mircea_popescu: alikim> ideal client would be a console app, it doesn't need 3d engine or visuals << word. jurov was sort-of working on this, actually.
mircea_popescu: there's absolutely no reason eulora can't have roguelike interface.
alikim: I have 4 computers and a life and I live with normal people, if you go on them like "I lost my pgp key, I lost my life" they suggest you visit a doctor.. or get laid and drunk in any order
mircea_popescu: alikim i have a life and 5 live-in slavegirls. lost track of how many actual computers, but prolly close to a megawatt any given day. yet if i said "o btw i lost my key" i think everyone'd just stop breathing.
alikim: I believe all my programming endevours will pay off
mircea_popescu: programming has for a long time been talent starved ; likely to continue indefinitely ; and you're certainly talented.
alikim: besides I'm curious so yeah sotimes I do something extra
mircea_popescu: not particularly cultivated, i don't think, looks sort-of alcatel / self-trained level, but that's not really relevant.
alikim: that card doesn't say much
alikim: You have younger hands that I'd expect
alikim: I thought it's gonna be hairy sousage like fingers with heavy golden ring
alikim: hm... correcting mental image...
trinque: dunno what's going on with it, but I plan on deedbot eating its useful methods
trinque: got the $google one in there today, will do others during next week
trinque: asciilifeform: can you think of a reason why passing $calc back to bc would be dangerous?
trinque: I didn't see that the thing can shell out
trinque: but plan on looking at it moar
trinque: yep, gonna stand up a disposable box for this kind of thing
trinque: can probably wrap the call to bc in some shell script that kills it after x seconds
danielpbarron: later tell worked for me a coupla hours ago ; turns out nubbins` intends to return my t-shirt payment
danielpbarron: ya, you were gonna get me a quote on shipping cost
mod6: had a good laugh about all of this craig stuff lately.
mod6: well, havnen't we all.
mod6: anyway, what else is up?
mod6: "i deleted my gpg key" wth, this isn't super mario bros, bro.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-06 02:55 a111: Logged on 2016-05-06 02:06 mircea_popescu: ah, no Known Moduli: 2018943. vs 2mn earlier today... so it ~is~ actually doing more like 20-30k/24 hrs ?
a111: Logged on 2015-04-29 18:59 mircea_popescu: Submissions: 3930 Known Moduli: 6642
mircea_popescu: alternatively i could revoice it. do you actually miss it ?
BingoBoingo: I'll pm it for the time being. If we don't replace stats and ticker though it will be a pain not being able to link them in the logs from qntra when a story calls for it.
BingoBoingo: I don't call ;;ticker --market all because I'm interested in what it reports at that moment in that moment. Mostly do it in case if that moment/day becomes interesting in the months that come.
gribble: Error: We broke The Google!
gribble: BTCChina BTCRMB last: 2959.64, vol: 29315.59660000 | Volume-weighted last average: 2959.64
gribble: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 458.58, vol: 5192.97314437 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 452.5, vol: 6497.89365 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 460.01, vol: 26904.66921442 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 457.3, vol: 1.86 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 455.537844, vol: 29318.48630000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 459.05, vol: 1844.78973063 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 458.481, vol: 13.46272529 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: ^ see up after boatoshi sank, may be intersting detail come july
BingoBoingo: Apparently a DHS officer broke today, writing up the story
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform on the other hand the braindamage list padded considerably. closing in on 3k by now
mod6: Ah, very cool, just noticed the /topic.
deedbot: rain1 voiced for 30 minutes.
mod6: hi, how goes it? are you in the wot yet? might be a good place to start.
mod6: heh, 1800 seconds to get it right
shinohai: Not bad, sitting outside with lappy, gorgeous day here. U?
mod6: Yeah, it's real nice here too. I've actually gotta do a bit of yard work here in just a few mins.
mod6: Thought I'd stop in here first tho.
mod6: I've been working on `t' cleanup this week. 'tis going alright.
shinohai: I'm lazy and pay MExicans to do mine. >.<
mod6: haha, i wish i had some people around here who wanted to do that kinda labor forme.
shinohai: Yeah I saw somewhere in the logs where you said t was almost ready for ml posting
shinohai: And I've been using same guy for 3 years now, the price is just right and saves me the hassle.
mod6: so might hvae a new version of `t' for ya to look at sometime this weekend. i've been cleaning up the graph. trying to get the sagas colorized (which is complete), but I wanna get all the disconnected graphs printing in a certain wa.
mod6: <+shinohai> And I've been using same guy for 3 years now, the price is just right and saves me the hassle. << this is what i need. i like to do the gardening but the stuff like mowing raking etc, i hardly can make time for.
mod6: we need to add more tickets to the list too if we can round out some of that stuff.
mod6: tsp reminded me that we need to add one for rawtxs
shinohai: I'm the same, I love taking care of my flowers and veggies but mowing, etc is not my forte.
shinohai: Funny, I was looking at raw tx code the other day, since the key code has worked so well.
mod6: last year i had 22 tomato plants. this year im rotating the spot and probably will only do 10. but im gonna do a ton of cucumbers.
mod6: and im having this lady show me how to jar/can them.
mod6: <+shinohai> Funny, I was looking at raw tx code the other day, since the key code has worked so well.<< ya!
mod6: that'sactually something I'd like to do today if I can get the time: drop in that code into my test environment.
shinohai: Would be nice to be able to broadcast own tx's
mod6: then rebase everything if i need, which it probably will
gribble: Estimated time of bitcoin block reward halving: Mon Jul 11 09:45:11 2016 UTC | Time remaining: 9 weeks, 1 day, 18 hours, 20 minutes, and 0 seconds.
mod6: was just looking for non b-a steps for rain to follow to get reg'd in deedbot
mod6: is there some deedbot.org steps that rain1 can follow to get reg'd?
shinohai: Some of the foundation pages need tweaking too, I think I noticed old #b-a refs in them
mod6: oh good, thanks for reviewing those. there's a bunch of work in there we really need.
mod6: don't hesitate to drop me a line if you find something thatneeds an update.
deedbot: mircea_popescu voiced for 30 minutes.
shinohai: I can put list of trusted nodes, etc on my site if we need them. Not sure who said they were going to make a new wiki page. :/
mod6: my bad, saw you joined, didn't see that you didn't get voiced.
mircea_popescu: $v 5377F1A5DF1C57528DC101794400A2022593B5AA7C775789B94D2A6EF3307BBA
deedbot: You are now voiced in #trilema
mod6: pm worked for me yesterday when i got booted from 'sandstorm' or whatever. i have noticed from time to time though, it just takes a bit to respond.
mircea_popescu: ftr : **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 7 10:43:32 2016 May 07 10:43:33 <mircea_popescu> $up May 07 10:52:49 <mircea_popescu> $up May 07 11:38:57 <mircea_popescu> $up **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat May 7 12:26:05 2016
a111: Logged on 2016-05-07 15:19 rain1: this is insane
rain1: why all this trouble just to speak
mircea_popescu: because we don't generally wish to hear what $rando has to say.
mircea_popescu: same reason you don't just go into aula magna at your local uni and start pouring words.
mircea_popescu: check out the outsized ego on this one. fucker thought he was like important or some shit ?
mod6: shinohai: how'd you like to be integral into helping us round out the newly built deedbot wiki?
mod6: (are you still looking for tmsr~ side project?)
mod6: my goal is to move the good things off of the ba wiki and start getting our own setup.
mod6: it's still in the ground breaking phase, with the wiki, but there's async work that could be done from time to time when you have it.
mircea_popescu: ah darn, it was my bad setup filtering out the wrong pms. sorry trinque false alamr, deedbot is fine indeed.
shinohai: Just takes time to put together
mod6: yeah. maybe if we run into trinque this weekend we can all discuss what some next things are there.
mod6: heck, i'll even make tickets for it if we need to.
mod6: nothing that has to get all accomplished today, or next week. but it'd be great to have something workable there by say. 9 weeks from now.
mod6: then we can continue to round out that stuff as we go on.
shinohai: I need to make a damned coinbr account this weekend too if I'm gonna continue my Qntra experiment.
mod6: im sure j-dawg can get you setup
shinohai: Not hard to setup, I just need a btc addy I can use for signing only. I tend not to reuse addys and misplace them >.<
jurov: shinohai, just fill this simple 5-page form, get an affidavits from doctor and IRS and we're done
shinohai: No pic of sharpie-in-pooper required?
mod6: alright Gentlemen, i gotta run to do this yard trimmings here for a bit.
mod6: i'll be back in a bit
mod6: shinohai: ha, that guy made a mint for that.
trinque: yep I'm out too, gonna gorge on crawfish in the sun
mircea_popescu: aaand eulora just got its first "we are the people" revolutionary movement.
mod6: trinque: have fun. let's try to regroup later :]
mircea_popescu: there is no such thing as "boosters". if there were, people'd just buy the booster and then that would become the basic game mechanic.
mircea_popescu: ever since mod6 's been talking in #eulora i've been mischanning like crazy lol.
BingoBoingo: <mod6> haha, i wish i had some people around here who wanted to do that kinda labor forme. << You don't want to pay my "pout of service area" fee for visiting the tundra.
mircea_popescu: is it true you had 23 pounds of panties thrown at you by rabid fans at last concert ?
j-dawg: yo dawg weighed them? dere fo' smellin' yo!
gribble: Error: We broke The Google!
mircea_popescu: to click... or not to click. this is the BingoBoingolema. whether tis safer in silence to suffer the links and twinkles of outrageous rotundity, or to take a stand against a sea of blubber and, by refusing to click, forever disown them.
mircea_popescu: motherfucker. what's with all this "blanking of names" bullshit. that's not how you do it. tits pic and home address.
mircea_popescu: apparently there's a /download/ too but not linked from anywhere.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-05-07 19:50 mircea_popescu: apparently there's a /download/ too but not linked from anywhere.
mod6: <+j-dawg> yo <<< hahahah yes!
mod6: ;;later tell trinque so how can shinohai help build out wiki.deedbot.org? is there some web-code he can write? or perhaps just preparing articles?
mod6: ;;later tell trinque your thoughts on this are much appreciated. hit me up when you get a chance to think on it.
mod6: so yeah, funks patch needs to be rebased.
shinohai: mod6: didja check the copy I sent? dunno if I did it right
mod6: im looking at btcbase.org/patches/funken_prikey_tools/file
mod6: anyway, that's not the end of the world or anything.
mod6: you would have to have had all the latest pressed out, then patch the code in by hand
mod6: i'll do that. it's fine.
mod6: that'll get me a good review of the code changes anyway.
shinohai: Yeah I had to patch in by hand after press to get it working :/
phf: so i suspect that whatever differences in press are a result of press algo. also funken is in an experimental set, and that's all the patches that i saw floating around that are not in the official release and not have been explicitly deprecated
phf: experimental doesn't press cleanly half the time, because of rebasing issue. for example it has polarbeard's patches that link into graph, but are all over the place with their press dependency
mod6: phf: lemme see here...
mod6: alright. so, a: i was looking at whatever was listed at btcbase.org/patches/funken_prikey_tools/
mod6: and that seems like it makes sense from where this funken_prikey_tools.vpatch was branched.
mod6: b: your link with patchset=stable looks correct at a glance. your chart is a bit different than mine
mod6: this is because i pin leafs to the top of the graph
mod6: but yah, otherwise that "stable" looks ok. tahnks for taking the time to check.
phf: mod6: yeah, my antecedent's list is actually cut down, but i can't recall by what metric :o
mod6: you know what is cool though? that you have it so you can change graphs depending on the input -- "experimental" etc
mod6: is there a base link to this page? should be something like trb.btcbase.org or something
mod6: instead of the ? = stuff
mod6: oh ok that works :]
mod6: how or why did you 'cut down' the antecedents?
mod6: im not sure I follow.
mod6: shinohai: that dpaste above was for you, should be good to go, need to recompile the orchastra with this included and test a bit...
mod6: and then if that works, I'll hand it off to you to see if you can go through the same motions
mod6: no worries, just demonstrating with that paste that I was able to rebase the patch, drop it into my 'patches' dir (notice the WILD annotation), and press cleanly.
mod6: if I use the raw patch from the deal press pukes on an unmatched hash. (a new feature! lol)
mod6: nice to know v does stuff that works
mircea_popescu: i mean... graph's utility is mostly that it mirrors the press, no ?
mod6: shinohai: since we're talkin about it... looks like 'funken_prikey_tools.vpatch' had key.h based off genesis, instead of mod6_der_high_low_s.vpatch :
http://dpaste.com/0DWTN8S.txt mod6: anyway, just as illustration
mod6: ok lemme see if i can build this thing
mod6: i think i'll take this chance to truncate this 22G log file too
mod6: yeah my bitcoind logfile
mod6: (its been running for /a while/)
mod6 builds trb with key tools