134 entries in 0.828s
mircea_popescu: " Non-debate theory is my invention. Non-debate, is to gain time to work hard. When you debate, everything becomes more complicated and it wastes time. Nothing can be done. Don’t debate, and just try. Be brave and experiment." what ludicrous, half-literate, anachronistical nonsense. where's the gook dog been living under for the past decade, a rock in his native chinastan ?
ossabot: Logged on 2017-04-19 11:33:43 mircea_popescu: the problem with this is that it won't allow you to see engineer-politicians, which is ALSO not compartimentalizable : it will force you to beedog, ie, not become as good as expression and telling women's original haircolor as you could, on the basis of your genetics say, actually be.
BingoBoingo: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log-search?q=beedog&chan=trilema
mircea_popescu: it's how large dogs die, as this one'll die. and when it dies, whatever the fuck will have been ~the trigger~. whatever the fuck inconsequential event, a car honking, a cat jumping, a bad dream, things that happen daily to other dogs to no ill effect.
mp_en_viaje: which i must admit, very double standard. if dog ate more like beef, it'd be edible more like beef.
mircea_popescu: “Remarks have been made by the Turkish President Erdogan that I consider highly offensive to Australians, and highly reckless in this very sensitive environment,” Mr Morrison said.
BingoBoingo: And the local response to alt-Leprosy in Salto has been a dog purge https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/unos-600-perros-fueron-sacrificados-por-tener-leishmaniasis-2018121210112
BingoBoingo: That is a peril facing any Beedog
Mocky: also seems to go hand in hand with their impulsiveness. 3 different people described this exact scenario. Qatari goes opens a business with someone (one freelance vet service, one animal rescue shelter, one doggy day care) 3 months later decides, "I didn't realize I was going to have to keep paying so much every month (payroll, rent, etc.) where's the profit?" "it may take a year to become profitable, it's only been 3 months" "I'm not paying anymore." which
BingoBoingo: If we get a beedog here and further Republcian colonization of the Orient(Latino Edition), people are going to have to eat.
mircea_popescu: beedog will replicate the politburo-computer.
mircea_popescu: before noticing beedog!
trinque: buzzing beedog
phf: why qatar, mocky and beedog could just consult for the zetas
mircea_popescu: sing ye beedog the anger of ave the viking upon encountering bsd sockets again.
mircea_popescu: if you do get anywhere with it, i'll squeeze this beedog here to go join you, so you have a sort of "mega engineer achievement unlocked" built in. and after that i guess i'll even chip in so you buy a prepubescent wife in the countryside.
mircea_popescu: as the whole bee-dog has been a thing for all these many years.
a111: Logged on 2016-02-24 04:23 mircea_popescu: omfg alf sees the world like a bee-dog : in black and white and all pixelated.
a111: 114 results for "\"bee\" \"dog\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22bee%22%20%22dog%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "bee" "dog"
lobbes: Ugh, so my www on my frantech vps has been dog slow all day. Same vps that hosts lobbesbot, so possibly I have finally outgrown the thing (currently hosts bot, mp-wp, archived urls index, eulora price history, and various misc)
phf: i will at some point rewrite it to be a more proper (NOT from:ascii) AND beedog OR ... etc. with implicit clauses..
mircea_popescu: alf the beedog happines = long walks + icecream stops.
asciilifeform: most meatsacks want invent like dog wants beets.
phf: basically the tree viewer is half baked and i'm not eating my own dog food here, so i'm relying on teh public to give me feedback ("phf fucking fix this fucking thing") which so far has not been forthcoming
BingoBoingo: From deep in the lulzmines: "The Man-Not is a theoretical starting point that tries to capture the history of black males being killed, mutilated and raped beyond simply saying it is racism that causes this violence … History has shown black males are eroticized in an anti-black world. Their genitalia has been imagined to be at odds with the endogamy of the white races of America and Europe, so our attempts to study black males must ta
BingoBoingo: From the WhatTheFun mines: "I come from the Houston area and have been heartbroken about the damage and scenes from Harvey. I decided to donate $250 and asked my girlfriend if she would match it. She agreed, and then when I asked if she had given to the Red Cross or someone else, I learned that she donated to the Humane Society. I know she’s absolutely nuts about animals, especially our own dogs, but to give to animals when people are
kanzure: "".. isn’t the only one working to clone a mammoth. There’s also Hwang Woo-suk’s Korean dog-cloning lab, Soaam Technologies [....] He was the one who claimed to clone human cells, but it turns out he had been forcing his students to donate their eggs, and secondly that his clone cells are fraudulent, so he’s trying to resurrect his reputation by being the first to clone ...
ben_vulpes: monster dog has been excellent for toughening up the tyke
BingoBoingo: Herr BeeDog Returns!
trinque: meanwhile, dog has been living with "put everything in my mouth" for how many million years, still here
BingoBoingo: jpt4: That's a question for the lord alf of Beedog
mircea_popescu: the problem with this is that it won't allow you to see engineer-politicians, which is ALSO not compartimentalizable : it will force you to beedog, ie, not become as good as expression and telling women's original haircolor as you could, on the basis of your genetics say, actually be.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i betcha it's been in the old dog eared yellowed looseleaf notes the posix copied.
mircea_popescu: "how to turn bed, bath and beyond into a reliable supplier of uranium pellets" by alf the beedog.
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-05#1317715 << bee dog dances to communicate ☝︎
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/04/the-dog-has-been-wagged-trump-fires-60-cruise-missiles-into-syrian-airfields-pussy/ << Qntra - The Dog Has Been Wagged: Trump Fires 60 Cruise Missiles Into Syrian Airfield's Pussy
mircea_popescu: it seems to me, that if i make a request of anyone and anything - a woman, a shopkeeper, a dog, a bee, and that request is not satisfied,
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: i have been thoroughly terrorized by the fud around passing bones to dogs
mircea_popescu: which fundamental reasons entirely consist of "alf the bee dog with his magical black and white spots vision managed to read the expliciting of the < vs <= difference SIX TIMES and ignore it every time"
asciilifeform searches in vain in dictionary for what you call an 'animal who has never been hunted and has nfi what dog or rifle sounds like or why they are interesting' in engl.
mircea_popescu: the next day, bee dog saw a duck. because it wasn't blue therefore it was white and because it didn't have arms it therefore had claws and the bee dog ran back to town and warned everyone of the white wolf
mircea_popescu: according to similar legend, there was once a bee dog who saw a glass bottle. because it wasn't red it therefore was grey and because it wasn't fleecy it therefopre was toothy and so the bee dog ran to town and warned everyone of the wolf.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform next i'm gonna specifically exclude beedogs when asking !
mircea_popescu: two hours in, the girl being a sweet soul, asked if he might be invited over ? so sure, dude's been playing the dog long enough, let him be invited over.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-13#1582726 << beedog life is predicated on not being able to do things though! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, i dun recall the specifics but i think this may have been grafted not endogenous
mircea_popescu: except things like dog vomit, or the previously discussed black alcohol modl. they've been here fopr a long long time now.
asciilifeform: it is sop (and has been for years) to shoot dog whenever 'police bust', indoors, in flat or in ranch or wherever.
mircea_popescu: but they concerned with the proposition of alf the bee-dog's bees, ie these things... they've a serious problem.
mircea_popescu: your application for thick condoms has been denied. rawdog that skank.
mircea_popescu: s thin neck that did that. He was simply not created for this life. It's true that I stomped their dog to a pulp around the floor, but it's really cynical to accuse me of murdering the dog when in the immediate vicinity, it might be said, three human lives had been obliterated. The infant I don't count. Well, all right then, in all this (I can agree with you) it is possible to discern a degree of severity on my part. But to c
phf: mircea_popescu: if you search for dog it will match for "dog," "bee-dog" "(dog)" and such, but not "dogma" nor "dogсобака"
mircea_popescu: i don't suppose anyone else has any competing theory re their "we've been haxxed, report soon to follow. 1,2,3 <crickets>" dog and pony show last year ?
mircea_popescu: alf the sheltered bee-dog.
mircea_popescu: and in other "this worked a minute ago" news, http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/alfie-teh-dog-bee.htm << same, but with mit.
trinque: wget -H -r -l1 http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/alfie-teh-bee-dog.htm << for teh lazy
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/alfie-teh-bee-dog.htm << so here we go, anyone desirious to keep alfie teh bee dog from his sad dissapearance fate, plox load the page an click on linx
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-05-03#1461588 << alf teh bee dog, diligently pushing people towards better os solutions. results vary. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: phf if it's rsa, it's food. alf the beedog is serious about bee's knees like that.
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo btw, know what is difference between gynecologist and bee-dog ?
mircea_popescu: much like byzantine peasant couldn't construct the orthodox delusion ; much like alf teh bee dog can't construct washington.
mircea_popescu: except the larger the things they tried to build, the worse it got. but then they fixed it. because, as alf the greek beedog says, "it IS possioble to make wall that won't leak!!11"|
mircea_popescu: if idiocy screamed in the forest where there's no alf the bee-dog to hear it,
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-03-2016#1423705 << not all can bee-dog like the pros! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the joke being of course that any serious designer is exactly a bee-dog.
assbot: Logged on 24-02-2016 04:23:11; mircea_popescu: omfg alf sees the world like a bee-dog : in black and white and all pixelated.
assbot: Logged on 06-03-2016 18:39:43; mod6: i saw beedog coin mentioned earlier, is this just a madeup name for next-coin?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=06-03-2016#1424125 << bee-dog was originally a joke re very summary vision (because bees see large pixels and dogs don't see colors). see : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=24-02-2016#1413916 ☝︎☝︎
assbot: 3 results for 'beedog' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=beedog
asciilifeform: !s beedog
assbot: Logged on 06-03-2016 18:39:43; mod6: i saw beedog coin mentioned earlier, is this just a madeup name for next-coin?
mod6: i saw beedog coin mentioned earlier, is this just a madeup name for next-coin? ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: Whether next thing be beedog coin or arse wallet coin
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform for your own peace of mind : i would ~definitely~ support a beedog coin, irrespective of how cartel mining impasse is resolved or the eventual fate of current-bitcoin.
SuchWow: [08:48:40] <SuchWow> mircea_popescu: you guys are so pompous lol...i haven't been involved in crypto, trading or otherwise, for almost 2 year. Doge seems to fine, still has a small community (moreso than litecoin anyways), and i've been watching crypto in general just for fun. Eth seems interesting, but still not convinced.
mircea_popescu: omfg alf sees the world like a bee-dog : in black and white and all pixelated. ☟︎☟︎
nubbins`: post a couple pix when you get a chance, as long as it hasn't been chewed by a dog i'll give you 1.5 for it
mircea_popescu: you gotta raise the kids yourself, because everyone's parents have been a coupla dog vomits and there's no adults inhabiting the world.
funkenstein_ once had pictures of dog eating beets. Sadly they were never put on paper so lost after a decade or so.
asciilifeform: i mean, this ~is~ a self-consistent thing. pashtun needs galois like a dog needs beets.
BingoBoingo: Exist in varying populations anywhere dogs have been stray enough generations
mircea_popescu: Had it not been for the little money I do get from this blog, maybe I would not have written this post at all, because... why bother? And so all you are left with is their dogma. Search the internet, the Letters To The Editor. Anyone else saying what I just said in this post? You may not agree with my post, but you are nevertheless better for having read and considered it. I'm not saying I'm the only one who though
ascii_field: the land of plastic rice gives a fuck about 'posterity' like a dog about beets.
asciilifeform: the one thing which may have been the boojum, other than straight laundry, is a secret dog-whistle via the price that the unit is modded
mircea_popescu: the alternative, where he texts a chick "hey, we got our sister, we're torturing her, come join" just as the chick in question was giving testimony to the supposed government of the uk - a more illegitimate contrivance never having been known to man, incidentally, they have all the legitimacy to govern kim jong il's favourite dog does.
SuchWow: everytime i talk here, you all start bring up dogecoin - for the record, it has never once been me.
SuchWow: shinohai: dogecoin is just what got me into crypo in dec 2013, i then daytraded btc/usc (and occasionally alts, plus a small mining venture) from Jan-July '13, and have been back to just working a day job for the last year or so
asciilifeform: (e.g., the 'uncle fed to dogs' has since been seen, the gurlphriend beheaded for starring in pr0n has been appearing in public, the footballists 'shot for losing' are playing today...)
assbot: A man from Alabama has been charged with sexually harassing a dog as he sought to get revenge on his wife who was giving it too much attention. | BieBuzz ... ( http://bit.ly/1BDxEkX )
SuchWow: doge recent performance has been pretty amazing tho
SuchWow: cazalla: my comment was more about you saying doge had been 'put to sleep'
SuchWow: cazalla: clearly you haven't been watching dogecoin charts, and even more clearly, you have no idea who i am.
asciilifeform is not a soldier, but can hardly imagine an army having more use for 'individual thinking' at the platoon level than a dog has for beets
mircea_popescu: had the meddlesome leopold been still involved, how was england to push south africa to abandon rhodesia, with empty promises that once the man shots his own dog, the man won't be hanged himself.
BingoBoingo: When I go to the cards games most I eat there is a hot dog. Gotta make hose $6 beers work.
BingoBoingo: "Damn it why couldn't this have been sponsored by Dogecoin? Can you imagine the amazing midfield logo?"
cazalla: BingoBoingo: The only environment I've ever been similarly confident with was the old "Hot Dog HTML" that was included on the web design for dummies book cd at the local library <<< lol sausage software, my uncle never shut up about these guys
BingoBoingo: The only environment I've ever been similarly confident with was the old "Hot Dog HTML" that was included on the web design for dummies book cd at the local library