⏐︎ 13352
menahem: best = more intelligent
Naphex: oh wow, just read the news. so bitgo finally popped with the worst mistake they can make?;o
Naphex: gn.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100600 @ 0.00029935 = 30.1146 BTC [+]
Pierre_Rochard: Naphex: https://np.reddit.com/comments/33u8vq//cqofrit
assbot: vytah comments on Holy Satoshi! Butter pays 85Btc transaction fees for a 16Btc transaction. Is this the largest fee ever paid? ... ( http://bit.ly/1E6kISv )
Pierre_Rochard: “Captains of the industry. If they were captains of any other industry, like say for example automotive, we'd have people dying in car crashes between two stationary vehicles."
Naphex: :D good one!
trinque: "So what you're saying is that this currency of the future can destroy my savings because of an error and nobody is responsible?" << b-but, who will inforce what's fair?!
trinque: what is this obsession with making things safe, as though you don't still die in agony at the end?
trinque: and likely more agony because you fretted about it your whole miserable life
williamdunne: Responsibility is scary bro
trinque: Naphex: regarding earlier thread, things such as parsing inputs, putting sensitive data on networks that don't knock knees directly with the web, all great stuff
Naphex: oh, i tought you hated it
trinque: not at all; it'd be good not to get personality wrapped up in such discussions too
trinque: it's just, what would be better than the complex wad we have currently?
trinque: reading asciilifeform's blog and various excellent threads in the logs would be instructive there
trinque: I personally do not claim to have the answer, or I'd be typing from it
Naphex: dude, i was giving my 2 cents on what people can do to harden up
Naphex: no jimmies rustled. most of that stuff is necessary whenever you have more servers
Naphex: or have to internal networking
trinque: mhm
Naphex: but if you have nothing you will be fucked and quickly
Naphex: and not by the NSA, by some kid with some scripts
williamdunne: I just spent 30 minutes trying to work out why the hell my DB connection wasn't working. I was editing the wrong fucking config file.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54750 @ 0.00030896 = 16.9156 BTC [+]
trinque: Naphex: certainly, if one doesn't tape the raft's holes, he'll drown
Naphex: i see now that the term secure was the problem. how about hardened?
trinque: I can admire a survivor ingenuity, crafting spears from bamboo and all that
trinque: no harm in that
Naphex: well ain't that security?
scoopbot_revived: News! BitGo Bug Results In Loss Of User Funds By Way Of 85 BTC Fee URL: http://qntra.net/2015/04/bitgo-bug-results-in-loss-of-user-funds-by-way-of-85-btc-fee/
assbot: BitGo Bug Results In Loss Of User Funds By Way Of 85 BTC Fee | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1E6qe7J )
Naphex: trinque: how would you define perfect security?
trinque: Naphex: I currently cannot; it would first require being able to model the whole system in my head at once
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8486 @ 0.00029935 = 2.5403 BTC [-]
Naphex: so when you say system, how deep/high do we go?
trinque: Naphex: here's a good example by the way of what can be done with what we have: http://mpex.co/faq.html#18
trinque: Naphex: as far as what it means to have a fits-in-head system, please do read asciilifeform's material; he's far more qualified to say.
Naphex: trinque: that's airgapped gpg. you can implement gpg all over. Not sure how much airgapping it helps. A lot of sidechannel attacks comming up nowadays that can grab keys ☟︎
Naphex: local is always a threat as well, no matter where you airgap
Naphex: having a annonymous ip is dandy. but no way anywhere near as enough. you still have to implement most of the stuff i said above especially the filtering part
Naphex: to defend from any exposing dos attacks
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 137900 @ 0.00029076 = 40.0958 BTC [-] {3}
Naphex: anyway. i'm off. gn
Pierre_Rochard: williamdunne: had a similar head against wall bug yesterday, in pgsql: to_timestamp(‘2014-2’, ‘YYYY-Q’), doesn’t work because the docs clearly state “quarter (ignored by to_date and to_timestamp)” but it was three hours of desperate refactoring before I actually read them. ☟︎
williamdunne: Its so easy to ignore the most simplistic bugs.. derpage galore.
Pierre_Rochard: I was outraged because the reason they ignore quarter (and don’t raise an error!) is because there’s no convention as to whether the date should be the beg or end of the quarter. Month, week, etc do the beginning, why not adopt that as the convention!?
Pierre_Rochard: anyway, lesson learned and appropriate duct tape applied
williamdunne: Conventions, are, like hard man
trinque: I'd love a proper emacs mode which could more or less "eldoc" postgresql functions
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46700 @ 0.00029773 = 13.904 BTC [+] {2}
williamdunne: Anyone know a decent footnotes plugin for WP? ☟︎
williamdunne: Found one
cazalla: williamdunne, qntra uses Civil Footnotes
scoopbot_revived: News! Deloitte: A Bitcoin Successor Is The Future Of Payments URL: http://qntra.net/2015/04/deloitte-a-bitcoin-successor-is-the-future-of-payments/
assbot: Deloitte: A Bitcoin Successor Is The Future Of Payments | Qntra.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1HG4Bit )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 125100 @ 0.00031142 = 38.9586 BTC [+] {3}
williamdunne: cazalla: Cheers
decimation: "Mobile payments are a natural extension of the digital lifestyle, while protection against digital theft becomes an imperative for regulatory agencies around the world." < note usg mission creep
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35250 @ 0.0003083 = 10.8676 BTC [-]
Pierre_Rochard: ^ They should start by securing president hussein’s email
Pierre_Rochard: but what do I know, I’m just an accountant
decimation: asciilifeform: http://www.ti.com/tool/tmdxrm46hdk < arm chip with ecc ram (and ecc bus)
assbot: TMDXRM46HDK Hercules Development Kit - TMDXRM46HDK - TI Tool Folder ... ( http://bit.ly/1PCxNZ0 )
decimation: Pierre_Rochard: regulatory agencies indeed
decimation: asciilifeform: http://opencores.org/news,1420039286 < apparently the openMSP430 was used as the basis for an eu-manufactured rad-hard asic microcontroller for space
assbot: OpenCores ... ( http://bit.ly/1HGaPiw )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4150 @ 0.0003083 = 1.2794 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105850 @ 0.00030596 = 32.3859 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73331 @ 0.00031505 = 23.1029 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44491 @ 0.00031723 = 14.1139 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: lmao
mircea_popescu: what the fuck is deloitte even ☟︎
mircea_popescu: hmm, anyone kept in touch with that bravetheworld chick ? danielpb1rron ?
mircea_popescu: Subject: Please, this is not a SPAM. We need your indispensable input on an important digital currency study
mircea_popescu: From: "Contact Bitgazetteer Team" <contact@bitgazetteer.com>
mircea_popescu: Date: Sat, April 25, 2015 9:07 pm
mircea_popescu: Greetings from bitgazetteer.com,
mircea_popescu: You may elect to opt-out of ongoing e-mail communication from us, by using a simple “opt out” procedure at the bottom of this email.
mircea_popescu: dude...srsly ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110745 << i lived in costa rica for a few years, so yeah. but never been much of a coffee drinker, so... whatevs! ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 20:45:01; ben_vulpes: savvy?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell BayAreaCoins prolly later tonight i'd guess.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: !up AmbitionzAzARida
mircea_popescu: !up austeritysucks
mircea_popescu: !up itkin-
mircea_popescu: !up maxwell
mircea_popescu: !up PFate_
mircea_popescu: !up SirJacket
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110772 << or, for that matter, http://thewhet.net/2013/your-feelings-are-out-to-get-you/ ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 21:16:50; menahem: seeing as everyone is posting their blog love, i did write this today: http://chedr.ca/2015/04/your-emotions-are-irrelevant-and-youve-missed-the-point/ (brings up mircea_popescu 's discussion on RIPple with W3C)
assbot: Your Feelings are Out to Get You | The Whet ... ( http://bit.ly/1HGhoBz )
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: In a couple of days could you make your RSS feed show all bitcoin related articles for an hour or so?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110827 << tell me about it. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 21:56:01; Naphex: trinque: gentoo doesn't even have iptables defaulted, so as soon as his done he'll end up recompiling
mircea_popescu: i think it does this already.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/category/bitcoin/feed/rss/
assbot: Trilema » Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1HGijSE )
williamdunne: Just shows the last 5
williamdunne: !s library
assbot: 405 results for 'library' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=library
mircea_popescu: oh
williamdunne: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1111087 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 23:32:46; pete_dushenski: williamdunne mebbe you could have scoopbot_revived post to a page on your site ?
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/category/bitcoin/ shows the lot but i suppose you don't like html cruft ?
assbot: Bitcoin on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1HGiqNY )
williamdunne: Hmm I can probably deal with it, I'll take a look
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110867 << that's what the ruby on rails folk say too ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 22:03:37; Naphex: asciilifeform: applets are applets and security issues are all around. being a good dev implies taking care with deploying your product
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110883 << ahaha this is a good one ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 22:06:38; asciilifeform: to paraphrase mircea_popescu article, if christ saves in java - let me go straight to hell.
mircea_popescu: http://www.wotbox.com/bot/ << da fuck is this
assbot: ::: Wotbox ::: Web Crawler ::: ... ( http://bit.ly/1HGjNMz )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65600 @ 0.00031871 = 20.9074 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110915 << i still think this'd all benefit from a lot more documentation. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 22:14:03; asciilifeform: Naphex: if you're interested in my concept in particular, see article 'don't blame the mice.'
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110943 << but obviously "raw data" is not the only concern. right ? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 22:28:04; Naphex: anyway, what i was saying is you take steps 'secure' or tape your stuff always, and you don't feed raw data to your apps if you can filter the input beforehand.
asciilifeform raises periscope
mircea_popescu: how goes alf
asciilifeform: tired, l0l
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this'd all benefit from a lot more documentation << which 'this'
mircea_popescu: the linked this. "my concept in particular"
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell thebutterzone yo, around ?
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: concept alluded to was 'fits in head.' i suppose this is a good time and place to note that it can be accomplished in three basic ways: a) small system b) big head c) powerful hydraulic press
asciilifeform: or any combo of above.
asciilifeform: !up gabriel_laddel
mircea_popescu: dja see where there's a lot more room for documentation ?
asciilifeform: certainly
asciilifeform adds 'fits in head' likbez to middle of very long list
gabriel_laddel: About this "don't feed raw data into your app" and "filtering" nonsense - if you're using a language that isn't complete shit you never need to "filter data" (just communicate in sexprs and (let* ((*read-eval* nil)) ...))
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel has it
gabriel_laddel: you should not have to parse anything - ever
gabriel_laddel: if you are parsing, you're doing it wrong
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell sfate hey.
gribble: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: (will note, for completeness, that this won't fly on, e.g., embedded chip with 32kB. but most of the usual suspects aren't stuck on one such)
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel perhaps you don't appreciate how deep perl goes, or how unaware perl-people are of their perl-ness.
gabriel_laddel: fuck em?
gabriel_laddel: I mean literally - steal their bitcoin, hack their bank accounts
gabriel_laddel: cause chaos
asciilifeform: 'certain languages support serious programmers, and others don't. e.g., I don't think it is at all possible to become a serious programmer using Visual Basic or Perl. if you think hard about what Perl code will do on the borders of the known input space, your head will explode. if you write Perl code to handle input problems gracefully, your programs will become gargantuan: the normal failure mode is to terminate with no id ☟︎
asciilifeform: ea how far into the process you got or how much of an incomplete task was actually performed. in my view, serious programmers don't deal with tools that _force_ them to hope everything works.' -- herr naggum who else
mircea_popescu: i think the female reproductive system runs on perl.
mircea_popescu: what now ?
trinque: lotta derps out there that can be taught to better themselves.
trinque: I'm fucking 28 and learning CL *now*
mircea_popescu: i see nobody wishes to engage the cunt problem. but yes, IT DOES RUN ON PERL. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and here we are.
gabriel_laddel: in what sense? that it'll accept all sorts of odd inputs?
Pierre_Rochard: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111248 < my former employer, was a great firm pre-1930, now just an extension of USG ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 02:51:20; mircea_popescu: what the fuck is deloitte even
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel how familiar with the process are you ? like, for instance, the simple (lol) ShouldAbort() function ?
mircea_popescu: Pierre_Rochard i suppose it's the next head on the chopping block after AA.
gabriel_laddel: I've had sex with a female if that's what you're asking.
mircea_popescu: not at all.
mircea_popescu: think about it : foetuses are sometimes aborted. on the basis of reasons.
mircea_popescu: when ? why ?
Pierre_Rochard: nah they’re too big to fail now, see http://www.forbes.com/sites/antoinegara/2015/04/15/ernst-young-settles-new-york-lehman-brothers-repo-105-deals/
assbot: Ernst & Young Settles With New York Over Lehman Brothers Repo 105 Deals - Forbes ... ( http://bit.ly/1HGnlP0 )
mircea_popescu: pure perl.
mircea_popescu: Pierre_Rochard from what i see (and from what i know of these systems) there's periodically going to be a beheading.
asciilifeform tries to picture a variant where 'where, why' is accessible
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it is, you can measure a lot about a pregnancy.,
gabriel_laddel: you're talking about the women in question purposefully aborting her pregnancy?
asciilifeform: - with instruments
gabriel_laddel: or miscarriage?
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel no, no, we're talking about the reproductive system itself.
asciilifeform: sure, fella with microscope can sometimes say why eject button got pressed
asciilifeform: but that isn't negating the 'perliness' of the basic apparatus, no ?
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel trisomies are usually aborted. spina bifida usually not. etc.
mircea_popescu: make sense of it, nobel prize is yours.
gabriel_laddel: yeah, I don't see the analogy to perl
mircea_popescu: really ?!
trinque: that nature is filthy hacks upon hacks?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: pretty sure the example you cited is immunological
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform maybe.
Pierre_Rochard: mircea_popescu: they created PCAOB - para-govt auditor of auditors - to avoid beheadings and only chop off fingers/toes. Beheadings will have to come exogenously. For log, background on lehman accounting fraud: http://drillingthrough.com/lehman/
assbot: Lehman, E&Y, and Repo 105 | Drilling Through ... ( http://bit.ly/1HGnPEP )
asciilifeform: (trisomies trigger tumour response)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform some of them do.
gabriel_laddel: the reason we build abstract machines is because people are not very good at repetitive tasks.
mircea_popescu: iirc they proved some of them actually abord through some oxygenation pathway
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel this is cells.
mircea_popescu: cells are automatons.
gabriel_laddel: yes...?
mircea_popescu: humans don't enter into it, at that level.
gabriel_laddel: people are machines - but computer programs are not people, nor cells.
mircea_popescu: and it's perl for exactly the specified reason, " the normal failure mode is to terminate with no idea how far into the process you got or how much of an incomplete task was actually performed"
gabriel_laddel: we know how to write computer programs such that you don't need regexes.
gabriel_laddel: if you're /ever/ using them, you're doing it wrong.
mircea_popescu: many more similarities (like a pointed lack of sexprs), but let's keep it simple
mircea_popescu: so you're saying cunts are doing it wrong.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: basic idea, perhaps, is that systems designed 'step at a time' by 'practical types' without any clear line of reason - will converge to resemble meat.
asciilifeform: as per l. lamport's essay
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform no, idea is that some people who can't even make dragonfly are in a weak position to teach grandmother to suck eggs, as it were.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30000 @ 0.00031795 = 9.5385 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if we get the stochasticity of meat, we also need to have the wide functional state space of meat.
asciilifeform: one without the other - is drowning in shit.
mircea_popescu: that may be. i'm just pointing out that biology offers a very significant challenge to theoretical cs.
mircea_popescu: in the perl aspect of things.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49650 @ 0.0003198 = 15.8781 BTC [+]
gabriel_laddel: This conversation bothers me. We don't understand how to make dragonflies, nor how the reproductive system works. We know how to write computer programs that work - the failing to do the latter correctly is a human failing.
mircea_popescu: is it ?
gabriel_laddel: analogy need not enter into the conversation
gabriel_laddel: it isn't necessary.
mircea_popescu: generally when an analogy need not enter into a conversation, it's a sign the conversation's broken.
gabriel_laddel: der fucking nonsense.
mircea_popescu: and mind you, at issue is not whether we do or don't understand how reproduction works.
mircea_popescu: at issue is that we understand enough to know it runs on perl.
mircea_popescu: which means that as long as you live, you will not live in a clean world.
gabriel_laddel: It doesn't run on "perl" "perl" is a well specified computer program. Meat runs another separate well specified meat program.
gabriel_laddel: which means that as long as you live, you will not live in a clean world. << select portions of humanity have, to varying degrees created "clean" computing.
mircea_popescu: take the simple fact that erycridine lactate induces abortion in any trimester, and without exception. if this isn't a regex gone wrong, what is ?
mircea_popescu: ethacridine*
gabriel_laddel: regexes are regexes - nothing elese is.
gabriel_laddel: not everything is the same thing.
mircea_popescu: (and if it were so well specified, we'd prolly know a lot more of it than we do)
mircea_popescu: so you dispute that there's ready biologic equivalents of a regexp match ?
mircea_popescu: you are aware organic molecules are actual strings.
gabriel_laddel: I wouldn't dare draw that equivalence without agreeing on a formal definition for regexes and the process in question.
mircea_popescu: how do you define a string ?
mircea_popescu: (this, incidentally, would be the lisp/perl difference imo. lisp does not have strings, perl does not have sexprs. in spite of pretending on each side)
gabriel_laddel: wtf is this. lisp doesn't have strings?
mircea_popescu: if you think about it, you said so yourself. "if you're /ever/ using them, you're doing it wrong."
gabriel_laddel: my first pass at a definition for a string: A string is a collection of characters from an alphabet.
mircea_popescu: organic molecules pass this.
gabriel_laddel: nah - if you're using regexes you're doing it wrong.
mircea_popescu: that's what strings are. "stuff you use regexps on"
gabriel_laddel: nonsense.
gabriel_laddel: I use strings all the time, don't use regexes
mircea_popescu: you're using fake lisp strings.
mircea_popescu: perl people think they're using "structured data" too.
mircea_popescu: it's all strings, but w/e.
gabriel_laddel: they can't do tree traversals on their "structured data"
mircea_popescu: exaclty.
gabriel_laddel: therefore they suck c0cks
mircea_popescu: and you can't do regexp on your "Strings"
mircea_popescu: therefore...
gabriel_laddel: ah, but I can
mircea_popescu: well, "can".
gabriel_laddel: I don't because it's stupid
mircea_popescu: right.
mircea_popescu: why do you think THEY don't ?
gabriel_laddel: because they're mentally defective
mircea_popescu: obviously.
gabriel_laddel: (I'm assuming you're saying "why don't you think they don't - do tree traversals")
mircea_popescu: right.
gabriel_laddel: I should note that "they" (algol programmers) try to add the tree traversal properties of lisp to their languages
gabriel_laddel: in every single language
mircea_popescu: so ?
gabriel_laddel: they all have failed, and will continue to fail
gabriel_laddel: so they waste a lot of effort doing it.
mircea_popescu gets a "so ?" gold on black cardboard card
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39250 @ 0.00032074 = 12.589 BTC [+] {3}
decimation: did I just stumble into an ongoing turing test?
gabriel_laddel: this conversation is going in the direction of "heat death of the universe" so I'll note that companies that use e.g., scala have to hire a lot of people to regin in the complexity inherrent in ALGOL.
mircea_popescu: decimation nah, i'm just being unreasonably heterodox over here.
gabriel_laddel: hence, they waste money
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel this is a very minor point. the chief point, still standing, is that cunts still run on perl. there must be a reason for this.
gabriel_laddel: hence they'll be beaten in the marketplace by yours truly.
mircea_popescu: but even if there isn't a reason for this : it's so deeply baked into the structure of the world, you'll never be free of it.
gabriel_laddel: and...?
mircea_popescu: (because cunts obviously aren't free to choose what they use, so the need for perl must be way deeper than that)
mircea_popescu: that's all, no more.
gabriel_laddel: You'll never be entirely free of idiots
gabriel_laddel: that doesn't mean I should stop "butchering slugs"
decimation: how can anyone even make statements about what the female reproductive/baby system is doing without examining the results in each case, in molecular detail?
mircea_popescu: hey, splay that slit! no argument here.
gabriel_laddel: what aesthetic do you wish to live in?
trinque: fast and loose is fine if the product is somewhat disposable?
mircea_popescu: decimation enough to say "it's doing regexp"
mircea_popescu: trinque except the product of reproduction is perhaps the most expensive thing there is
mircea_popescu: if you look in the proper context.
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: oh, btw thanks for your input on my document
trinque: yes, very expensive to the host body while it's being made
mircea_popescu: exactly.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel sure. which was this ?
gabriel_laddel: I ended up trolling through gov. documents on the yucca mountain facility (I had previously quoted wikipedia)
mircea_popescu: !up gabriel_laddel
gabriel_laddel: anyways, I ran across lots of juicy information.
mircea_popescu: ;;gettrust assbot gabriel_laddel
gribble: WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user gabriel_laddel: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=assbot&dest=gabriel_laddel | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=gabriel_laddel | Rated since: Sun Aug 3 11:48:26 2014
decimation: yucca mountain was a terrible idea, in the sense that storing nuclear waste instead of recycling it into fissile Pu is retarded
mircea_popescu: !gettrust assbot gabriel_laddel
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user gabriel_laddel: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=gabriel_laddel | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/gabriel_laddel/
gabriel_laddel: decimation: well, now it is sitting on-site at the 100 reactor sites across the US
mircea_popescu: that whole yucca mountain thing...
gabriel_laddel: in "temporary storage"
gabriel_laddel: forever
trinque: mircea_popescu: seems like systems where there are a variety of ways to solve problems accept that they don't know the "perfect" way, if there is one
trinque: assuming lack of perfect knowledge having multiple things to try seems appropriate
decimation: mainly because jimmy carter banned recycling because it contained the word 'plutonium'
mircea_popescu: trinque the main problem here is that for a large number of solid considerations, lisp would actually be a much better choice. moreover, the space alf referred to is indeed vast, but the processes narrow. in many spots the whole tree converges to a very very narrow bottleneck.
asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> that may be. i'm just pointing out that biology offers a very significant challenge to theoretical cs. << i must confess, that i am at a loss as to which aspects of meat we should like to replicate in machines: intransigence? toe fungus? pneumonia? schizophrenia? ☟︎
asciilifeform: seems like we've achieved a great many of these, in the computer...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i wasn't going nearly as far as any of that.
mircea_popescu: trinque consider the ridiculous happenstance that all foeti have a god damned lizard tail two weeks in.
trinque: mhm, and gills at some point, or proto-gills
trinque: little blockchains themselves
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38360 @ 0.00030596 = 11.7366 BTC [-]
trinque: the whole of evolution unfolding each time
mircea_popescu: not ~quite~
mircea_popescu: broadly speaking, but that's all.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: ... there must be a reason for this. << same reason eagle doesn't have jet with afterburner in his arse
mircea_popescu: is it ?
mircea_popescu: anyway i should like to see a schizo computer.
mircea_popescu: could be punishment for the usg twerps. "you now have to program on this"
trinque: I wonder if we'd have done the one with the afterburner having never seen a bird
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's so deeply baked into the structure of the world, you'll never be free of it. << johnson noise, shot noise, etc. are intrinsic to electrical circuit. yet we have to sweat and build whole other box to get pc to cough up random bits.
mircea_popescu: trinque nah, it's not energetically efficient. try and power the jet off the bird's diet.
asciilifeform: because designers did practically nuke the analogue soup. (yes, ram failures, etc. exist.)
mircea_popescu: i have no doubt you have still hope alf :)
trinque: mircea_popescu: right, so we're talking about the difference between systems which try to be general solutions to (not sure how to articulate it) vs specific tools which live in a given niche?
trinque: tools vs general meta-tools or something
mircea_popescu: im not even sure.
trinque: me either, lol
asciilifeform: i just can't help but recall kreinin's piece re: how folks who are asking for meat-like architecture 'whether they want a tool, or electronic best friend or sex partner' and asked whether 'they had tried the selection of naturally-occurring ones first'
mircea_popescu: mind that i am not proposing any change here.
mircea_popescu: i am merely pointing out that the perl-bashing has some serious problems in front of it.
trinque: converation with my biz partner comes to mind where he praised this old DOS point of sale
asciilifeform: nature's criterion of 'works' and mine, i will say, are not at all alike.
trinque: he could enter things like i 52345 s <ent> 3 <ent> and that would add inventory number whatever to the ticket 2 times
asciilifeform: i don't want to buy the office chair that is successful in cheaply making infinite copies of itself into the aeons. not unless it also parks my arse well.
trinque: and he still claims he's faster on that than any micros shit, ncr, or even more "modern" UI
asciilifeform: trinque: this is not a difficult standard to achieve
trinque: sure
trinque: but you could then go "oh but this is not a general interface with concepts applicable to any UI"
trinque: or something
trinque: seems relevant to the lisp vs perl thing
asciilifeform: trinque: but basic idea is that single-tasking, single-threaded box was inherently responsive
trinque: perl's an interface to a handful of problems, ignores other things
asciilifeform: it -had- to be
trinque: I was for example shocked to find an object system in CL as a layman
trinque: and a few months in I'm pretty sure it has goddamn everything, so to speak
trinque: any "paradigm" of programming you'd like to use
asciilifeform: trinque: because everywhere else on the planet 'object-oriented' is synonymous with 'profound retardation', yes
trinque: yeah, and I went to a school that did C++ and Java, and dropped out of that
gabriel_laddel: <trinque> seems relevant to the lisp vs perl thing << ummm... the angle I'm attacking this from is that meta-programming is inescapable and sexprs are the only sane way to go unless you want to program forth or APL.
trinque: then went on to do python and ruby in industry
trinque: it's a wonder I can hit the toilet with my ass ☟︎
gabriel_laddel: we know how ALGOL and meta-programming (tree-traversals) interact
trinque: gabriel_laddel: sure, seems you need code to be data to do metaprogramming well
gabriel_laddel: not only that - you /must/ have a simple parsing algorithm, else upgrades are a bitch
gabriel_laddel: checkout the scala "macro" system sometime.
gabriel_laddel: s-expressions + read tables are the ultimate notational abstraction
trinque: way less mental fatigue looking at them, I've found
trinque: I have to run; cheers
asciilifeform: one observation of mine is that the abstraction that most determines the shape of a program is
asciilifeform: the unavailable one(s).
gabriel_laddel: way less mental fatigue looking at them, I've found << I suppose. One can learn to read most anything. The importance here is the triviality of generating "syntactically correct" program texts.
asciilifeform: think this way - if the problem were entirely contained in an -available- set of abstractions of the language, the program would not need to be written! ☟︎
asciilifeform: (best program is no program.)
gabriel_laddel: !s brick lisp
assbot: 8 results for 'brick lisp' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=brick+lisp
gabriel_laddel: While we're here, I'll note that being tied to text (perl) is quite limiting. On CLIM today I can tell any object how to "present" itself, i.e., how to draw itself on the screen. Such a thing is unthinkable in a language based around regexes.
asciilifeform: gabriel_laddel: it is a mistake to describe perl as 'based on' anything in particular. it is soup, consisting of the entire contents of a crashed delivery van. soup reflective of what is to be found in the author's skullcase.
asciilifeform: this appeals to some people
asciilifeform: for a variety of reasons
asciilifeform: partly because it makes a convincing simulacrum of problem-solving, as (per naggum) hollywood special effects 'may as well be the real thing'
asciilifeform: partly because it allows imbeciles to feel as if they are 'sticking the finger' to those boring 'squares' who actually take the time to think things through
asciilifeform: partly because perl proggies tend to be 'throw-aways' and absolve the author of the burden of actually carrying anything through to completion or (horror) supporting
asciilifeform: but also for many other reasons, which i will not waste readers' time on.
gabriel_laddel B.A.D (bitcoin-assets distro) update #1, I just finished rewriting mozrepl in parenscript. Now to cut out extra crud.
mircea_popescu: trinque re the dos point of sale, best breakfast p[lace here had one, made like 1985 or some shit
asciilifeform: ^ it immediately caught my eye when saw it
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> nature's criterion of 'works' and mine << nature's cheaper. you might not get a voice.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in the end, the amoeba get the voice.
mircea_popescu: that's the thing.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 118488 @ 0.00029217 = 34.6186 BTC [-]
asciilifeform: but engineers who take an intense interest in 'in the end' tend to build autoguillotines. ☟︎
asciilifeform: rather than computers
mircea_popescu: maybe.
asciilifeform: !up gabriel_laddel
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110960 << quite possibru. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 22:32:39; ben_vulpes: there's nothing more undervalued right now than cheap old blades.
asciilifeform: ^ speaking of which, is anyone going to splatter out the c3 conversation re: computational sommeliers here ?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1111015 << cooling! ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 22:44:55; decimation: usually with power, bus, network, etc supplied as part of the 'crate'
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu: are you ever going to post the Jerusalem follow-up to your Istanbul article?
mircea_popescu: imo cooling was the biggest problem for the damned blades.
mircea_popescu: gabriel_laddel once i go to jerusalem
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you got a blog neh ?
asciilifeform: l0l
asciilifeform: blog but too few handz
mircea_popescu: "i forgot where i put it "
asciilifeform: 'where i should put this?!!!' -- 'borat'
asciilifeform: (scene where he is holding a bad of own shit)
asciilifeform: *bag
mircea_popescu: "this i should put where is ?"
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98050 @ 0.00029824 = 29.2424 BTC [+]
asciilifeform: and l0l, apparently no one mentioned the matchsticks. so let this count as mention. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the unmentionable matchsticks
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1111057 << floating point's just a convention, right ? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 23:01:04; decimation: unfortunately no floating point unit, but that isn't needed for the target market here
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1111123 << to round off that thread, it appears that a secondhand instrument of that type can be had for 10-20k usd, where i live. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 23:43:06; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110941 << interestingly, i asked about the cost. was told something like '$1m for the old style, 2.5 for the new generation.' fella said this with straight face, too, as if there were nothing remarkable about this factoid.
mircea_popescu: seems nuts. 1% of new price if used ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: aha. just like the xyz robot i worked with
mircea_popescu: so where's the 300 dollar bmws
asciilifeform: these things deprecate on the 'usg pays maxint, scrap dealer pays 1%' formula.
asciilifeform: that is where the 300 bmw is.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1111076 << that country is france. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 23:21:58; asciilifeform: i mention it because i can imagine a world where such clocks are considered not only acceptable, but 'state of the art' and 'best practice'
gabriel_laddel: u'u
gabriel_laddel: lol
mircea_popescu: before smartphones, it was not uncommon to stop two people in the street whose clocks were 30 minutes apart. ☟︎
asciilifeform: there would be a 300 usd bmw if a) 500 people knew of bmw b) machine could only be driven on 100 particular race courses c) by a ph.d. or equiv. d) running on virgin piss
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: l0l wut? clock towers existed
asciilifeform: now, lazy people also existed. and still exist
mircea_popescu: virgin piss is not that rare
mircea_popescu: especially in the us.
asciilifeform: l0l
asciilifeform: export market then.
asciilifeform: but back to the machines, because i consider this a mega-educational moment - there are countless instruments where you can pay, e.g., 10k on 'ebay' but you can also pay 800k if you want new, with support contract, for the mandatory softs to not be considered pirated, etc., etc., (most of this is strictly usg)
asciilifeform: the one consumer crud item which (i am told) behaves in a similar way is - diamonds.
asciilifeform cannot comment in detail, has no personal experience with then outside of machine shop tooling
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54950 @ 0.00030057 = 16.5163 BTC [+] {3}
asciilifeform: obligatory:
asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqT2uOa1-d0
assbot: The Brave Little Toaster - Worthless (No Interruptions) - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1DxUHch )
mircea_popescu: notbad
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1111168 << i lollerd. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 23:58:40; menahem: And be the Pete the world requires of me"
mircea_popescu: also, behold line 1111111 : http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1111111 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 23:37:19; williamdunne: It won't cover all of history though, most of the RSS feeds only cover 5-10 posts each
mircea_popescu: ok that bitgo thing was pretty lulzy.
trinque: mircea_popescu | http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110960 << quite possibru. << http://www.ebay.com/itm/RLX-System-600ex-Xeon-CPU-Blade-2-8GHz-x-2-1GB-60GB-HD-/170369036116?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27aac92f54 big time ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 22:32:39; ben_vulpes: there's nothing more undervalued right now than cheap old blades.
assbot: RLX System 600ex Xeon CPU Blade 2.8GHz x 2 1GB 60GB HD ... ( http://bit.ly/1Or56Rv )
trinque: way better than a piddly ec2 micro/small/medium instance eh? ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: guess so
trinque: seeing elsewhere 10 xeon dell poweredge for $50 per
trinque: next hustle maybe
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111214 << being specific here would be interesting. ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 00:57:29; Naphex: trinque: that's airgapped gpg. you can implement gpg all over. Not sure how much airgapping it helps. A lot of sidechannel attacks comming up nowadays that can grab keys
trinque: re: perl thread RLX control tower was all written in php, could multicast OS images out to 500 blades at once, and lots of other great shit
trinque: this in early 200x
trinque: the puppets and other garbage in the space are still trying to do what they had
mike_c: mircea_popescu: requested changes to wot site are live.
mircea_popescu: mike_c i noticed sorting earlier. pretty cool!
mike_c: oh, except for help text on tooltips on the headers. got to add that. but yeah, sorting is up, dates don't wrap in the tables anymore, and http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/all-users/
assbot: All WoT Users - Btc Alpha ... ( http://bit.ly/1DxXbr6 )
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111227 << i use WP-Footnotes4.2 By Simon Elvery. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 01:43:24; williamdunne: Anyone know a decent footnotes plugin for WP?
mircea_popescu: i suspect everyone using them is using the same
mircea_popescu: !up jayk
jayk: thanks
mike_c: the best footnotes plugin for WP is /dev/null
mircea_popescu: wait wut!
mircea_popescu: footnotes haet ?!
mike_c: hehe. you get an exception.
mircea_popescu: i am probably the record holder for most footnotes in an article out of the entire interwebs
mike_c: and pete has gotten much better. but footnotes are dangerous and usually misused.
mircea_popescu: also may be the only one with footnoted footnotes
cazalla: made a irl scoopbot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C21PhQU6tjg (every parent thinks their kid is the smartest but i think this is good for 15 months)
assbot: scoopbot kid can fetch better than the original - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Or5Kyn )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50443 @ 0.00029179 = 14.7188 BTC [-] {3}
mircea_popescu: !gettrust Pierre_Rochard
assbot: Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user Pierre_Rochard: Level 1: 2, Level 2: 4 via 7 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=mircea_popescu&to=Pierre_Rochard | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/Pierre_Rochard/
mike_c: cazalla: he got three things in a row without crashing. He's better than all the scoopbots combined :)
mircea_popescu: lmao
mircea_popescu: williamdunne so in retrospect : "immutable, fungible, non-discriminatory, and trustless" is really redundant. fungible includes "non-discriminatory". ☟︎
jayk: !gettrust jayk
assbot: Trust relationship from user jayk to user jayk: ∞ | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/jayk/
mircea_popescu: i would suspect maybe trustless is a misnomer. trust is not involved at all, the point is coherence. the system remains coherent, which is to say it does not fork into ambiguous states.
mircea_popescu: maybe the best description would be "immutable, fungible and entropic"
mircea_popescu: because that is the property here : same as entropy, bitcoin lacks the ability to review earlier states on the base of later states.
mircea_popescu: so described, it is rather clear that bitcoin can not in fact exist : immutability and entropy are mutually contradictory.
jayk: is it worth throwing any money at a mining pool these days with bitcoin being flat?
cazalla: jayk, let someone else bare the cost and just buy coins straight up
jayk: better to buy them right now then
cazalla: bear even
jayk: i heard you cant be profitable at $200-250
mircea_popescu: jayk you mean renting hash power ? that was never a good deal.
jayk: nope
jayk: self owned
jayk: i never liked the idea, and BFLY labs tried to do it
mircea_popescu: what do you mean ? you got some miners in garage ?
mircea_popescu: yes turning them on is usually profitable.
jayk: nope, nothing yet
mircea_popescu: then depends what you pay for them.
jayk: or if you can get them
mircea_popescu: plenty for sale afaik
jayk: seems many places are hard to obtain, and kncminer doesnt sell equip anymore
mircea_popescu: aha
mircea_popescu: "It, together with smart contracts, has been let out of Pandora’s Box – never to return, never to be unlearned, no matter how badly some of us might want it to."
mircea_popescu: oh for crying out loud.
mircea_popescu: other things sharing the same properties, "the free lunch", "democracy", "you can do anything" etc.
mircea_popescu: just because particular memes are well suited to the mental vulnerabilities of the early mind and so are noteworthy to educators and psychiatrists does not mean they're also noteworthy to engineers.
mircea_popescu: proof of pizza, for fucks sake. all the money in pizza delivery is the god damned tips. nobody will ever deliver pizza to the sort of idiots who bicker about times randomly. if this is how it went, why not have "proof of latte" to make sure the barrista really did give you the latte.
jayk: there's a website for them
jayk: i got flamed for calling them pizza boy
jayk: :)
mircea_popescu: who, "them"
jayk: the delivery people
mircea_popescu: what should you call them, pizza delivery worker ?
jayk: http://www.tipthepizzaguy.com/discussion/
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1DxZbj3 )
mircea_popescu: williamdunne "The cost of enforcement of contracts grows over time as an increasing number of loopholes are found - as described in an article by Mircea Popescu" you know you could ~link it~ o.O ☟︎
jayk: they get really pissy when you address them boy and not man
mircea_popescu: "* Beware of teenagers grouped in twos wearing hooded sweatshirts. Most criminals fit that description"
mircea_popescu: lolk.
mircea_popescu: "Be suspicious of pedestrians when you pull up to a house. Don't open your car door if people are nearby." ☟︎
mircea_popescu: holy shit what country is this
jayk: i was in a casino with a bandana and i was asked to leave because i appeared to be a frightening gang member
cazalla: jayk, did ya refuse to take it off? bandana is as bad as feet on table tbh
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41950 @ 0.00030347 = 12.7306 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: the last time an idiot "asked me to leave" i had the place torched.
mircea_popescu: da fuck is this shit.
cazalla: mircea_popescu, but did ya have ya bandana on with ya feet on the table?
mircea_popescu: mnope
mircea_popescu: i'm really the best customer anyone could ever have. i tip, there's hot chicks, the works.
cazalla: google for "jayk casino bandana" serves up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpDnFPYoWxw
assbot: CASINO(1995) GET YOUR FEET OFF THE TABLE - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Or8xro )
jayk: cazalla: i shaved my head and didn't like the way i looked
mircea_popescu: lol win
mircea_popescu: jayk prolly should have explained your name's pepe.
mircea_popescu: !rate jayk 1 Noob
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/43f3a6bc041631df
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.jayk.1:486e17533db78ce8c35a9aed04ec6c2e015f4f145af1c95a3188b499c90d6515
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for jayk with note: Noob
cazalla: !up jayk
jayk: https://scontent-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10386752_582362298543805_2330135579441782816_n.jpg?oh=87b63f5732878beee41e6429ce8196b1&oe=55CF0734
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1Dy0jU0 )
jayk: there's the bandana pic
jayk: though my hair had grown back by then
mircea_popescu: you don't really look like you have any business in a casino...
jayk: is it because
jayk: i...
jayk: look like a duck farmer?
mircea_popescu: lol
cazalla: jayk, i get the bandana, free bird shit but c'mon, take hat/bandana off in a casino or any establishment for that manner
mircea_popescu: williamdunne "inheritence" that takes an a, and moreover, the entire "transfer reputation" thing is muddied at best.
jayk: girls were wearing them
jayk: so why can't i!
jayk: that's sexism man
jayk raises hell
cazalla: cause ya don't have tits
jayk: :(
mircea_popescu: this reminds me of scene where chick is told that she has to cover her head in church
mircea_popescu: so she removes her top (was a knotted square thing) and puts it on her head.
mircea_popescu: she is now covered, topless.
jayk: ha
mircea_popescu: they nearly fell over.
jayk: that's a good reason to go to a gay bar with your hot gf
jayk: hot lesbo chicks will lift up their shirts
jayk: trying to get your gf's attn
mircea_popescu: was some derpy greek orthodox thing on some island.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35650 @ 0.00028967 = 10.3267 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: lesbianism is just shy foreplay anyway.
cazalla: greek orthodox eh, sure not latvian orthodox?
jayk: its generally not difficult to bum some action off a lesbian
jayk: my ex-gf's sister's gf had never seen a penis before
mircea_popescu: cazalla what, you think greek orthodoxy's made up ?
mircea_popescu: "Unfortunately unlike Bitcoin there is no reputation Trezor." << a) trezor's kinda dysfunctional/derpy ; b) of course there is. airgapped gpg. ☟︎
cazalla: mircea_popescu, i guess so, figured you had the kavorka yourself but guess not :P
mircea_popescu: jayk so how did she know she was a lesbian ?
mircea_popescu: cazalla it's a thing, greece has > 9k islands, about half of them have a church on
cazalla is drinking and talking shheeeiit
cazalla: ;;ud kavorka
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Kavorka | (Pronounced Kah-vor-kah) The Kavorka is a word which originated from the Latvian Orthodox. It means "the lure of the animal". It is described as a curse, making ...
jayk: she was dating my ex-gf's sister and had never been with a man, and told me she had never seen a penis before
jayk: so i took her to the beach and we stripped down
cazalla: jayk, beach sex is the shittiest sex in my experience
cazalla: literal sand in vag
cazalla: what a fucking scam hollywood has going with the idea that sex on the beach is hawt
mircea_popescu: yeah not great.
mircea_popescu: cazalla sex in tub not much better.
jayk: there are grassy parts
jayk: lol
mircea_popescu: but hey, they got all these things because can't show fucking on tv, because usians are retards.
midnightmagic: +1 shitty on beach :-/
midnightmagic: wind, water, and sand, all crappy
mircea_popescu: wait, you got sex in canada ?! and beaches ?!
midnightmagic: so they tell me
jayk: it ain't ideal, but would you turn it down with a lesbian?
mircea_popescu: i turn down so much sex...
cazalla: mircea_popescu, ya the taps, hitting ya head on that shit ain't fun
jayk: mirc...you are different...a romanian charlie sheen
cazalla: jayk, ya mean real butch lesbian types that ya can't get hard for or pretend 16 year old lesbian to get your attention so you fuck her straight?
jayk: she was pretty hot with big tits
cazalla: which are usually "bi" anyway
mircea_popescu: sounds more like the latter.
jayk: i've tried to find her on fb but i dont know what happened to her
jayk: ran away to saskatoon
mircea_popescu: " off the top of my head the United Kingdom, South Africa, Singapore, India, and China have instant and cheap (in many cases free) bank transfer systems." << nonsense. your example is SEPA. rest sucks by comparison. (or gyropay before that).
mircea_popescu: anyway williamdunne i see what you meant by "not as eloquent" :D
mircea_popescu: the good news being that if you stick to it, it'll improve.
jayk: are there any places that do instant ACH?
mircea_popescu: now do me a personal favour and ditch that retarded disqus thing
mircea_popescu: "We're going to co-opt the technology, OK? End. Of. Story." lolk.
mircea_popescu: !gettrust assbot menahem
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user menahem: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=menahem | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/menahem/ ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: !rate menahem 1 New blood
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/d88c2adde0ca36f1
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.menahem.1:ef600b5ecdbf4fb4fc6975db6a8a625a670ccde4c18d5e5462f354dbec68aadb
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for menahem with note: New blood ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell menahem you really don't know how to bother girls. ☟︎
gribble: The operation succeeded.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54534 @ 0.00030536 = 16.6525 BTC [+]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 28440 @ 0.00004019 = 1.143 BTC [-] {5}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10266 @ 0.00031267 = 3.2099 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 119850 @ 0.00031119 = 37.2961 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 118143 @ 0.00031443 = 37.1477 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: in other news, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7cgLu0PuQo
assbot: Richard Cheese - My Neck, My Back - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qvn5F1 )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31441 @ 0.00031479 = 9.8973 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56086 @ 0.00031789 = 17.8292 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48050 @ 0.00032004 = 15.3779 BTC [+]
cazalla: ;;later tell bingoboingo what website does this one https://bitcoinnewsmagazine.com/ remind you of?
assbot: Bitcoin News Magazine - Cryptocurrency News and Reviews ... ( http://bit.ly/1FnvLsF )
gribble: The operation succeeded.
cazalla: or anyone else for that matter
mircea_popescu: random shitty boost thing ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52450 @ 0.00029404 = 15.4224 BTC [-]
Naphex: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111612 << See: http://www.tau.ac.il/~tromer/handsoff/ / https://lists.gnupg.org/pipermail/gnupg-devel/2013-December/028102.html for the acoustic side channel fix ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:08:43; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111214 << being specific here would be interesting.
assbot: Get Your Hands Off My Laptop ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1M0ug )
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1M2lU )
Naphex: mircea_popescu: https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/161.pdf for bitcoin related sidechans
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1Mocb )
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111584 <<< never happened to me ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 04:35:18; mircea_popescu: before smartphones, it was not uncommon to stop two people in the street whose clocks were 30 minutes apart.
davout: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111529 <<< if it's a set you still need to stitch them together ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 04:05:37; asciilifeform: think this way - if the problem were entirely contained in an -available- set of abstractions of the language, the program would not need to be written!
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 111694 @ 0.00028898 = 32.2773 BTC [-] {3}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 97418 @ 0.00030103 = 29.3257 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 94500 @ 0.00032102 = 30.3364 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20900 @ 0.00031862 = 6.6592 BTC [-]
williamdunne: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111677 <<< Originally it was linked in the footnotes, not sure what happened to that. I'll add it again later ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:33:34; mircea_popescu: williamdunne "The cost of enforcement of contracts grows over time as an increasing number of loopholes are found - as described in an article by Mircea Popescu" you know you could ~link it~ o.O
williamdunne: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111640 <<< To the layman it seems they would be different. Assuming you're a fairly boring person as far as you're concerned dollars are pretty fungible (obviously not entirely and dependent on payment system), but they're not even close to non-discriminatory. I guess the difference IMO is between 1 btc = 1 btc, and anyone and everyone being able to have 'a ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:17:59; mircea_popescu: williamdunne so in retrospect : "immutable, fungible, non-discriminatory, and trustless" is really redundant. fungible includes "non-discriminatory".
williamdunne: bitcoin account' if you will.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68400 @ 0.00032138 = 21.9824 BTC [+] {3}
Naphex: !rate fluffypony 2 freenode:#bitcoin-otc:c479d5a2f2e4c3ba71a05a521eb58cd80bebebf35f842bbc4730962b
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/d99af9649c5c4b47
Naphex: !rate fluffypony 2 Riccardo Spagni of #b-a/monero. Responsible for OpenAlias which kicks ass
assbot: Rating should be any non zero value between 10 and -10.
Naphex: !rate fluffypony 2 Riccardo Spagni of #b-a/monero. Responsible for OpenAlias which kicks ass
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/79bff65c1be218b8
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 70182 @ 0.00031862 = 22.3614 BTC [-]
Naphex: !rate williamdunne 1 young climbing up
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/7cf372e691fe349f
Naphex: !rate williamdunne 1 young and climbing up
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/f71f3a1c1344a9d0
kakobrekla: what is this monero bs in ba
kakobrekla: why better
Naphex: !rate -10 HoreaV Horea Vuscan former 'CEO' of BTCXchange.ro. Overall scammer and crook. Avoid!
assbot: -10 is not registered in WoT.
Naphex: !rate HoreaV -10 Horea Vuscan former 'CEO' of BTCXchange.ro. Overall scammer and crook. Avoid!
assbot: HoreaV is not registered in WoT.
punkman: g'day asseteers
punkman: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/121551/bot-bubble-click-farms-have-inflated-social-media-currency
assbot: The Bot Bubble: Click Farms Have Inflated Social Media Currency | The New Republic ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1Svx5 ) ☟︎
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 123400 @ 0.00032214 = 39.7521 BTC [+] {3}
punkman: http://www.slate.com/articles/business/moneybox/2015/04/bot_makes_2_4_million_reading_twitter_meet_the_guy_it_cost_a_fortune.html
assbot: Bot makes $2.4 million reading the Web: Meet the guy it cost a fortune. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1SARk )
punkman: http://wp.newrepublic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Richard-on-Bed-of-SIM-Cards-Color.jpg "The main limiting factor for his business is a somewhat unpredictable supply of SIM cards."
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1SKsa )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22600 @ 0.00032355 = 7.3122 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23164 @ 0.00031877 = 7.384 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 102000 @ 0.00032355 = 33.0021 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17079 @ 0.00031877 = 5.4443 BTC [-]
davout: jurov_ you manage the mailing list amirite?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91600 @ 0.00030816 = 28.2275 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28750 @ 0.00030816 = 8.8596 BTC [-]
scoopbot_revived: News! Short Term Update URL: https://btctrading.wordpress.com/2015/04/26/short-term-update-21/
assbot: Short Term Update | Bitcoin Trading Signals ... ( http://bit.ly/1KjHGYq )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90300 @ 0.00030816 = 27.8268 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62718 @ 0.00030254 = 18.9747 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82950 @ 0.00030281 = 25.1181 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 40000 @ 0.00030281 = 12.1124 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: Naphex that's consumer level stuff.
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell williamdunne explain this difference between "1 btc = 1 btc" and "anyone and everyone being able to have a bitcoin wallet". ☟︎
gribble: The operation succeeded.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony "Secure connection: fatal error (80) from server. https://openalias.org/ An internal error occurred."
assbot: OpenAlias - Simplifying the World ... ( http://bit.ly/1DMR8hI )
fluffypony: wup wup
fluffypony: works for assbot
fluffypony: and for me
fluffypony: I'm guessing the CloudFlare node you're hitting is being wonky
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71500 @ 0.00031259 = 22.3502 BTC [+]
fluffypony: it's a static site, so just use the archived version: https://web.archive.org/web/20150403023536/https://openalias.org/
assbot: OpenAlias - Simplifying the World ... ( http://bit.ly/1DMRnZX )
mircea_popescu: $ curl https://openalias.org/
assbot: OpenAlias - Simplifying the World ... ( http://bit.ly/1DMR8hI )
mircea_popescu: curl: (35) error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
mircea_popescu: what the hell ssl be you using
fluffypony: Quallys gives it an A+
fluffypony: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=openalias.org&s=
assbot: SSL Server Test: openalias.org (Powered by Qualys SSL Labs) ... ( http://bit.ly/1DMRIvZ )
mircea_popescu: fluffypony that aside, how does this thing solve situatiosn where dns zones are ambiguous ? (say registrar and host don't match)
fluffypony: the registrar doesn't set DNS records, necessarily, only what the nameservers are (ie. SOA)
mircea_popescu: right
mircea_popescu: but it might.
fluffypony: since DNSSEC follows a signature chain back to the root zone your ISP's DNS server can't fake the record
mircea_popescu: (im still trying to understand exactly how this works)
fluffypony: or even pretend it doesn't exist
mircea_popescu: right.
fluffypony: that said, a DNSSEC fail is a soft fail (as not all zones support DNSSEC at this stage) - so it'll present the address for user validation
mircea_popescu: so it can't be used in unattended systems ?
fluffypony: as long as it treats a DNSSEC as a hard fail it can
mircea_popescu: "By leveraging DNSSEC we are able to prevent MITM-style attacks on an alias." doesn't tell me very much.
fluffypony: ok
mircea_popescu: "What is OpenAlias? OpenAlias seeks to provide a way to simplify aliasing amidst a rapidly shifting technology climate. " << i mean come on.
mircea_popescu: you folk gotta hire someone to do proper tech writing. there's nothing wrong with having sales copy,
mircea_popescu: but i gotta be able to figure out what stuff is too!
fluffypony: then skip the About section, that's all sales blurb :-P
mircea_popescu: ok but skip to where
fluffypony: Implement
mircea_popescu: ie "What is the application-side process?" ?
fluffypony: that's what you would do in your application if you were implementing lookups
fluffypony: or just run this: https://github.com/openalias/openalias-api
assbot: openalias/openalias-api · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1DMSngJ )
fluffypony: (preferably with dnscrypt-proxy running, and point it at that)
mircea_popescu: mkay. well i'm exiting this process with message "a project to provide bitcoin-deanonymizers with a domain-address pairing method, powered by the general public's expectations of convenience and lack of expectation of guarantees" which sums up to "fluff".
fluffypony: yes, hence why it was originally created for Monero, where your address is reusable
mircea_popescu: so if i posion dns cache, can i also steal payments for that domain ?
fluffypony: nope
fluffypony: not unless you have their DNSSEC private keys
mircea_popescu: suppose i do.
mircea_popescu: because you know, usg keeps a master key, or so the rumour goes.
fluffypony: well they could always use Namecoin instead
mircea_popescu: the complexity brtought about any attempt to implement "convenience" is outright staggering huh.
mircea_popescu: but anyway.
fluffypony: https://api.dnschain.net/v1/namecoin/key/d%2Farux
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8lOi3 )
mircea_popescu: for that matter
mircea_popescu: ;;isup http://www.dnssec.net/
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8lYpE )
gribble: http://www.dnssec.net/ is up
mircea_popescu: o.O
mircea_popescu: doth not respond
fluffypony: doesn't work for me either
mircea_popescu shakes hand
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 122300 @ 0.00030254 = 37.0006 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111833 << lmao No ?! ?! ?! could this be possibru ?!?! ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 09:53:45; assbot: The Bot Bubble: Click Farms Have Inflated Social Media Currency | The New Republic ... ( http://bit.ly/1z1Svx5 )
mircea_popescu: and in the lines of drama : a few years ago the ro education ministry failed utterly at publishing natl highschool exams. so i hacked their shit and published the lists.
mircea_popescu: that's what'ever 100k kids, most of which idiots, names and all.
mircea_popescu: now there's about one a week bitching about how you know, this shouldn't exist!!11
mircea_popescu: most recently, http://trilema.com/2011/rezultate-la-bacalaureat-sesiunea-iunie-2011-judetul-tulcea/#comment-113907 "these information WERE of public interest but through the passage of time 'have become' private"
assbot: Rezultate la Bacalaureat, sesiunea Iunie 2011, judetul Tulcea on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1z8oBYp )
mircea_popescu: fancy that!
mircea_popescu: im gonna erase history to satisfy the hopes and aspirations of the subhuman horde five minutes after i gangbang literal sows.
mircea_popescu: how about you know, doing a good fucking job at the exam, so you don't have to be ashamed of it a few years later.
mircea_popescu: dude is all "anyone can search and find out someone's marks, ~which do not represent the value of the respective person~".
mircea_popescu: why not ? cause fucktard so decided! nothing negative could ever represent these idiots' "twu vawue".
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42650 @ 0.0003096 = 13.2044 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 65800 @ 0.00031334 = 20.6178 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 73350 @ 0.00031828 = 23.3458 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 50000 @ 0.00031828 = 15.914 BTC [+]
scoopbot_revived: News! Female sexuality, human sexuality. URL: http://trilema.com/2015/female-sexuality-human-sexuality/
assbot: Female sexuality, human sexuality. on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1J0AqzZ )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39861 @ 0.00031291 = 12.4729 BTC [-]
menahem: mircea_popescu thanks for the vote of confidence.
menahem: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111775 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 06:06:41; assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for menahem with note: New blood
menahem: as for http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111776 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 06:08:42; mircea_popescu: ;;later tell menahem you really don't know how to bother girls.
menahem: lolol
menahem: i didn't know how far I should push it - mention her on twitter, etc.. maybe best to leave the heavy hand to you ? i'm too much of a luvva. but maybe my definition of luvvin is wrong.
menahem: !rate mircea_popescu 2 bitcoin sage. pimp of all pimps.
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/661d3cdca944b6aa
mircea_popescu: im trying to remember now what this was about
mircea_popescu: oh
mircea_popescu: !up gina
menahem: !v assbot:menahem.rate.mircea_popescu.2:7cc82d0435c8ff1762d08246dbadfdf1fd432f6719194f70ecaa5bf6457e89e4
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for mircea_popescu with note: bitcoin sage. pimp of all pimps.
mircea_popescu: "This took a bit for the stupidity to really sink in. Like, sink sink in. Her comment “I have to say I don’t really appreciate reading something like that and would prefer a much more constructive discussion about web payments” is the absolute peak of the stupidity. " << this was the problem
mircea_popescu: makes no sense.
menahem: hmm
menahem: lemme re-read
mircea_popescu: for one thing, it isn't the peak of stupidty. for the other thing, making pronouncements like that dun work. you gotta show, not tell.
menahem: ok. would a comparative example work ?
menahem: to show ?
mircea_popescu: like how ?
mircea_popescu: here's another thing that doesn't work : "The worst part, is Torrie Fischer is competent with PGP 4. My advice to her, is" << the problem being that i can readily see her cv, but i don't see yours. from whence do you give her advice ? this jars.
menahem: hmm, often in your posts you provide a secondary story. in this case (RIPple), the congenital defect. which is often my visual takeaway on your point.
menahem: ahh k, fair enough on last point.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54939 @ 0.00031291 = 17.191 BTC [-]
mircea_popescu: menahem "like how?" as in, show me how it would go. quote this putative comparative exampler ?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18650 @ 0.00031408 = 5.8576 BTC [+] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 223400 @ 0.00030676 = 68.5302 BTC [-] {4}
menahem: show me how it would go... is that a 'constructive discussion' by her definition ?
asciilifeform: further c3ism: anyone posted a summary of the 'fuel filters' conversation ?
menahem: i gotta go.. thanks for time + insight thus far.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 134350 @ 0.00029933 = 40.215 BTC [-] {3}
jurov: davout: yes, i do the btc-dev list
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nope
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60200 @ 0.00030271 = 18.2231 BTC [+]
jurov: !up Cory
williamdunne: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111853 <<< There is a night club with free drinks, but only if you can get past the bounder ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 12:48:59; mircea_popescu: ;;later tell williamdunne explain this difference between "1 btc = 1 btc" and "anyone and everyone being able to have a bitcoin wallet".
williamdunne: *bouncer
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 110050 @ 0.00029349 = 32.2986 BTC [-] {3}
asciilifeform: and "anyone and everyone being able to have a bitcoin wallet" << l0l, no computer needed, aha
asciilifeform: (sign tx with paper & pen ?)
williamdunne: Sure, it doesn't care who you are so long as you have keys and the ability to sign
williamdunne: Which is very different to say, requiring you to be of a certain nationality, not be doing certain types of business etc
asciilifeform: aha context must've been a comparison with fiat?
williamdunne: If a club lets anyone in, so long as they can travel to the club its not exactly discriminatory, just a matter of practicality
williamdunne: Correct
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47800 @ 0.00030437 = 14.5489 BTC [+] {2}
mircea_popescu: williamdunne essentially, "fungible" and "non discriminatory" are the same thing.
mircea_popescu: if your coin is not fungible you're discriminating
mircea_popescu: if you're discriminating your coin's not fungible.
williamdunne: Sure no, but most people would call dollars fungible - even though they certainly are not
williamdunne: Maybe I'm trying to pander to most people too much
mircea_popescu: anyway, general point stands.
williamdunne: Definitely, just working on getting the library working
williamdunne: #b-a library ofc
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81654 @ 0.00030676 = 25.0482 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 142900 @ 0.00031134 = 44.4905 BTC [+]
williamdunne: Naphex: Thanks for the rate
scoopbot_revived: News! Furious Seven URL: http://www.contravex.com/2015/04/26/furious-seven/
assbot: Furious Seven | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1DzpuWe )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6030 @ 0.00030667 = 1.8492 BTC [-]
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111771 << the first link does not work from public log because of some weird character ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 06:05:52; assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user menahem: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=menahem | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/menahem/
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22644 @ 0.00031134 = 7.05 BTC [+]
ben_vulpes: <assbot> ... btcalpha << ty kako!
danielpbarron: also, links with capital letters do not work
danielpbarron: !gettrust Naphex
assbot: Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user Naphex: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=danielpbarron&to=Naphex | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/Naphex/
danielpbarron: !gettrust naphex
assbot: Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user naphex: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 3 via 2 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=danielpbarron&to=naphex | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/naphex/
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell mike_c ^^
gribble: The operation succeeded.
ben_vulpes: https://twitter.com/uncledynamite/status/592388957201166337
assbot: your turn billy http://t.co/dhBjFcF06F
Pierre_Rochard: !rate williamdunne 1 revived scoopbot
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/8e6665b35e9fe5e0
Pierre_Rochard: !v assbot:Pierre_Rochard.rate.williamdunne.1:0a171d14955bc7ad814bf5aca105cb7a0324697471922db6349da4d27aa5066a
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for williamdunne with note: revived scoopbot
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111518 << come peacetime we can make a monastery ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 04:01:49; trinque: it's a wonder I can hit the toilet with my ass
ben_vulpes: first three months will be dedicated to sweeping floors and staring at a brick "lisp machine"
ben_vulpes: engaging in koan volleys ☟︎
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111548 << like that cemetary caretaker, eh? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 04:18:08; asciilifeform: but engineers who take an intense interest in 'in the end' tend to build autoguillotines.
danielpbarron: !v assbot:danielpbarron.rate.williamdunne.2:784f6dad632657543840ccf0dcba845b0e879f505eb81f8fcaa7aaba80ecb2dc
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for williamdunne with note: formerly mrwdunne with rating +1 : May 23, 2014 chatted with me in the counterwallet troll box; patient fellow.
williamdunne: Thank you Pierre and Daniel
danielpbarron: !v assbot:danielpbarron.unrate.mrwdunne:5e0a71014684089ab1c6e788cccd8bb68ea6206d4849295550b4da98bda91fcd
assbot: Successfully unrated mrwdunne
williamdunne: !rate Pierre_Rochard 2 Work at SNI, great articles
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/afa6b0fd0f7968b0
williamdunne: !rate Pierre_Rochard 2 Work at SNI, great articles
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/6b6e404c8c91fbbc
williamdunne: !v assbot:williamdunne.rate.Pierre_Rochard.2:8d6d6b787cedef3421140d9a006a95197fd585085a8f816afbbf1ec65bdc9e28
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for Pierre_Rochard with note: Work at SNI, great articles
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111569 << i've mentioned them several times, just...everyone's blocking them out ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 04:29:22; asciilifeform: and l0l, apparently no one mentioned the matchsticks. so let this count as mention.
williamdunne: !rate danielpbarron 2 While may have some strong opinions I disagree with, would trust him
assbot: Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/756c5474c290d834
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: can you see the fnords, though?
danielpbarron: what opinions do you disagree with?
williamdunne: !v assbot:williamdunne.rate.danielpbarron.2:6bf39732a1cd1dfac708d3310d855f22aa74d10f9a43d6c231a246654aaa7f73
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for danielpbarron with note: While may have some strong opinions I disagree with, would trust him
williamdunne: danielpbarron: Religious ones mostly, nothing we will sway each other from
danielpbarron: ah
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111575 << the UP20s go for 15-35K used, depending on how nice they are: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Motoman-UP-20-Industrieroboter-20kg-Tragkraft-/131480057745?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item1e9cd27791 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 04:34:06; mircea_popescu: seems nuts. 1% of new price if used ?
assbot: Motoman Up 20 Industrieroboter 20kg Tragkraft | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1Dq7dtg )
danielpbarron: I made changes to this page regarding the switch from gribble to assbot -> http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets
assbot: first_steps_in_bitcoin-assets [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1I5SsCt )
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111733 << http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=25-04-2015#1110717 poor kid's getting it coming and going ☝︎☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:53:14; mircea_popescu: "Unfortunately unlike Bitcoin there is no reputation Trezor." << a) trezor's kinda dysfunctional/derpy ; b) of course there is. airgapped gpg.
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 20:37:37; ben_vulpes: http://thethug.life/reputation-commodity-exchange/#fn:1 << bro do you even airgap?
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71900 @ 0.00030696 = 22.0704 BTC [-]
danielpbarron: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111681 << I was once a pizza delivery guy, and refused to make a delivery to one house in particular that was only accessible through a labyrinth of junk leading to its backyard ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:35:38; mircea_popescu: "Be suspicious of pedestrians when you pull up to a house. Don't open your car door if people are nearby."
ben_vulpes: <scoopbot_revived> [11:50] News! Short Term Update URL: https://btctrading.wordpress.com/2015/04/26/short-term-update-21/ << to bitcoin-pricetalk with ye
assbot: Short Term Update | Bitcoin Trading Signals ... ( http://bit.ly/1b3ZYQW )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26150 @ 0.00030667 = 8.0194 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 82550 @ 0.00030667 = 25.3156 BTC [-]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 62700 @ 0.00030696 = 19.2464 BTC [+] {2}
jurov: ;;later tell pete_dushenski title pic of contravex is quite a hog and despite the size still has jpg artifacts, i'd recommend converting original to png and running through pngquant
gribble: The operation succeeded.
jurov: that's me procrastinating by running pnquant on stuff....
jurov: also, yest log featurng Naphex is yummy :)
williamdunne: I'm currently in the process of over-engineering SccopBot while adding the library features, any requests for features?
jurov: add s/bitcoin/buttcoin
jurov: filter
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 66092 @ 0.00030667 = 20.2684 BTC [-]
jurov: but really, maybe a function to add feeds by lordship?
jurov: (jus' to have you develop asswot interface i can snitch :DDD)
BingoBoingo: cazalla: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110314 <<< this is just the default manner wordpress creates an archive page, i think, unless bb made changes << Borrowed the code from a plugin. Same style also used on thedrinkingrecord ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 25-04-2015 18:27:00; mircea_popescu: cazalla dude the http://qntra.net/archives/ page kicks ass.
williamdunne: jurov: How would I scrape the lordship? Isn't it decided by more than just rep?
williamdunne: jurov: AssWot is just a bunch of JSON data - shouldn't be too hard for you to implement, no?
BingoBoingo: williamdunne: It's entirely assbot's L1 trustlist
williamdunne: Ahhh that makes sense
jurov: http://files.bitcoin-assets.com/wot/trustlist.txt
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1GvRcXj )
williamdunne: Yeah see thats a bit harder to parse.. not exactly clean data
jurov: but you only really need to query http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/<user>
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1GvRgq3 )
jurov: for this case
jurov: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/irc_bots/assbot << doc
assbot: irc_bots:assbot [bitcoin assets wiki] ... ( http://bit.ly/1MrI0nG )
williamdunne: Sure, but I need to have a feed of all their names not gonna just brutefoce it
williamdunne: *bruteforce
williamdunne: Which surely makes the whole thing redundant, no?
jurov: why? you only need to check the wot in the moment a request is made
jurov: but if you want to parse the whole list, yw
jurov: best if you can do it in python :DDD
williamdunne: Aha sorry not doing it in Python
williamdunne: So with ScoopBot you're proposing that someone on the Lordship list could add their blog to his reading material ☟︎
jurov: Yes.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 102250 @ 0.00030737 = 31.4286 BTC [+]
jurov: Or maybe remove, too
williamdunne: Ah okay, yeah I see how that would be do-able
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15728 @ 0.00030667 = 4.8233 BTC [-]
assbot: [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 1000 @ 0.00188183 = 1.8818 BTC [+] {19}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47893 @ 0.00030513 = 14.6136 BTC [-]
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111220 what? converting a quarter to timestamp? people are weird ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 01:18:03; Pierre_Rochard: williamdunne: had a similar head against wall bug yesterday, in pgsql: to_timestamp(‘2014-2’, ‘YYYY-Q’), doesn’t work because the docs clearly state “quarter (ignored by to_date and to_timestamp)” but it was three hours of desperate refactoring before I actually read them.
BingoBoingo: cazalla: lol at that resemblance
Pierre_Rochard: doing the conversion to sum up debits and credits, can’t wait to release :). It’s written in python with flask + sqlalchemy
jurov: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZyHI0wo8Pk love parade eurotrash generation
assbot: Marusha Love Parade 1998 HD - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1QxhT3z )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21200 @ 0.00029312 = 6.2141 BTC [-]
oglafbot: http://oglaf.com/slodging/
assbot: Slodging ... ( http://bit.ly/1Qxiimn )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22550 @ 0.00029312 = 6.6099 BTC [-]
jurov: what? cunts run perl? had to reread. and then again. hahahahaHAHAHA ☟︎
jurov: pity it isn't bashable
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6229 @ 0.00030513 = 1.9007 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 146371 @ 0.00030917 = 45.2535 BTC [+] {2}
jurov: bashed anyway
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64878 @ 0.00029232 = 18.9651 BTC [-] {2}
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111472 obviously "computer" science is concerned with computing. biology is concerned with adaptation. not really comparable. ☝︎☟︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 03:50:42; asciilifeform: <mircea_popescu> that may be. i'm just pointing out that biology offers a very significant challenge to theoretical cs. << i must confess, that i am at a loss as to which aspects of meat we should like to replicate in machines: intransigence? toe fungus? pneumonia? schizophrenia?
jurov: perhaps the word mircea_popescu wants is "cybernetics" in its original meaning but it kinda went the way of vitalism
williamdunne: Can someone please do me a favour and send scoop_testbot a PM saying !test
jurov: it replied nothing
williamdunne: Damn
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71850 @ 0.00029139 = 20.9364 BTC [-]
mats: lol
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52100 @ 0.00030206 = 15.7373 BTC [+]
jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111608 << it'll eat at least $10/mo electricity and dunno if i could get anyone pay even that much ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:05:24; trinque: way better than a piddly ec2 micro/small/medium instance eh?
jurov: (not to mention share of dc costs)
jurov: in our condo are unused rooms, maybe i can fill one with oil, submerge the machines and use the heat to heat whole house
jurov: i can't imagine how to convince the neighbors, tho. and it'll need to get switched off in the summer.
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35984 @ 0.00029978 = 10.7873 BTC [-]
jurov: well, there's a hot water needed year round, but not so much in the night, either...
williamdunne: jurov: Jurov can you PM scoop !test again please
jurov: <scoop_testbot> this is a test
williamdunne: Cheers
trinque: jurov | http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111608 << it'll eat at least $10/mo electricity << the idea would be that the customer is paying for the privilege of their own box, should come at a premium above what a VM costs ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:05:24; trinque: way better than a piddly ec2 micro/small/medium instance eh?
trinque: I'd pay for it.
jurov: $10 is already a premium for that spec
trinque: I disagree entirely.
williamdunne: I'd pay for it
trinque: that there's another inferior product on the market which is cheap because of an ignored risk being dumped on the customer shouldn't inform the price of a product that does what it claims
jurov: http://www.online.net/en/dedicated-server/dedibox-scg2 << similar dedi box
assbot: Dedibox® SC gen2 - Online.net ... ( http://bit.ly/1GvZrTc )
jurov: williamdunne: would you pay $20 instead?
trinque: ah you're criticizing blades in particular?
jurov: i'm not criticizing anything
jurov: just doing the math
williamdunne: jurov: I'd need to know the exact specs, but $20 for some bare metal - sure
jurov: williamdunne: stats: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111605 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 05:05:00; trinque: mircea_popescu | http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-04-2015#1110960 << quite possibru. << http://www.ebay.com/itm/RLX-System-600ex-Xeon-CPU-Blade-2-8GHz-x-2-1GB-60GB-HD-/170369036116?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27aac92f54 big time
trinque: urov | i'm not criticizing anything << well sure you are, but there's no harm in that
trinque: *jurov
trinque: what I want is a host that provides physical boxes that aren't that powerful, are cheap, but are not joined at the brainstem to other systems
williamdunne: jurov: Fuck yeah I'd pay $20 for that. I thought you meant something roughly equiv to a rPi. With a well optimized site you could get a k reqs a second on that
trinque: and provides similar spin-up/spin-down features seen in the Xen scene, without the braindamage
williamdunne: Although I'd want it to be somewhere out of US reach ☟︎
trinque: being able to declare infrastructure and have it online quick is awesome
trinque: no reason that has to be done with virtualization ☟︎
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 125791 @ 0.00029856 = 37.5562 BTC [-] {2}
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26318 @ 0.00030206 = 7.9496 BTC [+]
jurov: okay. there are new miniitx mobos with ECC support, i suppose the higher price would pay off
jurov: woould you be ok with atom cpu?
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1112018 << no homo ? ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 18:27:10; ben_vulpes: engaging in koan volleys
williamdunne: jurov: Personally? yes. Not sure about others, branding isn't great (which unfortunately seems to matter)
jurov: i've got miniitx with celeron, thrown gentoo on it and was impressed how quickly it compiled
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: I made changes to << gj.
mircea_popescu: jurov lol you do have a point with the pic.
mircea_popescu: $ curl -I http://trilema.com/wp-content/themes/trilema/images/bg_oct2012.jpg
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1zaSmI1 )
mircea_popescu: Content-Length: 42987
mircea_popescu: $ curl -I http://www.contravex.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/contravex-header-mosaic-bold.jpg
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1zaSnf1 )
mircea_popescu: Content-Length: 589986
mircea_popescu: and this isn't even getting to the part where contravex specifies no cache control
mircea_popescu: (protip : max-age=0 tells agents they should revalidate. no-cache tells them they MUST revalidate, which in many broken implementation works out to no revalidation, just downloading it again)
mircea_popescu: jurov snitch is when you do what charlie shrem did. snatch is what you had in mind (means cunt, but also what aliens to do bodies).
jurov: eh
mircea_popescu: yeeeees ? :D
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1112089 << dude, stop futzing with it, it's good as it is. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 19:50:08; williamdunne: So with ScoopBot you're proposing that someone on the Lordship list could add their blog to his reading material
mircea_popescu: do something else with your energy.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1112107 << and to think you said ~Naphex~ was yummy! ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 20:35:11; jurov: what? cunts run perl? had to reread. and then again. hahahahaHAHAHA
mircea_popescu: i think i managed to botehr the shit out of gabriel_laddel
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1112113 << this is in no sense obvious, and you'll have your life's work before you even showing that distinction is at all meaningful. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 20:45:54; jurov: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111472 obviously "computer" science is concerned with computing. biology is concerned with adaptation. not really comparable.
mircea_popescu: first stop, "but cunts dispense souls!"
mircea_popescu: other than that, aglass of water is a computational machine.
mircea_popescu: it computes the positions of ~10^26 water molecules + some impurities.
jurov: not necessarily.
mircea_popescu: which part ?
jurov: under current quantum mechanics model it was proven these molecules are indistinguishable
mircea_popescu: it still computes a water level.
mircea_popescu: and that they're indistinguishable doesn't really make all that difference. there's no rule computation must be discrete.
mircea_popescu: ask alf
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1112153 << he's in slovakia. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 21:29:55; williamdunne: Although I'd want it to be somewhere out of US reach
williamdunne: mircea_popescu: Good nuff'
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1112155 << this is a very good point not made nearly often enough. ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 21:30:17; trinque: no reason that has to be done with virtualization
mircea_popescu: usg.nsa loves "virtualization", but it's by no means the only way to skin that cube.
trinque: mircea_popescu: your point about fake security barriers in operating systems turned many gears in my skull
mircea_popescu: i used to say b-a increases one's iq by a good chunk of points
mircea_popescu: it's like being plugged into mechanical chtulhu
trinque: indeed.
mircea_popescu: speaking of current quantum mechanics : waveforms! http://31.media.tumblr.com/6a663937b21d2ca5abdf98b967b5a7be/tumblr_nblz1293Rg1qg7xwvo1_500.gif
assbot: ... ( http://bit.ly/1zaZeFh )
mircea_popescu: "a machine to turn penis projectile vibration into eyelash flutter"
mircea_popescu: i think ima collect the cunts-on-perl discussion. it's pretty good!
jurov: maybe the only difference is computer science was constructed from mathematical (or not very mathematical, like strings) ideas, where cunts evolved themselves somehow
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34144 @ 0.00030206 = 10.3135 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: !up TheButterZone
mircea_popescu: !gettrust assbot TheButterZone
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user TheButterZone: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 4 via 4 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=TheButterZone | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/TheButterZone/
mircea_popescu: you can self-voice, just pm assbot "!up
TheButterZone: ok thanks
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69050 @ 0.0003059 = 21.1224 BTC [+]
mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V53hjc0LbVY
assbot: Diablo 2 Cinematic - Act 2 - Desert Journey - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1zb3C7b )
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22800 @ 0.0003059 = 6.9745 BTC [+]
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 85177 @ 0.0003059 = 26.0556 BTC [+]
scoopbot_revived: News! Quantum Mechanics Today : A Machine To Turn Penis Projectile Vibration Into Eyelash Flutter URL: http://trilema.com/2015/quantum-mechanics-today-a-machine-to-turn-penis-projectile-vibration-into-eyelash-flutter/
assbot: Quantum Mechanics Today : A Machine To Turn Penis Projectile Vibration Into Eyelash Flutter on Trilema - A blog by Mircea Popescu. ... ( http://bit.ly/1FpcYgB )
trinque: mp: I did commit the equivalent of showing up with a flamethrower at a figure skating competition, "what move is that! IT LITERALLY MELTED THE ICE!11" << ahahaha my sides
mircea_popescu: lol
mike_c: kakobrekla: you see this? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-04-2015#1111771 ☝︎
assbot: Logged on 26-04-2015 06:05:52; assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user menahem: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=assbot&to=menahem | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/menahem/
mike_c: the pipe is getting included in the link
assbot: [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14481 @ 0.00030638 = 4.4367 BTC [+]