293 entries in 0.71s
billymg: that's what i was telling the local: they are making demands without willing to pay. if they want lifeguard on duty they'll be at a luxury resort paying 5x
mp_en_viaje: there's at the very least some basis for this, such as a "is user entirely harmless or potentially harmful". user eminently harmful on pizarro, couldn't afford luxury to ignore negrates for instance.
asciilifeform: imho the bare essential function is when the urls can be made interchangeable such that if 1 fails, can swap in /etc/hosts and carry on civilized conversation until it is fixed; errything other than this, is luxury.
asciilifeform: girlattorney: trying to get trb box for 20 is rather like trying to get luxury automobile for 1000
asciilifeform: my contention 'clock is luxury' is based on thought similar to mircea_popescu's, i.e. it dun make sense to bother unless yer doing shortwave or similar application where the intervals gotta be utterly fixed or no go entirely
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-27#1931361 << imho clock is a luxury and in foreseeable future i'ma only load essentials into the crates. but the good noose is, rubidium has halflife of ~5e10 yrs and aint setting off any alarms. while cesium clock uses the stable 133 . problem is rather that the buggers are heavy and can't be had , seems, in anyffin smaller than 2U .
asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-09#1926736 << threading seems like a luxury until you discover that some operation is in fact blocking in whatever case, or when you find that you want to meaningfully recover from crash, etc
mp_en_viaje: i WILL however ditch "luxury boutique hotel" across the way from construction yard.
mircea_popescu: yacht engine not so much different from luxury car, same few hundred hp. you run it for an hour, you burn about a galon, costs you about 2 bucks.
asciilifeform: anyffin added on this skeleton, is a luxury frill. ( e.g. 'express lanes' that go somewhere other than immediate neighbour, or whatever )
mp_en_viaje: ended up going to hang out in my hotel lounge, in part precipitated by cabdriver declaring nec plus ultram in coffeehouse luxury the... lounge of another, cheaper hotel.
a111: Logged on 2019-04-02 19:35 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-02#1906560 << it aint that i've anyffin against 'civilized' typography (tho prolly oughta admit, errything outside of graphical www on my boxen is displayed in exactly fixed-bitmap lettering) . simply gotta point out that 'fit 3 l where 1 w goes' is a luxury of sorts, costs moar moving parts than folx who never tried to implement it are typically aware of
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-04-02#1906560 << it aint that i've anyffin against 'civilized' typography (tho prolly oughta admit, errything outside of graphical www on my boxen is displayed in exactly fixed-bitmap lettering) . simply gotta point out that 'fit 3 l where 1 w goes' is a luxury of sorts, costs moar moving parts than folx who never tried to implement it are typically aware of ☝︎☟︎
asciilifeform: asmism , i consider a luxury -- ffa is designed to operate reasonably quickly on commonplace iron without it.
mircea_popescu: (and speaking of "luxury", romania's ex-minister woman that the hubbub was about recently, "Rumanas vivían entre lujos" lived in a pretty shitty apt in rohrmoser, which is a sort of... auburndale, i guess ?
mircea_popescu: topless, chimed, it's a fine luxury item.
mircea_popescu: what, i get the luxury of a door lock but programming environment must take all comers ?
mircea_popescu: this is the fundamental point of ye above linked car article : if "luxury brands" come up with ~substantail improvements~, they're next year in the "mass market" cars.
mircea_popescu: efore -- that is, zero-cost shouting ; (the bounty of that experience also readily provides us with a luxury no woman knew before -- that is, zero-cost defloration, the experience of the "significant" cost of expression as perceived afore the fact dissolving into nothingness with the consummation, "what a big deal writing this blogpost was going to be that it didn't turn out to be after all") ; and so following.
mircea_popescu: all that said, there's no bad blood here. i have infinite time (in the sense that the republic is eternal, not in the sense that i've been around for seven milennia or thereabouts) and every boy has to take his own fucking journey to his eventual himself. for as long as you can continue speaking the truth you're perfectly welcome here, as everyone ever is ; the magic of the workings of the log permit us a luxury no men knew b
mircea_popescu: the whole discussion was re daykin, specifically that for our particular usecase, it's not the end of the world that it wants "napkin numbers" : we enjopy the luxury whereby we can construct them to measure.
mircea_popescu: never did, no. tho during wartime romania it was THE luxury.
mircea_popescu: the funniest bit being, that the above construction is exactly what teh robohitler's notion of luxury line anti-trilema would look like.
asciilifeform: ( btw these are imho a luxury. i simply hate having to click 9000 links to get a tree , and assume other folx do also )
asciilifeform: i suspect that they can no longer afford the 'luxury' of pepsi.
mircea_popescu: much like we'll have the luxury of paying taxes (it IS a luxury, if they're correctly used it's way the fuck better to pay a twenny and snow mover to come in than for each to keep in shed, oiled and repaired, own minimover for own driveway) once there's tmsr.gov somewhere. and so on.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-25#1865802 << yeah, sure. and we'll have this luxury again once tmsr-os. because as it is right now, the option is not actually available. ☝︎
lobbes: would be a nice luxury to have. Every time I've used php, I wished I wasn't using
asciilifeform: lobbes: what i meant was, there is long list of actually urgent proggies, this one's definitely a luxury; thus far ~errybody is living with mp-wp and not particularly sad
mircea_popescu: this is what breaks the imperial brain, too : we stick to our trees being continuous, like blockchain. to zek -- luxury, can not be afforded.
diana_coman: mod6, I know what you mean re too-many-things-at-once (from my pov also, ideally 1 at a time but that's a luxury that I rarely get to fully indulge in, what can I say)
asciilifeform: would also be interesting to log chain splittage in real time, but this is luxury.
asciilifeform: in asciilifeform's head, frontends are filed as 'luxury' at any rate
mircea_popescu: as it is, the politics carefully (and secretly) constraining it, all that's left visible is harmless nonsense, a la "saudis buyers of luxury cars"
trinque: the luxury of specified items, that there can be several
mircea_popescu: well, the cloud of oricsh morons a la amstan are an expensive luxury.
asciilifeform: z80 was an unfathomable luxury, from the pov of the calculator folx
mircea_popescu: i will download a luxury liner.
mircea_popescu: luxury liner!
asciilifeform: the current alternative, tho, is not a luxury liner appearing out of nowhere from the sky, but simply no plank, and watery grave.
asciilifeform habituated to working with heuristics , and generally does not enjoy the luxury of operating as if errything were equally possible
mod6: I think ben_vulpes is doing a very good job with all that he has coming at him, BingoBoingo and asciilifeform too. I don't want to replace anyone. Time is a luxury that we don't have. However, for a moment, if we step back and look at what we've accomplished so far, I think it's something to be proud of.
mircea_popescu: the only stable solution is when 50%+1 of all energy production goes to mining ; there's absolutely no space for "alternate" coins other than an expensive luxury early on.
mircea_popescu: seriously asciilifeform dun take it the wrong way / be discouraged. it's great, so great in fact we can afford the luxury of refinement. while no one else has as much as the lines, we can thumb our noses and only deem the count worthy of insertion. if this isn't luxury i don't know what is.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is suggesting new peaks of luxury. they spend ~half hour waiting for their wings to dry / batting them slowly. if you get a few dozen coordinated chrysalises you could have quite the grandiose dinner table.
asciilifeform: i have deeply nfi. for all i know motl lives in luxury.
ben_vulpes: entirely unrelatedly, i had a half-cord of firewood dropped off and racked tidily in my basement a week or so ago and holy smokes the luxury of having effectively unlimited firewood during the wintertime is almost as good as i imagine not having to suffer through pacific northwest winters must be
asciilifeform: dedicated mill is a luxury.
asciilifeform: the commodore had -- luxury!! -- the 5inch disk drive.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-13 19:07 mircea_popescu: item knew no competitor ; "unfathomable luxury" means that it was MAGIC, outright, plain and simple and spread on bread ; not "this is the shitty thing dad makes me fuck with because he hates me"
mircea_popescu: item knew no competitor ; "unfathomable luxury" means that it was MAGIC, outright, plain and simple and spread on bread ; not "this is the shitty thing dad makes me fuck with because he hates me" ☟︎
asciilifeform: he had it , picture this, at home. unfathomable luxury
asciilifeform: otherwise -- habituation, addiction, 'luxury ratchet' as in the old mircea_popescu article re chix with caviar
mircea_popescu: but this outlook is a luxury, the prime luxury of life, in fact
asciilifeform: phf: colour is a luxury . for so long as it knows that comments begin with --
mircea_popescu: marriott-luxury a very poor substituter.
mircea_popescu: anwyay : such is true luxury in life, to be able to disinterestedly walk into #lisp, spend an hour evaling and shrug.
asciilifeform: learnable-from failures are a rare luxury even in engineering
asciilifeform: 'The cost of fraudulent goods is worth $1.4 Trillion globally. Leverage the Mastercard Blockchain and Authorization Network to easily track high value pharmaceuticals, art, luxury goods as they are created, transferred, purchased and re-sold' << lol!,
asciilifeform: this piece was memorable, because at no point was meat any kind of luxury for asciilifeform & co.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-19 16:12 mircea_popescu: (the source was 80s dispute wrt to general public's apparent bottomless appetite for purchasing luxury goods -- in eastern communism this includes meat, washing machines, electricity, etc -- for which they won't even have the fucking decency to pay in hard currency, but aim to use the worthless reminbo internal scrip)
mircea_popescu: (maybach was an old luxury brand bought by mercedes ; maserati idem, early 1900s brand, bought by fiat ; spun off with alpha romeo and abarth recently cuz who wants a fiat)
a111: Logged on 2017-08-21 15:06 phf: pff, russian tech. spec is produced by kiril after sit in room with 2 fpga (such luxury, whole two!) and bread for three months
phf: pff, russian tech. spec is produced by kiril after sit in room with 2 fpga (such luxury, whole two!) and bread for three months ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform new symbols are indeed the most expensive luxury there is.
a111: Logged on 2017-07-08 02:07 mircea_popescu: mod6 i used to enjoy the luxury of multipass reads through the log. but it's under threat these days
mircea_popescu: mod6 i used to enjoy the luxury of multipass reads through the log. but it's under threat these days ☟︎
asciilifeform: 100 is a luxury!
diana_coman: " luxury preschool " lmao
mircea_popescu: ie, GREAT GRAND LUXURY!
mircea_popescu: lafond is hallucinating, those people live in luxury.\
asciilifeform: i do not unfortunately have this luxury.
ben_vulpes: unrelatedly https://consequenceofsound.net/2017/04/12000-luxury-fyre-festival-is-basically-a-disaster-zone/
mircea_popescu: mno. his question was "why do these 12 people not see the glory of socialism and dedicate their lives to making every receptionist live in luxury she can't pay for"
asciilifeform: 'c machine' has a specific meaning, refers to the type of cpu that traces descent to the transistor-impoverished 1970s, when bounds check was seen as unaffordable luxury.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-19 16:12 mircea_popescu: (the source was 80s dispute wrt to general public's apparent bottomless appetite for purchasing luxury goods -- in eastern communism this includes meat, washing machines, electricity, etc -- for which they won't even have the fucking decency to pay in hard currency, but aim to use the worthless reminbo internal scrip)
mircea_popescu: (the source was 80s dispute wrt to general public's apparent bottomless appetite for purchasing luxury goods -- in eastern communism this includes meat, washing machines, electricity, etc -- for which they won't even have the fucking decency to pay in hard currency, but aim to use the worthless reminbo internal scrip) ☟︎☟︎
mats: i mean luxury residences pushing prices down
asciilifeform: so long as the books sum to 0, can have luxury hookers made of caviar at the foot of every golden toilet in the office
mats: many affordable non-luxury cars today ship with front and rear-view wide multi-angle cameras
mats: luxury models commonly ship with park assist and collision avoidance
pete_dushenski: BingoBoingo: ty for the nomination. other than wear very sharp suits, know which fork to use at which dinner course, have had tremendous orthodontics, be able to pull up to a reception in a wide variety of long-wheelbase luxury sedans, be able to hold a conversation with most any iyi regardless of background, what all's entailed ?
mircea_popescu: freedom of thought is indeed a luxury isn't it.
mircea_popescu: yes, but anything that isn't luxury is, today unlike the days of the su, ersatz.
asciilifeform: in general, anything that is 'luxury' and not propped up by the great inca, rockets 'to the moon'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: the point, which i tried and apparently failed to make earlier, is that gigantic radio stations are a largely-unnecessary luxury
asciilifeform: luxury.
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160912/#770 << this is a luxury. as all other luxuries, strictly reserved for the rich.
mircea_popescu: because nothing quite says prestigious luxury like a full option package where the leotard anti-matches the car paint.
mircea_popescu: "if the victim perceives they have the luxury to shut down memory, they're evidently not petrified enough."
mircea_popescu: let's say it was an early luxury we did for a time enjoy
shinohai: Complete with luxury heated leather seats for those rough weekends in the mountains.
mircea_popescu: phf that's a luxury on par with sleeping ad libitum.
asciilifeform: pt bitcoins. The merchandise can include phone and Internet minutes, tickets for events or travel, clothes, or luxury items. The merchandise is shipped to Colombia for resale as in a traditional TBML scheme...'
a111: Logged on 2016-07-28 22:46 asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: in a sane world, it would be petrol station that is a costly luxury.
asciilifeform: pete_dushenski: in a sane world, it would be petrol station that is a costly luxury. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: it's been huge in the luxury/perfume market for a while now.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-21 00:38 mircea_popescu: in the sense a luxury car is "100k" or a cellphone "1500". yeah, right, read the maintenance contracts.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform irani imports, "persian carpets" in romania. the shit that was common middle class in my parents' house and is now untold luxury omfg.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i don't have this luxury. mathematics ~= pdf.