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snsabot: Logged on 2019-09-12 05:42:11 mircea_popescu: spyked, you know what, re img pastebin ? i think im just going to revive ye ancient
dtng service
BingoBoingo: I suspect the
dtng resurrection is the way to do image pasting, seeing how everyone else constantly resurrects the broken less functional takes on the chan format
mircea_popescu: will be trilema.org/
dtng meaning it'll still block bw leeching, meaning -0 interest from all the usual makers of something from nothing.
mircea_popescu: but this is the ideal application : trielma's backed up anyways, and losing
dtng chanmaterial... well.
mircea_popescu: and make them a strip raid. and this;ll be the trilema.org /
dtng box then
mircea_popescu: spyked, you know what, re img pastebin ? i think im just going to revive ye ancient
dtng service
mircea_popescu: and then when he gets to romanian he's gonna want fain backups, and conceivably, wtf was
http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22dtng%22 and also, that one time when i sat down to read my collection of pif, what was in those large year-bound things, and could i perhaps dig up the "casino" roulette thing i made by hand to get all the other kids's turbo chewing gum "surprise" dollars, dms an' turk lyrasi
mircea_popescu would actually run this thing, anyway. i'm kind-of missing /
mircea_popescu: bout 5-6 years ago i had an actual major portal site,
dtng (the 4chan clone) was on it, also fain (a romanian digg) and my blog and a bunch of other shit
mircea_popescu: JuliaTourianski which webiste ?
dtng was basically... a chan. you know, random people posting whatever.
mircea_popescu: this is serendipitious, ppl kept derping at me to revive
dtng BingoBoingo: So. In 10 years MP buys reddit and maps their urls onto
DTNG pr0ns?
mircea_popescu: locksmith pity you weren't around when i stil ran
dtng, you could have spammed reddit with links to that
KRS1: yeah what happened to
dtng on polimedia.us? There were great pics there
KRS1: nice send moar pr0ns and
dtng KRS1: what happened to trilema
KRS-: what happened to /
jurov: mircea_popescu: /
dtng still exists somewhere?
jurov: so you have stuff from
dtng transcribed to text, too?
Chaang-Noi: You don't have permission to access /
dtng/c/src/133475342584.jpg on this server.
MJR_: what does
dtng stand for? oh...i feel dumb now
jurov: whether they are those contributing to polimedia.us/