268 entries in 0.711s

punkman: it's on
archive.org so probably safe by now
archive.org doesn't have anything either
punkman: mircea_popescu: what's wrong with
ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: appears to dump archives into
archive.org punkman: asciilifeform: that'd be the braindamaged pack rat approach, and yes, it has adherents << dunno, I like
archive.org cazalla: that site is really relegated to
archive.org ?
Adlai: what are the standards for mirroring pages in qntra articles? is
archive.org goodenuff?
ascii_field: if anyone actually gives a fuck about these, cache'em -
archive.org can and has been prevailed upon to do the 'polite society' thing before
assbot: Logged on 03-03-2015 11:58:59; cazalla: fwiw, vessenes' announcements that were once on bitcoinfoundation.org have been purged and only avail via
archive.org now
cazalla: fwiw, vessenes' announcements that were once on bitcoinfoundation.org have been purged and only avail via
archive.org now
☟︎ punkman: asciilifeform:
archive.org's has an impressive number of emulators that will work in browsers, I think that's nice