescu: well they were pretty shitty rifles.
asciilifeform: it was the first swallow of the post-eisenhower spring.
asciilifeform: (which birthed f35 et al.)
mircea_popescu: pretty much yeah
mircea_popescu: if it weren't for the needs of us industry to feel important and relevant, war'd have been fought with ak-47 on both sides.
mircea_popescu: allowing the ru to superiorily lulz at teh orcs.
asciilifeform: by some accounts, good share of the actual 2way fire exchanges, ~were~ with ak.
asciilifeform: vietnam is a fascinating treasury of lulz, and quite well-documented. how, for instance, the command was mainly occupied with question of how to actually make the conscripts fight instead of 'travail arabe' imitation (consisting of retreat and shots fired for sound effect)
asciilifeform: they settled on physically marooning the cannon fodder behind enemy lines, with chopper. hence that vehicle becoming iconic of the period.
mircea_popescu: aha. otherwise dumbest thing ever, really, chopper as battle machine ?!
mircea_popescu: why not those idiotic tank on stilts things from holywood "fiction"
asciilifeform: they were cannonfodder-inserters first, gun platform -- distant second.
asciilifeform: the latter works, in all fairness, quite well against folx with ~0 air defense.
asciilifeform: (iirc, most airframes lost, at least according to Official histories, were accounted for by mechanical wear)
shinohai: http://pornstar.id/ <<< pornstar facial recognition, actually kinda neat
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: dulap has been down for like a month now?
thestringpuller: pete_dushenski: your node went down recently it looks like
thestringpuller: as of current looks like there are no TRB nodes responding
thestringpuller: (except deedbot)
shinohai: mimisbrunnr is up
thestringpuller: i can't find the IP in the logs
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: it's up, and even the heathen survey thing sees it
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: problem is on your end
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's not possible to have "0 air defense" to the level of making it safe for helicopter.
mircea_popescu: a hunting rifle suffices.
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: weird heathen survey connects on my VPN machine but not from my local network?
thestringpuller: but don't thinkt that'd be problem ~_~
mircea_popescu: shinohai works swimmingly, identified all my social media bots.
shinohai: :D
asciilifeform: anyone other than thestringpuller has trb node that can't hear dulap ?
shinohai: I can see it, and yes 21co sees it as well
thestringpuller: ah yea. and I can hear it through proxy, but not directly from network
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: out of curiosity-- what isp
thestringpuller: ATT
asciilifeform: gsm?
thestringpuller: no. "UVerse"
asciilifeform: what ~can~ you connect to? zoolag?
asciilifeform: how about mircea_popescu's node
thestringpuller: i can connect to deedbot
thestringpuller: haven't tried MP-node
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: what does your build look like ?
shinohai: oh god 4g lte
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: one other thing: is there a prb node also on your lan? it might have led to malleus banhammering of your ip.
asciilifeform: (supposing you're behind a nat)
thestringpuller: cycled my modem, seems to have fixed it, if albeit temporarily...
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: if you're interested in a perma-cure, plz consider answering my qs
thestringpuller: it's built on Debian Jessie frozen circa mid 2015 (except for sakurity updates)
thestringpuller: no PRB nodes on the LAN
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: this wouldn't be the first isp that tried to monkey with the naked bits , nor the last
thestringpuller: only a matter of time before some ISP blocks all outgoing 8333 traffic
asciilifeform: thestringpuller: most wireless carriers in usa -- already do afaik
thestringpuller: and so the war goes on.
thestringpuller: thx for your help asciilifeform
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D140BCA0BB6C20C9AB25314C80770AB6DEAC6302A53ACA6E89CEA0A2D1DCC93D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1667...5417 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (athena.argo.no. NO)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/D140BCA0BB6C20C9AB25314C80770AB6DEAC6302A53ACA6E89CEA0A2D1DCC93D << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1648...0553 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (athena.argo.no. NO)
thestringpuller: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612224 << gcc (Debain 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2 ; the problem is g++ won't install due to some dependency conflict in apt-get ; I don't know exactly what package(s) is(are) causing it... ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-07 21:09 mod6: should be fine with gcc 4.9.
asciilifeform: lemme guess, the conflict is the shitgcc it ships with
asciilifeform: unless you have some peculiar reason for using this distro - throw it out.
asciilifeform: get a known-working one.
thestringpuller: habit. i'm likely going to nuke this one for gentoo.
shinohai: gentoo definitely solves a lot of headaches
thestringpuller: it's time consuming tho, but what good things aren't?
shinohai: It isn't bad really. You can test drive in a chroot until you have time to build actual kernel.
mod6: <+thestringpuller> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612224 << gcc (Debain 4.7.2-5) 4.7.2 ; the problem is g++ won't install due to some dependency conflict in apt-get ; I don't know exactly what package(s) is(are) causing it... << ahh, huh. well, if you ever figure out what it is, let us know. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-07 21:09 mod6: should be fine with gcc 4.9.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612127 << i actually heard that phrase verbatim from the nordics more than once in the past week ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-07 18:24 mircea_popescu: ahahaha future is female get the fuck out of here.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612175 << if we're sticking to unix, should really be able to specify which random device to use, with /dev/random being fallback. of course they Solved it on Plan9 (tm), you can bind whatever endpoint as /dev/random in your process ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-07 19:05 asciilifeform: and other proggies running on the box have 0 business knowing which serial ttys are rngs, which are terminals, and which -- nukes
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612201 << i'm using that ip list that you pasted in round-robin for both bouncer and the bot, and subjectively shit's been dropping more frequently. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-07 20:05 mircea_popescu: i don't use their dns.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612232 << umd is a giant h1-b clearing house, when you take away that, there's nothing left. at a recent career fair i saw huge lines of azns and indians at google and facebook booths ("our wait time finally dropped below an hour so i could get away and grab lunch") ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-07 21:18 asciilifeform: i.e. 'we will do exactly what we did under obummer, and fuck you, and oh hey did we mention, fuck you? and go ahead and try to pull fed funding, that button ain't connected'
phf: i could count the natives on two hands, and only one or two with the right kinds of brains. on the other hand incredibly large number of "i have a ph.d. and a patent back in china, studying here for compsci undergrad"
phf: first time you see a physics ph.d. with a patent you're kind of impressed, but when you have ten of them in a row.. ☟︎
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EC8D740592710CE518B5F7A49138538DB9FB446895C13771C5760688B1F0C97B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1422...1713 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (host.schnied.net. DE)
deedbot: http://phuctor.nosuchlabs.com/gpgkey/EC8D740592710CE518B5F7A49138538DB9FB446895C13771C5760688B1F0C97B << Recent Phuctorings. - Phuctored: 1635...0359 divides RSA Moduli belonging to ' (ssh-rsa key from (13-14 June 2016 extraction) for Phuctor import. Ask asciilifeform or framedragger on Freenode, or email fd at mkj dot lt) <ssh...lt>; ' (host.schnied.net. DE)
phf: asciilifeform: http://www.bdsoft.com/resources/bdsc.html "An 8080/Z80 C Compiler" ☟︎
BingoBoingo: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1066.36, vol: 5760.53544584 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1047.0, vol: 6288.11426 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1067.0, vol: 15090.9745082 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 1090.477953, vol: 17215.16550000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1068.567, vol: 2227.40564737 | Volume-weighted last average: 1072.97262884
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-08#1612411 << it's the periodic sort of idiocy ; you end up hearing it from sinking civilisations. the greeks thought "the future is female" and it survived ~1k years, as seen eg in the cathar heresy. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-08 04:07 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612127 << i actually heard that phrase verbatim from the nordics more than once in the past week
mircea_popescu: the universal cure for it, as deployed by the french king, is raising special forces cavalry dedicated to raping the daugthers and castrating the husbands, and billeting it with the families in question.
mircea_popescu: more or less the "refugee" thing.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-08#1612417 << quite exactly, yes. a fine example of the general principle in http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-08#1612300 ☝︎☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-08 04:36 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612232 << umd is a giant h1-b clearing house, when you take away that, there's nothing left. at a recent career fair i saw huge lines of azns and indians at google and facebook booths ("our wait time finally dropped below an hour so i could get away and grab lunch")
a111: Logged on 2017-02-08 00:28 mircea_popescu: but anyway, yes, they won't fucking yield, mostly because being a libertard means you have absolutely nothing else, so what exactly would be the difference between yielding and blowing oneself up ? they would, isis style, if they had the guts.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-08#1612420 << and the first time you see a lord in full regalia it's also kind of impressing ; by the time the peasants made themselves replicas and every barefoot-in-the-mud haystack princess is embroidering her "crest" on pillows... ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-08 04:40 phf: first time you see a physics ph.d. with a patent you're kind of impressed, but when you have ten of them in a row..
mircea_popescu: kind-of easy to forget (especially for the ustard who never knew) that there was a california a thousand years ago, and it was called languedoc.
mircea_popescu: shit ended poorly for them.
mircea_popescu: (after "they won't fucking yield" peacefully, without any sort of plan other than "we'll just keep on going". holocaust predictably followed.)
mircea_popescu: !~google "donas e tozas e mulhers"
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Siege of Toulouse (1217–18) - Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Toulouse_(1217%25E2%2580%259318)>; Simon de Montfort, 5th Earl of Leicester - Wikipedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_de_Montfort,_5th_Earl_of_Leicester>; Mulher recebe flores, mas percebe que buquê era para... o cachorro ...: (1 more message)
mircea_popescu: dude how the fuck can google be this fucking useless.\
mircea_popescu: seriously, 500 fucking references, all of which to one of either "according to the most detailed sources" or "according to one source", or "apparently" or "legend" ? fuck me, really ?
mircea_popescu: "E tiravan la donas e tozas e molhers e venc tot dreit la peira lai on era mestiers." how about that! what fucking magic is this, i wonder! you mean to tell me it's possible to KNOW THE FUCKING SOURCES as opposed to n-th hand idle commentary of no value or import ?!
Reuel: Hi goys
Reuel: guys*
Reuel: When I am looking at the TRB site seals, I see more than one for each patch, does that mean code has been reviewed?
Reuel: like an ok from different signers?
Reuel: Also, in the spirit of what you guys are doing, I'd guess Ubuntu would not be the prefered system to run a bitcoin node on for serious use, do you have suggestions as to what to use?
shinohai: Reuel: I'd say Gentoo myself, though trb *has* built countless times for me on Ubuntu/Debian
Reuel: I will check that out, thx.
Reuel: Yet, following the philosophy, then at some point one would want to build an OS this way, right?
shinohai: I was a Debian fag for years until the Lordship convinced me of gentoo switch
shinohai: Yup, whole lot less retardation.
Reuel: And hardware isn't 100% safe either... ah I am drifting off anyway
mircea_popescu: lol hi goys
mircea_popescu: Reuel yes, that's what it imeans exactly.
Reuel: ok, great
mircea_popescu: !~calc 5.7 + 1.1 - 7
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 5.7 + 1.1 - 7 = -0.1999999999999993
mircea_popescu: ^look ye and be amazed at the grandiose arithmetical future of alphabet, inc!
mircea_popescu: !!rated lobbes
deedbot: mircea_popescu rated lobbes 2 at 2015/02/05 20:41:28 << #eulora logs bot
mircea_popescu: !!rate lobbes 3 eulora logs + auction bot, and altogether a very solid lordship candidate. ☟︎
deedbot: Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/ib14G/?raw=true
Reuel: does trb have the bitcoin-cli rpc stuff like the other implementation?
mircea_popescu: that's all it has, there's no gui
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Don't forget Qntra Qntributor http://qntra.net/author/lobbes/
mircea_popescu: right-o
Reuel: ah yeah i hobbied a bit with the cli before, can't seem to find it now... i'll look harder
mircea_popescu: Reuel pretty sure it has a --help
shinohai: ./bitcoind -?
Reuel: was this built from scratch btw?
mircea_popescu: what's your definition of scratch ? it was built from genesis, which is a historical client deemed closest to "no nsa involvement"
Reuel: right
shinohai: http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html <<< is pretty self explanatory ... phf also has a nice source viewer which is helpful for reading the code.
thestringpuller: !~s EC_KEY
jhvh1: thestringpuller: Error: "s" is not a valid command.
thestringpuller: !#s EC_KEY
a111: 2 results for "EC_KEY", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=EC_KEY
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-08#1612462 << /me bows. I am honored to serve ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-08 17:10 mircea_popescu: !!rate lobbes 3 eulora logs + auction bot, and altogether a very solid lordship candidate.
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2017/the-new-capitalism/ << Trilema - The New Capitalism
mircea_popescu: ^ plox to lemme know what you think
mircea_popescu: lobbes if you don't feel like writing account infrastructure of your own, prolly best wait for trinque to complete the deedbot thing. ☟︎
trinque: speaking of which, ben_vulpes, I'm hacking on the raw protocol logging thing today for a bit. dunno if you did anything there to get ACTION working with logs.bvulpes.com
trinque: I'm gonna need that to finish logbot-wot (handles voicing model and ratings), after which the thing's modular, ready to release (and accept other Lords patches)
mircea_popescu: pretty cool.
mircea_popescu: trinque but anyway, here's a directly evident usage already, guy starts auction in #eulora, lobbesbot makes him a bill, guy goes !!pay http://bill
mircea_popescu: we'll have to have a standardized bill form i guess.
mircea_popescu: possibly they should exist as deeds for that matter.
mircea_popescu: at least if they do we'll get to explore the "automate signed" space cheaply enough.
trinque: deeding them is attractive from the operator's perspective
ben_vulpes: trinque: no, i settled for hooking into ctcp-action-message
trinque: nbd
trinque shall hax
Reuel: mircea_popescu, i am geting blocks so i guess i built TRB, what would you suggest i do next? you mentioned mimisbrunnr, looking at that now, anything practical I could do except read? ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Reuel: Watch it sync, note and debug any pauses
BingoBoingo: !~s 168000
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Error: "s" is not a valid command.
Reuel: sure
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-08#1612483 << yeah, I'm fine with trinque handling the payment portion of the process, and I shouldn't have any issues getting lobbesbot to handle the billing portion ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-08 18:12 mircea_popescu: lobbes if you don't feel like writing account infrastructure of your own, prolly best wait for trinque to complete the deedbot thing.
ben_vulpes: https://keybase.io/blog/keybase-chat
shinohai: heh ben_vulpes I saw that earlier.
shinohai: I tried to install it in a sandbox, naturally it says "Oh you are a speshul case because you dont share your private keyz with us" ☟︎
trinque: shinohai what, that's easier!
shinohai: not when your keys are airgapped
shinohai: but, keybase
trinque: !!up framedaddy_ghett
deedbot: framedaddy_ghett voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: who is your framedaddydaddy and what does he do?
framedaddy_ghett: my stack is too small to handle that chain
framedaddy_ghett: oh, there.
framedaddy_ghett: basically, whole hosting provider's network went down, unannounced, including all their services etc. funtimes! ☟︎☟︎
framedaddy_ghett: (autorecovery seems to have worked, which is always nice)
shinohai: !~later tell mod6 3 builds with exp V ... Deb, African, and Gentoo. All worx
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded.
deedbot: http://www.contravex.com/2017/02/08/the-shallow-depths-of-the-apparent-deep/ << » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski - The shallow depths of the apparent deep.
shinohai: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: shinohai: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 1050.59, vol: 9616.71752270 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 1029.999, vol: 7470.47495 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 1047.8, vol: 23089.09984459 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 1051.561, vol: 2949.29081892 | Volume-weighted last average: 1045.59576314
thestringpuller: shinohai: which Deb?
thestringpuller: Jessie?
shinohai: Well I tested with wheezy and jessie, mod6 knows my lingo by now (i hope)
thestringpuller: ah. do you have an image name for the wheezy you used? i just wanna try it out lol
shinohai: thestringpuller: I honestly don't want to encourage you to continue to use Deb for obvious reasons .... but it's just vanilla wheezy
shinohai: The only reason I am still testing Deb/Ubuntu at this point is to help potential noobs that have a smidgen of an idea how to operate linux