140 entries in 0.461s
mircea_popescu: moreover, that the end result will be the "discovery" (which of course "nobody
could have predicted", as ethical failure ever goes) of the... need for... an os, at the "core" of all these apps. basically we'd just be moving the goalposts, after spending however long making "an os, you mean an app" we'd discover all we get for our trouble is the need to rename our os an app and write an actual os, ie, back at square one
mircea_popescu: one failure mode's not particularly better than the other ; nor is failure this magical and "nobody
could have predicted"-y thing. your neglected blog's exactly like phf's neglected blog, and it drives the same sort of stupidity in both of you, for the same reasons, in the same ways.
BingoBoingo: No one
could have predicted the biodegradable bags would rot in storage!
mp_en_viaje: who
could have predicted captivity may turn out to be anything but comfortable.
mircea_popescu: so, whenever some unpleasant shit happens, such as the merchant fleet stepping on a rake, all the merchants in the burg agree : a) that nobody
could have predicted it ; thus therefore b) that, individually and personally, none of them
could possibly be blamed ; and thus c) some agreement should be made to in the future avoid such unplesantries.
mircea_popescu: that some random knave ran away from mansion service imagined himself apt to evaluate "what will happen", and then evaluated wrongly is one thing. "who
could have predicted", back in 1909, that there's only one kind of poor -- the ~deserving~ poor.
Mocky: who
could have predicted a used "general cool" ac would prove unreliable
a111: Logged on 2017-06-06 15:24 mircea_popescu: and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody
could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform boys that "magically"/"inexplicably"/etc "do not seem to be able to find" #trilema generally (and "who
could have predicted!!!"-predictably) come out with some kind of "since the world is entirely composed of the stupid cunts crowding over at the stupid cunt hut, it then follows i must wear pantyhose and lipstic now"
mircea_popescu: "nobody
could have predicted" and therefore it doesn't occur to them how to clean it. and the politruks are helpfully there, "stop rape" and "code of conduct of incluisivity" and etc, expertly boiling the frogs.
mircea_popescu: who
could have predicted getting a large number of morons that can't figure out ip addressing isn't worth anyone's time ?!?!!?
mircea_popescu: who
could have predicted people don't stop shitting just because "the people" is unprepared to handle it.
mircea_popescu: douchebag, it doesn't pay for companies to actually care about their security, because of the principal-agent problem and the easy exit "nobody
could have predicted" offers.
mircea_popescu: in other news, irc apparently works a lot better than twitter at being twitter. who
could have predicted.
mircea_popescu: all because the preexisting republican log mechanism. who the hell
could have predicted that when you build correctly, the features self-support and compound.
mircea_popescu: oh, wait, being an annoying bitch doesn't work ?!?! ONOES!! WHO
mircea_popescu: who
could have predicted (tm) that "we'll make an economy out of doing each other's laundry" nonsense will soon devolve of "we're stuck here, crabs in a pot, trying to sling an array of pointless dopes on each other".
trinque: nobody
could have predicted scrolling and searching in weechat at the same time.
BingoBoingo: 4SRS!!!!! Who
could have predicted I'd move to ALTgentina
BingoBoingo: Who
could have predicted that bank holiday ends and crashing resumes!
mircea_popescu: by 2040 we'll
have "nobody
could have predicted" and "usg tards still respectable / government still needed / state still important BECAUSE ALTERNATIVES UNTHINKABLE!!1" as per usual.
mircea_popescu: then the "nobody
could have predicted" "innovation" of mirving rockets that were too large in the 1st place.
mircea_popescu: because, you've guessed it, "anyone
could have bought into it" and "nobody
could have predicted".
a111: Logged on 2017-06-06 15:24 mircea_popescu: and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody
could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!"
ben_vulpes: "nobody
could have predicted that the auto companies cannibalizing sales through financing and aggressive lease practices would blow depreciation rates sky high"
mircea_popescu: and besides -- the "college graduate" rice imbecile gave the solution in case anything blows up : "nobody
could have predicted!"
BingoBoingo: "In Urfeld it turns out that over night the garden was trampled by deer." << Who
could have predicted free food would just walk by and make a mess of your labor food.
mircea_popescu: i
could have not
predicted this entirely surprising turn of events.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 01:44 mircea_popescu: ~if i am~ a drug dealer and i burn down your house, you'll what ? file a police report ? go on the local news network with a teary eyed "no one
could have predicted that if i get pissy with people who break the law for a living i might end up with a burned down house" ?
mircea_popescu: "oh no, but nobody
could have predicted that" + "it's just a life, it's not MY life" + etc.
mircea_popescu: and if experience with the empire of "i just want to" lazy idiots is any guide, they're DEFINITELY not going to "get in trouble for buying microsoft". because "nobody
could have predicted" and "they were just doing their job" which "hey man, it's just a gig, it's not my life!"
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: of course, it only works in naive circumstances, as this shit always does. once mp/someome starts deliberately fucking with your words the whole shit goes nowhere. but obvioujsly "nobody
could have predicted" etc.
mircea_popescu: when one metalworking gets it within 3 A and the other metalworking gets it to the 3 micrometers, you know there's room for some "nobody
could have predicted" qualitative jumps.
mircea_popescu: who
could have predicted that the people supposedly served by the market in question are the first to try and break it ?
mircea_popescu: "oh, there's a game that actually works, run by the only guy who actually has money or understands business in this cloud of idiots. tell you what -- we'll pretend to be offended at "fuckgoats" and stick with some utter derpitude run by a mentally ill runt. then a year or two years or whatever later we'll go ... "unfortunately" and act like no one
could have fucking
shinohai: No one
could have predicted, ammirite?
jhvh1: No one
could have predicted!
mircea_popescu: "who
could have predicted failure to pay bills results in power outage" "california"
mircea_popescu: but whatever, "who
could have predicted" and "nobody wants a govt job anyway so you can't fire us."
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 01:44 mircea_popescu: ~if i am~ a drug dealer and i burn down your house, you'll what ? file a police report ? go on the local news network with a teary eyed "no one
could have predicted that if i get pissy with people who break the law for a living i might end up with a burned down house" ?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 01:44 mircea_popescu: ~if i am~ a drug dealer and i burn down your house, you'll what ? file a police report ? go on the local news network with a teary eyed "no one
could have predicted that if i get pissy with people who break the law for a living i might end up with a burned down house" ?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-12 14:58 mircea_popescu: so you know, they're doing their patriotic duty to pretend so as to create the aggregate dogvomit upon which "nobody
could have predicted" in case there's any responsibility to allocate later.
mircea_popescu: so you know, they're doing their patriotic duty to pretend so as to create the aggregate dogvomit upon which "nobody
could have predicted" in case there's any responsibility to allocate later.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: ~if i am~ a drug dealer and i burn down your house, you'll what ? file a police report ? go on the local news network with a teary eyed "no one
could have predicted that if i get pissy with people who break the law for a living i might end up with a burned down house" ?
☟︎☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: and then end up surprised by the nobody
could have predicted and write nobel-prize literature about it.
mircea_popescu: (which is why the whole "nobody
could have predicted" is such an endearingly stupid exercise in ignorance pleading, but whatevers)
mircea_popescu: e popping of the libertard delusion" thing). apparently, and seriously, who
could have predicted this, apparently diverging from consensus reality is only bad when the OTHER guys do it. you know those racist sociopaths who didn't buy the global warming fraud.
mircea_popescu: steve bannon planning "entirely new political movement" ? OH WHO
mircea_popescu: i'm sure it'll open. consider : even someone from thje fucking mailroom
could have the sense to make the damned key. then in six months to a year and a half when they
have desperate board meetings over "nobody
could have predicted ; wut do" he waltzes in, gives them the key, becomes "vp for not being dumb"
mircea_popescu: nobody gives a shit about the entirely hallucinated "sex issue" ? and women don't mind being grabbed by select gents ? O NOES WHO
mircea_popescu: funny reversal of the "mp is headed to jail" meme. turns out... the entire usg goes there first ? WHO
mircea_popescu: it's gonna be the "surprising nobody
could have predicted what will those zany scientist kids think of next" of our old age.
mircea_popescu: anyway, what is it, "now that the gays can has marriage time for furies to push into mainstream", because who
could have predicted and they've got a better shot than the child fuckers, who'll
have to wait their turn ?
mircea_popescu: (speaking of which, "the rise and fall of the great powers" by kennedy is not altogether a bad book. esp. as "nobody
could have predicted" in 1987)
mircea_popescu: this is an important societal change that of course "nobody
could have predicted" and nobody noticed. because that's what "modern democracy" governments are for, to stick hand in sand.
phf: by god, trusted chinaman turned out to
have his own agenda, what. who
predicted mircea_popescu: "civilisation" begets totalitarianism you say ? who
could have predicted!
a111: Logged on 2016-09-03 16:45 mircea_popescu: together, they just want to nobody
could have predicted!
mircea_popescu: i'm not even sure the case of breach was yet born when the problem truly was "nobody
could have predicted". virtually all go "o hey, if we as much as gave a shit for seven straight seconds..."
BingoBoingo: No One
Could Have Predicted an injury common to athletes
could have happened to someone competing in an athletics
BingoBoingo: Never
could have predicted that despite all the "summer of forks" bluster that everything but Bitcoin would be devastated by forks and coup attempts.
mircea_popescu: that's where "nobody
could have predicted" cuts in : nobody THAT WAS A GOOD SOCIALIST DERP
could have predicted, because in order to be a socialist derp it is verboten to consider the downside. of anything.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-21 21:32 asciilifeform: 'nobody
could have predicted'
mircea_popescu: the only thing that nobody
could have predicted being the obvious future.
mircea_popescu: who
could ever
have predicted alf is SO DEDICATED to his new country, he'll build jamestown on the misipipi before leaving.
mircea_popescu: who
could have predicted just how powerful an analytical tool that random encounter on a blog's comment page would turn out to be.
mircea_popescu: all these "jounalist" derps ranting on about how "uk shocks the world" and "nobody
could have predicted" bla bla on the basis that their fucking predictions had been deliberate lies to try and influence the unavoidable.
mircea_popescu: an event which, of course, nobody
could have predicted.
mircea_popescu: in a sea of "who
could have predicted", the man who does predict is but amused.