169 entries in 0.984s
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in other lulz (mostly for BingoBoingo 's civil law files) : woman here suspected her daughters might have lice, the rural school had some hygiene problems, so she proceeded to wash their hair with zootechnical tick repellent.
mircea_popescu: "this is your tea ; your spices ; your golden fruit. eat them, like them, pay $$$ for them so we can turn around and use that to rape your daughters / evict you from your pastures / etc"
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-17#1908982 << im sure it is, and im sure the 4 "sons" who happen to be daughters in alt-daughter bodies married 4 other women, either natural or artificial, and are sitting there spawning for an activity. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: principally, by the daughters.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-02#1900087 << possibly i'm thick, but i dunget why beijing doesn't catch a coupla dozen usg daughters and send'em to washington 1 finger at a time until the matter's resolved. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: evidently florrie gave our pal jack keefe some daughters, too. left-handed, to boot.
BingoBoingo: And yes daughters
asciilifeform: selling what, exactly. ( daughters ? )
asciilifeform: could be, friedcat et al had 4 daughters to put as collateral.
asciilifeform: maybe the pill , is , daughters of euro folk working in cn
asciilifeform: as for the zooplankton, i have yet to meet one who appears to grasp the implications of no-carding world ( 'and when my money's gone, it's gone, and i can't borrow moar, time to sell daughters ?! holyfuq' ) but watch their faces when shown bitcoin, where this is the order of things
mircea_popescu: depends in what market. i suspect the "chilling effect" is far stronger than the actual effect. ie, in a market with demand for 1bn watches and supply for ~100mn (which was the case cca 1940, ftr, take say shadow of a doubt : bank clerk who can support wife and daughters in humongous mansion in desirable californa location (santa rosa) out of his bank clerk job is very proud, and his friends are very envious, when he finally
mircea_popescu: tell the story to your daughters and granddaughters, so they may know that playing-it-safe and waiting-to-see is not the way to live in this world.
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-04-16#1800300 << he's not the leader (anymore) ever since one of his daughters fell away from the faith ☝︎
mircea_popescu: phf mp has the advantage of a full house. but anyway, yes, very much so, "twitter is the secret treefort mom knows about ; and then discord is the secret basement where https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidslutsclub/comments/87421g/do_you_know_where_your_daughters_are/ "
mircea_popescu: depends if one's a tree, i guess. sure as fuck gypsies have no problem tying the 5yo daughters to pull the cart in line with the goats, as per ye olde http://trilema.com/2010/nuditatea-la-copii-si-sugari/#selection-41.0-45.498
mircea_popescu: it is notoriously difficult for fathers to pick competent sons for daughters / stalins to pick competent successors etc.
mircea_popescu: (sadoveanu, despicable regime-alligned novelist and consequently bigwig had 3 daughters)
mircea_popescu: (the film is exceptional in that it summarily but correctly renders the early capitalism dissolution of traditional feudalism : the lord wants a "ballet" so as to line up the nubile daughters of the land for feeling up ; the councilmen do not wish to give him ~the money~ to make one because it's their fucking daughters. capital exists, in the early modern phase, to dissolve the traditional family, in the strict sense of liber
BingoBoingo: In other news. USG.blue youth program has instructed parents to not have their daughters hug family members and to discourage hugging especially in cases where girl has recieved gift from said family membe
asciilifeform: ( from 'i will get rich because fuck you and esp your daughters' )
mircea_popescu: aanyway. yes, it's a fine manner to repatriate actual wealth (ie, btc) from the fucktards who traded their wives/daughters for money they shouldn'tr have had in the first place.
mircea_popescu: for their daughters. who the fuck cares about the bags now.
mircea_popescu: but, if the lived experience of ghandi is any guide, the classical indians did not very pointedly distinguish daughters from wives.
mircea_popescu: the mothers of the current crop of useless cunts with delusions of journalism were just as their daughters, importantly neighing about "obviously" and "everyone knows" bullshit they couldn't spell.
trinque: same nonsense noise about sam houston statues here, by whichever loud daughters of california league.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-25#1661643 << that's how they do it, like sicilians marry off the daughters. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: yah but tell it to her daughters you get a reaction quite like yours re turbo hybrids above
danielpbarron: guy errs when he says "some random guy gets her" -- this proceeds from the destructive practice of teaching daughters that their opinion matters and they should do what feels good to them, rather than telling them to do as you say and marry who you tell them to
a111: Logged on 2017-04-29 12:43 mircea_popescu: aaand in not-really-news : avalance in retezat (romanian mountain) killed a few kids that were european and world record holders in mountain-related items. ro "our democracy" media railing about how the trainer (also father of one of the victims) "forced his two daughters to break record after record while training in EXTREME CONDITIONS!!!1 ONLY TO SATISFY HIS OWN EGOTISM!!1111"
mircea_popescu: aaand in not-really-news : avalance in retezat (romanian mountain) killed a few kids that were european and world record holders in mountain-related items. ro "our democracy" media railing about how the trainer (also father of one of the victims) "forced his two daughters to break record after record while training in EXTREME CONDITIONS!!!1 ONLY TO SATISFY HIS OWN EGOTISM!!1111" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: poverty, and it's daughters : ignorance ; and the expectation that the state is good.
mircea_popescu: "hello ? we have kidnapped your daughter!" "o yeah ? what are your demands ?" "no demands. we just like kidnapping daughters."
mircea_popescu: tell you waht : each one of the loser intellectual class, the people whose daughters ended up powering the first wave of fat-based cuntindustrialization (where you hydrolize people to get economy going, you know) were ALL avid readers of the pravda
mircea_popescu: all. and their mothers and their daughters with them.
mircea_popescu: of course, if it succeeds i might very well discover in myself an inclination to move over there, spend the next decade going on safari among the "urban elite" for fresh daughters to feed the slave markets.
mircea_popescu: Kingdom of India, rape all the bureaucrat 16yo daughters. sounds like a party.
asciilifeform: mno. went to his house, and burned it to the ground, and fucked his daughters' neck stumps.
mircea_popescu: bear in mind that at the height of jewish idiocy (well, 2nd height, after being stupid in the 30s) manifested as israel socialism, uppity bitches pretended to "teach" their daughters to be naked in public because "no shame" because hey, old woman engineer thinks herself powerful enough to repress the male gaze.
mircea_popescu: so in short : no, it's not ok to take microsoft money. human trafficking money, the proceeds of sales of endangered baby panda tears, the ransom paid for the return of obama's kidnapped daughters, all that is a-ok.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-07 16:04 mircea_popescu: there's exactly nothing that'd keep them from coming here and giving away the nuclear button to the l1. yes we'd butcher some daughters / most sons, but so what of it - some'd survive. even the cod knows this much, that the correct reaction is to throw the meat at the knife, rather than to try and protect it.
mircea_popescu: there's exactly nothing that'd keep them from coming here and giving away the nuclear button to the l1. yes we'd butcher some daughters / most sons, but so what of it - some'd survive. even the cod knows this much, that the correct reaction is to throw the meat at the knife, rather than to try and protect it. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: if anyone's looking to buy cheap farmer's [who thinks himself a gentleman] daughters / farms / etc, that's your horizon.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Of course he has no idea about the daughters
mircea_popescu: i take it someone hasn't found out wife + both daughters are pregnant just yet.
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, i was recently invited at some "theatric performance" in a very nice old building here, i suppose the local best-effort equivalent of one of those ny things, artsy chicks daughters/wives of lawyers etc.
mircea_popescu: hopefully b v gets daughters, they get to be 16, call weekly "dad... i'm in jail... because i'm pregnant..."
thestringpuller: He told me, "American parents did not raise their daughters to be women. But raised them to be disney princesses."
asciilifeform: sisters, daughters, pets,
a111: 105 results for "daughters", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=daughters
mircea_popescu: $s daughters
pete_dushenski: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/peoplesdaily/article-3650344/Daughters-friends-partners-bizarre-relationship-men-human-size-plastic-dolls-China.html << in other chinese markets
mircea_popescu: the only problem with this approach is that it's utterly unsustainable. by the time "they just want to" that, the sword's all out of the sheath, and i'm way the fuck more likely to buy obama's daughters by the pound than they're to "win the war on x" or w/e the fuck.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-28 14:43 mircea_popescu: there's a hundred to a thousand daughters of "single parent" families with fucking siblings, ie, whoredaughters, who instead of joining their mother's brothel go to "community college" and end up with just about enough "college debt" to cover a decent party weekend. IN FOUR YEARS.
mircea_popescu: there's a hundred to a thousand daughters of "single parent" families with fucking siblings, ie, whoredaughters, who instead of joining their mother's brothel go to "community college" and end up with just about enough "college debt" to cover a decent party weekend. IN FOUR YEARS. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-27#1510282 << eu also plans to sell me a few hundred daughters and sisters of politicians by the pound for salami purposes. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and then rape the daughters and tie them seven to a pole and so on. what.
davout: "have larger club, kill more enemies, rape moar of their daughters", pretty clear to me. "intentionnally shit in my own soup, so i can remain employed as a maker of fresh soup, as a general thing" is something i have a bit more trouble seeing though
mircea_popescu: i'm just saying, yes daughters are daughters, but they live in the same house and if one's a slut...
asciilifeform: some cn politburo moron's daughters were admitted to princeton, or the like, in exchange for this 'strategic genius move'
mircea_popescu: w the daughters of the lady of the house fucked the bull.
mircea_popescu: the two go hand in hand. selling obama's daughters at public auction where gaddafi's palace used to stand is just half the story.
mircea_popescu: i fuck their daughters, trophy wives et all.
assbot: I [35 F] found my daughters [15 F] fat acceptance blog. : relationships ... ( http://bit.ly/1RXwU0E )
pete_dushenski: the president of somalia's daughters are better groomed
PeterL: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-11-2015#1324455 << My daughters both have their own sewing machines, though I admit is an uncommon asset for girls under 10 ☝︎
asciilifeform: (but they didn't do daughters)
mircea_popescu: it's unhealthy to raise kids in YOUR means anyway. especially daughters, but in general.
mircea_popescu: the woman's daughters start showing up from school, and the parrot is delighted
mircea_popescu: i'm fucking "the enemy" ie some conclave of old fart's both daughters and occaisonally wife. always have.
mircea_popescu: exactly like i'm going to rape their daughters with a muskrat.
assbot: The reason fathers hope for sons is because they’re too dumb to handle daughters. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1GF6ltd )
pete_dushenski: thestringpuller http://www.contravex.com/2015/10/23/the-reason-fathers-hope-for-sons-is-because-theyre-too-dumb-to-handle-daughters/#comment-33904
deedbot-: [Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski » Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] The reason fathers hope for sons is because they’re too dumb to handle daughters. - http://www.contravex.com/2015/10/23/the-reason-fathers-hope-for-sons-is-because-theyre-too-dumb-to-handle-daughters/
mircea_popescu: <liquidassets> investors don't even want to HEAR the word bitcoin anymore, you guyz are ruining it! << said investors' daughters coming up next.
mircea_popescu: and you can try out the daughters for 20 dollars in bolivia.,
mircea_popescu: i wonder how many 4th wave feminists fighting rape on campus and what other derpage realise that their daughters... well no. their nieces will live their life naked.
mircea_popescu: yet another reason i don't feel inclined to procreate : i don't actually know of a group for whose sake i'd be willing to lie to eventual daughters.
mircea_popescu: e girls. So the problem isn't simply that boys mature slower than girls, it is that they are required to perform the same exact skills at the same exact time. Any surprise boys hate school more, "ADHD" is more prevalent, etc? And there is more anxiety and thus pressure about the potential ineptitude of sons than daughters.
mircea_popescu: it is conceivable, if the same pencildicks keep on with the tail up, "regulate" blablabla that we WILL have a market in stolen daughters traded around to prove a point for a few years.
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-10-2015#1291125 << in 2023 obama's daughters are on xotika. 'bout it. ☝︎
pete_dushenski: make a big mud hut and send your daughters to be our nannies and your boys to be our labourers
ascii_field: and when the now-appearently-sovereign little enclave starts minting methcoin, polygamically rogering nomenklature daughters, and sheltering assassins ?
funkenstein_: houses being passed on to the daughters is the main reason anthropologist use the word "matriarchy"
danielpbarron: I met the author of that site, and a couple of his daughters, one of his sons, and his sister and her son, oh and his mother
assbot: Logged on 30-07-2014 03:06:22; mircea_popescu: specifically : an atm requires a fortress. we have not yet built the fortress. when we do, you will know we have, because i will kidnap a number of "world leaders" wives and daughters to be publicly raped there as to make the fucking point that in fact it IS a fortress.
mircea_popescu: so. b-a is the irc channel where vampires of mankind gather, to discuss how to lower into pederasty the teenaged daughters of hard working social media wokers.
mircea_popescu: incidentally, the only possible definition of "middle class" is, "what's left of the poor fucks once the rich fucks are done raping their daughters and shooting their sons for sport."
mircea_popescu: no folks daughters are so exempt except the paki's.
asciilifeform: 'the folks whose daughters are exempt from paki' are as good an approximation as any
asciilifeform: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/07/27/tragedy-of-golden-daughters-murder-plot-against-parents-resonates-with-asian-immigrant-children/?tid=hybrid_collaborative_1_na << other l0l from same fishwrap
mircea_popescu: anyway, eastern europe bank strategy has been to hire supermodels because a) they're stupid b) they're cheap and c) the stupid and cheap peasants that are their parents still own their own real estate and the best way to get them to lose it to austrian banks is by hiring thei better looking daughters. which they don't fuck because weirdos, but merely drool over..
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-06-2015#1164195 << no, obama's daughters have signed up to suck my cock when they were born. i signed nothing. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: all else is never an indication about daughters.
ascii_field: their 'daughters' probably have shriveled syphilitic cocks.
mircea_popescu: i hope their daughters lubricate well.
mircea_popescu: basically if you have a gated community of people who all have 19 yo daughters, everybody has to sleep at the neighbour's!
mircea_popescu: speaking of which, kinda interesting from an anthropological perspective that on one hand fucking your nubile daughter aside her mother in a steaming session is a closely held taboo, but generally speaking fucking OTHER PEOPLE's adolescent daughters is a closely held ideal.
assbot: Logged on 30-05-2015 23:09:48; funkenstein_: if you was a dwarf i would send thanks by sending my daughters over
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=30-05-2015#1148782 << there is a possibility that your daughters may have foond their way by themselves, especially if they be tall dwarvettes. ☝︎