391 entries in 0.402s
asciilifeform: long ago, i tried my hand at 'sane blogging engine' and barfed; simply can't stand wwwtronic idiocy, e.g,. 'logging in', 'browser state', https crapolade tower, css, etc. ☟︎
asciilifeform: the 'sovereign citizen' crapolade from mircea_popescu's article re same.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500553 << it's the atlantic, gawker & rest of "mainstream" in their own minds crapolade. 1. "an event happened, here's what i was doing at that exact time : {picking my nose|wiping drool off chin|clicking through pictures of redditards / stuff cats wrote} ; 2. "here's why X real entity that doesn't give a shit about us ~might very well~ do Y thing that's only relevant in our context". ☝︎
asciilifeform: the 'physical btc' crapolade never gets old, does it
mircea_popescu: mats ftr, i've yet to know a man who was in shape throughout his life - some sane athletics in college, not the us crapolade, some hiking or whatever as an adult, who actually couldn't run 10 km/h for 20 minutes.
asciilifeform: php crapolade.
asciilifeform: oodles of shell crapolade in there.
asciilifeform: would really like to dispense with the db crapolade.
asciilifeform: i was speaking from the pov of the gosplan folk who designed this crapolade
asciilifeform: can ditch the gpu crapolade then
mircea_popescu: you load crapolade websites all the time ; and pdf meets your attack criteria.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: typically this 'audit for hire' crapolade is simply meat-powered 'lint'
mod6: ref: (14:57) <+mod6> if we needed to add code everytime these gnomes comeup with a new crapolade, that's all we'd ever be doing.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-24#1489918 << this is what the timelock crapolade is for: 'paper' bitcoin. ☝︎
mod6: if we needed to add code everytime these gnomes comeup with a new crapolade, that's all we'd ever be doing. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: moreover, there ISNT, in general, and for very good reasons, a way to verify segwit crapolade.
mircea_popescu: well, and all the iot crapolade
asciilifeform: half the point of walled aols is to corral the chumpers into custom search crapolade
asciilifeform: the crapolade is attributable to individual вредители in all cases, but exists ~structurally~ because of c-machine and idiot unix.
ascii_deadfiber: not so fun imho. quite repetitive crapolade.
ascii_deadfiber: and ~half - the continuation crapolade
ascii_deadfiber: btw is anyone ever gonna explain the popularity of the 'direct impingement' crapolade ?
ascii_deadfiber: the transparent ploy behind the 'soft forks' and related crapolade is to try to siphon btc into corners from which it can no longer be removed with a trb node.
asciilifeform: imperial subjects will drink imperial crapolade.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-13#1481565 << she writes the crapolade ~so as~ not to be confined in an office. just like folks will hide unsheathed knives up their arse, kill guards with bare teeth, whatever, to get out of the camp ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: hey, writing pulp crapolade beats the SHIT out of showing up to an office.
asciilifeform: the sks folk are dead set in favour of hosting random crapolade.
asciilifeform: like the 'unique id' crapolade microshit stuff into everything from vs exe to word docs.
asciilifeform: i'm with the latter. but also observed that 'resistance of the medium' is a thing, and that if cranking out crapolade costs 0, then the most prolix idiot is winner.
asciilifeform: crapolade new-to-me, is all.
mircea_popescu: that's exactly what i was talking about ; no idea why you colored it in idiocy-du-jour nsa crapolade./
asciilifeform: automated proofs are usg crapolade, i speak as a reformed and repented purveyor
a111: Logged on 2016-02-26 01:34 asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-02-2016#1415667 << it appears to have been the first (and to date, only other in public) system that is immune to chosen-ciphertext crapolade
asciilifeform: well recall, i recently learned that nsa has blanket license to piss on 'equal employment' crapolade
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-20#1469732 << because i am not a wwwtronicist. the thing does not intelligently generate the web crapolade from the db in any way, it manually and agonizingly 'if phuctored then display this-here colours' etc. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: it's not very much clear there's anything much there besides the usual marketing crapolade. i dunno how familiar you are with this phenomena, but let me dig a fine example out of the log.
asciilifeform: and so i am not interested in a crypto lib that calls out to google crapolade.
asciilifeform: would clutter logz with shell crapolade, no?
mircea_popescu: older derps go for crapolade a la "bridges of madison country" ; socially awkward derps go for a spectrum between "ER" and "sex in the city" ; younguns watch ineptitudes more varied.
asciilifeform: i discarded the dsa crapolade
asciilifeform: at any rate my gentoo-depoetteringizer does not magically fix the ecosystem, shat to all hell, no. but what it ~does~ do is to hard-nuke the autopullin crapolade and reveal who is your enemy and who is merely passive victim.
asciilifeform: or nobody in his right mind would consider their crapolade.
asciilifeform: anyway tldr is that 'hackteam' used a boatload of commercial crapolade on their lan.
asciilifeform: and i will point out that epochs as implemented in sane places don't partake of the 'time zone' crapolade.
asciilifeform: how is this crapolade 'logical' ?
asciilifeform: not the ordinary 10x/daily 'root/toor' crapolade from cn
mircea_popescu: you use it plenty, and the results are always crapolade.
asciilifeform: (there are no timestamps, cache control crapolade, etc)
mircea_popescu: so wait. is this sauron bullshit older than lord of the rings hollywood crapolade ?
asciilifeform: afaik every single on without exception includes 'licensed' crapolade that is documented nowhere
asciilifeform: why is davout hosting in googlecrapolade anyway.
asciilifeform: the primary weapon of the enemy is the morass of 'nobody read this, nobody understood this' crapolade that 'everything depends on'
phf: aah, hence crapolade
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-03-2016#1435119 << holy fuck, srsly?! mircea_popescu would let somebody liquidate the 750 coin, and try to pay the bettors in fiat, with kyc crapolade, etc. ?!!!11 ☝︎
asciilifeform: the answer is, it is to move folks to 'cloud' crapolade.
mircea_popescu: tho eulora is slowling clawing itself from underwater. but the usual vc crapolade is nowhere near bitbet, or where bitbet was in its first month.
asciilifeform: punkman: aaaaaah yeah suure i so yearn for 10000s lines of c parsing poorly defined crapolade datastructures on my box
assbot: Logged on 10-03-2016 13:11:00; asciilifeform: 'crowdfundings', as i understand, have worked for mass crapolade
asciilifeform: 'crowdfundings', as i understand, have worked for mass crapolade ☟︎
asciilifeform: but to go back to original question, yes, winblowz crapolade runs on boxes designated for the purpose
mircea_popescu: this is a major problem, at least to my eyes. it was just as large, if not nearly as expressible, before the age of bitcoin. by which, to be perfectly specific, i do not mean satoshi crapolade. i mean bitcoinb as in tmsr, and wot and ba and such.
jurov: i'm rather curious if the point 3.2d was fullfilled, i.e. kakobrekla agreed with whole crapolade
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo megatonne of crapple trial crapolade on cryptome, if you still care
asciilifeform: correct things are all quite alike, broken crapolade is each broken in its own broken-glass way
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: tx tends to be slow nowadays due to crapolade flood
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-02-2016#1415667 << it appears to have been the first (and to date, only other in public) system that is immune to chosen-ciphertext crapolade ☝︎☟︎
punkman: it handled all kinds of DRM and related crapolade
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-02-2016#1414361 << this thing insistently reminds me of "bitcoin in argentina / world map", "dating websites" and the rest of the crapolade. ☝︎
asciilifeform: what is this crapolade.
asciilifeform: would you rather read 50,000 lines of mit crapolade ?
asciilifeform: 'For the C standard library, IncludeOS uses RedHat’s standard library implementation due to its small size, ' << i refuse to read any more of this crapolade.
mircea_popescu: which is ~50k different phonemes, the vast majority of which are bona fide words but filtering any further exceeds my patience (and if you're curious why it stops there - once the fetlife lists hit, there's a pile of crapolade in the form of usernames that are difficult to distinguish etc). i'm happy with the estimation that "50k or maybe a little more". which would mean that... whoa!
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: multifold point. most realistically, and in the short term, to abolish the json rpc crapolade.
asciilifeform: and their cached crapolade.
asciilifeform: megatonnes of crapolade in blox for week+ now
asciilifeform: you will find a SINGLE ic, and a good chunk of the crapolade is in mask rom.
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=14-02-2016#1405476 << holy fuq, the sheer 'visual pr000000gramming!' crapolade ! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform technically speaking, the s-box cipher crapolade is an ellaborate exercise in reusingselect parts of otp
ascii_butugychag: https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2015/08/14/760732/10145672/en/CipherLoc-Corporation-Announces-Today-That-Cipher-Block-Chaining-Mode-Has-Been-Broken-With-Results-Presented-at-DEFCON-Conference.html << vintage crapolade, lulzy
ascii_butugychag: the measures against toy choppers is 100% 'majesty of the might of the state' crapolade theatre
ascii_butugychag: i posted probably the most kB of unusable but validly signed crapolade to the ml
asciilifeform: the vestigial wx crapolade needs to go
punkman: "99% crapolade by weight" does not give hope. The work of the foundation is of course commendable and there is hope there.
asciilifeform: the whole thing is 99+% crapolade by weight, and nobody sane dares to 'fix what works' because 'father's pistols'
mircea_popescu: well... they invented "unfair" crapolade. what the fuck do you think confucianism is ?
ascii_butugychag: wai wut, when did they invent the 'unfair' crapolade in cn ?
ascii_butugychag: if it is chewing on crapolade, it is not eating the next valid block.
mircea_popescu: notice that the [no doubt actual] google software engineer behind the crapolade is deeply aware of what the holes in the levies are.
ascii_butugychag: on account of the faux-trb 'bitcoin classic' crapolade
ascii_butugychag: still waiting for anybody to suggest removing ALL the 'mebbe for later' crapolade
asciilifeform: until some folks broke free of the must-verbalize crapolade.
asciilifeform: as is the answer to arbitrary crapolade, e.g., whether A > ∀.
asciilifeform: and to compare this to the idiot 'smiley' crapolade is lunacy
asciilifeform: is this the 'low-S' crapolade, still ?!
ascii_butugychag: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-01-2016#1361506 << expect more of this crapolade ☝︎
ascii_rear: pushes 'net sovereignty' crapolade
assbot: Logged on 24-12-2015 09:31:41; mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/068FQ43.txt << seriously, these derps classified as secret/foia extempt some derp-ass $50-a-pop market research crapolade that's ~maybe~ one step above a wikipedia cull ?
mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/068FQ43.txt << seriously, these derps classified as secret/foia extempt some derp-ass $50-a-pop market research crapolade that's ~maybe~ one step above a wikipedia cull ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: nobody cancelled the church, it just morphed into 'hjooooman rightz' crapolade
mircea_popescu: i can see the argument in favour of isolating all "cloud" crapolade anyway, from everything.