181 entries in 0.818s
asciilifeform: ( in the 3 'byte r/w' instructions, nowhere else )
asciilifeform: ( recall incidentally the fate of 'bubble memory.' mega-invention, btw. d00d discovered that you dun need a tape deck to use tape, in a certain config of magnetic field, you can make the bits on tape ~walk~ in circles. and r/w'em as they move past a particular spot. )
mats: asciilifeform: learning to r/w chinese, struggling through 'microcorruption', backlog of books, ie https://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/21/books/the-quest-by-daniel-yergin-review.html and http://www.cindyvallar.com/Hanna.html
asciilifeform: observe that 'M' knows when the end of its life comes, and gets synced to disk (if applicable , i.e. was mapped r/w) and properly cleaned up, without any such abortion as a 'free' statement a la c
trinque: mount reports mounted r/w or r/o ?
asciilifeform: what this does, is remove the 'nobus' aspect of the thing, nao anybody can r/w the fw via the snake.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: to be very specific, i did not properly break cr50. what i found instead was an apparently-Official (albeit undocumented) knob in the most recent fw release, which does equiv of rma unlock ( sets all of the permission bits for console ) and enables spi bus access, through which can r/w the main and ec fw turds.
asciilifeform: ( before anybody asks -- imho it is physically impossible to get this effect on pc iron, where not only caching but such things as sdram burst r/w exist )
asciilifeform: for non-expert entomologists : the perps ( i dun distinguish b/w 'bug'-inserters and coverup-artists ) ~continue~ to spew the squid ink where the patch is disguised as 'for denial of service bug' rather than arbitrary r/w -- despite the cat being out of the bag for nearly whole day nao
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in heathendom, https://archive.is/aiaQH << linux 4.xx arbitrary r/w 0day
asciilifeform: diana_coman: reporting block r/w times currently requires pressing with the little patch that takes the times. ( it is not part of 'flagship' trb )
asciilifeform: it's a pretty plain boobytrap, wants magic sig to r/w the 'h1' firmware, or to unlock the console (which gives rootkit access to whole ram, cpu, ec, etc via the usb jack)
ckang: you can do the user limited to one dir but it would require chroot + copy of binaries or a R/O mount of the binaries linked inside but that shit gets messy
asciilifeform: ( kernel traps attempt to read from addr 0 , marks separately from any generic out-of-process attempt of r/w )
asciilifeform: iirc p/b, t/d, g/k, r/l
mircea_popescu: then later, events E that fall within W will take (putatively) less time to resolve than events E' that fall within the epsilon ; however a) the probability of E'/E is not equal to the factor R/epsilon (but worse) and b) all this requires people actually read W, which is a cost (leaving aside how it's also something some won't pay).
ben_vulpes: meanwhile elsewhere: "I found a nice place where people are so stupid you can make up that an imaginary friend propped up a knife and wounded you, and they will take you seriously. God bless r/tulpas."
asciilifeform: well actually it'd be : ~read~ seek-time is shortened on striped-raid; write-seek -- slightly increased ; absolute contiguous speed of r/w -- unchanged
shinohai: I wonder how long it would stay up if I posted it to r/TwoXChromosomes
mircea_popescu: shinohai wanna put his thing in r/code or w/e it is, r/crypto, r/weRgrownupsnao ?
mircea_popescu: students had the speech ? in the sense of what everloving shit, like reddit and wikipedia, that's what's contemplated here, ceausescu prevented the idiots from running r/btc as they wanted to ?
a111: Logged on 2017-11-21 13:51 shinohai: Appears on r/buttcoin this morning someone sent 500k in btcrash to a segwit addy by accident.
shinohai: Appears on r/buttcoin this morning someone sent 500k in btcrash to a segwit addy by accident. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'Kalman Reti worked for Symbolics from 1982 through 1992, mostly on VLSI tools for Ivory but also writing low-level device support (e.g. a LMFS recovery utility, R/W optical drive support, LZW compressor, etc.) The last few years of that were spent doing customer consulting. After being laid off when Symbolics went into chapter 11, Kalman worked for Apple in Cambridge, first on MCL and later, after MCL was sold to Digitool, on Dylan.
shinohai: Yeah, I'll use it when the above is ready to hit up the r/gonewilds, sexsells, etc
asciilifeform finally found 'iceprog', a c proggy, that r/w built turds to the chip. but so far is all.
asciilifeform: whoever has the console, has full r/w to whole box
mircea_popescu: got no time to talk to a girl, got all day to hang out on r/seduction or w/e the fuck.
asciilifeform: ( cut the r/w track )
a111: Logged on 2017-06-20 18:23 BingoBoingo: ABOVE THAT: "Dating is part of the WMAF Hapa problem. Our #2 mod is called incelman. Hapa issues started gaining traction after Elliot Rodger blamed being half asian for being incel. The perceived unattractiveness of Asian males is a primary factor behind the huge WMAF imbalance. And a major point of r/Hapas is that the very sons of WMAF are hit by that anti-AM bias. So look we're not a bunch of angry incels just hating on women. We're m
BingoBoingo: ABOVE THAT: "Dating is part of the WMAF Hapa problem. Our #2 mod is called incelman. Hapa issues started gaining traction after Elliot Rodger blamed being half asian for being incel. The perceived unattractiveness of Asian males is a primary factor behind the huge WMAF imbalance. And a major point of r/Hapas is that the very sons of WMAF are hit by that anti-AM bias. So look we're not a bunch of angry incels just hating on women. We're m ☟︎
shinohai: !~later tell BingoBoingo So my consensus piece got removed from r/bitcoin, r/btc, and was DV'd into oblivion on r/buttcoin though it is still there.
shinohai: I was already convinced that Roger Ver populates r/btc with markov bots. Can't even find anything to Qntra about there unless BU breaks, etc.
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: story is boring: i was doing r/d for teeny tiny chip testing companies in the "silicon forest", hated commuting to the burbs and not having a keg in the office, and got hoovered up by the great webdev pressure gradient.
shinohai: https://pastebin.com/zU6YZWXK <<< Supposed Q&A w/ Hoaxtoshi in r/btc slack
mircea_popescu: in other words, human society has advanced to the point where the spot on the r/K continuum that its primate biology has picked is insufficient. i want it way the fuck K-er, which is why my women reproduce through selecting and training other 16-25yo girls, not through having fucking babies.
asciilifeform: my fs can eat GB/s r/w without breaking a sweat
Framedragger: "I messed with the "fuck u/spez" comments, replacing "spez" with r/the_donald mods" for srsly
shinohai: Google translate is why r/btc misinterprets miners as saying "Suck Roger Ver's cock"
shinohai: Gavin voicing support for segwit in attempt to social engineer his way back into r/bitcoin favor: http://archive.is/8gAQw
shinohai thinks of posting this to r/debian
a111: Logged on 2016-11-01 17:39 thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: that john blocke fellow copied a bunch of log discussions and qntra articles then made "his own propagandas", whereas it's just plagarized Qntra material repurposed for r/btc consumption.
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: that john blocke fellow copied a bunch of log discussions and qntra articles then made "his own propagandas", whereas it's just plagarized Qntra material repurposed for r/btc consumption. ☟︎
thestringpuller: BingoBoingo: so r/btc has taken to plagarizing qntra and the logs
thestringpuller: lol r/btc is freaking out over backlog
trinque: yep, not a terrible thing to mount whole root r/o
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-25#1548447 <<< bwahaha I didn't think about how r/btc would take any article critical of theymos and send to moon. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: considering a large part of the historical beef with tardstalk was over mismanagement of shitposting rights for idiots, the adventure of r/bitcoin is not particularly encouraging.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is the special preserve r/btc where the idiots went once theymos took away their shitposting rights in r/bitcoin
mircea_popescu: apparently r/btc exists to collect the various idiots who never heard of obama and think the russians invaded atlanta, georgia like a decade ago.
shinohai: It is title of top rated post on r/ethereum atm: http://archive.is/uWjtJ
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'unmask', turns out, isn't nearly 'user-friendly' enough for nsa, they would also like arbitrary ram r/w into the chumpers
mircea_popescu: by now r/btc is a pretty decent inverse signal i imagine
shinohai: Pretty sure I got shadowbanned from r/twoxchromosomes. Post no longer appears in /new
a111: Logged on 2016-06-30 13:04 shinohai: In other news, r/btc is celebrating this morning imagining that angry miners will soon adopt Classic and usher in the fork.
shinohai: "The above is unverified." meaning "Just a buncha r/btc derps spreading gossip"
shinohai: In other news, r/btc is celebrating this morning imagining that angry miners will soon adopt Classic and usher in the fork. ☟︎
thestringpuller: wow. maybe theymos has something with his r/bitcoin moderation: "Please, never ever turns Bitcoin into a democracy sh** thing. Be strong."
shinohai: I didn't do story on supposed twitter hack because unverifiable ... yet it is on front page of r/bitcoin.
ben_vulpes: due to r/w speed iirc?
asciilifeform: anyway thing oughta be safe to use so long as nand is never mounted r/w.
shinohai: Naturally r/btc crowd is celebrating this resurrection: https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/4lvwzo/gavin_andresen_recent_rise_in_ethereum_should_be/d3qj7af
BingoBoingo: "Everone on r/loseit is 300-400lbs of muscle, apparently" https://voat.co/v/fatpeoplehate/comments/987159
PaulCapestany: that was just shitty "reporting" in the case of the article... I'm not a r/bitcoin mod, but I guess my 'claim to fame' was that I was co-organizer of a big bitcoin developer meetup in SF
PaulCapestany: (p.s. I'm not a r/Bitcoin mod)
PaulCapestany: asciilifeform reddit wars are dumb, agreed, but I got concerned when people like Rick Falkvinge were starting to post on r/bitcoin about how Bitcoin Classic was a good idea.. the misinformation and propaganda that had been going on seemed to have worked on some people
assbot: Installing a QXGA display in a R/T60 or 61 - ThinkWiki ... ( http://bit.ly/1RqIpsC )
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo lol so apparently r/btc moderator turned out to be con man, took donations to hash, kept donations since classic doomed anyway.
ben_vulpes: age trumps r/w load eh?
assbot: WilliamDhalgren comments on Synopsis of Myungwan Kim's analysis of Fan Hui vs AlphaGo Match X-post from r/MachineLearning ... ( http://bit.ly/1PIiZst )
shinohai: The top two comments on r/btc are tweets from A.A. Is this Russia Today now?
shinohai: I'm not sure, more r/btc drama I haven't read through yet. I had to stop reading and help a buddy fix his broken core wallet.
shinohai: thanx r/buttcoin, never saw that before
thestringpuller: The r/btc will eat it up "If we include this change we may get a blocksize increase yay!!!!1111"
thestringpuller: I don't even know if I should bother reading r/btc. kills brain cells like drugs.
assbot: Roger Ver outraged when his friend Eric posts on r/bitcoin, but accidently admits he reads r/bitcoin instead of his r/btc cesspool. : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1OQv6mS )
pete_dushenski: magnum r/t for sure. probably less than $10k for a decent one.
ben_vulpes: noobsRus: nobody gices a fuck about r/t/hn
shinohai: I forgot to check if anyone reserved r/bitcoinclassic yet
mircea_popescu: shinohai i looked through that thing yest, went "hmm, reddit went very weird ?" then realised that it's not r/bitcoin, nor r/buttcoin nor r/bitcoinxt but YET ANOTHER subreddit.
shinohai: No other Bitcoin subreddit makes my head hurt more than r/btc lately
mircea_popescu: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/413pwp/mike_hearns_latest_blog_post_was_a_strategic_move/ << uncharacteristically, r/bitcoin is pretty aware of what's going on.
adlai wonders how many leaflet factory workers will soon find themselves on r/SFYL
thestringpuller: Everyone is playing Crucible on r/btc and this pops up: "Playing witchhunt roulette, are we? Then I say: something something Mircea Popescu something."
ascii_field: (one rung of the ring ought to be the size of the r/w burst for the dram)
shinohai: Roger Ver favorited my tweet where I made fun of him for ragequitting r/bitcoin
btcdrak: mircea_popescu: BashCo is a r/bitcoin moderator
mircea_popescu: lmao r/buttcoin still chasing the "bitcoin is notrly valuable" dragon ?
pete_dushenski: why the fuck is there that some 'citigroup' banner glued to the bottom of r/buttcoin ?
HeySteve: busy touring exotic destinations from what I saw in r/monero!
mircea_popescu: but after the massacre they got for their hopes this year, everything's tumbleweed city. r/bitcoin like r/buttcoin, the ever more numerous forums etc.
shinohai: I further explained the sheer idiocy of using a cloud instance to mine with, I wasn't some redditard from r/beermoney trying to collect dust.
phf: so according to the website, "Officially approved fuels: Gasoline (unleaded), gasoline-diesel mixture, alcohol." and "tilizes a high pressure electric fuel pump, powered by a 3S lithium-polymer battery typically used in R/C aircraft"
mircea_popescu: buttcoin is upset that apparently nobody in bitcoin reads r/bitcoin or cares about reddit celebritits.
shinohai: Nice article BingoBoingo All you need to do now is drop it off in r/darknetmarkets and a few .onion forums, there goes your BIP101 support
mircea_popescu: wow, i thought the k-hole was some sort of play on r/K selection
mircea_popescu: leaving probably r/buttcoin as the schellign point, which honestly...
shinohai: yes he is mod of r/cryptocurrency too?
BingoBoingo: "Wow, is that mind bent. It's like r/iamverysmart crossed with extreme ancap libertarianism, with a dash of cultist "one true bitcoin", and possibly some blockstream fed small block euphoria. It's purified crazy."
assbot: Mining for comedy gold in the r/bitcoin corpus : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1K2WSvm )