197 entries in 0.696s

girlattorney: you still are on a core node, but even if you aren't completely ignoring
segwit shit, you aren't touching it directly
mp_en_viaje: then again, i can not name any program published after... uh i dunno, 2005 or so that i actually fucking use. a large part of the advantage in dealing with these idiots is still
ye same old : nobody needs aything they "did" for anything. much like i have no use for "all the advances" in bitcoin (what,
segwit ? bwahahaha) i also don't have any use for "all th
girlattorney: btw i'm very grateful that still exist a client without
segwit and without other useless crap. so glad to be able to almost sync it
mp_en_viaje: largely the early soviet revolutionary thing was a long chain reorg. a tenuous if long coming interpretation of "wealth" got
segwit 'ed out of existence.
a111: Logged on 2019-05-28 16:22 nocredit: another question: if i run core without using
segwit features (so sticking with the 1 starting addresses) am i actually protected from an eventual attack on
segwit? I know that here is not core support, but there is a way to tell core to dump the
segwit part?
diana_coman: nocredit: since you have nothing to do with
segwit, you are immune to attacks on
segwit, not as much protected as entirely immune by definition, no?
BingoBoingo: nocredit:
Segwit and all the other core weird happens on 3 addresses
nocredit: another question: if i run core without using
segwit features (so sticking with the 1 starting addresses) am i actually protected from an eventual attack on
segwit? I know that here is not core support, but there is a way to tell core to dump the
segwit part?
☟︎ mp_en_viaje: but yes. lotta what is protocol is promise. starting with "
segwit" bs, i won't unearth the threads.
mircea_popescu: i'm personally waiting for the return of the meni rosenfeld / jonathan ryan owens lulzpair. bitdaytrade,
segwit, cash-whatever... what the fuck's the difference.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-24 14:23 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-24#1702759 << eventually this will necessarily happen, yes. "
segwit" transactions are stored on the bitcoin network as "anyone can spend", so eventually miners will unroll the
segwit chain. how soon is not easily predicted (which is why the idea is stupid/usg-like, introduces impredictability in the currency)
segwit was always a matter of "hipsters & doofuses community chests, someone takes it all sometime"
BingoBoingo: Thusly
segwit rollback does not mean rewinding blocks
BingoBoingo: steel: The way weird brokenshit like
segwit and other turds that live in addresses that start with 3 work is that real nodes see them as "spend to any"
steel: Everywhere to exchange my fiat paper to Bitcoin, is
Segwit tainted
steel: Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin
Segwit, Bitcoin Lite, unlimited Bitcoin X's
BingoBoingo: And
Segwit can't in the form the Power Rangers settled on arbitrarily slice shit off of transactions or blocks.
Segwit is an opt-in evil. It can only tickle your butthole if you let it in.
Segwit nodes usually have been bricked to the point of not successfully connecting to the Bitcoin network
avgjoe: so the trusted nodes list is more useful on the initial startup when there are a lot of blocks to download and it'd be easier to just have nodes that doesn't send unnecessary info (like
segwit payload)?
avgjoe: ok i understand, so i shouldn't worry if for instance i connect to a
segwit node, my node will try to chop off the irrelevant parts of what it receive, correct?
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-18 23:14 adlai: for the record: deedbot ate
segwit dust.
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-18 23:14 adlai: for the record: deedbot ate
segwit dust.
trinque: here's the other sad thing; these cunts are taking the coin and throwing them into 3-addys and
segwit, even.
mircea_popescu: specifically being able to say, "oh, yeah,
segwit, whatever, the power ranger's version of deedbot's !!pay, right ?" is a tmsr-wide benefit.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-12 18:58 mircea_popescu: avgjoe it's exactly equivalent to "
segwit" except much less expensive.
mircea_popescu: avgjoe it's exactly equivalent to "
segwit" except much less expensive.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2018-04-11 08:11 avgjoe: Basically
segwit it could be reprhased as the "i'm a good politician that will enforce the ---good--- policy but to enforce this i'll need to take some of your sovereignty (keys), but bear with me, hashrate is gonna protect you"
avgjoe: Basically
segwit it could be reprhased as the "i'm a good politician that will enforce the ---good--- policy but to enforce this i'll need to take some of your sovereignty (keys), but bear with me, hashrate is gonna protect you"
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-08-11 17:52 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the substantial weakness
segwit adds to bitcoin chain security is that witout it, one needs the power to unwind the chain AND the keys of old txn to steal bitcoin. whereas with it, one only needs the hash power, as anyone can spend the
segwit shit.
avgjoe: thanks for the
segwit discussion, i have just looked in the logs for "bech32" and it outputs very little
mircea_popescu: all
segwit coins are going to be eventually unwound. this is again intentional, and not likely to change.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a lot for you to read wrt to why specifically
segwit is a usg-driven attack against bitcoin, and not supported by the bitcoin foundation. perhaps the recent
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-11#1795944 is a good starting point ; but generally the logs are your friends, search them.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-08-11 17:52 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the substantial weakness
segwit adds to bitcoin chain security is that witout it, one needs the power to unwind the chain AND the keys of old txn to steal bitcoin. whereas with it, one only needs the hash power, as anyone can spend the
segwit shit.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-11 17:49 mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes and block depth. if you make
segwit tx a to me at height 1 and i put it into a normal tx at block 2, i can spend it from block 3 as my bitcoin, the segwitnmess is gone out of it. to steal it from me, one has to rewind all the way to block 1 again. which is possible, but expensive as the chain builds.
shinohai: Also was a strong voice behind "Hey you Bitcoiners are gonna miss out if you don't integrate
segwit" shit.
shinohai: I suppose "stop using non-
segwit wallets or I'll burn your church down"
shinohai: It's some sort of
segwit spam floating around chans .... says "Stop using non-
segwit wallets"
BingoBoingo: Still that's every address that starts with 3, so likely some no
segwit turds in there
whaack: doesn't mean much, that was just the recent block. also not necessarily
segwit mircea_popescu: !!rate whaack 2 computed total
segwit impact on bitcoin ecosystem. turned out to be less than 1 parts per thousand.
whaack: Ultimately what I want to build is a tool to determine how much a miner can obtain by "defecting" from
segwit from the current mempool
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-21#1741626 << From my cursory understanding of the
segwit system there's no way to know if coins are in a
segwit address until it is spent. It is effectively of the nature where you must know x in h(x) for the coins to be spent, so a miner cannot snag the coins until the segwitter tries to spend.
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2017-11-21 14:32 asciilifeform: 'the first
SegWit address whose funds were recovered'
a111: Logged on 2017-09-12 21:08 rothbart: I've been trying to grok the
segwit "theft" incentive - as the bounty grows, so does the PoW defending it - doesn't this keep the
segwit outputs safe?
a111: Logged on 2017-11-21 13:51 shinohai: Appears on r/buttcoin this morning someone sent 500k in btcrash to a
segwit addy by accident.
shinohai: Appears on r/buttcoin this morning someone sent 500k in btcrash to a
segwit addy by accident.
☟︎ concernedscaling: Thanks. I guess I am just trying to make sense of all of this, and couldnt find it in the logs. Instead of bcash forking from bitcoin, what was stopping them from just mining and rejecting
segwit transactions on the the real BTC?
concernedscaling: g it was a fork (it's like Litecoin in my mind, which "scales" as well). But even more concerning is Bitcoin with
segwit, and my current BTC on this upgraded protocol. I have not seen much talk about these issues in here lately, is there a reason for this? It seems like most are underestimating the threat of this fake bcash and
rothbart: anyone, at any point, can claim all
segwit outputs - all they need to do is solve the 80bit hash or whatever?
rothbart: does the attacker just build upon the main chain, then; sending all the
segwit outputs to himself?
rothbart: wouldn't he have to redo all that PoW since
segwit wen't active on his fork?
rothbart: as in, the attacker would be doing a chain rewrite in order to keep the
segwit outputs on his fork?
mircea_popescu: whole fucking point of
segwit is to try and take pow away.
rothbart: I've been trying to grok the
segwit "theft" incentive - as the bounty grows, so does the PoW defending it - doesn't this keep the
segwit outputs safe?
☟︎ shinohai: Seems to be the Peter Wuille and lukejr show these days .... the
segwit(less) saviors
mircea_popescu is not entirely convinced the ~implementation~ of
segwit as executed by the power rangers will even work. because that's what they do, it woul;dn't be the first time. or the second. it'd be like the 5th time, which is how many soft forks they did.
mircea_popescu: at time t1, via tx2, address 1a spends coin chunk on
segwit chain. this appears to you and me as "1a sent coins to black hole"
mircea_popescu: um. how would trb see the tx anyway ? it dun interpret
segwit a111: Logged on 2017-08-24 12:42 runsegshet: I want to take action to safe keep my bitcoin, but dont know technicals to not be
segwit tokens
mircea_popescu: just don't accept "
segwit" payments, and don't use their scamware, you'll be fine.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-24#1702759 << eventually this will necessarily happen, yes. "
segwit" transactions are stored on the bitcoin network as "anyone can spend", so eventually miners will unroll the
segwit chain. how soon is not easily predicted (which is why the idea is stupid/usg-like, introduces impredictability in the currency)
☝︎☟︎ runsegshet: I want to take action to safe keep my bitcoin, but dont know technicals to not be
segwit tokens
☟︎ BingoBoingo: They set themselves up the
segwit bomb. Now it's 2x that Sillybert wants to shill.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo don't you just love how the tards went straight on from "bitcoin cash" to "
segwit" without skipping a beat ? << Well, they soft forked
segwit. Their new hill is TWO mb blocks
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo don't you just love how the tards went straight on from "bitcoin cash" to "
segwit" without skipping a beat ?
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the substantial weakness
segwit adds to bitcoin chain security is that witout it, one needs the power to unwind the chain AND the keys of old txn to steal bitcoin. whereas with it, one only needs the hash power, as anyone can spend the
segwit shit.
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes and block depth. if you make
segwit tx a to me at height 1 and i put it into a normal tx at block 2, i can spend it from block 3 as my bitcoin, the segwitnmess is gone out of it. to steal it from me, one has to rewind all the way to block 1 again. which is possible, but expensive as the chain builds.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: now, if this is the plan it's not a very good one (you can bury a
segwit tx into legitimate spending which is deep enough to not be practically reorg-able) but anyway
mircea_popescu: exactly the same play. oh, we "buy" bitcoin crash. if it takes, it's good. if it doesn't take, guess what,
segwit unroll later.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-10 21:46 edivad: in the case of
segwit, this means that trb won't care about
segwit blocks and as long as they will complies with the "hard rules" (I really don't know how to explain myself better) they will be accepted?
shinohai: Also, from here onwards you should refer to
Segwit as `Segshit`
trinque: cept that eventually miners will defect from the thing, and steal everyone's
segwit "transactions", much to the lul of all.
trinque: as currently derped, yep, "
segwit" shouldn't mean a damn thing to bitcoin proper.
trinque: edivad: can search the logs first, eh? there's lots in there re:
segwit and other failures of folks to diddle the definition of bitcoin
edivad: in the case of
segwit, this means that trb won't care about
segwit blocks and as long as they will complies with the "hard rules" (I really don't know how to explain myself better) they will be accepted?
☟︎ BingoBoingo: My favortie part is "MP preventing
Segwit" when instead the power rangers were compelled to
Segwit a certain way leaving Bitcoin alone.
ag3nt_zer0: I dont know if there is a risk in transferring NOW seeing as this
segwit stuff is going on... is there any kind of chance my coins won't be signed properly or something like this?
BingoBoingo: In other news: Miners signaled for
SegWit 'Lock In" UASF averted, network turbulence expected