293 entries in 0.456s
mircea_popescu: in the sense a luxury car is "100k" or a cellphone "1500". yeah, right, read the maintenance contracts. ☟︎
asciilifeform: unless i catastrophically misunderstand, proper kidnapping is intrinsically 'luxury vehicle', like a submarine or dirigible.
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/06/reverse-feeding-tube-latest-luxury-developed-for-mayogendered-lifestyle/#comment-61584
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/06/reverse-feeding-tube-latest-luxury-developed-for-mayogendered-lifestyle/#comment-61556
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/06/reverse-feeding-tube-latest-luxury-developed-for-mayogendered-lifestyle/#comment-61555
deedbot: [Qntra] "Reverse Feeding Tube" Latest Luxury Developed For Mayogendered Lifestyle - http://qntra.net/2016/06/reverse-feeding-tube-latest-luxury-developed-for-mayogendered-lifestyle/
asciilifeform: a fella who won't set foot on airplane has the luxury of 'i won't fly unless i built the thing'.
mircea_popescu: supreme accomplishment is a retirement full of cars. "luxury" cars.
mircea_popescu: "The white men that were visible were all driving; either cop cars or luxury sedans and SUVs. One SUV-load of stoned and drunk white men were shadowing a group of three black girls, calling out the window asking about prices, assuming they were hookers. A young guy standing at the stop next to me yelled to the insane looking Eastern European drunk that was hanging out the window, “Yo fool, they either givin’ it away or ki
pete_dushenski: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-02-2016#1406042 << as with all new german cars, yes. this comment on baruth's blog recently sharply sums up this arriviste betaboi phenomenon : "If you’re distraught about the Macan demo now, wait until the 4cyl comes out with a $499 lease special and a whole new segment of buyers. I can tell you from experience (I sell Audis as well) that the ‘aspirational’ luxury bu ☝︎
mircea_popescu: lol alf has seen true luxury down by casa rosada, ain't buing into wash dc lawyer buildings!
asciilifeform: has the flavour of faux luxury that tends to go with it, too
ben_vulpes: now /that/ is luxury
ascii_rear: preferably one with nice luxury suspension
ben_vulpes dreams of the popescuian luxury of time
mircea_popescu: what the fuck is with these schmucks, "asking for community help" to keep a luxury restaurant afloat ?
mircea_popescu: but from experience, what passes for 'normal' furnishings (all new appliances, genuine leather upholstery, etc) in ro is "luxury" if even awailable in massachussetts.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes is there the luxury of us educating you on matters of security in that ?
ben_vulpes: Should you demonstrate speed of self-education, willingness to reach out for support if you need it, and the ability and willingness to cultivate your own beautiful little commit-trees, we'll offer you a contracting position paying $30/hr. This rate affords us the luxury of budgeting training and study time for you. Our hope is that as you build familiarity with the ecosystems and projects, that you'll demonstrate productivity, mesh
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: a luxury mr. z80-wisher-into-existence perhaps didn't have.
mircea_popescu: trinque in point of fact, words mattering is just another luxury good
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu does not personally (per own admission) engineer anything and has the luxury of forgoing the line.
gribble: Luxury Line of Vibrators, Vibrator Accessories & Sex Toys by OhMiBod: <http://www.ohmibod.com/>; The Steam-Powered Vibrator and Other Terrifying Early Sex ...: <http://gizmodo.com/5466997/the-steam-powered-vibrator-and-other-terrifying-early-sex-machines-nsfw>; The Bizarre History of the Vibrator: From Cleopatra's Angry Bees to ...: <http://gizmodo.com/5909857/the-bizarre-history- (1 more message)
pete_dushenski: a $50-200k luxury good is a $50-200k luxury good
pete_dushenski: "“It suggests to me that there is a detachment to home that I do not have the luxury of having. Because if I did, then our everyday life would be a nightmare. So I take on that role. That’s not my authentic self, but I have no choice,” she says."
BingoBoingo: "If the idea of entering a facility, even a luxury one, is too much to bear, you can always follow the lead of true ballers who detox in style at luxury suites at Claridge’s in London or Trump Tower in NYC to the tune of about $3,000 per night. For the roughly week-long experience, they’ll then hire an on-call doctor to administer a detox program and medication (an estimated $15,000 per week), a 24-hour nurse to facilitate it
ben_vulpes is still working through the luxury branding article
assbot: The Last Psychiatrist: Luxury Branding The Future Leaders Of The World ... ( http://bit.ly/20miBFG )
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes re your interests in low brow apple "status goods" etc, see the excellent tlp http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2011/11/luxury_branding_the_future_lea.html
mircea_popescu: and to grok the true sign of luxury : i have an auction in eulora in 20 minutes. which i woke naturally for.
asciilifeform: luxury ?
mircea_popescu: i come from a land where intelligence is luxury, and i gaze upon this land where intelligence is merely alternative boring in amazement.
binaryatrocity: Lincoln is the "luxury" line of the Ford motor company
assbot: 432 Park Avenue Luxury Apartments in New York City ... ( http://bit.ly/1OD2DCF )
pete_dushenski: ls400 was the luxury sedan that launched the brand and turned the segment on its head, showing that high-end cars could be built to last, comfortable, and as boring as wallpaper paste
ascii_field: ^ 'lego' seems like an odd choice of luxury for an embezzler. it is a children's toy. little blocks that snap together. we had'em, cloned, nameless, in the su world
pete_dushenski: "Doctors believed she was suffering from bipolar disorder, she claims, and tried for days to get Brock to admit she didn't own the luxury car. They also tried to convince Brock that she wasn't really a banker and President Obama didn't really follow her on Twitter, though both facts are true.
ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-09-2015#1263157 << the luxury ☝︎
ascii_field: maths folks have the luxury of inescapable truths
asciilifeform: if, as mircea_popescu appears to suggest, chingis khan is the 'luxury model' of human, and everybody else is 'man lite version', why does the khan have to enslave engineers ?
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> 'It is forbidden to dream again; / We maim our joys or hide them: / Horses are made of chromium steel / And little fat men shall ride them.' << Oh he was writing about Today's luxury mega trucks that could tow 12,000 pounds but instead ferry 400 pounder to their daily McBeetus run
trinque: and if they don't have the luxury of making that decision, *shrug*
asciilifeform: sram could be useful, to keep 'last seeds' in or whatnot. but entirely luxury.
asciilifeform: nor do we get the luxury of precise, predictable delta from that world.
assbot: BitPremier — Luxury Villa, Kalamata, Greece ... ( http://bit.ly/1RgYNS6 )
punkman: https://www.bitpremier.com/5-real-estate/1570-luxury-villa-greece-kalamata-4025-sqm
mircea_popescu: arguably intelligence is similarly of a capital good, and you have enough control of it to, for instance, contribute here. other people do not have this luxury - for instance because they agreed some employer owns it all.
funkenstein_: decimation, look at any luxury good for the same racket
asciilifeform: mega-luxury
williamdunne: Can you use this card for luxury purchases?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=15-05-2015#1132928 << and not remotely close to all the fat has been trimmed, even. within your lifetime, a house (even miniature house) occupied by just one family will become unspeakable luxury, as the sovietization continues ☝︎
Namworld: It's something that's agreed on by many that you can hardly live on minimum salary. It just feels weird to me. By any sort of standards, it seems minimum salary here is luxury compared to almost everything else.
Namworld: You're trapped overpaying for a big space. That's the real prison. Small space, you're basically free to do whatever and have the luxury of free time with less stress.
decimation: well, if you can live on a hardware baseline, then you have the luxury of clamping down on software upgrade shit
assbot: Logged on 30-04-2015 14:12:57; mircea_popescu: because that's what #5 does, practically : it offers a model to explain and understand the otherwise insane, and otherwise never explain, luxury behaviour.
mircea_popescu: because that's what #5 does, practically : it offers a model to explain and understand the otherwise insane, and otherwise never explain, luxury behaviour. ☟︎
nubbins`: <+ascii_field> (i do not consider eating genuine, vs. recycled food, a luxury. just as air on a space capsule is not a luxury, even if it costs what gold costs down on earth) <<< i don't fully buy into the "it's cheaper to eat shitty" mentality, but it's my understanding that the dynamics involved therein are vastly different in your country
mircea_popescu: <mats> warehouse of computer antiques sounds like a lot of luxuries to me. << anything sounds like a luxury to someone somewhere!
ascii_field: (i do not consider eating genuine, vs. recycled food, a luxury. just as air on a space capsule is not a luxury, even if it costs what gold costs down on earth)
mircea_popescu: "Ask yourselves: how far would you compromise your ethics for $20 million? That’s an amount of money so high that you’d be able to fulfill all your dreams and live in luxury for the rest of your life. At how many million dollars does your cracking point lie?"
pete_dushenski: mobility is a hell of a drug, and a hell of a luxury
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform btw, turns out luxury not so luxurious after all ?
assbot: New 2015 Lifestyle Luxury RV Alfa Gold 3905SH Motorcycle Storage Area Fifth Wheels at Kansas RV Center Chanute Kansas Kansas RV Center ... ( http://bit.ly/1Fj8JPb )
mats: http://www.kansasrvcenter.com/inventory/442567/New-2015-Lifestyle-Luxury-RV-Alfa-Gold-3905SH-Motorcycle-Storage-Area.aspx
ascii_field: (for n00bz: the subcontractors which do most of the practical 'usg-ing' are headquartered largely in north virginia, and have massive backup power and other every other conceivable luxury, large and small, on the grounds.)
Chillum: "Rolex, for people with money but have not taken any effort at all to look into luxury watches!"
assbot: Logged on 01-04-2015 22:18:14; ascii_field: nubbins`: but even something like living in a dwelling without the company of strangers is a titanically expensive luxury in most of the world
ascii_field: nubbins`: but even something like living in a dwelling without the company of strangers is a titanically expensive luxury in most of the world
mats: nao you can finally retire in luxury
mircea_popescu: (luxury i mean)
jurov: yes. and luxury ones, too
jurov: i haven't heard about "luxury car" with doubled or triply-redundant engine and other stuff
jurov: re: reliable computers vs. luxury cars...apples and oranges
asciilifeform: speaking of 'luxury' and orcish misunderstanding of the concept, iirc ru has the world's only aston martin showroom where -folks actually buy and drive off-
asciilifeform: (re: 'actual luxury has no ads')
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> actual luxury doesn't take out ad space in GQ << this is really just a more benign and socially acceptable restatement of alf's meta-nsa thesis.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile, if there's some dubious / experimental stuff, it gets put into the luxury item
asciilifeform: nubbins`: 'luxury' isn't quite the concept i had in mind, but 'if this cpu flips a bit, kingdoms fall'
nubbins`: actual luxury doesn't take out ad space in GQ
nubbins`: well ya know. luxury branded as such is precisely marketed towards the aspirational
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2010/masini-bune-si-masini-de-lux/ << me bashing the "better car is a luxury car" notion in 2010.
mircea_popescu: but the freedom to make mistakes is a luxury not a freedom.
decimation: I recently heard an argument that apple's only recourse to 'grow' its revenue stream is to sell super-luxury goods
asciilifeform: unspeakable luxury
mircea_popescu: "oh, the luxury of paying 48658609485609850 for a condo."
danielpbarron: that is a luxury afforded to you because you are new
mircea_popescu: always good for a culture shock for usians, because somehow they think starbucks is luxury.
asciilifeform: toaster - luxury, can run freebsd
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo: More RAM makes << there's a legitimate "keep blockchain on ramdisk" thing. sadly... it won't be feasible. it's luxury.
BingoBoingo: These are a people for whom hiring professional cleaners even annually is considered a luxury expense.
mircea_popescu: hm, i guess actually you might not have the luxury to tell them to gtfo
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> then one goes into their dwellings, and understands why catered rubber chicken is a step up << the same 8 to an initially clean hotel room to them counts as luxury
asciilifeform: the variant described above is the 'luxury' btw.
asciilifeform: if one of you wants to print glossy stickers to cover the oem case, with dire warnings re: drive will be formatted, etc. whatever, cardboard boxes, - why not. but this is a luxury
asciilifeform: in certain professions one does not have the luxury of arbitrarily proclaiming 'if not on the net, doesn't exist'
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: ben_vulpes: that's precisely the current Monero architecture << heh. apparently sanity is not a luxury product.
mircea_popescu: there's a book "luxury rotary bits management" you should read.
Pierre_Rochard: gavinandresen is clearly unfamiliar with the pricing model of every luxury good ever. < this
ben_vulpes: gavinandresen is clearly unfamiliar with the pricing model of every luxury good ever.
pete_dushenski: A man who portrayed himself as a member of a wealthy Pakistani family and was often seen driving luxury cars including a Ferrari faces sentencing in a multimillion-dollar investment scam involving three former Miami Heat players and the team itself. << as if the donald sterling shmozzle wasn't embarrassing enough for the nba