181 entries in 0.798s
ben_vulpes: theymos moderates r/bitcoin?
shinohai: He may as well have sucked Gavin's cock as far as r/bitcoin is concerned.
btcdrak: It would be so funny if Satoshi does something to remove doubt of his identity. I'd love to see the cognitive dissonance play out on r/bitcoin.
shinohai: The tards have taken the front page of r/bitcoin with XT and censorship nonsense today.
assbot: Logged on 11-08-2015 08:41:27; shinohai: No one wants to *do* anything BingoBoingo, they like instant validation you get by repeating whatever someone says on r/bitcoin now.
shinohai: No one wants to *do* anything BingoBoingo, they like instant validation you get by repeating whatever someone says on r/bitcoin now. ☟︎
assbot: Cointelegraph plagiarizing from r/bitcoin : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1SmWjlC )
shinohai: The Ethereum scammers are out in full force on r/cryptocurrency today....4
shinohai: Oh I know. Anything that measure up to the r/bitcoin status quo is automatically "trolling" or "toxic to the community".
shinohai: I like stirring thee pot with r/crypto too.
shinohai: I'll bet r/bitcoin had that CNN feed up praying that it triggers mass Greek adoption.
shinohai: Possible r/bitcoiner? http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2015/06/portland_man_arrested_for_viol.html#incart_most-read_
shinohai: @ mircea_popescu : did you read the compliments from your adoring fans on r/bitcoin this morning ?
shinohai: I want one. The world needs a good cult to fight r/bitcoin, and you *do* look interesting on a shirt.
jurov: whole r/bitcoin is like let's move to bitcoin-xt
decimation: wanna build an aircraft? fly an r/c plane? put 'intrusion software' on your website? get a note from stalin.
copypaste: r/buttcoin will probably flip. I've noticed that the same trolls on r/GamerGhazi are on r/buttcoin.
assbot: Logged on 12-05-2015 00:22:47; decimation: suddenly flying r/c aircraft went from pleasant hobby to malevolent drone warfare upon the people
decimation: suddenly flying r/c aircraft went from pleasant hobby to malevolent drone warfare upon the people ☟︎
decimation: usg event wants to sit upon hobbyists who fly r/c aircraft
decimation: http://www.faa.gov/news/press_releases/news_story.cfm?newsId=18757 < baltimore burns, and 40 miles away usg implements plans to instruct hobbyist r/c aircraft pilots
gribble: They really are Buttcoins nao on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/they-really-are-buttcoins-nao>; what is in the mind of r/buttcoin? - Bitcoin Forum: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=727776.0>; NEXT: 26-07-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-07-2014>
decimation: some folks use gas r/c aircraft and cars
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: we may never know. just thought it was relevant when I saw it on r/bitcoin
thestringpuller: time to bring up r/bitcoin
thestringpuller: jurov: thestringpuller: lol ryanxcharles, bitcoin should be written in node.js ?? you aware of this? http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2u7ddq/the_real_reason_ryan_charles_was_fired_from/ << good stuff. buttcoin seems to have more real people than r/bitcoin
mircea_popescu: check it out davout, r/buttcoin gets it ?!
mircea_popescu: somebody drop the classic http://trilema.com/2010/nsfw-mosu-cu-joarda/ on r/buttcoin, see how they talk it away ?
jurov: https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2t4ml5/i_live_in_russia_my_family_is_in_us_heres_our/ << related. also highlighted on r/buttcoin
mircea_popescu: this is r/buttcoin/ level understanding of bitcoin, for srs.
jurov: no need. just send them over to r/buttcoin
mircea_popescu: assbot: 5 Cryptocurrency Caricatures You'll Meet on r/Bitcoin - CoinDesk << so coindesk is at the gizmodo/mashable/demand media "stale meme list" phase of post-shark-jumping ?
assbot: 5 Cryptocurrency Caricatures You'll Meet on r/Bitcoin - CoinDesk ... ( http://bit.ly/17A752h )
jurov: http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2n261b/buttcoin_is_worth_its_weight_in_gold/ "teh r/buttcoin is the only non-circlejerk" circlejerk :)
trixisowned: made by r/bitcoinbravo
jurov: hi asciilifeform, have you seen the discussion on r/buttcoin?
asciilifeform: mod6: custom fs doesn't require an os-level turd, just a raw block device that the process is permitted to r/w.
thestringpuller: or bitcoin magazine, or r/bitcoin...
jurov: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=178336.msg9069908#msg9069908 r/buttcoin follows *this* ? that's helluva dedication
BingoBoingo: Well, ask r/buttcoin
Aquent_: ts not on r/bitcoin so it aint true :P
dsherm: danielpbarron: well r/bitcoin used to be more libertarian
gribble: They really are Buttcoins nao pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2013/they-really-are-buttcoins-nao/>; what is in the mind of r/buttcoin? - Bitcoin Forum: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=727776.0>; PREV: 03-08-2014 - #bitcoin-assets log: <http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-08-2014>
mircea_popescu: put it on r/buttcoin
mircea_popescu: upside down fucking nonsense, srsly, there is exactly zero difference between reading literotica and reading r/theredpill r/feminism etc. same purple prose, same "sammy was a 95lb triple D tits and fiery red pubic hair cut in a landing strip pattern" dependencies.
ben_vulpes: i'm just looking at r/bitcoin for the first time in ages
assbot: 1109 results for '" r/"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%22+r%2F%22
fluffypony: !s " r/"
GodHatesFigs: at least r/buttcoin is mildy amusing
mircea_popescu: lol r/SA has now established that i am not smart, all my good points are repackaged from someone else.
assbot: Some dude in r/soccer made the best bet of his life - Imgur
mircea_popescu: "In February, he saw a fundraiser called Cancer for College would get Will Ferrell to shout out anybody who donated $1,500. Green said he didn't realize he was typing in British pounds, rather than dollars, and so he accidentally gave $2,466 of his own money. To date, just over 2,500 people have viewed the nine-second video of Ferrell somberly thanking r/dogecoin."
moiety: shall i keep this to r/dogecoin?
fulloffantasies: i posted in r/girlsgonebitcoin and someone sent me a message
assbot: Censorship in r/dogecoin : dogecoin
assbot: r/dogecoin is turning into r/bitcoin : dogecoin
thestringpuller: go to r/bitcoin. digitalbtc is one of the top posts. bitcoinpete already destroyed it in the logs...
BingoBoingo: I swear the Buttcoin people offer more insightful commentary into Bitcoin than r/bitcoin
assbot: my reddit response to the absurd /Mircea_Popescu witchhunt on r/bitcoinhttp://t.co/ioHK9TZwjC
moiety: omg there is an r/baking?
Naphex: "Just wanted to say thank you. I posted a picture of my sons first birthday cake over in r/baking. bitcoincollegefundgu donated to his college fund. I had no idea you guys existed until tonight. This community seems awesome. Thank you so much for investing in my little man."
ozbot: Reddit strips r/technology's default status amid moderator turmoil
ozbot: Reddit cofounder drops r/technology mod status after censorship drama
TestingUnoDosTre: best youtube comment I've read in while "If this was reddit, it would be r/gore"
bitcoinpete: "Thank You people of r/bitcoin! Your unique, sarcastic and exaggerated humour has enabled me to cope with the depression and suicidal thoughts after my financial loss due to MtGox."
Mats_cd03: reading CVE reports, studying 0days and proofs of concept, crackmes, compiler books, r/reverseengineering
greenspan_fan: in gratitude for this interesting discussion, I've decided to spread your fame to the r/bitcoin subreddit
greenspan_fan: so for instance in bitcoin (and other currency) you can look to r/bitcoin for a community that is generally really homogeneous and has strong beliefs one way or the other
ozbot: I was just threatened for exposing a scam on r/bitcoin : Bitcoin
mod6: lol one guy in r/mtgox was just trying to buy someones account
Plaxant: BingoBoingo I'm surprised r/baseball didn't like the link I posted
lippoper: TittieCoin: I would like to introduce you to the next two big things: TittieCoin! - It'll be launched today! Check our website: www.TittieCoin.com - Twitter: www.twitter.com/TittieCoin and our subreddit: r/TittieCoin - Come all aboard! :D Let's motorboooat! http://goo.gl/Rk0aNw
Duffer1: i wish articles in r/nottheonion weren't 99% about america
dub: the only reddit I read is r/spacedicks
mircea_popescu: He went to the experts. Specifically, he went to Reddit's r/Bitcoin to ask them what the fuss was about.
kakobrekla: The whole r/bitcointip subreddit still doesn’t tell me shit so I just google “default bitcoin address” and get this lovely address in return.
parseval: Your best bet would be to search the forums or r/bitcoinstocks for a guide, VanCleef
mjr_: to me it's like r/atheism ... i want to spend all day talking about something I don't believe in
mjr_: yeah, i think its always the funniest when people spend their time talking about things they don't like/ believe in....like r/atheism
Bugpowder: i think its r/pics
jurov: i just morally won an reddit argument r/MPEx, hear me roar: http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/11i5tz/trading_on_biggest_bitcoin_stock_exchange_now_easy/