jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: aaand in other "guess what sf ideas i got", what if females had no tits, but instead they grew these almond-sized blobs of semi-hard fat on their neck, sorta like corn nibblets on the cobb, and kids just you know, nibbled their neck.
mircea_popescu: sorta grow from one spot and fall out overripe from another.
lobbes: Note that this refers to the sha1sum of the -.zip- only and not to the -contents- (i.e. should only be used to verify integrity of .zips recieved via the eventual .zip delivery process)
deedbot: xenmen_ voiced for 30 minutes.
xenmen_: thanks mircea_popescu, just reading up on your site
xenmen_: I come by ~once a year, an annual tradition, to reread
xenmen_: (The catch-up, that is; rereading older material I spread over a few weeks to a month)
jhvh1: shinohai: The operation succeeded.
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11115.25, vol: 10216.39574227 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 11241.0, vol: 26813.04006437 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11111.0, vol: 4754.24450221 | Volume-weighted last average: 11195.4615616
shinohai: yup and also doesn't use --no-emit-version
shinohai: but in mircea_popescu's original, I also see strange things
spyked: hm. it seems that the browser (firefox on my side) sets default encoding to "western" for plain txt files; setting it to unicode makes it look normal
ave1: I'm enjoying the series a lot! (I've now just read ch2 and starting to ingest it...)
ave1: asciilifeform, yes! also on gnat for musl...
ave1: In the end it took only a small set of changes, but finding these was no fun...
ave1: Ofcourse, I did not want to dive deep into the code of gcc and gnat
a111: Logged on 2017-11-29 01:38 asciilifeform yet again, for 3rd time in 2 yrs, attempted and failed to build a 'zero foot print runtime' for gnat -- to abolish the 3MB of liquishit it shits into every executable.
ave1: Which makes the process a stupid trying / building / running / failing exercise.
ave1: I did! it is more a question for other readers
ave1: aha, I made the check for the email to a check for the website (needs to be 6 chars long)
ave1: I'll remove the website check, probable does not do much anyway
ave1: Will work on wording! It was meant as "Take very good care to check out this one"
ave1: I see change did happen, but still failed the test, one sec...
ave1: asciilifeform: Comments should work now, I can also put this comment in if you like (name == asciilifeform?)
ave1: I did self eval... (did you reload?)
ave1: Was queued is now approved
deedbot: xenmen voiced for 30 minutes.
ave1: I do not get "TODAY'S LOG' IS A LINK" ...
ave1: Hmm, I'm using mp-wp and I cannot find a setting that is supposed to scrub links or allow them. I am looking into it...
☟︎ ave1: Meanwhile, I'll fix the links, also I found the problem will report a little later
shinohai: "Fitness app lights up staff @ mil bases" is best headline in feed today.
trinque: kinda laughable notion that the location of .mil bases was secret
a111: Logged on 2018-01-29 01:14 asciilifeform: !~later tell trinque do you have a working gnat on ppc (g5 or any other) ?
trinque: ah, I could set that up later in the week. going to be traveling starting tomorrow.
BingoBoingo: !~later tell mircea_popescu a MUSL box is now ready to plug in and serve a form of Qntra... after a weekend of head banging
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: The operation succeeded.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Contract start date is Feb 1st, but I am about to poke them to check the wire and see if the racking can start.
☟︎ BingoBoingo: getting some from them and then resubmitting my application to LACNIC. Gotta utilize 64 ip addresses before LACNIC will allocate a /24
trinque: and also, handled incorrectly that'll be a lot of boxen that are suddenly unreachable
deedbot: sageprobes voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: laplinker voiced for 30 minutes.
deedbot: laplinker voiced for 30 minutes.
laplinker: oh, its a long story about AMD, HDT, and looking for sage probes online :)
laplinker: yeah, im not so sure i can afford something that costs: "send me a quote" :)
laplinker: well that was unexpected , i assumed it would be expensive ,i mean look at the intel xdp
laplinker: you should really get one of those minnow boards and a lure board, works OOB with intel DAL at VLV2 config
laplinker: sometimes those xdp3 boxed pop up oon ebay, i found mine for about 50$ a few years ago, but now intel is debugging over usb3
laplinker: than for intel platforms, i recommend minnow, but you are already set with AMD so nm
laplinker: asciilifeform: shitware is available for free, part of intel debugger studio (which is shitware) but the "intel DAL" is free
laplinker: i have it working with xdp3 and xhci debug
laplinker: xdp3 is hard to find, same i guess as the sage probve
laplinker: hmm... i might actually do that, for the xdp3, they should be popping up more and more the more time passes and most folks use xhci, but thats just a guess
a111: Logged on 2016-10-04 15:36 asciilifeform: ACHTUNG, PANZERS! pc engines 'apu2' (the board with the intel nics - vs. 'apu1', with realtek) , turns out, is crippled, hdt probe barfs with it, the cpu is reputed to have a drm fuse set.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-10 16:50 asciilifeform: to round off the crackpottery, 'superlinear' is when the chumps deposit their dough, but afterwards ~go home to get more~, to bring friends, etc.
deedbot: laplinker voiced for 30 minutes.
jhvh1: asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11187.73, vol: 9921.39225920 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 11305.0, vol: 23589.32775105 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11191.0, vol: 4556.23247694 | Volume-weighted last average: 11260.7912556
laplinker: sry, had to go deal with some stuff unexpectedly. catching up
laplinker: Thanks, and thanks for all the help :)
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
mod6: Thanks for reading and trying to pick out if it said the wrong thing though. I appreciate that.
mod6: ah. you have 'wtf' ptsd maybe
mod6: like i have 'scammer' ptsd
mod6: nothing wrong with that.
mod6: "If you try to throw yourself upon the wheels of the great machine, you're gonna have a bad time, Komrade"
trinque: this some kind of "without the workers we wouldn't have all this glorious fy00t0r" ?
trinque: ah speaking of missing fingers, where's that liveleak
BingoBoingo: trinque: Ty for the film. Hopefully I can see it sometime before March.