mircea_popescu: im trying to remember wtf "linting" even is supposed to be.
mircea_popescu: oh i see, need something to warn about missing license headers. now it all makes sense.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-12 15:14 trinque: ave1: how far away is bit-identical build in your gcc?
ave1: btw the most recent version will only build static executables! so no support for shared anything. Does the musl / gentoo overlay depend on shared libs? (Python usually builds statically and depends for installable modules on it, etc.)
shinohai: gm mod6, BingoBoingo .... #trilema at large
mod6: hey shinohai, how's it goin?
shinohai: ah ty asciilifeform ... been busy with irl stuffs but hope to resume shortly.
shinohai: im following the rockchip stuff and been meaning to put my logbot in there
shinohai: read that this morning with coffee, nice worx
shinohai: i almost got one of trinques cuntoo's to build for mips64 to run on erl xD
mod6: <+shinohai> goes well mod6 and u? << oh not bad, busy asf.
shinohai: my obstacle is that erl has trouble reading some usb drives, gotta get another sandisk
shinohai: but it is tucked in neat beside the pogoplug, still chugging along and rsyncing blocks
shinohai: the vendor original is shite ... literally
shinohai: but still a neat box all in all for things like fw on cheap
shinohai: oh neat. i already got a 32G sandisk with bsd working, din want to overwrite since i had no spare
shinohai: i more interested in rockchip now, because trb
mod6: asciilifeform: oh, interesting, thought it was netbsd
shinohai: yeah, not abt to try it without ssd
diana_coman: asciilifeform> shinohai: trying doesn't hurt. and iirc somebody actually got a mechanical-hdd node to stay synced more or less decently with aggression patch -> yes, I did
☟︎ shinohai: neato diana_coman, also salutations!
shinohai: congrats on discovery of new object in eulora
diana_coman: asciilifeform, no, I didn't; and yes, it has stayed as far as I can tell (i.e. I check it daily to see if it's in sync and it has been in sync for several months now); if you have somewhere a step-by-step thing with what would be interesting to publish, I can go through it and do it but otherwise tbh I'm so swamped with other stuff that it's waaaay at the bottom of any queue
diana_coman: asciilifeform, no, but it might even help at a later time; it wouldn't be wasted time at any rate
diana_coman: i.e. noob comes, wants to run node, can point him to minimal reporting guidelines sort of thing
diana_coman: the by-now-usual "it's stupider than you'd think"
diana_coman: I suspect it is tbh but yes, we need some data on this
a111: Logged on 2018-07-13 16:06 diana_coman: reporting is still a different thing
mircea_popescu: iirc ben_vulpes was working on something like that prior to pizarro adventure.
mircea_popescu: they're involved in about half the efforts to make the net a shittier, slower, stinkier, buggier place.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: What about google's email spamming?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The deal where email was a thing and then google made Gmail and ate it
mircea_popescu: anyway, tbh i can't find a use for email. if it's not a trilema-article-and-link nor a p.bvulpes-and-link then why isn't it in #trilema.
mircea_popescu: i find fetlife sluts are about 10kx more interesting than hikikomori bois a la whatever set we've been contemplating, from curtis yarvin to rms.
mircea_popescu: in droves. and for other starters, they got tits, and i got pliers, and if they're annoying i twist nipples.
mircea_popescu: strongly relies on implicit wot enforced by "not give tards net access"
mircea_popescu: the fact that people pretended "it still works" for longer is imo one of the best points of illustration of anglotards retardation.
mircea_popescu: they have serious privacy issues, in the specific sense that the hole in the church roof bothers them a heck of a lot more than the hole in their outhouse
mircea_popescu: notwithstanding a) nobody cares about church and b) getting drizzled on while shitting is the #1 distinction between nation of africa and nation of human.
mircea_popescu: i just mean, because they're being groped in the privacy of their own bedroom, rather than in the publicity of the subway, they tolerate it much better.
mircea_popescu: and in the same way, pretend email is still a thing in 2010, while given up on pretense bbs is still a thing in 1995.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mine - yes, iirc mod6's also, and diana_coman's << aha, mine have been good, when the hardware has been sane. so, if I can find the time still this month, I want to add that vpatch to the main vtree @ thebitcoin.foundation
mod6: (and update the howto guide with that info)
mircea_popescu: i'm not specifically defending bbs or anything. just making the point, comparably useless/dysfunctional approaches, one lived much longer.
mircea_popescu: im not aware that ever was a think. trunked is trunked.
mircea_popescu: today, it'd still go through nsa eavesdropping station in london.
mircea_popescu: soviets had a helluva time tapping them, and all ye olde school "use phone booth" worked wunderbar.
mircea_popescu: the zek herd has no fucking idea how to defend anything. kinda why they're not worth taking seriously.
mircea_popescu: "oh, give me reasons to" "bitch... you'll just do it and like it, stfu."
mircea_popescu: they're exactly ready, if tomorrow i start hanging "activists" the population will just clap along. just like the last time around.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-15 16:47 asciilifeform surveyed what remains of shortwave , it's mostly empty, and what remains is largely these derps, 'texas can you hear me' 'this is utah, we can hear you' etc etc
mod6: I'm happy to announce that The Bitcoin Foundation's 2nd TRB node is fully sync'd and will be added to the list of Advertised Republican Nodeds.
mircea_popescu: just saying, the "p2p protocol" as a broad construct seems pretty well fleshed out.
BingoBoingo: At uni there was a little java program called "mytunes" which turned iTunes LAN shared music (a feature only used because of the pirate thing's popularity) into a sort of anon ftp
BingoBoingo: Well this thing failed because at somepoint everyone ended up with all the same music.
BingoBoingo: There was a parallel meat/tech failure Junior year which ended it. Wifi routers were just starting to become a thing and people kept plugging the WAN cable into the wrong ports. This happened repeatedly in casacades of failure because "Internet doesn't work, port must be bad"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this is a good point, huh. eventually "private tracker" w/e was supposed to sorta-bandaid this
mircea_popescu: and they're fucking terrible at user acquisition, too.
deedbot: xdeller voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo reheating incan fried rice with some morcilla dulce.
BingoBoingo: The isobutane appears to be a vastly superior refrigerant compared to R134a
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Back in old country there weren't even quiet and cold on the sales floor
BingoBoingo: They remain a rural crackpot thing in USistan as well along with R-22 to propane conversions
diana_coman: asciilifeform, HA, a fram exactly like that was actually IN USE at the countryside 10 years ago; for all I know it might even still work if anybody plugs it in
diana_coman: I suppose my great grandparents' house could work fine as a museum
diana_coman: heh, that's grandparents', yes; next generation basically
diana_coman: the sad part being that really, it's not *just* tech stuff that used to work for ages, it's ~everything
diana_coman: eh, I have some *clothes* that are older than me and look better than new stuff, what can I say
a111: Logged on 2018-07-05 22:14 asciilifeform: and on subj, not long ago asciilifeform repaired, for relative, ancestral clock, what looked like cheap alarm clock but is actually an enlarged sov copy of ~swiss~ movement , made to 'cosmonaut' specs, believe
diana_coman: not that much; I can make such clothes just like I can still make bread by hand; but the time needed to make them....
mod6: mircea_popescu, diana_coman : Ben and I have been pouring over the numbers (as i'm getting an education here), and the prorated cost for the rest of July for UY3 will be: 0.03542985 BTC
diana_coman: in practice one single person has only 2 hands, that's the thing
☟︎ mod6: I'd like to remind everyone here that Pizarro still desperately needs a manager, please inquire within if you're interested.
diana_coman: mod6, BingoBoingo aren't you though in the best position to work this out?
mod6: No, this isn't really for me. And more-over I have too much to do already.
diana_coman: mod6, ok, but this doesn't strike me like a position that you can interview for exactly just like that, you print the ad in the newspaper and interview applicants or something
diana_coman: asciilifeform, well, who exactly do you think would fit the bill anyway?
diana_coman: asciilifeform, well, I'm full time at s.mg as it is
mod6: mircea_popescu, diana_coman : Give me a thumbs up if you believe the box is ready for you to do your testing, and I'll invoice mircea_popescu.
mod6: (at the end of the month, invoices will be sent)