169 entries in 0.388s
funkenstein_: if you was a dwarf i would send thanks by sending my daughters over ☟︎
asciilifeform: how this act is financed is a secondary consideration. for all i know, they are whoring out their daughters to pay for it
mircea_popescu: "just pray, madam, that the russians don't do to you and your daughters anything like"
ben_vulpes: one does not train daughters in the way one trains wives and girlfriends.
ascii_field: but every time i have a small success in the things i work on, i picture some 'full spectrum dominance' type who will have to sell his daughters six minutes sooner
BingoBoingo: For the truly old there's still caverject and official's daughters
mircea_popescu: Because I had to hire TWO law firms, one for the criminal case and another one for the civil forfeiture case, so far, defending myself against the charge of not having a license in order to trade on localbitcoins has cost me almost $200,000. This is a large chunk of our retirement fund and our daughters college fund. This does not count the property (Bitcoins, cash, etc.) I may have to forfeit in civil forfeiture."
cazalla: bloody mother in laws who give their daughters the idea that you need a new car simply because the old one is looking old (despite being fucking fine mechanically wise)
assbot: Logged on 13-03-2015 13:39:35; cazalla: so what is the opinion of the erudites here regaring what polgar did with his daughters? that has sorta been my goal with my son, find one thing for him and push him hard in that direction
asciilifeform: producing 'decay daughters' food, rent...
gabriel_laddel: it has some stuff about polgar's daughters
cazalla: so what is the opinion of the erudites here regaring what polgar did with his daughters? that has sorta been my goal with my son, find one thing for him and push him hard in that direction ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: The daughters Schwartz were walking home, and see a sign "Become Catholic, receive $50"
mircea_popescu: sure, we'll pull together : come swear fealty to me. bring me your daughters, let me name the head of each usg agency
jurov: you too mentioned obama daughters and so explicitly
mircea_popescu: so pick up nomenklatura daughters, have them do it for you.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i wouldn't clean it, i'd just host impalement orgies for kidnapped daughters of the "elite" doing whatever women's studies bullshit in college.
jurov: gypsies don't give a damn about bleeding.. i heard fathers start trying out the daughters very early
mircea_popescu: it's their thoroughly debased and humiliated sons an' daughters that get the hitler.
mircea_popescu: can i now impeach obama on the basis of some sex tapes in which he's fucking his daughters ?
BingoBoingo: Lol, even the Obama Daughters can't take daddy Obola seriously http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--QbNEYid3--/yf6kfgkd6icyznsk3jya.gif
mircea_popescu: . “Researchers have revealed a robust association between father absence—both physical and psychological—and accelerated reproductive development and sexual risk-taking in daughters,”
mircea_popescu: but let it be clear that if we get that far i will paying for abducted and gangraped usg politico daughters, and putting the videos online.
mircea_popescu: generally, that's the formative experience of failure. when one's daughters are given away as objects to they in the other system, because even as objects there they are still worth more than were they to stay in their parents' own system, much like infinitely nothing of something is still more than absolutely all of nothing whatsoever.
jurov: moms project theri desires into daughters?
mircea_popescu: if you ended up stranded on the island of ugly women, you WOULD fuck ugly women, until they had some less ugly daughters to fuck
Adlai: mircea_popescu: kids can't parent. it takes adults. « tell that to eleven-child families in the west bank where the oldest daughters are effectively mothers to the others
mircea_popescu: born 93. holy shit they could be my daughters by now ;/
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'usg' in that context also includes all 'decay daughters' thereof
decimation: like, why would you be sad if you were overrun with hard-working white people? Your daughters might marry them and have white babies?
mircea_popescu: specifically : an atm requires a fortress. we have not yet built the fortress. when we do, you will know we have, because i will kidnap a number of "world leaders" wives and daughters to be publicly raped there as to make the fucking point that in fact it IS a fortress. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: d be very worried if you ever have daughters.
asciilifeform: though to some extent you can get around this by 'cycling' the females faster (see the mormon, or arab, practice of marrying off daughters at X but sons at 3X age)
mircea_popescu: and a market of "hackers" let's say, ie, the sons and daughters of said iliterate peasants. who will just move to bitcoin.
Mats_cd03: reminds me of lyndon b johnson: wife is ladybird, daughters are lynda bird and luci baines
BingoBoingo: Also... who are his daughters dating... That has to age him too.
assbot: Dakh Daughters "Rozy / Donbass" (live acoustic) - YouTube
mircea_popescu: seems a very organic problem. in any sane country, once a family is bankrupt the man will send the bill collectors packing, the wife and her daughters to work the streets, and the boys out into the world.
mircea_popescu: pankkake: I'd rather fuck the Bush daughters << but those were sluts
mircea_popescu: uh. the mother is actually marginally fuckable. the daughters however...
mircea_popescu: does she even have daughters ?
pankkake: I'd rather fuck the Bush daughters
fluffypony: mircea_popescu:hey skinnkavaj do you see any reason i couldn't fuck michelle obama's daughters on film ? <- sorry to disappoint: http://i.imgur.com/xIguvy2.jpg
mircea_popescu: which is why i don't get my fuck-obama-daughters-vlog.
mircea_popescu: hey skinnkavaj do you see any reason i couldn't fuck michelle obama's daughters on film ?
mircea_popescu: were daughters hating their mothers for being insufferable
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you know, all women currently hated by their daughters for being insufferable
LordPutin: i really need to pay for my daughters surgery soon
mircea_popescu: She said the two had been living in a motel with her 2-year-old twin daughters
benkay: unworthy of a goddess. To all this let me add, I have seven sons and seven daughters, and look for sons-in-law and daughters-in-law of pretensions worthy of my alliance. Have I not cause for pride? Will you prefer to me this Latona, the Titan's daughter, with her two children? I have seven times as many. Fortunate indeed am I, and fortunate I shall remain! Will any one deny this?
benkay: http://www.artrenewal.org/artwork/312/2312/10262/the_daughters_of_niobe-large.jpg
mircea_popescu: (partly because the daughters are sluts and keep fucking the underclass, partly because the sons are lazy and well... same deal)
Vexual: arlo and willies daughters have a band
Vexual: yakuza daughters always get nice work
Vexual: residentual, fixing taps for farmers daughters?
mircea_popescu: will take three us govt brass daughters per.
mircea_popescu: yes, i will, because i will fuck their daughters and to appease me they will bring me cheese
mircea_popescu: since they're not my daughters and i don't tend to marry, slavery requires women's lib.
Chaang-Noi: i have mothers callig me up offering me thier daughters...
mircea_popescu: now the dems don't want to sell their own houses wives and daughters to pay for it
smickles: the guns never kept me away from others' daughters when i was young
mircea_popescu: you know you can work on other people's ideas just like you can work on other people's daughters
BitHub: so they're not going to come to my daughters graduation then?
BitHub: i thought you were talkig about your daughters or something, till i click on the pics lul wtf
mod6: Well, does anyone remember the bush daughters? LOL
midnightmagic: I saw her grand-daughters bare ass at a dinner once. she was wearing a mini-skirt and kept hugging people taller than she is.
Chaaang-Noi: in norhtern thailand for a group of people they sell their daughters into marrage for 40,000 baht as a high average, thats about $1,300 usd
BitcoinBear: my daughters are watching a nature show about deadly aussie animals
mircea_popescu: i'd rather see the daughters go at it tbh