391 entries in 0.445s
a111: Logged on 2016-12-29 23:20 asciilifeform: type2 ( pete_dushenski's ) is the garden variety shitflood. which is sometimes solved by ip ban, but only in the case of 'shrapnel addressed to occupant', i.e. idiot prb nodes wildly spamming
crapolade, and not in the 'bullet with your name on it' case, where somebody actually has a sybil constellation drowning your trb node in liquishit, with no SINGLE ip misbehaving in any way
mircea_popescu: there is some value in accepting
crapolade from randos.
mircea_popescu: wtf do you do all day in cascadia, not buying drinks for artistic adolescents ? what is their life work, not this
crapolade ?
a111: Logged on 2016-12-20 20:10 asciilifeform: at a certain point, if you attempt the operation, you start to ask 'why is there satoshi
crapolade in my bitcoin2.0' rather than 'ooh neato, a repaired trb!'
mircea_popescu: much like the whole "social justice"
crapolade : "news for geeks, stuff that matters", "web's most important blabla", "slashdotted" and whatnot - then when push comes to shove, it ain't worth enough to buy a middle class home.
mircea_popescu: who the fuck is going to be somehow able to charge enough for servers to pay some dude 150 an hour to read random
crapolade copy/pasted by nobody on the internet ?
a111: Logged on 2016-11-08 18:31 asciilifeform: incidentally, anybody else's trb node under 'askfor tx some
crapolade' ddos ?
mircea_popescu: ny sort of future in us republican politics, they've finally decided to take sleeping pills rather than wait quietly for the brown shirts. ). plus you know "trump enablers" and all sorts of similar
crapolade from ~every other pack follower, from boston globe to whatever newspaper nobody read since 1991.
shinohai curses Debian for whatever
crapolade is in newest release
mircea_popescu: ahahahaha wait wait ; huffington post now pays shitty spam network outbrain to push its
crapolade nobody reads anyway ?
Framedragger: asciilifeform: "the sequel - was almost wholly free of mathematics, and replete with 'best practice because my arse thusly spoke'
crapolade." << okay, that's sad, and an educational case
mircea_popescu: this only partially solves the www problem though. servers have to be lovingly helped to stay up over ddos etc
crapolade ; why the fuck does apache not work properly etc etc. but these we can abstract for now i hope.
a111: Logged on 2016-07-15 17:49 asciilifeform: long ago, i tried my hand at 'sane blogging engine' and barfed; simply can't stand wwwtronic idiocy, e.g,. 'logging in', 'browser state',
https crapolade tower, css, etc.