580 entries in 0.841s
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-07#1893544 -> adding to this, on (re)^n -
read of docs I doubt there's any benefit in having a controlled type in there; essentially
the main thread will *wait* for all tasks spawned by
the SJM to finish from what I understand; so then aborting them in a Finalize makes precisely 0 sense and instead I should probably make it a plain array and offer users of
the package a non-synchronised procedure to abort them
☝︎ mircea_popescu: eventually you have to compare
the marginal gain from "1 of maybe coupla thou noobs with working hands alive" with
the marginal cost from "if i
read one more redditline in
the tmsr
log ima tune it out".
mircea_popescu: THEN there's all
the people who aren't my slaves, who STILL fucking
read each line of this here
log. also "doesn't take anything" ?
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-05#1892739 << this is no small matter ; i ~expect~ a number of my own slaves to
read each and every fucking line of this here
log. it "takes nothing" to
read a line until you start multiplying
the lines and
the readers. but what choice do they have, right, they're my slaves, if i order them that's an end to
the matter.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: There's really no need for pompous assholes vomiting their self importance all over
the log. Dude hasn't
read at
the very least
the basics, can't ~possibly~ be fucking welcome here, let him go to reddit or whatever an' be happy there.
mircea_popescu: and then when he gets to romanian he's gonna want fain backups, and conceivably, wtf was
http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22dtng%22 and also, that one time when i sat down to
read my collection of pif, what was in those large year-bound things, and could i perhaps dig up
the "casino" roulette thing i made by hand to get all
the other kids's turbo chewing gum "surprise" dollars, dms an' turk lyrasi
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-14#1886692 << I've been digesting your initial blawg post, and then that last thread. If I were to summarize what I'd
read I'd say
the short-term path is clear: start automating, and then reporting on metrics gathered. In
the best case it seems
the only way to generate enough sales. In
the worst case you will have at least produced some meaningful statistics
☝︎ mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2015-07-08#1193607 << this makes for a pretty lulzy re-
read, in
the context of
the meanwhile better fleshed out notions of structure and trees and whatnot. isn't it obvious, asciilifeform , that
the ~substantial difference~ is not at all
the "head rng" but simply
the extension and especially quality of
the conceptual trees involved ?
the "head v" so to speak ?
☝︎ mircea_popescu:
the current estimate is about ~1 ppm, give or take 65%. which i'm sure she'll love to
read in
the log. howdy slut!
a111: Logged on 2018-11-05 09:56 diana_coman:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869273 - a config file seems
the better choice, yes; I'll add it to
the list to move
the keys to a config file and update
the tests to
read from config file; that should actually meet asciilifeform's requirements too since
the code will not contain
the >80cols lines (although
the config files will, of course)
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-11-04#1869273 - a config file seems
the better choice, yes; I'll add it to
the list to move
the keys to a config file and update
the tests to
read from config file; that should actually meet asciilifeform's requirements too since
the code will not contain
the >80cols lines (although
the config files will, of course)
☝︎☟︎ diana_coman: in other lol: I guess I can claim that I got here
the youngest
log reader -
the child reads a tid-bit of it ~every time he comes by for anything, even though he struggles on some words ("etc?"); makes for a very good example: yes, you CAN
read but you still have a pile of stuff to figure out before it makes any sense
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-14#1862397 << because cut-and-paste was never contemplated as a possible alternative, it was
read-and-rewrite. because moving from one tree to another is exactly translation, one must bear in mind context and only implement ~
the algo~. consider how we got crc32 -- we did NOT cut-and-paste from anywhere. diana RE WROTE IT!
☝︎ mircea_popescu: i re-
read logs also. i dun see
the problem, what,
log should be toilet paper, use once ?
esthlos: trinque: wrt
the keccak vtron, see
http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/YWfb5/?raw=true . I haven't managed to get asdf working with ccl, though
the sbcl version builds and appears to work. Note that
the thing will barf on non-keccak vpatches. Write-up will come in
the next few days. I also have some
log catch-up to do: will
read the context and repond to your other question soon.
a111: Logged on 2018-09-27 21:02 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-27#1855089 << i have no fucking idea how. i
read the logs daily atm, mostly impelled by... outright fear.
the best heuristic i know of, but otherwise this promises to be a first caliber bane as time goes by.
PeterL: it would be much more useful if
the summary included a link to
the relevant part of
the log, so that if an item is of interest one could
read more detail
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-18#1851208, asciilifeform was right. I used
the list of system calls and
read the man pages and some linux kernel code. (I've worked with
the whole BSD sockets stuff for way too long but not so much directly with it in
the past 10 years or so, and it has grown wraths...). Plus figuring out how to do system calls with more than 3 parameters took some work (was not hard but in relation with inline assembly made it difficult).
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-08-10 00:00 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-09#1840480 << forgot to mention which
log they
read to get
the "idea". because totally, it'll no longer be "we copied tmsr" if they don't admit they copied tmsr.
mircea_popescu: on
the other hand,
the mornic, fucktarded kids, coming up on their own power and out of their own skulls with this fantasy alt-world wherein they dun have to
read the log and work with
the republic and so on and so forth.
mircea_popescu: "use
the log" doesn't just mean,
read here. use it, as
the tool it is, in
the sense of permit referentiality.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-14#1834507 <<
read and enjoyed your porting process for mysql. this will be how things go. many items already have patched ebuilds in
the musl-overlay, which your system is using atop traditional portage. some wont, and will need to be fixed.
☝︎ diana_coman: iirc no, it does not; did you
read the log for yesterday?
mircea_popescu: "My attempted pace will be to
read 4 days of logs every day (3 older logs, and
the present
The average
log takes me about 30 minutes to
read (including following links), and there's a bit over 900 logs to catch up on, so I'll be caught up in 300 days, working 2 hours a day. Starting late is a bitch, ya know." << i am SO FUCKING CURIOUS how this works out!
a111: Logged on 2018-06-18 19:19 hanbot:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-17#1826240 << are you for fucking real? what you're actually saying: "i just got back" = "fuck all y'all." "what was
the" = "i can't be bothered to
read, so how about you
read for me and lay a ribbon-tied summary at my feet like i could be you and you could be my slavegirls and work for me!" "exact reason i was negrated" = "and don't bother me with
the details, i dun gas, i just want to know how to exam take this th
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-17#1826240 << are you for fucking real? what you're actually saying: "i just got back" = "fuck all y'all." "what was
the" = "i can't be bothered to
read, so how about you
read for me and lay a ribbon-tied summary at my feet like i could be you and you could be my slavegirls and work for me!" "exact reason i was negrated" = "and don't bother me with
the details, i dun gas, i just want to know how to exam take this th
☝︎☟︎ spyked:
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-22#1816456 <-- hey, neat archeologgy! may I persuade you to reflow
the preformatted content somehow (replace pre with blockquote or something else)? it's a pita to
read long
log lines on 80 column setups.
☝︎ mod6:
Read that
log post that I pasted above. That is
the current rule.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-04#1809270 << jesus fucking christ, ~every time you're in here there's a new rendition of this abject kramerism. why not
read what people are saying rather than jump to
the same idiosyncratically-imagined categories of what people could possibly express? what, you figure making
the same brushstroke over and over will eventually paint tmsr into what'd be convenient for you personally?
☝︎ ben_vulpes: your listening process just needs to 'listen log_new_message' and then use whatever
the wait-for-message abstraction is in
the programming language for your responding service to wait for
the primary key to come in,
read that line out of
the table and then either insert a response into outbox with
the appropriate target or not as it chooses
ckang hasn't
read the log so is a bit confused
LordMPofTMSR: well if you
read up in
the log you can see i upped myself first.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1799833 <-- but!
the a, b examples I gave were *not* in any sense subtractive,
read again. and by "eliminate" I mean,
the words from vocabulary, unlearn them, throw to trash bin (hence "systematically"!), *not* "take monolith and prod it with toothpick"