157 entries in 0.96s
feedbot: http://bingology.net/2020/a-homework-assignment-from-diana_coman-trawling-ancient-pms-seeking-what-worked-for-early-qntra-and-where-im-at-on-scripting-a-conversion-engine/ << Bingology - BingoBoingo's Blog -- A Homework Assignment From Diana_Coman: Trawling Ancient PMs Seeking What Worked For Early Qntra And Where I'm At On Scripting A Conversion Engine
spyked: grrrr, this is annoying. ftr, I set the delay knob for feedbot msg delivery to 2 seconds and it still gets disconnected for some reason. I suspect it's something other than fleanode simply disconnecting, so I will ask users who are waiting on pending PMs from feedbot to bear with me for a while.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-08 17:20:05 spyked: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-08#1926408 <-- on it. gotta run to sleep afterwards, but will be back in the morning and get up to date with l0gz. meanwhile, is it okay if I remove trilema comment PMs from the bot's message queue? otherwise it'll keep sending when I bring it back up, lol.
spyked: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-08#1926408 <-- on it. gotta run to sleep afterwards, but will be back in the morning and get up to date with l0gz. meanwhile, is it okay if I remove trilema comment PMs from the bot's message queue? otherwise it'll keep sending when I bring it back up, lol.
spyked: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-22#1889396 <-- there is a !1list command (no extra args) that lists subscriptions for the user who PMs it. however, it doesn't work in chan and I didn't document it due to its spamminess. feedbot will reply with one rss feed per line, not sure if it would be more appropriate to list rss feeds in a paste or something. curious to hear opinions re this ☝︎
mircea_popescu: (ie !!subscribe http://trilema.com/2018/euloras-communication-protocol-restated/feed will have it pop pms on any new comments to that article)
mircea_popescu: might actually offer a bot-as-a-service that pms all new joins to the channel a question, and if it doesn't get the answer it doesn't voice them
mircea_popescu: * Topic for #freenode is: We know about the spam. Please see https://freenode.net/news/spambot-attack for a detailed statement. | User mode +R blocks PMs from unregistered users. Activate it with: /mode <YourNick> +R | Welcome to #freenode |
mircea_popescu: good thing you read pms.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-20#1815945 << i actually get the comments rss feed as pms from deedbot, so i never miss any. tip top feature. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: FreeMASON, i don't get pms, fyi.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It was before you went no PMs from strangers, turned into a Trilema post.
mircea_popescu: well, if he does it in channel he'll prolly get whacked. if he pms them... whatever. maybe freenode won't like it.
asciilifeform is on a remote console where he doesn't see PMs; but will check back later today.
mircea_popescu: here, from random article : Sorry, furfies looking for group, I guess I fucked this one up for you ((But had you NOT complained about it -- who knows, maybe you'd still have PMs available ?)).\n\nPS. Today as in <A href=http://trilema.com/2014/askfm-laid-bare-or-whats-half-a-million-uniques-to-you/>2014</a>,
mircea_popescu: i never was, because i had met a collection of cvasi pms as a younger boy than that'd have come.
shinohai: re th silliness is precisely the point ben_vulpes ... i turned of pms except for lords, most like jurov use /query instead anyway the proper way
mircea_popescu: uh i dun get pms. post it, what, it's secret ?
mircea_popescu: conceivably the technology improved since the 70s, but anyway. i like pills, they give the girls proper hormonal cycles. why shouldn't she pms ?
phf: fwiw, i'm not buying "old iron", and you'll know why i'm going there if you dig up literally the last set of pms we exchanged.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform sure. besides, i don't even fucking use pms, and the c
asciilifeform: i can hardly picture a fleanode that ~didn't~ log chans and pms from day 1 !
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i imagine they think themselves advanced for being able to log chans and steal pms.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: check your PMs.
ben_vulpes: now i'm getting pms to determine if i'm a furry
mircea_popescu: trinque also possibly force any !!register to an existing name to happen in the chan only, no pms
mircea_popescu: hanbot so how many "help" pms did you receive yet ?
trinque: why do I need to see your command that results in PMs ?
mircea_popescu: trinque but ideally it just pms the subscribers see
mircea_popescu: or maybe i should have a way to direct it, i guess, http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160907/from:698/to:700#698 > alf then he pms that to alf.
mtrgt: Let's move to PMs :)
shinohai: but she mysteriously shows up here pms me and leaves lol
mats: we had some pms but they are so utterly unremarkable idk what was even said
mircea_popescu: in general the way it's supposed to work is that it pms you ONCE IT SEES YOU TALK
mircea_popescu: mod6 and it ignores pms ?
mod6: but the rest I can do, and I won't be logging messages as this thing will drop pms.
mircea_popescu: ah darn, it was my bad setup filtering out the wrong pms. sorry trinque false alamr, deedbot is fine indeed.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you get pms rite ?
mircea_popescu: in other fucking lulz : pms on literotica, for ~day and a half. 5 clicks on bitly link, of which two mine checking it works. ARTICLE on trilema discussing the matter and in very passing offering the [unlinked] url for the bitly link. 12 clicks after half a day.
mircea_popescu: i keep getting pms from randos who got banned in b-a.
kakobrekla: noobs are often blind to pms
BingoBoingo: What about your new PMS in charge?
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu> get it so it pms everyone their hole cards, i'd play. << me too
mircea_popescu: get it so it pms everyone their hole cards, i'd play.
Duffer1: he's pretty active in PMs, not usually the chan though
shinohai: Sorry, I just discovered deedbot doesnt like pms
diametric: i explicitly use it to save pms, and it fails at it.
jurov got pms both from vexual and diana :DDD
assbot: Logged on 25-05-2015 22:49:48; kakobrekla: and this is how the exchange of the contact goes through pms: "You +18 can 08 contact 26 me 22 here 1 or 44 on WhatsApp. (My number is in that sentence.)"
kakobrekla: and this is how the exchange of the contact goes through pms: "You +18 can 08 contact 26 me 22 here 1 or 44 on WhatsApp. (My number is in that sentence.)" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and as a result, mega huge shitfest, because how can he say things like feminazi and pms
nubbins`: ascii_field after a few pestering PMs, changetip returned the money to its original owner
nubbins`: i literally cleared my forum inbox yesterday, or i'd be able to paste PMs between me and lightbox about the CSRF vulnerability that was on the live site for like a year
mats: BingoBoingo: you ever get any of my PMs?
nubbins`: heh now people are asking TECSHARE for screenshots of his PMs
nubbins`: oddly, i haven't received any more PMs since casually mentioning WC's actual job in a post
mircea_popescu: "and pms"
[\\\]: I do. I've admitted to that. This gets much fewer pms from randoms trying to trade/scam.
mircea_popescu: you're not welcome to keep pestering people in pms, and deedbot will be reimplemented for the third time.
mircea_popescu: but some youthful enthusiast,i got a few offline pms.
kakobrekla: what i meant was "pls invite" pms that would follow
kakobrekla: upon reading pms on the tracker, seems someone filled a request for me a month ago.
mircea_popescu: agorecki not really atm. you can ignore pms from it tho in most clients
mats: guy doesn't read assbot PMs apparently
mircea_popescu: all pms are logged.
mircea_popescu: are the pms annoying ?
jurov: pms should have same latency as all irc, no?
xanthyos: is that why my pms sometimes look invisible or delayed
mircea_popescu goes to read 2011 pms about his "new thing" at the time.
mircea_popescu: punkman see your pms, apparently ppl can't go from deeds to privkey ?
punkman: did assbot change how it sends PMs? It keeps opening new windows in my client every time it sends a line.
assbot: 65 results for 'pms' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=pms
mircea_popescu: !s pms
ben_vulpes: relatedly: why do guys derp on about PMS and not about the ovulation?
The20YearIRCloud: I'm debating whether I want to get more BTC, PMs, or guns, or if I should balance what I have now a different way
mircea_popescu: fluffypony maybe you were in pms with bb
DreadKnight: mircea_popescu:DreadKnight do you get your gribble pms ? <-- oh actually no, got confused; I looked through the log
mircea_popescu: DreadKnight do you get your gribble pms ?
mircea_popescu: "Telling someone to RTFM without being accused of PMS." this is, incidentally, older than all those involved.
fluffypony: PMs only, public posts are fine
ThickAsThieves: just need good art directors and PMs
kakobrekla: its from pms
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla apparently if id'd but untrusted guy pms assbot he gets the same message as if he weren't id'd.
nubbins`: [15:03:22] <io_error> Who the fuck is nubbins`` and why is he trying to scam me in PMs?
truffles: i acept all pms
mircea_popescu: gpg works a lot better than forum pms.
moiety: does later tell work in gribble pms?
benkay: in conclusion, i have determined that the PMs incompetence is undermining his malice.
mircea_popescu: the notion that nz has pms in the first place...
mircea_popescu: hmm jurov you getting pms ?
benderp: ninjashogun: if you can't be bothered to respond to private conversations that you start, I don't see why I should arse myself to respond to your PMs.
mircea_popescu: i suppose if you're very bored you can hunt them all down and ask them, either on irc, via forum pms or w/e.
nubbins`: everybody knows unsolicited PMs are the mark of a scammer
deadweasel: you could sell an elite version with PMs that people donate.
TestingUnoDosTre: how do i view said pms?
mircea_popescu: ended up publishing really dubious pms from i forget who the fuck
pankkake: you're going to get a lot of PMs :|
mircea_popescu: she doesn't even get the benefit of pms
mircea_popescu: then the weather could have pms
Vexual: hes prooly got pstd if he saw the german pms knickers